MTL - Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?-v16 Chapter 11 Can Boss and Orc Boss (2 in 1)

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【A serious person who is learning magic in Marvel】【】

brutal war.

Inhuman war.

Exterminate everything, pour out all its wars.

Pablo had a lot of prefixes for the word war in his mind, and he wasn't a poor machine wiped out by war—at least he thought he wasn't. Outside of battles, Pablo likes to make up his own jokes or think about his father he's never met.

Although he has lost the ability to feel family affection, he still likes to pass the time like this.

However, he never thought that one day he would be able to add the prefix "simple" to the word war.

However, in the thirty-seven minutes since the end of the teleportation, everything he had seen told him this fact.

It's a simple war.

They had never fought side by side with a Primarch, perhaps the elders of the parent regiment had the privilege of experiencing such a scene, but it was their first time. And this kind of battle... It is no exaggeration to say that Pablo even felt that under the leadership of the stalwart figure in front, they could kill any enemy that stood in front of them.

-Is it an illusion?

Still to be tested.

The corner of Pablo's mouth twitched as he came up with a not so funny joke again.

He raised his right hand, and the bolt gun accurately hit an Orc who was hiding behind the corpse of his companion and tried to sneak attack, and its head was shattered by the shot. This adjective is a little odd for a pierced head, but it's what it is.

And, there is another fact.

The Orcs were crushed.

Steve is on the front line, he never misses a fight that calls for him, and he never falls behind the line. For this man, it has almost become his instinct to stand in front of everyone.

Even if the weapon was changed from a shield to a long sword, this remained the same.

He moved forward, swinging his sword—more than mortal, even the Primarch's power beat between his heart. It was a power that should not exist in the real universe, and the golden flame lit up and burned on the blade with his mind and breath.

Orcs fear the fire, and anything that is not human fears it. They fled in all directions, unable to even organize an effective counter-propulsion. And their fate was actually doomed when they decided to run away with their backs to Steve.

The surging golden flames swept through the air as if they had self-consciousness, and any orcs in sight were burned to ashes by the flames under this swipe, and not even cells were left.

"At least this place doesn't need us to call warships for surface cleanup."

Pablo told a bad joke on the comms channel - once again, he was greeted by his brother's scowling eyes, which, though hidden by the helmet's icy goggles, had pierced through the eyes of disapproval. .

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

While chatting on the lips, the work in his hands did not fall. The gunshots continued to sound, killing the orcs who ran from all directions, didn't face Steve, but still thought they had hope of winning.

The reason why Pablo loves to tell bad jokes and can still serve as a non-commissioned officer in the Crimson Fists is because of his shooting skills.

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【A serious person who is learning magic in Marvel】【】

"...Stop showing off your weird sense of humour." A somber voice came from the communication channel. "Otherwise, I'll let you stay on the ground in the next battle and be on guard."

"Come on, Chapter Master. A sense of humor is something I'm born with, like my steady right hand that pulls the trigger—"

Pablo grinned, his retina reflected the pulpy shadow of an orc's upper body being beaten: "—You have to let me use it."

"Then keep your mouth shut!" The Chapter Master couldn't take it anymore, and cursed in the communication channel. "Or at least adjust your **** radio settings! You haven't stopped talking for a minute since the fight started!"

Pablo pouted and closed his mouth reluctantly. And this is a common occurrence for the other brothers in the Chapter, and everyone knows that Pablo Incabrus is a never-ending slob.

The jokes are bad, but they just like to tell, and the shooting skills are good... But there's one more thing they don't know.

Maybe it's because at this point, they're all the same.

That is: Pablo Incabrus was willing to die for his brother.

The moment he closed his mouth, a chill suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, he raised his head sternly, and saw a silver light flashing above his head. There was no room to speak, but what Pablo Incabrus did in his last moments saved the lives of three of his closest brothers.

He opened the ejection stand on his waist - this new technology can knock out everyone around him, thus ensuring that the shooter has a relatively good design environment, and is specially assigned to him with excellent shooting skills.

However, I am afraid that Pablo himself did not expect that the first time he used this thing was before his own death.

With the flash of silver light, a huge green figure fell to the ground maniacally. The ejection stance did nothing to it. The blue stance that was supposed to work disappeared after a twist, and it stepped on Pablo with its feet, and then it swung the axe in its hand.


! "

This green-skinned bastard, which is more than a circle bigger than other orcs, is at least three meters tall, but the terrifying body that has developed horizontally to the extreme makes it look taller than it is. To make matters worse, it's also fast.

When the roar of filial piety resounded in the battlefield, when this despicable and cunning sneak attack had just ended, the orcs had already pulled out Pablo's corpse that was so rough that it looked like a piece of garbage. The chain saw axe, and pounced towards another Crimson Fist warrior.

The latter was still in the dizziness of being knocked into the air, but his superhuman reflexes saved his life - he rolled as hard as he could, and this trivial lap saved him from the fatal blow. . Then, the Crimson Fists counterattacked.

But it didn't work.

Shot after shot hit the orc's armor, none of which actually pierced through the armor, hitting its flesh. Any blaster that attempted to shoot at its unhelmeted head would be thrown aside by the invisible stance-twisting ballistics, an eerie sight that quickly convinced the Chapter Master.

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【A serious person who is learning magic in Marvel】【】

This is the arboss of the orcs.


Just as he was about to issue an order, a figure swept past him at high speed, with a golden phantom—with unparalleled fury, Steve struck the orc's shoulder armor with a sword.

The sword of flame sank a little, but it didn't go any deeper.

