MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey-Chapter 1963 ??(??'??)??? Foundation Establishment Battle Four Pills

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After staring at the yellow-haired girl at the foundation-building stage who was hiding behind the cultivator "Fairy Mo" at the core-forming stage for a while, the spirit beast Elder Shanhan, who had been suffocating with anger, finally started to act.

"Two fellow Daoists."

"The one at the stage of forming the pill will be handed over to you."

"I'm going to clean up that blunt little girl first!"

If it is the old disciple of the five major sects with Ling Beast Mountain, it is not a problem, he may not be able to kill because of love or simply let the other party die decently.

However, right now, a small sect from nowhere, a small cultivator in the foundation-building stage dares to speak rudely to the elders of his Spirit Beast Mountain, how can he make the other party feel better?

Therefore, after he informed the two Taoist friends in the middle stage of the formation of the alchemy, the 'Red Pink Skull' behind him, and asked them to help hold the 'Fairy Mo' in the later stage of the formation of the alchemy, he took the lead and turned into a streamer. The ground rushed down towards the little girl named Xiao Cui'er.


"Don't think about it!"

Seeing this, Mo Caihuan is of course unreliable!

So, she didn't even think about it, holding the 'Yin-Yang' short swords, she moved towards the guy in the animal skin in an ethereal manner, and it seemed that the guy from the seven sects of traitor Spirit Beast Mountain intercepted it.



However, just after rushing to the halfway, before he could intercept it, Mo Caihuan suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and then he had to stop urgently, and attacked in the other two directions with his sword backhand!


clang! !

The crisp sound of two metal collisions, when Mo Caihuan was intercepted and looked up, only to find out that it was the 'Red Pink Skull' of the Ghost Spirit Sect and the Hehuan Sect who had intercepted her.

not good!

"Tui Er!"


Then, at the moment of being intercepted, Mo Caihuan didn't even think about it, and immediately shouted to the Xiao Cui'er on the ground.

The opponent's cultivation base is too shallow, so she wants the opponent to leave first, whether it is a flying talisman or a soldier unlocking talisman, so that she can let go of her hands and feet to fight with the enemy.



"Falling, falling thunder talisman!!"

Of course, Xiao Cui'er saw the bad guy who was angered by her taunting, and then rushed straight towards her fiercely.

Therefore, while she was nervous, and she was also quite frightened, she didn't even think about it at this time, she instantly took out the hundreds of pictures she had drawn and accumulated during this period of time from her storage bag.' Thunder Falling Talisman', and immediately smashed towards that terrifying guy after being activated.

clap la la...

The yellow spells that filled the sky were scattered like paper money.

However, it is different from the paper money thrown by mortals when they are doing funerals: the yellow spell that fills the sky also has beating lightning and thunder, and as long as you are not a fool, you will know that it must be a direct hit. of.


whispering sound!

Seeing that Elder Han, who was about to catch the little girl's skin, of course saw the countless spells at this time.

To be honest, the dense pile of flying spells and the electric light that lingered after being activated did frighten him a little.

Then, in his heart, he didn't quite believe that such a powerful talisman could be possessed by such a little girl in the foundation-building period. After hesitating for a moment, he still reluctantly cast and put on a shield to protect himself from thunder.


next second!

When those thunderbolts were fully activated and exploded into powder under the haze of lightning, terrible things happened.


In the blue-white electric light that filled the sky and the earth-shattering roar of thunder, it was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, and it was like a thunderbolt. In the sky, the four of them, Elder Han, Mo Caihuan, the skeleton of Ghost Spirit Sect, and the red pink of Hehuan Sect, headed straight down, and directly enveloped the four of them in the blue and white electric light that filled the sky. among.

rumbling rumbling...



After the endless lightning, as if it could completely illuminate the dark night here, the shield of the spirit beast, Elder Shanhan, who was Xiao Cui'er's main target of attack, instantly overloaded and shattered. Kailai, and then, caught off guard, of course, he was kicked out together with Mo Caihuan, the skeleton of the Ghost Sect, and the red powder of the Hehuan Sect, and rolled several hundred meters away.


