MTL - Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey-Chapter 2144 ψ(`??)ψThere are fish every day

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Thanks to Annie's 'effort' to participate in the gift game like a play, the maid team lineup of the 'Bear Head' brand nameless community located in the border area of ​​Qiwaimen in the Eastern District naturally added new members.

After the so-called pure vampire Leticia, the black dead spot devil Pest, the short-lived water snake Bai Xue, and the two-tailed fox Lily, the "Bear Head" brand nameless community welcomes the fifth member of the maid team—the Goddess Killer General Bai Ji .

Bai Ji, formerly one of the generals under the command of the "Daqin" community in the western part of the Hakoniwa World, is tall and beautiful, and belongs to the heroic spirit. She has two magical gift abilities, namely "Tao Guang" and "Killing Kill".

In battle, you can use the ability of 'Tao Guang' to instantly turn people and animals into terracotta figurines, or control the terracotta figurines to attack. The ability of light has the same effect.

The other gift ability 'pit killing' comes from the godhead bestowed by the real killer Baiqi. It is said that it can be used in specific situations, such as using the gift ability of 'pit killing' in a gift match to kill people within a certain range Annihilate them all?

In this regard, the ups and downs of the 'Bear Head' anonymous community have a deep understanding.

Because, if it weren't for Annie's efforts to turn the tide, I'm afraid that even if they don't die now, they may have been reduced to become vassals of a certain community in the West District and let them be mermaids.

Of course, all the above things have passed. After Bai Ji became a member of the community, no one will pursue it anymore.

After all, on the night that Bai Ji was forced to join the community because she lost the gift game, after everyone celebrated, in the big bathroom of the community, her formerly majestic female general had already been ordered by Annie Under the watchful eyes of all the girls, Xiong lay on the edge of the bath and spanked his **** a hundred times as punishment.

And now, after experiencing the thrilling mysterious gift game, the 'Bear Head' unnamed community has finally officially taken over the eastern border area that has been developed into an agricultural city and gained absolute control.

Actually, Heitu, Shizaiye and others looked down on this city in the corner of the border of the Eastern District before this. Will the lower-class communities that go on huddle in this kind of place and linger?


After the great transformation of that gift match, after gaining the unprecedented control power and support in this area, plus the large tracts of farmland, especially when a bad little girl left in the lake in this border land After conquering the huge and magical 'Hankrila Island', the community quickly and unanimously passed a resolution to occupy this border area and city and make it the core resident of the 'Bear Head' brand nameless community.

It is roughly equivalent to the meaning of the "capital" of the unnamed community of the "Bear Head" brand!

That's right, it's the capital!

As we all know, here in Hakoniwa World, there is no strict definition of a country, and in most cases, the definition of the so-called "country" is just a common name for some large "super-large communities".

For example, the Salamanda community that Kuroto and Izayo and others went to, the "Daqin" community in the west, the previous Perseus community, and the original community of the circus that was eliminated and turned into a ghost city, etc., in fact They can all be called countries of different sizes.

You know, Hakoniwa World is a playground for gods, Buddhas and demon kings, and it is also filled with a lot of legends and powerful gifted abilities. In addition, the surface area is vast enough to rival the stars, and there are millions or even tens of millions of people. There are so many cities, so as long as a certain community has the ability to control a certain area, it can indeed be called a 'country'.

After all, the so-called "country" is actually not that complicated and lofty. In layman's terms, it is just a group of armed "violent elements" who use force to control and hold a certain territory. A certain territory of a certain pride of lions does not make much difference.


After the "Bear Head" unnamed community occupied the border city of Hakoniwa East District and annexed all other "unnamed" communities that were unwilling to leave and completed complete control, they could indeed be called a country.

But that doesn't help!


In this world of Hakoniwa, the number of those famous and unknown communities is in the hundreds of millions, and the number of cities is also in the tens of millions. The vastness of the area is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. , or occupying those difficult-to-count townships and even rural communities are countless, so now that the 'Bear Head' nameless community occupies a border city that no one pays attention to, it is really nothing special.

And because of that, Kuroto and Russell, who have experienced more things, did not make a fuss like Nazayoi, Asuka, and Kasukabe, but still managed the community as usual, it seems It's not much different from before, at most it's just that there are a few more end seats for city officials and citizen representatives in the monthly routine meeting.

As for Bai Yasha, the development of the Xiongtou Nameless Community also has no effect on her.

After experiencing the gift match that almost killed her, except for the first few days when she disappeared, she still came to the resident from time to time to find Heitu to catch up with each other or grab a dinner or two occasionally as before.

