MTL - Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion-Chapter 17 Treatment of true disciples

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Chapter 17 17. Treatment of true disciples

Lei Jun thanked his master Yuan Mobai, went out with his senior brother Wang Guiyuan, and rested first that night.

 Early the next morning, he packed up his personal belongings in Daotongyuan and officially moved to the mountain.

 Two other people also moved back to Daotong Sixth Courtyard with him.

 Last night's transmission ceremony was attended by a total of thirty-two Taoist boys. Since then, the Taoist boys have turned into Taoist priests and officially become the true successor of Tianshi Mansion.

 Except for one special branch, there are seven other branches, with as many as four and as few as two people in each branch participating in the transmission.

 Including Jia Leijun, three Taoist boys from the Sixth Branch broke out.

  It is said that we will move back to Daotongyuan, but there is no need for the three of us to do it ourselves.

Wang Guiyuan cleared his throat: "Junior Brother Lei, when we were in the Taoist Academy, we all learned that our Taoism emphasizes the dual cultivation of life and life.

But he smiled and said: "I won't use it for the time being. I'll talk to you if you need it. If it's urgent, just call a Taoist boy from the Taoist Courtyard at the foot of the mountain to help."

In the Tong Tong Sixth Courtyard, it is also among the best, but it can't keep up with this year's passage this year, and can only be repaired for three years.

 Those who were familiar with Lei Jun on weekdays did not have any hesitation or embarrassment at this time, and their mentality changed very smoothly.

For example, the talisman ink that Elder Liu wants to prepare now is no longer simple cinnabar, but is made from the rare treasure Bisong stone marrow as the main material, combined with a variety of auxiliary materials, and developed together.

Wang Guiyuan introduced: "Otherwise, if you only teach Taoist priests to open an altar, you must borrow the name of your mentor. Of course, the prerequisite is that the master has passed the conferment ceremony."

 Several other medicated bath accessories.

 The spiritual power contained in it is certainly not comparable to cinnabar.

 Lei Jun didn't have many things, so he simply packed them up, said goodbye to Zhang Yuan and others, and returned to his hometown on the mountain.

Wang Guiyuan was waiting outside the door of his new home. After meeting Lei Jun, he smiled and said: "In the Taoist courtyard, Taoist boys must live alone and are not allowed to have servants and maids. After being passed on to the house, each person can have two For quota, servants will be arranged to serve you, but you will be responsible for all expenses yourself, is Junior Brother Lei in need?"

Therefore, the Taoist Fulu sect in this world sometimes has the saying of "transmitting Taoist priests and conferring Taoist priests".

 After morning class, there will be a conversation between master and apprentice in the morning to answer questions, a normal meal at noon, free time for activities in the afternoon, and evening class after dinner.

Ultimately, by the time of this year’s transmission ceremony, Zhang Yuan had only reached the eleventh level of Qi training.

 Fifty sticks of calming incense.

At this moment, looking at Lei Jun, who was dressed in an apricot-yellow Taoist robe as a formal disciple of the Tianshi Mansion, Zhang Yuan could not help but sigh in his heart.

With the previous foundation of getting along with each other, even if we don't hug each other, we can't offend and kick them in turn, right?

Then you should try your best to hug him if you can... Zhang Yuan's psychological construction is very perfect.

  Fifty Qi Ling Pills used to assist practice.

 In terms of process, Yuan Mobai did not do any fancy work, it was straight forward and similar to the teaching at Daotongyuan, only more in-depth.

Wang Guiyuan: "In addition to the things I sent you before, you can order some for yourself. If you need anything, tell me. I will help Master Liu in the next few days. I will help you before I leave."

Wang Guiyuan replied: "It's nothing serious. It's just that Master Liu wants to develop a special piece of talisman ink, which is mainly made of bisong stone marrow. He attaches great importance to it. The Taoist teacher can't see it, so I borrowed a few disciples to help me. Master asked me to Go and follow your orders."

 Those who become the True Successor of Tianshi Mansion after being transferred are generally called transfer Taoist priests or transfer disciples. They practice the Zhengfa Dao and the True Succession Talisman Sutra and can make their own spiritual talismans.

  Lei Jun: “It was when I was in the Taotong Courtyard. I can’t remember who mentioned it.”

 Twenty tablets of cinnabar talisman ink.

The spiritual energy of the main house on the mountain flows abundantly, and coupled with the nourishment of Qi Ling Dan and Yuan Yuan Jingjing, the twelve Qi seas in Lei Jun's body are full at the same time, and the true Qi becomes more and more condensed.

If you misunderstand some points and go off topic thousands of miles away, the result may not be as simple as taking a detour.