Never would have imagined that the hundreds of Thunder Falling Talismans that he had activated and thrown out in a hurry would suddenly send the four great cultivators of the Core Formation Realm into the air. In addition to being shocked and shocked, Xiao Cui'er was shocked, and then He hurriedly charged towards his uncle who was on the ground not far away and was still surrounded by electric lights.

"Sister Mo!"

"Are you OK?"

"I did not do it on purpose!!"


Yes, Xiao Cuier did not do it on purpose.

Because ah, in a hurry, when the hundreds of Thunder Falling Talismans were activated in an instant, she simply didn't have the time, and she didn't have the ability to precisely control it!

In fact, it was already commendable that she could barely keep them from choking on her own body, and now, she accidentally shrouded all the people in front of her under thunder, which was inevitable.

"I-I'm fine!"


"It's really powerful, is that the power of the Thunder Falling Talisman?"

"Blessing together is really powerful!"

Mo Caihuan stretched out her hand to signal Xiao Cui'er not to lean over before taking a breath, and looked in the direction where the three people landed in the distance.

She wasn't the main target of the thunderbolt, she just accidentally pulled seven or eight thunderbolts.

Furthermore, the power of those lightning bolts was mostly offset by her Liu Yun Su skirt, except that the electricity caused her hair to float and her limbs to be slightly paralyzed, it did not cause much actual damage to her.

However, it is difficult to say that the elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain and the cultivator of the Ghost Sect, who had endured most of the lightning strikes and the shield instantly shattered.

In the dazzling electric light just now, she could see that, in addition to the elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain, who was the main target of the attack, and suffered hundreds of thunderstorms, the cultivator of the Ghost Spirit Gate was unexpectedly attracted. There are so many lightning strikes in hundreds of ways. It seems that it is because the other party's practice is faintly restrained by falling lightning, so that's why?

And if that's the case, the next battle will be much easier.

Mo Caihuan still remembered that the Fangcunshan talisman and spell that Sister Cui'er practiced seemed to naturally restrain the existence of certain attributes. For example, it would double the damage to ghosts and cultivators who practice yin and evil techniques?

As a coincidence, the cultivator of the Ghost Spirit Sect should be the guy who practiced that kind of sinister cultivation technique. Otherwise, he wouldn't have attracted so many scattered thunders just now.


"What a ruthless little girl, this seat almost got your way!"

At this moment, before Mo Caihuan and Xiao Cui'er could talk more, they had just been hit by hundreds of lightning strikes, and almost didn't get electrocuted by the spirit beast, Elder Shan Han, who slammed out of that area. Flying over from the ruins of the seven factions camp that had already been burned down.

However, although he was not really scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, his originally neat beard and hair were scorched and curled, and the animal skin coat and top were all burned, and the trousers on the lower body were tattered, even the skin. It is a miserable appearance of red, white and black. You can know that he has suffered a serious injury just now, and he must have suffered a moderate injury.

"Lang Jun!"

"Lang Jun!?"

"Are you OK?"

"Lang Jun! Don't scare your concubine!!"

However, Elder Han of Spirit Beast Mountain is fine, but that doesn't mean that others are fine too.

Is this not?

Before that Elder Han thought about killing Xiao Cui'er who was hiding in the back first and attacking Fairy Mo who was standing in the middle first, he was only shocked to hear that the red fan from the Hehuan Sect came from behind. Fellow Daoist exclaimed in a shrill voice?

Then, when he reluctantly suppressed the anger in his heart and turned his head to look, he was surprised to find that the skeleton fellow of the Ghost Spirit Gate had already fallen into the ruins for some reason. The fellow daoist stood up with support, but it is not difficult to guess from the weak hands and feet and the lowered head of the other party. It seems that the other party has completely lost the ability to move?


What are you kidding?

Seeing this, Elder Han instantly widened his eyes.

You know, just now, he was clearly the one who had endured a lot of spells from that little girl, and the guy from the Ghost Sect was only affected a little bit, but now, he himself, who has endured most of the attacks, is only slightly affected. Injured, but the other party went into a coma directly, this difference is too big, right?

He didn't understand that the other party would be put on the ground by a spell thrown by a small fish in the early stage of foundation establishment.

"Lang Jun!"

"Lang Jun?"

