MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 116 Ghost face five uncles of Shura field

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Cong Liangzhi sent the Hulu Liu brothers to clear the corpses in the corridor. It was getting dark. In the evening, after dinner, there was a short meeting. The content of the meeting was only one. All supplies are kept at home.

The two women brought back from District 3 could not live in the hall. An old couple voluntarily gave up the private room. At night, Cong Liang and Ding Mao washed up and returned to the room. The two lay on the bed and chatted with each other. Thought, or said: "Don't worry, I won't be like the mutant in the third district..."

Before Ding Mao could finish speaking, she blocked Cong Liang's mouth with her lips. There was no candle in the dark room. Cong Liang hugged Ding Mao's neck tightly, sweating all over the quilt.

A bed made of a round table, it's fine to sleep well, if the two people sleeping on it are not honest, the four-legged thing will not overturn, just the screams caused by the friction between the legs and the floor at the same time, it still sounds quite Horrible.

"We may not be able to walk for a while," Ding Mao said in a displeased voice close to Congliang's ear, and even started to bite. Although Congliang didn't hurt, she was itchy.

"Hey, ah..." Congliang shrank his neck to avoid him, "It's not bad for me if I can't walk, don't throw fire at me!"

"Who am I going to charge?" Ding Mao bit Congliang's neck, and the legs of the table screamed "squeak-squeak-" because of the violent force, and the reverberation was unbearable.

"A little bit neck will leak," Cong Liang said, but he actually tilted his head slightly, stretched his tender neck into an arc that was convenient for his mouth, and gnawed at Ding Mao. bite.

After a long time, the intensive creaking stopped, accompanied by the intertwined sighs of the two of them, Congliang put his damp little hand in the back of Ding Mao's head, stroked his hair to reassure him, "If you are in a hurry, Just wait another day and let's go, the beast swarm is at the end of the shot anyway, and my snake can stop it."

Cong Liang said: "As long as they clean up the bodies in the future, it will be fine. Even if we stay, it will not be of great use."

In fact, Congliang also wanted to leave quickly. There was no point in leaving the two of them. Yang San’s brothers were still unhappy with seven and eight all day long, and it was too hard to organize anything. Three go to support.

Ding Mao buried his head in Congliang's neck, quietly aftertastes the aftertaste, and hummed when he heard the words, but he still didn't move.

"I can't get angry." Congliang pushed him on the shoulder, Ding Mao laughed sullenly, the warm breath sprayed on Congliang's ear, and Ding Mao's low and deep laughter penetrated into his ear. , from the good push and rejection of the ghost to the embracing.

"I love you..." sighed uncontrollably.

Ding Mao smiled, put his arm beside Congliang's ear, and pressed the tip of his nose against hers, stared at her for a long time in the darkness, and finally responded to her confession with a deep kiss.

I love you too. Every movement of Ding Mao was demonstrating the meaning of this sentence. He untied Congliang's rubber band and let her hair fall on the pillow, obsessively smoothing it over and over with his fingers.

It looked very romantic, but after a few moments, he stopped doing it, "Don't fix it, your scalp is cramping!" After speaking, the two laughed together, and then got up to wash up again.

"It's almost out of water." Congliang lit a candle and stood on the ground with his hair and bare feet dangling a bucket.

"Don't shake it." Ding Mao held her hand, picked her up and stuffed her back into the quilt. She stood beside the bed for a while, and reached out to lift the quilt to drill.

"Ahahahahahaha..." Ding Mao didn't say anything, but Congliang strangely understood what was going on with him, "Haha, if you want to pee, just go..." Congliang retracted his entire head into the quilt, smirking. He teased, "As you get older, holding back your urine is not good for your body."

Ding Mao straddled one leg, listened to Liang Yi's words, and stood on the ground hesitantly, put on his pants, and flicked the quilt on the position of her head, muttering, "I don't like how old I am!"

Congliang grabbed his hand and rubbed his face, "I don't mind, you can't move because you are old, so I'll pee for you."

Ding Mao amused her, bent down and kissed her on the lips fiercely, then took the flashlight to open the door and went out to pee.

It's just that Ding Mao opened the private room door when he heard a "Bang!" on the panoramic glass. He stood there and turned on the flashlight. A "Bang!"

Ding Mao took the flashlight and took a few steps closer. Two of them were sleeping and turning over while muttering softly. He lightly stepped and stood in front of the glass to watch for a while, but still didn't see anything. He was about to turn back to pee for the second time. , the flashlight flashed, and I saw a black shadow half a meter wide, following the position of his flashlight, and hit him with a "bang!"

He took a step back in shock and saw clearly that it was an eagle. His flashlight shone on the spot where the eagle hit just now, and there was reddish mucus running down the glass.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Ding Mao took a few steps back, and black shadows, big and small, hit the glass one after another.

"Get up," Ding Mao shouted back, "Get up, it's a flock of birds."

At the same time, the stench of rancidity gradually diffused in from the crack of the door, and there was also the sound of a crash and the screams of various intertwined animals. Cong Liang heard Ding Mao's voice, opened the door and put his head out to take a look. The big hand pressed back, "Go get dressed, it's the beast tide..." Ding Mao paused, and the flashlight shook the dark shadows that hit the glass window more and more intensively, "And the bird tide."

