MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 300 The villain of the rebellious realm (16)

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"Is the above one a house made of spiritual jade bricks? How many Lingshis in such a house!"

"The guards who followed were the time of the exit!!! God!! Which elders of the big gates or the sovereigns are coming?? Such a big show!"

The evasive pedestrians were shocked by the scene in front of them, which seemed to be piled up with Lingshi. While letting go, they counted how many Lingshies were needed to count the things on the back of the fire beast and the fire beast.

Even the former Sanshou and the three teachers were shocked to see the fire green beast getting closer and closer to them.

Seeing that I have to come, I quickly said: "Hurry and avoid, let us be able to afford the repair of the fire beast. We can't afford it."

The three divisions had long avoided, and looked at Gu Yuling, who was still standing in the middle of the road and looking at the fire beast. She quickly pulled her: "Sister, what do you want, avoid it quickly."

Gu Yuling’s face showed a surprise after a moment of stiffness. He waved his hand at the fire green beast and shouted: “Sister!! Sister!!”

The fire green beast stopped, and the young woman above looked down and looked down.

The three divisions did not know what happened. "Sister, what are you doing! Beware of the power!"

"It doesn't matter, it's my sister."

For the first time, Gu Yuling dared to show his dissatisfaction with the three divisions: "Sister, you first let me grab my hand, you hurt me."

Not so hard, the three divisions puzzled their hands and looked down at the woman's sword sitting on the fire beast.

No, no.

After careful observation, the three divisions discovered that it was not the woman’s sword, but someone on the top manipulating the sword and letting her step on it.

Even so, it is enough to shock her, and her sword is okay, so the sword can be stepped on, even if it is not between parents.

She was shocked and didn't notice Gu Yuling's completely different attitude towards her. She looked at the woman who was very beautiful. Yan and a little British woman fell on the ground. Gu Yu Ling was full of surprises. Going up, I wondered somehow, how I had never heard of this little sister before, she heard that she still has a sister.

"Sister!! I miss you!"

Gu Yuling is still as good as before, and the face is full of gentle smiles. The road is full of gentle smiles. "I have been looking for you since I came to the realm of cultivation, and I have been asking about it. Ling Zong, but I couldn't find it later. I also wrote a letter to let my grandfather help you find them together."

She said so naturally, Gu Xingxue also brought a little smile on her face. "Is it? You wrote to your mother, she is not good, and she will be stimulated."

Gu Yuling looked awkward and the face was still gentle: "No, I just told people to send the letter, and the messenger should not be sent to the mother."

She said that the ambiguity, Gu Xingxue only did not hear it, reached out and held the sister's hand and whispered: "I heard the guards around me say that after the list came out, have you ever come to me?" ”


Gu Yuling has some grievances and whispers: "I have been inquiring about my sister's news since I came to the realm of comprehension. I just couldn't find it. I was worried about it. I heard your name on that day and I was very happy. Going to find you, but the guard is saying that you are not there."

Gu Xing Xue smiled lightly: "So you go to see my teacher?"

"I want to ask my sister's master whether you have lived in the Zongmen."

Gu Yuling's face was red and red, and added a soft voice: "The defender also sent me a piece of instrument."

"I know."

Gu Xingxue said: "A hat is used to cover your face."

Her normal saying is not so normal, Gu Yuling could not help but think of the first time with Wei Mingyan on that day, when he said she was too ugly.

Then that day, he gave her a hat with a gentle attitude. Didn't she appreciate her as she thought, but she changed her style and said that she was too ugly to let her cover it?

No, impossible.

Gu Yuling glanced at the front and looked very gorgeous, and he held the sword in his hand.

She knows that her sister has never been swaying, what is said, and she is wrong.

"Sister, I am going to live in the inn. Would you like to go with us?"

Gu Yuling said, and curiously looked up at the fire beast in front of him: "This spirit beast is the defender? He is really big."

"It is indeed the master to buy."

Gu Xingxue’s words were faint, but the sister suddenly squinted. “Just but bought the gift.”

Gu Yu Ling only listened to the words of the scattered repairs, and knew the value of this fire beast. It was originally thought to be a sinister wealth. Although it was shocked because of the search for the boat, it was not shocked too much.

Unexpectedly, this fire green beast was actually sent to Wei Xingxue by Wei Mingyan.

She went to the Zongmen for so long. In addition to teaching her to practice, she gave a few pieces of clothes. What else did she give to her?

Several of the teachers and sisters were born in the realm of cultivation. The elders in the family are all nuns. They are naturally well-off, and she has nothing but a month for every disciple of Yu Xuezong.

But when she had nothing, Gu Xingxue was given such a precious beast.

Gu Yuling has always managed his own expression very well. At this moment, facing the fire green beast, the beautiful face of the beautiful woman could not help but reveal the slightest feeling.

However, Gu Xingxue added another sentence: "Speak up, after I came back, the teacher respected it. Before he was in the mortal world, he did not disappoint you." After all, we are both water roots and sisters. It is best to be able to accept it together."