"How dare you do it yourself, Taoist priest, why don't we do it?"

Second, Lei Jun entered the Taoist school of Elder Yuan, a senior official in the Tianshi Mansion.

“As Taoist priests, only after being given the nun can we be allowed to independently open altars and practices to save the world and benefit people while walking in the world outside the mountains.”

Wang Guiyuan: "There are many families in the town outside the mountain who are from the same family bringing their family members to the reunion. Because each person can only bring a limited number of people to the mountain, some people are registered under the names of other brothers. If you need it, I can Introduce it to you.”

Only after a Taoist priest who has practiced to the Third Heaven Dharma Altar, accumulated merits, experienced training, and met certain conditions can he apply to pass the second major threshold after the teaching, which is the conferment.

 Man is a small world, and the universe is a big world. To practice life skills first is not to isolate the inner and outer worlds, but on the contrary, it is to build a bridge between the two sides.

Just as a Taoist priest can choose a Taoist boy, a Taoist priest can also choose a Taoist priest to take temporary orders.

Excluding those who have accumulated merit and redeemed it or have their own wealth, the Taoist boys in the Taoist courtyard only give out one Qi Ling Dan every day, and everyone shares a calming incense during the big class... Lei Junxin said.

To be precise, before the ceremony, after it was confirmed that Lei Jun would participate in the ceremony, everyone was already adjusting their mentality and doing psychological construction in advance.

Lei Jun felt that the Taoist scriptures were obscure and difficult to understand last night, and Yuan Mobai often made people feel suddenly enlightened in just a few words.

As for the Bisong stone marrow, Lei Jun had never heard of it, but he could guess that it was an extremely rare treasure.

Lei Jun heard what he said about Uncle Liu, who was another elder in the mansion.

Lei Jun originally guessed that Wang Guiyuan's Taoist name was Wang Chongyuan, but he didn't expect it to be Wang Chonggui. Hearing this made people murmur secretly.

 Other Taoist boys are also very similar.

Lei Jun packed up his things, lit a calming incense, and then took out the first volume of "Zhengfa Zhenyi Dao Jing" handed down by Yuan Mobai to preview and study.

 The materials used by Taoist priests to make talismans are usually cinnabar boiled with talisman ink, along with black-haired talisman pens and yellow paper.

However, upon closer inspection, destiny comes first and nature comes later. This does not mean that destiny is more important, but that it is the starting point and foundation.

Wang Guiyuan: "In the past, as you said, our talisman always sought edicts from the ancestors of the Taoist sect.

 After hearing this, Lei Jun pondered slightly.

 Before awakening the Qianlong spirit body, many people had commented that Lei Jun himself had a good understanding.

 Fortunately, he is not too old yet and can continue to accumulate, and he will accumulate more and more later.

Although the injury later healed, both the physical condition adjustment and the time required to recuperate from the injury delayed his progress in spiritual practice.

 To teach disciples, you can choose to follow the Taoist priest to branch sects or Taoist temples as the backbone.

 A group of Taoist boys lined up to salute Lei Jun.

 But that will be at least three years later, and there is no need to leave it blank for three years.

Lei Jun nodded: "That's it."

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Of course, all the rituals and regulations remain the same as before and will not be changed. "

 A pair of Wenling jade walls.

Out of respect, the Taoist priests in the Taotong Courtyard need to use honorific titles for all Fulu sect Taoist priests who have been passed down.

Yuan Mobai smiled and said, "What do you think of?"

 The knowledge and treatment given to disciples are naturally far better than those given by disciples.

 When a Taoist priest meets a Taoist priest who teaches a ritual, he must also address the other Taoist priest or elder as a matter of etiquette.

 There are also some incense candles, rice wine and other items.

It can also be regarded as another kind of personal network, the exchange of favors... Lei Jun nodded.

 That is the batch of things Wang Guiyuan sent to Lei Jun yesterday.

His level of cultivation is not known to be much higher than other teachings in Daotongyuan.

 Correspondingly, talisman pens and talisman paper are not basic items.

“The morning classes teach scriptures and preaching, while the evening classes teach magic such as talismans and alchemy.”

“Junior Brother Lei heard about it in the Taoist Academy, or did he hear it mentioned by Senior Sister and Junior Sister Tang?”

Moreover, according to the regulations of the Tianshi Mansion, after the disciples of the true disciples are awarded the 绯, they are eligible to start a sect during their travels, and the Taoist talisman sect of the Longhu Mountain branch will be spread. The sects established will all respect the ancestral court of the Longhu Mountain. Authentic.

Lei Jun: "Some of the senior brothers are served by people from the family, but what about those who have no one left in the family?"