He called out two more times and saw that the enemy was so fierce. A mere foundation-building cultivator could kill three (four) with one enemy, and also achieved an astonishing result of being lightly wounded in the late stage of the formation, and seriously wounded in the middle stage of the formation. He had suffered more than a dozen lightning strikes just now and it was not a big problem, but the red fan of the Hehuan Sect was still terrified.

So, she couldn't care about more, and hurriedly picked up her Taoist companion and flew to the distance at the fastest speed.

"Friend Han!"

"The concubine takes the prince back, and you bear it first, and the concubine will bring you rescue troops later!"

As she said that, the red light flashed away, and then the famous 'Pink Skull' fled the scene in an instant. As for whether she will really come to rescue soldiers, it is not known for the time being.



"Two worthless wastes!!"

Seeing that the other party left him and ran away, the elder Han from Spirit Beast Mountain naturally scolded and cursed.


At this time, Mo Caihuan was also a little surprised.

After all, she knew that Sister Cui'er had only been practicing for more than two months. Although she didn't know if the younger sister or the master gave her any other preferential treatment on weekdays, the other party suddenly took the three pill-forming stages. Two of her enemies were beaten away and one was wounded. That record really made her, as a teacher, feel a little ashamed.

"Tui Er!"

"Is there any other kind of thunderbolt?"

"Throw them all out!"

"Destroy him!"

So, Mo Caihuan, who couldn't think about it too much, hurriedly urged excitedly.

Just now, she thought it was her own one-on-three, so she was inevitably a little nervous and tied up, and didn't dare to go all out, but now, the other party has been beaten away by two, and Sister Cui'er's charm is unexpectedly useful. , and the situation at the scene has become two-to-one, so she doesn't have to worry about anything.

"No, no more!"

"It's all thrown out!"

"That's the amount I've saved for more than a month, and some of it was painted by the master and the master!!"

Xiao Cui'er was also a little dumbfounded by her own record, but she was more excited and excited.

Anyway, she felt that she could do it all at once. She had beaten away two masters at the core stage and injured one of them. Surely you will stare out of your eyes, right?

"Tui Er!"

"I'll block him first, and use whatever spells you have slowly!"

At this time, seeing the elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain rushing over again, Mo Caihuan, after being fortunate, of course didn't bother to say more, but charged directly head-on.

Then, Shuangcong started to fight in mid-air with you coming and going, and made a loud banging sound of weapons and air waves that bounced off after the collision of spiritual power.

And Xiao Cui'er was not idle either. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she quickly used her 'talisman technique' and spiritual power to start drawing talismans out of thin air, preparing to provide some support to Sister Mo who was fighting.


And at this moment, when Mo Caihuan intercepted the angry elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain and fought with him, when Xiao Cuier concentrated on drawing the talisman and was about to activate it , the accident happened suddenly.

'Roar! ! ’

At the moment when the roar of filial piety and the ground shattered, a huge snake with a cockscomb on its head broke out of the ground, opened its **** mouth and attacked Xiao Cuier who was drawing a talisman in the sky not far away. go.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Mo Caihuan couldn't help exclaiming.

She remembered that Ling Beast Mountain and Grand Master Yu Ling shared the same door. They were originally a sect that was good at fighting beasts and insects, but now, the monster that looks like a dragon has suddenly appeared. It doesn't take much thinking. You know, it must be the masterpiece of the elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain who is smirking and fighting with her.

But it was useless to know, she was afraid that she couldn't get out of her body for a while.


Fortunately, at this time, the spell that Xiao Cui'er had drawn in the air, which she had planned to use on the elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain, was completed.



So, without thinking about it, she let the spell in front of her burst into aura, and then circled towards the giant snake that was breaking out of the ground and wanted to bite at her!


Surprisingly, under Xiao Cui'er's blushing face, she finally managed to use the power of the immortality amulet to put the crown on the head, and she didn't know if it was a snake or a dragon. Encircled in place, he could only struggle in vain but could no longer take half a step forward.


Xiao Cui'er naturally stopped thinking about it, turned around and ran away!

Because, she knows better than anyone else that her power will definitely not be able to restrain that terrifying monster for long, and if she can run now, she must run first.

'Roar! ! ! ’

as predicted!

In about a breath or two, the monster broke free and shattered the immortality amulet, and then roared and chased Xiao Cui'er again, and the speed was very fast, and it suddenly pulled closer. After the distance, she was about to open that huge mouth and swallow Xiao Cui'er into her stomach.