Steve narrowed his eyes. This was the first time he had not directly killed the enemy since he obtained this sword, and because of this, he suddenly realized something.

The gigantic orc grinned open its hideous mouth and said in a low Gothic language that could torture people to death: "I knew it! You are just like me!"

It proudly swung the giant axe in its hand, drove Steve back, and then yelled, "Come on! The boss of the cans! Brother Mo and Brother Mao are watching me! What about you? The person covering you What? He should be watching here too!"

"Get those cans out of your way! A real fight with me!"

For some reason, Steve felt that he saw a serious look in the ugly and fierce face of the orc.

...After a short thought, despite the strong opposition of the Crimson Fists, he gave the order to spread out, and then stood face to face with the orc boss in the sea of ​​blood and corpses of the orcs.

"That's it!" The orc laughed contentedly, a smile so innocent that it contrasted sharply with itself. "Come on, canner! You kill me, or I kill you!"

Steve didn't answer it -- he didn't answer it with words, to be precise, he answered it with actions.

The long sword burning with golden flames passed through the sky, and was blocked by the orcs with the giant axe in their hands. It let out a deafening roar, dropped its shoulders and charged straight at Steve, the spikes on its shoulders gleaming dangerously.

Steve didn't plan to resist this move, he quickly retreated. At the same time, the left hand was raised, and the psionic energy quickly achieved his purpose, and the air began to be drawn away from the head of the orc.

Steve is very experienced in dealing with such a huge size of the enemy. He knew that he had to limit the opponent's actions to win. That's why he chose to make it hard to breathe.

...However, something happened that he couldn't understand either.

Just hearing "aaaaagh!", Steve's psychic power was instantly driven away, and the orc let out a roar again, it rushed towards Steve aggressively, and roared: "Canned boss Dishonest! I'm angry!"

What are you doing?

Frowning, Steve dodged its axe. Putting one foot on the face of the axe made it unable to quickly recover its posture, and at the same time, the flaming sword had been inserted into its chest. The thick but shoddy armor actually blocked the blow again. Not only that, the orcs even had the thought of ridicule.

"Hahahahaha! Canned boss! I have a second brother covering me!" It winked at Steve. "You can't beat me! Second brother Mao is watching here!"

A sense of absurdity made Steve grit his back teeth—he even had the urge to swear.

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【A serious person who is learning magic in Marvel】【】

seriously? Second brother Mao? What the **** is this **** called?

Just as he was about to swing the sword again, he heard a roar of filial piety resounding throughout the battlefield. The orc boss laughed proudly: "Look! Canned boss, my boys are back! Because they know that second brother Mao is watching us!"

It's right.

Those fleeing orcs are quickly grabbing the high points around them, standing on the corpses of their companions without caring. They even started to **** the teeth in the mouths of their fellow corpses or the weapons in their hands, however, they came back after all.

And also shouted the name of the second brother Mao.

"Fuck! Brother Mao! Fuck! Brother Mao!"

They chanted the two names in unison, the voices resounding through the sky, and Steve narrowed his eyes, and his overpowering spirit allowed him to see some sights of the lake. For example, two huge green figures covering the sky, with cunning and cruel scarlet radiance in their eyes.

Seemingly aware of Steve's gaze, they cast a quick glance at him.


Gritting his teeth, Steve clenched the sword in his hand so that it wouldn't fall off. The quick glance of the two...things made him feel so stressed, almost like standing in Nurgle's garden. Whether it was an illusion or not, he always felt that they had no intention of killing him.

"Come on! Can Boss! Stop using your vile powers! Fight me standing here righteously! If you win, you'll have everything! If you lose, my boy and I will fight you. You're welcome to the black house and armor!"

The guy hammered his chest boldly, the sound of gold and iron thumping, and Steve couldn't help but smile a little—he had to admit it.

Rather than fighting demons and traitors, the temperament of the orcs was more to his taste.

"Okay, what's your name, Orc?"

"My name is Turger!" it called the name proudly. "Remember! I was covered by Second Brother Mao!"

"Okay, Turger, my name is Steve Rogers...I hope you remember that name as well."

Steve raised the blade in his hand solemnly: "Whatever the outcome, I agree that you are a worthy opponent. Come on."

The voice fell, and they let out a roar of rage at the same time.


On the other side of the galaxy, He Shenyan, who was teaching Guilliman magic on the Glory of Macragge, frowned abruptly.

That expression made Guilliman breathe carefully—in the past eight hours, he had been picked out by the mage for various faults more than once, UU reading www. No matter how good he thinks he is doing, he can always find his shortcomings.

This made him almost have a shadow on this matter.

However, this time the mage frowned was not because there was something wrong with him.

He Shenyan's mood at this time can only be described as absurd. He possesses the psychic powers of the Emperor and has been connected to the spirits of all mankind. Thanks to this, he can vaguely perceive the state of some people. Like Steve on the other side of the galaxy, or Fulgrim still on InStefan III.

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【A serious person who is learning magic in Marvel】【】

However, just now, he discovered that Steve was blessed by something in the warp...

Not one, but two.

Closing his eyes, he followed the vine to find it from the warp space, and found that it was the two orc gods that he had always been unwilling to have contact with.

They are indistinguishable from the image of the orcs, only magnified millions of times. Standing above the chaotic cosmic stream in the warp, these two figures noticed his arrival immediately, and one of them snorted: "What are you looking at?"

"Yes, what are you looking at?" the other asked fiercely. "We don't like being peeked at!"


He Shenyan's eyes twitched, and he immediately exited the subspace.

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11. Can Boss and Orc Boss (two-in-one) free reading.