Cong Liang hurriedly got back into his pants and clothes, and at the same time knocked the system in his head, "Get up, those beasts are here again!"

The system gave a "fuck" and returned: "I've been stinky and psychologically shadowed!"

When Cong Liang got dressed and came out, everyone woke up. There was a faint smell of rancidity in the room. The system did not go out this time.

The door was fine, but the sound of the crash on the glass window continued and became more and more dense. Although the panoramic glass was made of thick material, it could not withstand such a suicidal crash.

"It won't work like this," Ding Mao said. "If you hit it like this, the glass might shatter."

Cong Liang paused for a while, and helped the old people who were still bewildered to get off the table, lifted the quilt, took the lead and dragged the table to the window, Ding Mao also moved, and when the two moved, everyone who had the strength followed. stand up.

The table was moved to the edge of the glass window, pressed firmly against the glass, and then stacked the table on top of the table to lend a little support to the glass. That's all they could do, and they could only hope that the flock of birds wouldn't be too crazy.

Outside the door and the window, there were uninterrupted collisions and various intertwined cries. The room was pitch-dark, and everyone looked tense.

Cong Liang was hugged by Ding Mao and leaned against his broad and warm chest. Not only did he not feel afraid, but he was even a little lazy. He looked sideways at Yang San, who was sitting by the door with a strong rancid smell. Tilt his head and shoulders with the system's big head, and smiled slightly.

Thinking about the system's mood at the moment, it should be the same as hers.

There is nothing to be afraid of, even if the beast swarm really rushes in, even if they are all eaten up, there is nothing to be afraid of. Congliang even thought that he died with Ding Mao like this, and the two bodies were killed by the same mouse or something. Swallowing it into the stomach is not another kind of coffin.

Congliang didn't know that she had the ability to fall asleep even while standing. With all kinds of noises in her ears and the stench getting stronger, she just leaned against Ding Mao's chest, and was tied by Ding Mao on the lower back. fell asleep on him.

When she woke up again, she died with the coffin, which was not realized. It was already dawn, Ding Mao was sitting on a chair, she was sitting on Ding Mao's lap, and he was tightly bound by his arms in his arms.

Cong Liang moved, and Ding Mao moved the lower jaw that rested on her head, and whispered, "Hurry up, hurry up," Cong Liang raised his head and kissed the corner of his mouth quickly, Ding Mao still hissing haha Yes, "Come on, come down, I can't feel my legs..."

Cong Liang hurriedly got off Ding Mao's leg, squatted down to let Ding Mao's thigh bleed, and the room lay all over the place, and few were awake.

Apparently, few of these gangsters have long-term hearts. The intensive attacks in the second half of the night decreased, and the spirits relaxed, and the sporadic "bang bang" sound became a lullaby.

From Liang's hands, he was busy rubbing Ding Mao's legs, looked around and saw Yang Sanhe's system at the door, and laughed outright.

The system lay on the ground with its neck stretched out, Yang San rode on it, his head resting on the system's head, his hands still hugged its neck, his **** was pouted, drooling in his sleep.

The two aunties who were cooking had already gotten up to prepare something to eat. Congliang smoothed Ding Mao for a long time, and then drove him to stand up. He was still limping while walking, and couldn't help but say, "Look, I'm asleep, take it out. I can't let it go..."

"I want to hold you." Ding Mao leaned more than half of his weight on Congliang's body, bowed his head and pierced Liang's forehead with his chin full of stubble, and his eyes were full of tenderness that could not be opened.

Breakfast was held in a room with a faint stench. The strange thing was that these people did not eat less. After breakfast, everyone who could help covered their feet with some broken plastic, covered their mouth and nose with cloth, and took a For the guys, get ready to clean up the corpses and make up for the beasts who are not dead.

Everything was ready, but when the door was opened, one person failed to push it open. Later, several people joined forces to push the door open, and they were all dumbfounded by the scene in front of them.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, I have heard this term a lot, but no one has really seen it before. Although the corpse is an animal corpse, and the blood is rotten pus and blood, the rotten corpses of animals can be piled up everywhere, and the effect is not shocking. Ordinary people can bear it, and several of them leaned against the wall and vomited on the spot.

The two groups of people took turns to clean up. After a whole day, they finally threw the piled up animal carcasses down the stairs. The pus and blood were wiped with the curtains that were pulled from everywhere. The windows were opened for ventilation in the afternoon and at night. , finally the house no longer emits odor.

In the evening, the food intake of these people plummeted, Congliang basically did not eat, drank a few sips of water, washed up with Ding Mao with the remaining half bucket of water, and spread out on the bed.

"Too disgusting..." Congliang curled up weakly in Ding Mao's arms, took out two bottles of nutrient solution from the system space, unscrewed it and handed one to Ding Mao, gently went up and knocked it down with the bottle, and said with a smile: "Cheers ."

"What is this?" Ding Mao took it over and smelled it, but there was nothing special about it.

"Powerful Chun medicine, Su Su drink it and serve me well, and comfort my little heart that has been devastated today." Cong Liang said with a smile.

The author has something to say: Ding Mao: What is it?

Congliang: A powerful Tsubaki medicine, I drank it...

Ding Mao: I still use this stuff? (Evil charm madly laughs)