MTL - Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?-v16 Chapter 13 Be a man, Emperor (2 in 1)

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"There is still a cure for a broken body, but what about a broken soul?"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

These words always echoed in the Emperor's mind. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

- He couldn't save the son in his arms, he knew that. But maybe, someone else will have a way? ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

With this thought in mind, he ripped apart the warp and returned to the physical realm. The icy vacuum was more comfortable than the environment in the sub-dimension, and a golden door opened under his feet, slowly engulfing him. Appeared again and had already arrived on the Glory of Macragge. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Guilliman looked at him in astonishment, holding the purple brilliance in his hand, and three circles were suspended behind his head. Originally, his first Titan Power was about to be cast perfectly, and the Emperor's Appearance apparently terminated the process. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

With a snap, the three arrays burst in unison. The purple brilliance suddenly lost control, and turned into a surging pure magic that began to rebel in Guilliman's hands. He hurriedly closed his palm and held it down, and the magic gradually subsided. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He Shenyan complained, "You are here at the right time, he will succeed."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Emperor's expression remained serene on the surface, but his slightly trembling lips had betrayed something. He held his right hand in front of his chest, as if he was holding a child. The mage didn't say much, just a casual glance to know his intentions. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He Shenyan approached him, and as the distance got closer, his expression gradually became serious. He stretched out his hand, and the Emperor let him take away the broken soul in his arms, but his eyes became more complicated. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

After observing carefully for several minutes, until the disturbing silence was about to make Guilliman ask questions, He Shenyan finally spoke: "There is still salvation."≈ap;lt;/p& ap;ap;gt;

The Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, an expression that made Guilliman feel unfamiliar—he had never seen his father so human. It was never the case before or after he sat in the chair. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;


Because of this, he began to have some curiosity. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Which brother of mine is this? ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

As if reading his thoughts, the mage turned back, and with a wicked smile, slowly said a name: "Horus." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap ;gt;

Guilliman's hole had shrunk to the size of a pinpoint. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

-------------------------------------≈ap;lt;/p≈ ap;gt;

"You didn't have to tell him it was the soul of Horus." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"But I want to."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"He just nearly lost control, the first time I've seen Guilliman in such a grumpy mood." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Oh, my majesty. Be considerate of your son. He took a lot of willpower to keep himself from swearing on the spot."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt ;

In the mage's pocket dimension, the two are standing in his laboratory. All around are piled up with books purchased from various worlds and from the White Tower, and some special objects with magical powers. There are even some special magical creatures in the corner cage. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He Shenyan raised his right hand and took off a star shining above his head. The light in the room dimmed a little, but soon another newly born star filled its place. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He took the tiny star and started pouring magic into it, but he still did not forget to talk to the Emperor: "However, I was actually quite surprised."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap ;gt;


"He was the first son you found."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The mage raised his eyebrows and smiled brightly: "I thought you would rescue the one in the network first, but he has been in it with his own children for 10,000 years."≈ap;lt;/ p≈ap;gt;

"The warp obscures my vision," the Emperor said bitterly. "This chaotic space has a certain instinct, it hates me, and therefore instinctively blocks anything that is good for me."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"It's easy."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He Shenyan lowered his head: "Just change your strength attribute, Your Majesty. It only has instinct, like an animal to distinguish people by smell. Or, I can do it for you."≈ap ;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"No, it's up to me to do this."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

After a long silence, the Emperor rejected his offer—he Shenyan didn't need to look at him to know what the Emperor thought. It was nothing more than guilt at work. He wanted to personally welcome back all the sons he had lost. Only in this way could it be called compensation. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Just ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The mage used mental power to shape the star into a body, and said: "Although I really want to tell you that a belated father's love is nothing. But if you do that, they should also feel some comfort. Well. But, what are you going to do with those who really switch to Chaos?" ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Emperor's facial lines gradually hardened, and his masseter muscles worked, making his face smooth and deep: "My mistakes, I will correct them."≈ap;lt;/p& ap;ap;gt;

"Good luck then lol, every time I think about it I get a little bit overwhelmed. Your poor father-son relationship and family concept is amazing." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap ;gt;

The Emperor finally couldn't hold it any longer, and he pursed his lips: "Can you stop laughing at this?"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"I know I'm a terrible father, and I know that the rarity of humanity in my past is what ultimately brought humanity to what it is—"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"—if you keep doing this, then I'll keep laughing at you." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He Shenyan raised his head, and there was only peace in his eyes: "Don't take all the mistakes on yourself, you are just a human being. Yes, you can pull the stars and extinguish the sun, but that has nothing to do with your mind. "≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"The human mind is the strongest and most fragile thing in the world, even you. You might think it's a good thing to take all the faults and blame on yourself, but it's not."≈ap ;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He said mercilessly: "Just imagine if you put down this 'must have' arrogance and communicated with your sons, do you think they would betray?"≈ap;lt;/p& ap;ap;gt;

"Be yourself, Emperor."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He Shenyan shook his head and said nothing more. The stars have been shaped into a human body, but they are not as stalwart as the original body, and even only a little over 1.8 meters. There was still a childish face that made him look no more than a boy. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Emperor stared at the familiar features and fell into a daze again—this is what his son looked like when he was a teenager, what he looked like in his absence. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

A hand passed in front of him, bringing the Emperor back to his senses. He saw He Shenyan's calm face, and heard his even impatient voice: "Stop complaining there, old man! Where is his soul?"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap; gt;