 Three black-haired talisman pens used to make spiritual talismans.

Wang Guiyuan nodded and waved his hand. Someone came forward with several trays containing various items and handed them to Lei Jun: "Become a disciple of our sect, and all the training masters will give it to you. It’s the first batch, you use it first.”

 Later, after several generations of ancestors of the sect compiled the Taoism for many years, the talismans of the sect were transformed into direct borrowings from heaven and earth.

 At the end of the night, Lei Jun could barely read through one or two pages of the book.

 On the other hand, it is not necessary for Taoist priests to be conferred, unless the relationship between the two parties is very close.

Taoist Master Lei is not a difficult person to get along with, and his fellow apprentices can easily convince themselves of their self-esteem.

Yuan Mobai: "The foundation has been laid for you in the Taotong Courtyard. Today we will start directly from the Zhengfa Taoist Sutra."

 But when he was reading the true biography of Tianshi Mansion at the moment, he still felt that it was obscure and difficult to understand.

 Lei Jun: "That's exactly what I meant."

Lei Jun: "I heard before that our talisman is a tribute to the gods, the ancestors of the ancestors, please give us magical powers..."

 Yellow paper ten knives (thousand sheets).

 But he did not feel frustrated, but became more and more interested.

 Those who have passed this threshold are called Shilu Taoist priests or Shilu disciples.

 After breathing and breathing, Lei Jun slept peacefully. He was full of energy the next morning and went with Wang Guiyuan to see his master Yuan Mobai.

It is not impossible to get along with Lei Jun as before. First, he will participate in the transmission and become the official true successor of Tianshi Mansion.

“Senior brother, thank you.” Lei Jun asked, “Where is Uncle Liu?”

 A vat of medicated bath mother liquor.

  The difference is that the Taoist priest is the official successor of the Tianshi Mansion, and his own disciple needs to have no objection.

Although Elder Liu and Yuan Mobai did not come from the same sect, they had many contacts with each other and had a good relationship.

 It's a pity that he was injured last year due to the explosion at Elder Du's Zhaitan.

Thirdly, Lei Jun successfully rose to the level of the 12th level of Qi Refining Tower in less than two years after entering the Taoist Academy, which is rare even in the Taoist Holy Land Tianshi Mansion.

This is also thanks to the basic foundation that has been laid in Daotongyuan, otherwise I would not understand the meaning of many terms and do not know their true meaning.

 After becoming the true successor, the material supply has indeed taken a big step forward.

He first gave lectures to Lei Jun, and then when Lei Jun reflected on his own understanding, he taught Wang Guiyuan, who had been a beginner for a long time and made faster progress.

  This is one of the ways for Tianshi Mansion to divert talents and expand its influence.

 This is also one of the duties granted to Taoist priests.

 After putting the Taoist scriptures away, Lei Jun first took a Qi Ling Dan, then a little Pei Yuan Jelly, and then breathed and adjusted his breath.

Lei Jun thanked him and sent the things into the house. After bidding farewell to Wang Guiyuan, he returned to his house to take stock.

Wang Guiyuan looked at Yuan Mobai. After seeing Yuan Mobai smile and nod, he looked at Lei Jun again:

During lunch, Wang Guiyuan introduced: "But what Master means is that, Junior Brother Lei, you should go all out to prepare for the foundation building. After the foundation is built, the inner road will be fundamentally stable, and it will not be too late to practice external spells."

Elder Liu had no disciples, and the talisman he wanted to practice was more important. The Taoist boy couldn't help, so he needed to pass it on to his disciples, so Yuan Mobai donated his disciple Wang Guiyuan to him.

 Ten cans of Peiyuan pulp.

  "The mental state is good."    Yuan Mobai smiled, making people feel like spring breeze: "Returning, let me give a brief introduction to Junior Brother Qi first."

So, in addition to being shocked, looking at the former Junior Brother Lei, the current Taoist Master Lei is about to soar into the sky?

Just like me, cultivating talismans is another bridge between heaven and earth. Human beings are poor and heaven and earth are infinite. Therefore, human power is as infinite as heaven and earth. It can be said that we have achieved the Tao. "

 Among them, Zhang Yuan is the most active.

Wang Guiyuan: "After the urn is given, there is no need to mention Taoist robes or other things. In addition to the existing ultimatums, scriptures, and magical instruments in our hands, the master will also give us ultimatums and wat boards (chaoji slips). Equipped with magic sword, command flag, command, ghost chopping stick, canopy ruler and other treasures.”

Lei Jun smiled: "If you have high aspirations and are down to earth, I will work hard to practice first and break through to the second level of foundation building."

 (End of this chapter)