MTL - Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?-v16 Chapter 145 On War, Father and Son (4k)

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Before today, Pedro Cantor never thought he would hear such a dire battle plan from Steve Rogers.

Curse of Flesh.

After Wen Zhen explained to him in detail, the Chapter Leader of the Crimson Fist immediately fell into silence. Judging from the description of the stripes, this weapon is almost equivalent to Nurgle's plague. But it is a kind of 'magic' released by the pattern, or in other words, it is a spell constructed by the knowledge of the captain of the Vengeance.

Two words flashed through Pedro's mind, and these two words screamed in his heart, in a terrified voice - "blasphemy!"

"Are you all right, Pedro?"

Steve's voice pulled him out of the situation, and Pedro looked up to find the Primarch looking at him with concern.

"I..." Pedro opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so the scene fell into awkward silence again.

Fortunately, the two of them were not the only ones present.

Cato Sicarius made a timely relief for Pedro, who felt a wave of gratitude. He didn't know if the second company commander did it on purpose, but his actions did save Pedro from a bitter tongue.

"My lord, with all due respect, but the curse you mentioned is too appalling."

Sicarius frowned, trying to find the right words to describe what he was thinking: "...Don't you think this curse seems familiar?"

"I know what you're thinking, Sicarius, but it's not the kind of power you imagine. I've seen He use this kind of flesh curse a long time ago. Yes, although in terms of expression it There are indeed some similarities to Nurgle's plague, but the nature of the two is completely different."

Steve began to talk eloquently, his fluent speech was not like a person who has been sleeping in ice for many years, but like a professor in a university. However, he was actually just imitating He Shenyan's appearance when he was giving lectures to them.

"The knowledge of where the curse of flesh and blood comes from, he has done a lot of research on this aspect. Magic and psionic power are different, and they are two completely opposite forces. Magic power itself may be elusive, but magic must be studied and studied systematically. From In a way, it’s not that different from science.”

"He has done a lot of research in this area. A long time ago, he and I fought side by side against an alien race named Chitauri. They made us fall into a bitter battle. It was He who released the curse of flesh and blood at the last moment, which made us A difficult victory was won. Since then, I have recognized the horror of this curse."

Both Sicarius and Pedro were listening carefully, but Anjade beside him was completely different. He silently kept the fact that 'Steve Rogers fought side by side with the captain of the Revenge' firmly in his heart, and planned to inform the chapter leader afterwards.

His behavior made him feel a little disgusted with himself. The Astartes should not do something so close to politics, but he must be accountable to the Chapter.

Anjade was well aware that the Black Templars were unpopular in many parts of the Empire and within the administration.

Not only that, even many people in the mother group don't like them, thinking that they have deviated from Dorn's teachings and the spirit of Sigismund. Anjade has no intention of having a debate match with them, but, as the Emperor's Champion of the Black Templar, he must also be careful and pay attention to everything here.

Forming factions is not what an Astartes should do, but it is a necessity for the survival of the Chapters of the 40th Millennium. They are far removed from the mother regiment and the treacherous political situation of the Empire, so they must all rely on themselves for supplies. In this case, carefulness has become a necessary quality.

There are too many lessons learned.

Sighing silently in his heart, Anjade put down his thinking, and Steve's narration just entered the most important part.

"...We will cast the curse of flesh and blood on that planet. There are two types in total. One is aimed at the Orcs, and the other is aimed at the Tyranids. If the plan is successful, then it will only take forty minutes , the enemies on this planet will die completely. Their bodies will also dissolve together, turning into nutrient colloids with no genetic characteristics at all.”

Steve looked at each of them seriously and said, "Any more questions?"

"No more, my lord."

Sicarius' brows were no longer tightly furrowed, and he even had a faint smile on his face: "I must admit that although this weapon sounds appalling, if it can really do what you said Effect......"

He gestured: "Then, I think, we would be blaspheming the Emperor if we didn't use it."


One thing is worth mentioning.

If the Emperor of Man himself declared to the State Church—I mean raised his arms and shouted, not called a few bishops to come and talk privately—‘I am not a god! ’, then, wouldn’t the Church of England declare him a heretic and try to burn him?

This matter is very interesting, and it is also the first concern of Vulcan, who is currently studying.

The world misunderstood him so much, even some of his brothers. They didn't know that besides being an excellent blacksmith, Vulcan was actually a philosopher. He doesn't want to boast, but he has come a long way in philosophy.

Perhaps because the process of forging steel is very boring, blacksmiths are always good at finding something to do for themselves. Vulkan is no exception, he is good at thinking and passionate about thinking. And all human beings who take the road of contemplation will inevitably enter the palace of philosophy.

Philosophy has always been inseparable from theology.

He stood between two rows of huge bookshelves and turned a page of the book in his hand. The Fire Dragon Lord is too tall, so even with his head down, he is about the same height as the bookshelf itself. Vulcan thought to himself, I probably look like a giant black tree standing in a wooden creation.

This analogy is very interesting. He smiles. At the same time, he closed the book.

In just a few minutes, he had fully understood the entire content of the book. Apart from the descriptions of the Emperor's frenzy, there was nothing that particularly interested him.

The author of this book may have been dead for thousands of years, Vulkan thought about this, raised his hand and put the book back where it was originally.