"Here." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Emperor carefully took out a piece of transparent debris from his chest. The mage reached out and took it, squinting his eyes: "In order to avoid medical troubles, I think I'd better explain to you what I'm going to do next." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Emperor immediately assumed a posture of listening intently. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Don't be so nervous. Listen, the Horus Lupekal you know well, his personality and even his soul have been shattered in the long torment. People can look at themselves more clearly after death. His soul grieves over what he has done after he has cut off the influence of those chaos in his body."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Guilty, regret, self-blame, and a mad urge to die. That's eighty percent of your son's soul today. Even though he's only a piece left, it's amazing how both Tzeentch and Slaanesh are. failed to corrupt his soul after death." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Considering that I am the only mage and spiritual master here, I feel compelled to let you know." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He Shenyan said slowly: "—he will come back to life, but his memory will be lost. He will suffer from hysteria from time to time, and in hallucinations, he will see what he has done in the past. He will repeat it over and over again. To be tortured like this everywhere until"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Until what?" the Emperor asked, trembling, even the ends of his fingers. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Until he finally forgives himself."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Now, you can go out, the following is the time of the doctor and the patient, the family is an eyesore."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

After speaking, He Shenyan mercilessly drove the emperor out without showing any respect to the emperor. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

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Guilliman was sighing over and over again. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Why can't it be released?"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He stared at his palm resentfully, and the purple brilliance condensed on it again, but quickly dissipated - seeing this scene, Guilliman's eyes finally twitched. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

I was about to succeed. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Thinking of this, his facial features could not help wrinkling into a ball. If this expression was seen by his heirs, they might have drawn their swords and shouted nonsense words like "Demon, leave the body of the primarch" and rushed towards him. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Will they? ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Guilliman suddenly had a wacky sense of humor, and at this moment, he finally realized that he had a talent for telling jokes. Of course, it may also be that he has been infected by his ill-timed sense of humor after spending too much time with the mage. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

In short, just as he tried to cast Titan Power over and over again without He Shenyan's guidance, a golden light flashed and the Emperor appeared in his room again. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Emperor wasn't huge when he wasn't on fire, or when he wasn't going to fight. It's just the size of an ordinary person. Perhaps, in the distant past, when he had not yet discovered his own essence, he walked on top of Terra at that time with such an appearance. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Guilliman stared at his father with complex eyes, and it took a long time to remember that he should greet him: "Good day, father."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He saw the Emperor give him a visibly absent-minded look, with a forced smile: "Good day, Robert."≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Gee. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Imperial Regent's expression was gradually becoming unpleasant, but he managed to control it: "So, why did you go to rescue Horus?"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

After saying this, he was surprised to find that he could say Horus' name smoothly. He thought he would never be able to mention the name again, but the truth is, he said it, and there was no pause. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"Yeah" ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

With a sigh, the Emperor stood with his hands behind his back in front of the porthole. The view of the Terra Space Station was unobstructed, but this human spectacle did not make him as proud as it used to be. A kind of sadness and uncertainty about the future was making his heart pound. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Robert Guilliman stared at his father's back, suddenly feeling how lonely and sad he was. He shook his head, dispelling the sentimentality that came from nowhere. He stood up, came behind the Emperor, and put his hand on his shoulder. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Father and son, standing in front of the porthole of this room on the Macragge Glory, they stared at the scene outside the window together, they waited together, and remained silent together. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

It wasn't until much later that crackling began to sound in the room that the two turned their heads. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Blue light suddenly appeared, and the mage holding a young man appeared in the room. His expression was exhausted, and the time flow in the pocket dimension was different from the outside world. Obviously, he stayed there for more than a while. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"What, how's it going?"≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Without answering the Emperor's question, He Shenyan snapped his fingers, made a bed, and put the boy on it before he began to answer the Emperor's question: "He knows what he is called, and vaguely knows what he will do in the future. Back when I was a child, I said so much, and you slowly realize it for yourself, I'm going to rest." ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

After saying this, he immediately disappeared in place. The Emperor began pacing nervously around the bed, while Guilliman, who was beside him, stared at the sleeping boy and felt that something was wrong. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Why is this face so familiar? ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He raised his hand, covered the short hair on the top of the boy's head, and took a deep breath—the Emperor is on top! ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Oh, the Emperor is right next to me. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The Emperor beside me! ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

He turned his head to look at the Emperor, who was trying his best to remain calm, and had a thousand questions in his mind. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

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Steve laboriously pulled out the flaming sword, and the orc who called himself the Slaughter Demon fought with him for eighteen minutes non-stop. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Both of them were cornered by the other at one point, and Tu Ge Demon was an extremely dangerous opponent. Its beast-like cunning and agility allowed it to evade many changing sword moves without a teacher. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

What made Steve even more uncomfortable was that Tu Ge's power was greater than him - which meant that he could not wrestle with the opponent, and could only use detour tactics. After struggling for more than a dozen rounds, he finally found the flaw revealed by the orc, and sent the flaming sword into its breastplate that had been chopped many times. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

The clear, penetrating touch made Steve know that he had won. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

Turger fell to the ground, coughing hard, and the tortured low Gothic didn't sound too unacceptable at this point: "You've won, Boss Can."≈ap; lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"I lost." It laughed twice. "But don't you think it's the end, waaagh won't end, we'll keep waaagh down you, too, canner, you've got to waaagh down with me too" ≈ap;lt;/p& ap;ap;gt;

With his last words, Turger lost his breath and life. At the same time, the warriors of the Crimson Fist breathed a sigh of relief. However, what happened next made all of them almost fall to the ground. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

—I saw that the orcs all over the mountain started shouting Steve's name in their rough voices and vague low Gothic: "Boss Steve! Boss Steve! Boss Steve!"&ap ;ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;

"" Steve took off his helmet and said nothing. He looked at the orcs who sincerely cheered for him, and suddenly had the urge to speak waaagh. ≈ap;lt;/p≈ap;gt;