MTL - Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion-Chapter 2 . Destiny choice, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune

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Chapter 2 2. Choice of destiny, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune

I’m here, but unfortunately I didn’t get the signature this time... Lei Jun read the signature.

Although the descriptions of the three fortunes were a bit vague, Lei Jun calmly chose the path of winning the lottery.

 This is the third time he has experienced something similar.

 Drawing lots, good and bad fortunes depend on each other, good and bad fortunes are clear.

The first draw was when Lei Jun had just crossed over. Four fortunes, namely upper middle, middle middle, lower middle and lower lower, flew out of the ball of light.

 Middle to top, no surprises, no danger, second-grade opportunity, auspicious.

 Medium, out of the current difficulty, but there may be future troubles, no other gains, flat.

 Middle or lower, you get fifth-grade opportunities, but there are dangers everywhere, life and death cannot be controlled, and it is fierce.

 Xiaxia, you are looking for death, you will definitely die, it is a serious disaster!

Lei Jun chose to act according to the winning lottery and successfully obtained the second-level opportunity. Not only did he get rid of the predicament when he first crossed over, but he also came to the Taoist holy land of Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion.

Looking back afterwards, I found that moving forward according to the destiny indicated by the sign will indeed make Lei Jun, who has traveled through time, enter the urn as soon as he lands.

 Winning the lottery may also cost someone's life.

 The second draw took place after Lei Jun entered the Taoist Academy of Tianshi Mansion.

The luck of the light ball flying out that time was small, only middle-middle and middle-lower.

 Strictly speaking, neither is very good.

But Lei Jun, who chose to act according to the winning lottery, successfully avoided the big pitfall of winning the lottery.

 Today is the third draw.

 The description of fortune has always been a bit vague, but after comparing and summarizing, Lei Jun gradually got a clear idea.

 The lottery is very bad. Needless to say, it basically means a certain death situation. No matter whether there are benefits or not, you will not be able to enjoy it.

 If you win the lottery, it is unlucky. Either the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits, or there are only disadvantages but no benefits. The danger or difficulty is not as good as the lottery, so that there is no hope.

 Winning the lottery is average, good or bad, with mixed blessings and sorrows, or average, no surprises, no dangers, but no blessings or fortunes.

 If you win the lottery, it is auspicious. There may be big opportunities but with some risks and troubles. Generally speaking, the gains are greater than the losses. You may also gain without any surprises, but the gains are relatively less amazing.

As for the only lucky draw that Lei Jun has never seen before, it should be a good fortune, auspicious stars shining brightly, and a lot of money without risk.

This time, Lei Jun was still selected and won the lottery.

 He will not participate in Elder Du's selection.

While Lei Jun was reading the fortune-telling, other Taoist boys around him had already begun to rush out.

 “Senior Brother Lei?” Seeing that Lei Jun didn’t move, someone stopped and turned around and asked.

Lei Jun: "The errands in the building are not finished yet. They should have a beginning and an end. I'll finish today's work first."

"This is a rare opportunity. Go to the selection first. If you don't get selected, come back later and cut the talisman paper." Several Taoist boys reminded.

Lei Jun thought for a while and then reminded us: "The elders of our school inspect our progress on a daily basis and also test our character. The fact that we start well and finish well without being disturbed by temporary changes may be what the elders value."

“What you said makes sense, but I’d better go to Elder Du’s place and give it a try first.” Several teenagers waved to him and quickly turned around and ran to the front yard.

Lei Jun watched a few people leave, then turned around and continued busy with the matter at hand.

He just came out after finishing his work in Fuzhilou today.

Lei Jun looked up at the sky and asked Elder Du for news.

Elder Du’s selection is not limited to the sixth Taotong courtyard, but recruits from all Taotong branches.

The selection site is also located in an independent cave in the mountains, which was privately opened by Elder Du.

  Winning the lottery and going to Elder Du's place seems to be a familiar benefit, but there is actually a danger hidden in it?

Is it possible that Elder Du wants to conduct some dangerous experiment on his disciples of Tianshi Mansion?

Lei Jun strolled towards Beppu.

 As a result, just halfway through, I suddenly saw a flash of light in the mountains.

 Then there was a loud "boom" sound.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, causing Lei Jun's body to sway.

 He ​​looked up and saw a large number of thunder and fire rising into the sky above Elder Du's residence.

A number of talismans formed by the convergence of brilliance appeared above the Tianshi Mansion, and they merged into a formation to suppress the thunder of the explosion.

 The lightning's momentum was deflected and exploded in all directions.

As a result, one of the lightning bolts hit another place among the mountains.

 As a result, a large piece of golden light flew into the sky and spread in the air, like fireworks.

“First, Elder Du Beppu, and then Lingzhi Terrace?”

Lei Jun gives a rough idea of ​​the direction.

The Ganoderma Terrarium mentioned in the lottery was originally a spiritual vein controlled by the Tianshi Mansion since the founding of the sect. Under the nourishment of the spiritual energy, precious flowing Ganoderma lucidum would occasionally be produced.

 Using Ganoderma lucidum to make elixirs or taking it to help people practice, it has endless wonderful uses.