This is Guilliman's library. He established several such collections in the Glory of Macragge, and the Ultramarines have continued to expand them for ten thousand years, putting much precious or forbidden knowledge into them.

They had only done it as a tradition to inherit the Primarch's spirit, but when Guilliman woke up, this tradition delighted him completely.

Vulkan reached out and took another book. There was a line of silver fonts on the black cover. The hand was old, and it felt like it had been read many times. The book looked small and terrifying in Vulcan's hands, but the attitude of the Fire Dragon Lord was very careful and respectful when holding it.

He respects knowledge and the ideas of others.

"On War"? Ah, the title is quite eye-catching."

Vulkan muttered to himself and turned the first page. He had to admit that the title of the book had successfully aroused his interest. On war, this is really a big tone.

"War is an extreme means. The purpose of war is to win. In order to win, what can we abandon?"

The very first sentence of the book made Vulcan frown.

He didn't like the word 'abandoned', never liked it. Out of patience, he continued to look down.

"In most cases, in the face of these terrible enemies, human beings need to abandon their morality, humanity and even life."

"Victory is the most direct and fundamental goal. In order to achieve this goal, the commander can let the soldiers go up to die without hesitation, and the soldiers will also accept the commander's order without hesitation. Because they all know the consequences of failure Means more deaths."

"From this, it can be deduced that war is to win, and in order to win, we need to abandon our humanity. But the root cause of our purpose is to let more people survive, so we have to fight for Is this to condemn those who have made difficult decisions?"

Vulcan was already getting a little annoyed that the author of this book was totally sophistrying.

He is substituting a few rare cases for more common things. Not all commanders send soldiers to die in order to prevent more people from dying. There are a lot of people who just do it for military merit, or simply make a bad decision.

Furthermore, 'difficult decision? ’, no, it’s never hard to send people to die in war. War is about bloodshed and death. What is really difficult is to save more people from death, to preserve humanity, morality and conscience, not to lose them all for victory.

"Nonsense." Fire Dragon Lord commented coldly, and then closed the book.

He didn't want to read any more, and even complained a little to Guilliman - why are you willing to put this kind of book on your bookshelf?

Well, if the regent, who was still working overtime, knew what he thought of him, he would probably feel a little wronged.

"He didn't put this book there, Vulkan."

A voice sounded in the silent library, bringing an echo. Vulcan turned around and saw an old man standing between two rows of bookshelves waving at him. He stood in the light, his face was tired and gloomy, and his raised right hand was as thin as a stick.

"I put it on," said the old man. "This book was written by me once."

"...did you write the book?"

"Yes." The old man nodded slowly, while looking up at his tallest son, his tired expression gradually subsided a little.

He smiled sincerely: "This book is written for a dirty political purpose, to stop those soldiers who made difficult decisions in the unification war from blaming themselves. So I wrote this high-sounding book. book, some of which are, in my own opinion, extremely disgusting."

"I don't understand."

"It's a good thing you don't understand, Vulkan, and I don't want you to. Guilliman can understand, but I won't let him see this book."

The old man lowered his head, his white hair was all dry and ugly: "As I told you, I wrote this book to let those soldiers stop blaming themselves. To be more thorough, I did it for Let them pick themselves up and keep working for me."

The lines on both sides of Vulkan's cheeks tightened.

Although he had expected it, this was the first time he had heard his father admit it—admitting that he had been inhuman, cold-hearted, and treated everyone as a tool.

"...and why are you telling me this?"

"Yeah, why? I probably don't know the reason behind it myself, Vulcan, I am no longer the same as before, everything I do has a far-reaching purpose hidden behind it. Now I It’s more about acting with passion.”

The old man looked up.

"Yeah, I think, I'm doing things with my humanity right now," he admitted. "Instead of relying on machine-like rationality and coldness."

Vulcan believed him.

Not out of a son's love for his father - in fact, he didn't have much love for the Emperor. Maybe a little bit, but definitely not much. He believed in the Emperor because he knew that if the Emperor had been the same, he would not have let him see this book, would not have appeared in front of him and said so much.

"So?" Vulcan asked with a little provocation. "What's the reason for your sudden change? What's the purpose behind it?"

The old man smiled, with tolerance and a little relief in his smile.

"There are many reasons, and I hope you will find out by yourself. As for the purpose behind it... I don't have any purpose, Vulcan, I just want to come and see you."

As if being sunk... The expression of the Fire Dragon Lord gradually became blank. He never thought that he would hear these words from the mouth of the emperor, especially, he could feel that the emperor did not Not lying.

"I hope you forgive me for what I have done and my attitude towards you. Of course, if you don't forgive, I will accept it. I deserve it."

The old man sighed, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com light suddenly dimmed. Vulcan knew that this was the signal for him to leave.

"You can't do that."

At the last moment when he was about to leave, Vulkan said so.

"You can't just come up to me out of nowhere, say a bunch of nonsensical things to me, and slyly hope that my humanity will forgive you for everything you've done. You can't, Father."

Vulcan folded his arms: "The person you want to apologize to is not me. You should apologize to other people, those who were really hurt by you. You know their names, and you also know how much they respected and loved you."

The old man turned his back to him, and his hunchbacked body remained motionless as if frozen.

After a long time, he sighed.

"Apologizing doesn't mean anything anymore," he whispered. "At least not yet, they need to be corrected, and I'm working on it."