Gu Yuling lived, "On that day, Wei Zongzhu said so clearly..."

Gu Xingxue explained: "I was not there that day. I don't know what the situation is. It is just that Shizun told me about this. He and Zong Xuezong's lord are old. You are different from me. In the end, it has been fixed. Yu Xuezong disciple, he is not good to directly grab people, you have a good spiritual root, can only be degraded, otherwise it will not look good on both facades."

It seems that this is very outrageous. Gu Yuling is more and more aware that the fact is like this.

She has been very confident in her appearance since she was a child. From small to large, she and Gu Xingxue stood in one place. The family members often like to play with her instead of taking care of snow.

Even if the Guardian really does not see her, it is unlikely to be the sake of appearance.

At the time, when he came, he really said that he wanted to be a disciple, but it was not the right time. Gu Yuling was preparing to become a disciple of Yu Xuezong. I think that the guardian had interrupted the ceremony. In the face of the jade Xuezong disciple, she was accepted as a disciple. He was still the lord, and he passed back to the realm of cultivation, and he must not say it in his face.

After that, I will directly announce that she will be a disciple without even seeing the snow.

Think about it, one is her innocent, one is Gu Xingxue, who has been stained by Yu Xuezong. Which one should be chosen, is it not a clear thing?

However, Wei Zongzhu chose Gu Xingxue.

Isn't it because she was accepting the official form of Yu Xuezong as a disciple?

Remorse gradually began to permeate Gu Yuling's heart.

In fact, the time to officially become a disciple is not so advanced, but she is afraid of any accidents, and specially greeted the two Yu Xuezong disciples, which is ahead of schedule.

If there is no advancement at that time, the person who is accepted as a disciple by the virtual Lingzong can be her own!

The look of Gu Yuling's face was green and white, waiting for the three divisions behind him to be unclear. So I came forward and asked: "Sister, do you still want to go to the inn?"

Gu Xingxue didn't talk, Gu Yuling looked at her, and looked at her for a while before she gritted her teeth: "Three sisters, you go to the inn alone, I haven't seen my sister for a long time, I want to tell her about her."

The reunion of the sisters is indeed the old one.

The three divisions did not think much, and they should go to the same line with Gu Xingxue, and then they left.

Watching her go, Gu Yuling showed some hydration in a pair of scorpions, holding Gu Xing's hand, the grievance of the whisper: "Sister, I have a very bad life in Yu Xuezong, you are How about the virtual Lingzong?"

Gu Xingxue comforted and patted her hand, softly said: "I can pass it, the teacher gave me the guard, and taught me the exercises myself. On that day we went to Tianbaoge to buy things and he bought me. Quite a lot, this fire green beast was set on that day, it was sent today, and the other is still on the road."

Gu Yuling lived: "Will the Guardian buy two?"

"Nature, there is a reason why both the master and the teacher sit on a beast."

Looking at Gu Xingxue’s natural look, Gu Yu’s mind is a stalk.

That is the fire green beast, let alone two, she can not buy one, but in the line of the snow, but it is easy to buy a piece of clothing is simple.

Just thinking about what she said before, she smiled brightly and asked softly: "Where is the Guardian?"

Gu Xingxue nodded: "The teacher will accompany me to participate in the test."

Her heart suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. Yu Xuezong didn't pay much attention to the five-year trial. The gift to send them was waiting outside the city. Even when she entered Tianye City, she and the three sisters walked in on foot. .

Look at Gu Xingxue, it is also a beast mount, and the teacher is accompanied.

I thought that if it weren't for those kinds of misses, the identity of the sect of the sect of Zongling was his own. Gu Yuling's heart was like a hot oil in a frying pan, and it hurt and coke, and it was very uncomfortable.

She endured this uncomfortable and tried to show her docileness on her face. "Sister, can I go to see the Guardian? I also want to thank him for taking care of you."


Gu Xingxue promised to be very refreshed, with her standing on the sword and flying up.

When they went, Wei Mingyan was sitting in a room made of Lingyu, leaning against the chair, drinking a bite without a mouthful, watching the women dancing in front of him.

There was music in the house, and there was a woman fanning on the side. Gu Yuling looked at the eyes and only felt that the enjoyment of the emperor was not the same. Gu Xingxue had long been used to it, and she was familiar with the road and came to see him.


The white-faced lord, who was still full of indifference, showed some smiles on the white plaque after seeing the pro-disciple. After waiting for her salute, she raised her hand slightly and lifted her with spiritual power: "No need to be polite, let the teacher just let People bought you a few pieces of artifacts, and you will see if you can't get together."

Gu Xingxue: "Master, is it too expensive?"

"What kind of politeness, this whole virtual sect is not yours in the future."

Gu Yuling heard this sentence, and his heart jumped, and then saw the glory of this room, and the remorse in his heart became more and more heavy.

If so, if she is a disciple of the virtual Lingzong...