MTL - Sell Evil-Chapter 6 3 masters

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"Where is the **** response force! It should have been 15 minutes ago, come back soon!" A sergeant drank violently with a walkie-talkie: "The one carrying the cross is coming ... Ah!" The call was interrupted, then The celebrity officer's head was banged like a watermelon by a giant cross. -/

November 13, 2101.

The holy city inspector general Camo Botellini is leading a 9,000-strong army of steel commandments, fighting against the white lightning disabled party in the desert northwest of Long County.

Suddenly a counterattack against Georgia caused most of the top of White Lightning to be captured or assassinated. Under the joint attack of Steel Discipline and Xingtian, the remaining armed forces of White Lightning quickly disintegrated. Almost all members who did not die were changed With a change of clothes and a slogan, they went straight to the steel commandments.

The act of betrayal can be said to have been directed by the consultant. His "tripartite deal" allowed steel commandment and punishment to meet each other's needs, forming a win-win situation. With one go, many problems were solved. Of course, White Lightning became Victim.

However, this also formed an irreversible military schedule in disguise. The steel commandments must eliminate the residual power of the white lightning as soon as possible. After all, Long County is equivalent to giving up the punishment day. Therefore, marching northward has become a difficult situation to reverse. If you slow down or occupy the city and stay away, then you have the meaning of "borrowing Jingzhou". By then, the fragile agreement reached during the tripartite transaction will likely fall apart due to small friction.

"Sir." A knight-level member came to Botellini and whispered, "We are close to the border between Golden Eagle County and Dragon County. We continue to go west and we will meet Emperor at any time."

"Then send them one more trip." Botellini replied: "Continue to pursue them and knock them over. If you meet the emperor team, it is also the White Lightning. Those defeated troops will be killed first, whether they are annihilated or captured There is no loss, and it will not be too late to retreat. "

"Yes." The knight left with a response.

The place where Botellini stood at this moment was a temporary trench dug out. Inside was full of body, and the man who had just been killed by him was the last living person in the army after a handful of breaks.

"Huh ... the deserter in the desert. It really is the dregs in the dregs, and it's vulnerable." He spit on his feet with disdain.

At this time, a light armored squad composed of capable people was passing by him slowly, and those "desert floats" were very easy to use. One boat can carry more than five people. After this group of pioneers, they followed the fifty medium-armored mechanized deserts to march "Five-footed Spiders", with a maximum of 120 steel commandment soldiers equipped with conventional equipment or 80 heavily armed soldiers. There are fourteen firepower output points, which can prevent missile attacks within a range of 40 meters when the barrage is fully opened.

At the end of the unit are three Dragon Turtles. A large-capacity suspended supply boat, like a mobile fortress on land, the super armor naturally means poor maneuverability, so it is generally equipped with a special guard team. The dragon turtle can not only transport supplies, but also has hangars on both sides for emergency maintenance of small and medium-sized bodies. It can also transport the wounded to the internal disposal. It is versatile and practical. It is almost an essential machine for this parallel universe army. Species.

Botellini boasted that he had strong power. One person floated on a desert ride. He rushed to the front of the army, looking like a soldier.

In fact, this guy is not so bold, he just knows that White Lightning's deserters are weak and dare to act like this. Since the action in Venice a year ago, he has always wanted to fight. Although it is not a difficult thing to chase the White Lightning Cantonese party, someone has to do the dirty work. So Botellini is very happy to act.


While the division of the Iron Commandment advanced, it was at the border of Jindiao County. White Lightning's vanguard has already been annihilated.

Two men in black military uniforms stood on a dune around them. All shattered metal mechs, weapons, and the bodies of white lightning soldiers.

The third man came over and stood side by side with the two men. The words of supremacy behind them looked particularly dazzling under the scorching sun.

"The trial is over," Miao Long said, "he said that a division's steel discipline unit was pursuing them."

Tamson laughed: "Haha, it is indeed Long Brother, how did you let him speak?"

Miao Long did not smile, and answered very solemnly: "I'll break his two arms first, and then tell him that if he doesn't explain, I will break his neck."

Kohl turned and glanced at the direction Miao Long had just walked over: "If I'm not blind, he should be dead ..."

"Because he explained, I still broke his neck." Miao Long replied.

"Then what do we do now, standing in the sun and waiting and wondering if we will cross the steel commandments of the border?" Tamson asked.

Miao Long said: "You can go back first, I'll be here alone."

"Long brother, I've seen this. Rarely, the four of us ... Oh no, the three masters are in the same place, killing the Quartet ..." Thomson said with a smile.

"While Faro was still alive, I never acknowledged the titles of the four masters." Miao Long looked ahead and replied in a cold tone: "Why do I have to be with you three strong guys?" . "

Thomson said: "Oh ... then I'll go talk with the paper man, he's fierce now, let's make up the big four ..."

Miao Long interrupted: "Don't compare paper knights to you."

"Long Brother, aren't you displeasing to see the Paper Man?" Cole said next side ~ ~ I think he is displeasing, but I still recognize his strength. "Miao Long replied.

Thomson laughed: "That's right, let's say that our five strongest players in the European Department are now. Except for Luca Instructor and Long Brother, the Paper Man can barely count."

"What other European department do you mention?" Cole said: "Since the fall of Europe, our group of people have almost become sentry guards in the counties around eas, not even an office. A call must be made. The designated places, the old wastes above, are like bow-struck birds, but they are just white lightning fugitives. Let the local army come over to deal with them. Can we let us come here to bask in the sun? "

Miao Leng squinted at them: "So I said, you can go back first, and I can handle it alone."

"Long brother, that's the iron commandment, it's far worse than White Lightning, and you just said that there are so many divisions." Tamson said: "Shall we report it first?"

"Reports are naturally needed, and you have to act according to the rules." Miao Long replied: "As for what steel commandments you say, huh ... I don't really look at them." (To be continued ...)-Remember !!