 But many years ago, due to some changes, the Ganoderma lucidum platform was affected and damaged.

 Fortunately, in today's world, the overall aura in various places is stronger than before, and spiritual practice is gradually ushering in a prosperous era. Although it is a pity that Lingzhi Terrace was destroyed, Tianshi Mansion, as a sacred place for the Taoist sect, does not hurt the bones and muscles, and it continues to develop and occupy new practice treasures and cave-heaven spiritual veins.

As for the Lingzhi Terrace itself, it has been damaged for some years, so few people go there.

After Elder Du’s altar explodes, where will there be a sixth-grade opportunity?

Lei Jun was thinking at the same time, and continued on his way without stopping, heading towards Elder Du's cave.

 The fifth-grade chance is better than the sixth-grade chance.

 When we arrived outside the cave, the place was in a mess and the ground was scorched black.

 Many gray-robed Taoist boys fell to the ground unconscious.

Some Taoist boys on the periphery were in slightly better condition, but they were all disgraced and trembling, and all of them had frightened faces.

"What happened?" Lei Jun grabbed a familiar Taoist from the Sixth Branch.

As soon as the other party saw Lei Jun, he immediately expressed his bitterness:

“Senior Brother Lei? Hey, forget it, Elder Du’s altar exploded!”

Tao Tong looked back at the cave that had just exploded with lingering fear:

“I heard that someone died, from the second and fifth courtyards, and more people were injured.

Senior Brother Zhang from our Sixth Hospital was crowded to the front, and as a result, he was injured the most, and several others were also injured.

I was just sent to the hospital for treatment, and I don’t know what the outcome will be..."

The little Taoist boy was terrified.

 Other people came closer one after another, looking at the miserable image of the cave, and they all felt panic.

 “Don’t let the crowd gather here.” Someone said at this time.

 Everyone turned around and saw a young man in yellow coming from a distance.

The other party looks to be about the same age as a group of Taoist boys.

However, unlike the other Taoist boys who wore gray robes, this young man wore an apricot yellow Taoist robe and a Taoist scarf. He was a true disciple of the Tianshi Mansion who had already participated in the transmission and entered the inner palace. He was a Taoist priest rather than a Taoist boy.

 Besides him, several more Taoist priests in yellow arrived one after another.

“Today’s incident was purely accidental and has nothing to do with anyone. There is no need to worry. Let’s help treat the dead and wounded first. We will take care of the aftermath later in the mansion.” The young Taoist said in a gentle tone.

 All the Taoist boys immediately listened to the order: "Yes, Taoist Master."

Everyone in Daotong Court calls each other seniors to be polite and cordial, and usually attend lectures and take classes together.

Although the yellow-clothed Taoist priest in front of them is of the same age as them, he has his own teachers and seniority, so it is difficult for Taoist boys to call each other senior brothers rashly.

No matter how young the Taoist priest is, he gives orders, and the Taoist boys can only obey them.

 Lei Jun and some uninjured people immediately set out to treat the injured.

They started cleaning up near the cave and gradually expanded the circle outwards, searching for any of their fellow sect members who had been thrown far away by the explosion.

Lei Jun searched for a while in the mountains, rescued two injured path boys, sent them back to a flat place to settle, and then continued the search.

 Looking again, no one was found, but a faint light was found behind a rock.

Lei Jun's heart moved and he took a closer look.

That little bit of light is a trace of purple-gold brilliance intertwined with a trace of blue light.

The blue light is like thunder and lightning, because it is intertwined with the purple and gold light, and it actually does not disperse for a long time.

 But after consumption, the cyan thunder and lightning gradually dissipated, leaving only the purple-gold flash, and gradually began to burst out with rich spiritual energy.

Lei Jun stretched out his hand gently.

Purple-gold radiance suddenly intertwined into an illusory Ganoderma lucidum in mid-air.

 The next moment, the illusory light and shadow of Ganoderma lucidum merged into Lei Jun's body.

 There is only abundant aura and light fragrance left in the air, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Without the need for special warming and refining, Lei Jun could feel that his Qi channels were smooth at this moment, and the Qi in his Dantian was more active than before.

 He calmed down and left the area first.

 The turmoil gradually subsided as those Zhenger Ba Jing Tianshi Mansion's true disciples came to the scene to coordinate and deal with it.

 As long as they were not injured, the Taoist boys even participated in the evening classes of the day as usual.

Of course, the crowd couldn't help but discuss it privately.

Lei Jun remained calm and returned to his residence after evening classes.

Tianshi Mansion is no different from other places. It does not encourage disciples to covet comfort, but it does not skimp on the land for cultivation.

Even Taoist boys have their own houses to live in, but they must live alone and cannot have family members or servants living with them.

 In the quiet room, Lei Jun sat cross-legged and silently expressed his luck.

 Looking inside, there are strands of golden light emerging from the body of his limbs.

As Lei Jun breathed out his luck, the golden light that was originally scattered in the meridians and acupuncture points of the whole body reunited in the Dantian.

 The purple-gold ghost shadow of Ganoderma lucidum appears again.

 (End of this chapter)