In just two breaths, it missed the best opportunity.


At this time, the time Xiao Cuier bought was of course giving Mo Caihuan a chance to calmly return to help.

First, she used the Yin-Yang double dagger in her hand to smash the protective magic weapon of the elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain with a sharp smoke and rain sword technique and wounded and repelled the opponent, then she turned around and did not know what it was. The monster monster performed her demon-subduing stunt from Wuzhuang Guanshimen:

"Tai Chi is born without limit, the machine of movement and stillness, and the mother of yin and yang!"




With Mo Caihuan's shot, a huge 'yin-yang fish' picture and gossip symbols instantly appeared under the giant snake.

"Doing it the other way around will punish the demons!!"

Tai Chi Biochemistry!


Then, before the monster reacted and struggled to escape, the yin and yang fish began to reverse in an instant. Then, Xiao Cui'er, who was terrified and just landed and shot up, was about to attack Mo Cai again. Under the unbelievable gaze of the Spirit Beast Mountain elder who shot Huan, the monster, which might be level 5 or 6, was forcibly twisted into several pieces by Mo Caihuan's Tai Chi biochemistry, and with a miserable howl and The splattered blood flowers fell to the ground, rolled and fluttered for a while, and then quickly stopped moving.


run! !

Seeing this, the elder Han of the Spirit Beast Mountain finally became terrified. He didn't know that the 'Tai Chi Biochemical' could only target monsters, so he abruptly stopped the tendency to rush forward, then turned his body, and was ready to face it. They retreated in the direction in which the two daoists, the 'Pink Skull' just fled.

"Want to run?"

"Desolation Talisman!"

However, what Elder Han had never imagined was that when he was flying into the air, that little trash fish in the foundation-building period, that Xiao Cui'er unexpectedly used another strange spell on him.

I don't know what's going on, but the spiritual energy in his body suddenly burst into chaos, and then when the spiritual energy was interrupted and the direction was deviated, he could no longer control his flying attitude, and immediately fell to the ground. down.

"The thief should run away!!"

Although the chaos and deviation only appeared for a short period of less than a breath, it also provided an opportunity for Mo Caihuan who was chasing after him.

So, the two soon got into a fight again.


At this time, dozens of miles away, it was still under that tree.

A certain miserable little girl, Daxian, is watching the wonderful battle between Fairy Mo Caihuanmo and the elder of the Spirit Beast Mountain with a long-distance magic image.

"Devouring the Starry Sky: Sign In to God"

In fact, they have been spectating for a while.

So, they not only saw the exaggerated picture of Xiao Cui'er throwing hundreds of thunder talismans at once, but also saw Mo Caihuan fighting against the monks in the late stage of the formation of pills, and then Xiao Cui'er hid behind to use the cold son to release the thunder and cast various charms, so that Mo Caihuan is getting more and more comfortable in all situations.





"Aren't they playing well?"


The three enemies in the pill formation stage were suddenly beaten and two were thrown away, and the remaining one was also suppressed and targeted. He couldn't even run away, so Annie waved her hand and turned it off. After reading the image, they continued to eat their picnic.

"Let's keep eating!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"They must be fine!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Two fights one, and they fight to such an extent that if they can still lose, Annie thinks, those two guys should be expelled directly from the division, so as not to worry about it.

"That's right!"

"Let senior sister make persistent efforts, Xiao Li is very optimistic about them!"

Looking at the progress bar in the quest, and finding that he had done nothing, he had made a small progress of the quest out of thin air. Of course, Koi Koi was very satisfied, and the things in his hand instantly became more delicious. .

She Li Daxian did nothing and gained a contribution Of course, it is delicious to eat.


And Chen Qiaoqian, who was also watching from the side, was a little speechless.

However, now that it has been confirmed that the two of them are all right, she can finally feel a little more at ease.

Of course, just a little.

After all, after seeing the scene from the mirror image and seeing that the Jinguyuan frontline camp had turned into a miserable appearance with broken eaves and broken walls and corpses lying everywhere, she was always worried, and she was always worried for her The safety of the brothers and sisters in Huangfenggu is worried, how can they eat these delicious foods in front of them?


☆?|?˙?˙)? Where is the monthly pass?

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