Especially after the 'Bear Head' unnamed community acquired the 'Hankrila Island', the number of times that her ruler of the Eastern District class came to eat and reminisce more and more frequently.

Isn't it?

Today, when Annie finished wandering outside and came back on time for dinner as usual, she just entered the restaurant door and found at a glance that a certain white-haired nightshade had already sat down majestically at the table. position.



"Little Yasha, why are you here again?"


Annie ran to her seat, and asked strangely to Shiroyasha who was sitting next to her while climbing up.


"What is another?"

Shiroyasha glared at Annie angrily, and then he didn't have the slightest sense of being a guest. Before the dinner started, he directly reached out and took a plate of dishes that were just served by the maid team. Guo Guo's pulp pudding was moved to her in a grand manner, without any intention of treating herself as an outsider.

"We come here often, you should have gotten used to it long ago, right?"


"Here is this plate of salad for you. Children can grow taller by eating more vegetables."

As he said that, Bai Yasha pretended to be kind and moved a platter of various vegetables to Annie's front, and at the same time pulled the meat of the "roasted whole pig" in front of Annie to a place within her reach .

She knows that kind of 'roasted whole pig', which is a ferocious wild boar weighing a ton and a half. The monsters eat vanilla and truffles. The meat is very delicious. It comes from the Hankrila Island. It has high requirements for hunting. You must kill them when they are not paying attention. Otherwise, once they get angry, The meat will be burnt.

Of course, that kind of thing is not difficult for the maid team of the Xiongtou Nameless Community.

After all, except for Lily, the rest of the people used to have the titles of devil king and **** level. Of course, there is no problem in dealing with those animals whose hunting level is said to be only a mere first level in the gourmet world.


∑(△`)? !

"You can grow taller by eating vegetables, so why don't you eat more?"


As she said that, Annie stood up from the chair without giving in, and then stretched out her hand, she pulled the plate of Hankli bird meat next to the other party, and the meat was as juicy and delicious as frosted beef, and it seemed to melt in the mouth. Fatty tuna-like steaks were brutally snatched at her.

As for the salad plate, she pushed it away in disgust.

During the previous period, the vegetables planted in this area had already begun to be harvested, and the supply was far greater than the demand. Therefore, there were inevitably a little more green vegetables on their table, and she was of course a little tired of eating them.



"And White Yasha!"

"Don't rob, we have enough supplies now, so don't worry!"

As he said that, Kurotu stretched out his hand and took something from Lily who came in with a large plate and placed it on the table between them.

"It's fish!"


"Keep it away from people!"


Seeing this, Annie's face changed, and then without thinking, she quickly stretched out her hand and pushed it towards the white yaksha a little bit, signaling that a certain little yaksha could destroy it for her.


"You stop!"

What was unexpected was that Shiraiyasha, who had been grabbing meat with Annie just now, turned a little paler in an instant, and at the same time he yelled angrily.

"We don't want to eat it at all!"

"Take it!"

"Keep it away from us!"

Then, she quickly reached out and pushed the plate of fish towards Annie.



Annie glared at the other party at first, and then she was not polite, she directly followed and stretched out her hand to block the plate firmly, and began to compete secretly with Shiroyasha.



"This fish is cooked by Bai Ji herself. It's not like you don't know her cooking skills. Didn't you all like her before? Why are you so resistant this time?"

Seeing this, Hei Tu couldn't help feeling a little strange and stepped forward to stop him.



"Sister Black Rabbit..."


"Although the fish is delicious, this kind of sweet and sour braised fish is really delicious, but if you eat fish for half a month, and it's a dish made with salted fish, you won't continue to eat so much fish." Think about it."


While confronting Shiraiyasha, Annie gave that Black Rabbit sister a supercilious look, sighed at the same time, and explained in this way.


"Eating fish every day, eating fish every day, we have already had enough!"


"We have already decided: in the next year, we will not eat fish anymore!"

Bai Yasha also hurriedly said that she is a little allergic to fish now, and when she sees fish, she is prone to nausea, no matter how delicious it is, cooking is not good at all!


"Stop arguing, I'll eat, it's okay, right?"

As he said that, Heitu put on a straight face, and walked up to the two of them angrily, and then angrily picked up the plate of fish and put it on their seat.


"All right!"

"It seems a little big..."

"I probably can't finish it all by myself!"

Then, looking at the big fish weighing at least a dozen kilograms, Hei Tuo also started to feel a little bit troubled, so he had to ask for help and looked at Izayoi, Asuka, and Kasukabe who were sitting by the side.


"Stupid rabbit, don't even think about it!"

"I won't help you!"

"Eating fish every day, I have already had enough!"

"no way!"

Seeing Kuro Usagi's expression, and knowing what Kuro Usagi was thinking, Nikai Izayoi of course wouldn't buy it, so he just reached out and expressed his rejection straightforwardly.


"Please allow me to refuse too!"

Then, when he noticed that the black rabbit was looking at him, Jiuyuan Asuka also turned his head away arrogantly.


"terribly sorry!"

"Black Rabbit, even a three-haired cat, it's already tired of eating fish..."


On the other side, Kasukabe Yao smiled wryly and gave Hei Tu a begging expression, expressing that she was really helpless.

After all, even cats are afraid of eating, what else can she do?


And that Russell was even more straightforward, pretending to be natural, picked up his empty plate, walked to an empty seat on the other side of Shiraiyasha, and sat down with his head bowed, without even looking at Kurotu.


"Isn't it just eating a fish!"

"How can you be like this?"

Seeing this, the black rabbit naturally protested loudly, expressing her strong dissatisfaction.


"Eating fish is not difficult, what is difficult is eating fish every day!"


"Black Rabbit..."

"We have all been eating fish for a long time, has it been more than half a month? We really can't eat any more!"


"Now my three-haired cat is vomiting when it smells fish!"

"Don't tell me!"

"I feel like vomiting just looking at it!"

"whispering sound!"

"Isn't it?"

It’s okay if Kuro Usagi didn’t say anything, but when she said that, Nagai Izayoi, Kuyuan Asuka, Kasukabe Yao, Russell, and Shiroyasha began to complain and clamor, as if it was a complaint meeting.

Thinking about it, back then, in order to cope with the gift match and store enough food, they almost didn't catch all the fish in this area!

I don’t know how many tens of thousands of catties of fish were caught during that time, even if I took the initiative to give away a lot of fish to all the citizens for free, but in the end, even if each person shared tens of catties on average, there was still some fish left. Yes, so, these days, not only are there fish every day and every meal, even when walking on the road, the air seems to be filled with all kinds of fishy smells, and they have already suffered enough from this .



Heitu, who didn't know how to refute, suddenly stopped talking, and just looked at everyone with that kind of resentful and pitiful eyes, while whimpering, as if he wanted to impress those ruthless people with his eyes. companions.





Unfortunately, in the face of principles and appetites, no one wants to take the initiative to talk to her.


"White Yasha..."

"Have you finished dealing with what happened last time?"

At this time, in order to change the subject, Izayo quickly pretended to be talking about it and asked something more important.

"Last time?"


"You're talking about the Great Qin Community in the West District, right?"

First he was startled, then Bai Yasha quickly realized, and then nodded in understanding, and then continued to say:


"We beat up those four people, and then asked them to send a letter back to warn them. At the same time, we also ordered to block all the nodes in the eastern and western regions that Qianyan can control, and restricted their entry into the eastern region."

"Probably that's it."

While watching the maids serving various dishes one by one, Shiraiyasha just said with his shoulders slumped, and he didn't mean to shy away from the Baiji who came over.

"No way?"

"You cheap them so easily?"

Hearing Shiroyasha's handling like that, UU Reading Izayoi seemed to be slightly dissatisfied, and then began to instigate and ask back.

"No way!"

"Little Garden is very big. Even though we claim to be the stratum ruler of the Eastern District, we don't have much influence over the Western District."


"Their community is indeed not weak, and it is still expanding everywhere. It is said that even the status of the ruler of the western district is almost lost!"

Saying that, Bai Yasha did not forget to glance at that Bai Ji, wanting to see the other party's reaction.

It's a pity that the woman didn't express anything, as if she didn't hear it, she just gently put the dishes in her hand on the table, then turned and left without any hesitation or movement.

"All right!"

"Everyone, the dishes are almost ready, can you chat while eating?"

At this time, after seeing Lily bring the last plate of soup to the corner of the long table and put it away, the head maid, Leticia, came over slowly and said softly, indicating that tonight's family dinner can officially begin .

"Great! I'm going to start eating!"


After cheering, Annie said it was too late, then it was too fast, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she brought the plate of meat steak on the table between herself and Shiraiyasha directly to her, causing the chopsticks of Shiraiyasha to slap empty.

"What are you looking at!"


"The vegetables over there are yours!"

o(^`)o Humph!

Annie ignored the other party, and ate directly from the plate, and deliberately took a bite out of each piece of pie.


(● ̄ ̄●)



Monthly Pass Monthly Pass~


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