MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 1

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On the first day of September in the second year of Yongsheng, during the Qingqiu season, the strong aroma of golden osmanthus in the capital spread all over the streets and alleys, and spread into the backyard of Gu Ningxi, Sicheng, the tribute division of the Ministry of Rites.

In the main room, the wife of the Gu family, Tao Xinhe, was chatting with her cousin Gu Runing about the family affairs. The maids watched the sky getting late and the sun set, and closed the windows lightly.

Gu Runing was seventeen years old, at the time when she loved to laugh and make trouble, she said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, then it's settled, you take me to play with Miss Tao San someday."

Tao Xinhe is twenty-three years old this year and has been in charge of housework for many years. She looks mature and prudent. Today she is still dressed in a ginger-yellow white butterfly wearing a floral tapestry silk brocade jacket and skirt, her hair is combed in a bun, and she wears hairpins in an uncluttered manner.

With a smile on her lips, she nodded to Gu Runing and said, "Okay, your brother will go to the Gongyuan tomorrow. I have plenty of free time here. If you don't mind, you can follow sister-in-law to live in Tao's Mansion for a few days."

Tao Xinhe's voice is very nice, crisp and crisp, as crunchy as freshly fried soybeans. Gu Runing nodded again and again, her brows brimming with joy. Seeing that it was getting late, she took her maid to leave.

When Gu Runing walked through the garden of Gu's mansion, he met a young man head-on. He was dressed in a crimson robe and official uniform, with a handsome face and elegant temperament.

He nodded to Gu Runing, then passed by, and continued to stride towards the main room at the back. The corners of his robe rose and fell with his steps, and Gu Runing kept saying "cousin" in his mouth, but he couldn't make it in time to call out.

The little maid behind Gu Runing asked in confusion, "Girl, why didn't Second Master Xi say hello to you?"

It's rare for Gu Runing to have the interest to explain to the little maid: "You don't come out with me very often, I don't know. My second cousin can't distinguish other people's faces. The doctor said it's face blindness. So every time I see him If he didn't declare his family name, he wouldn't know it. Because of this, when he was a child, no one wanted to play with him, but he was withdrawn. When he was alive, his uncle often reprimanded him for this, saying that he put on airs of the young master of the official family and treated others arrogantly. Kind of like that. After the illness was diagnosed, everyone understands and takes care of him."

The little girl was a little surprised: "I've never heard of such a disease. Second Master Xi is still the number one scholar. The slaves heard from the little sisters that Second Master Xi wrote a lot of books in just seven years in the Ministry of Rites, and the stack is as tall as Second Master Xi. , is a well-known talent. And girl, this slave just took a sneak peek at Second Master Xi, he looks so handsome, just like the immortals in the paintings."

Gu Runing sighed and said: "Because the second cousin is not good at dealing with people, so I had to study hard. He is smart, and he was always praised by his master in the family school. My brother was often depressed because of this. The second cousin is eighteen years old. The high school champion, the whole family feels honored. It's a pity that they have been mourning for their aunt for four days after their wedding, and they don't even have a child yet. You see, the children of the big brother's family are enlightened. My brother's family can also call me aunt. Only the second cousin empty knees."

Seeing that the girl was very interested in chatting, the little servant girl became more worried, and commented on her master: "My servant sees Mrs. Xi, although she is dignified and elegant, but in terms of appearance alone, she is a bit ordinary, and she is not a good match for Mrs. Xi. Listening to the two of you chatting, Mrs. Xi Er's natal family is not considered prominent, and she is barely a good match with our Gu family. But it is not an exaggeration to say that she is high-ranking. After all, she lost her mother when she was young and lacks education. People in the market say that she lost her mother and eldest daughter You can't marry. How did she become Mrs. Xi Er?"

Sure enough, Gu Runing talked about gossip about his cousin's marriage with great interest.

Cousin Gu Ningxi is very reluctant to talk about marriage because of face blindness, and concentrates on the imperial examination. At the age of eighteen, he was the number one scholar. At the age of nineteen, he lost his father and kept his filial piety for three years.

He and his cousin Tao Xinhe's father, Tao Yuanwailang of the Ministry of Industry, were officials in the same dynasty. He heard that Miss Tao was a master in the backyard. One day after leaving the court, he followed Master Tao, whom he was completely unfamiliar with, back to Tao's mansion for half a day. It is said that Gu Ningxi was very satisfied with the orderliness of Tao's house, and asked a matchmaker to propose marriage without ever seeing Tao Xinhe.

The little maid was taken aback when she heard this: "Are you looking for your wife or the housekeeper?"

Gu Runing curled her lips and said, "As for my second cousin who can't even recognize faces, it's not very interesting to marry him. But it's good, don't worry about his fiddling, because second cousin sees everyone the same, No matter whether it is a fairy or no salt. On the day of his marriage three years ago, in front of the guests, he promised his cousin under the red hijab: a couple for a lifetime. I don’t believe what others say, but the second cousin said so , I believe it."

In the main room, Tao Xinhe sent away his sister-in-law Gu Runing, turned her neck slightly, pressed the back of her neck with both hands, Qingfang walked behind Tao Xinhe to massage her shoulders and back.

Tao Xinhe let out a long and comfortable breath, but reached back and patted Qingfang's hand, motioning her to stop.

Tao Xinhe stood up, walked straight to the desk at the east end of the room, spread the paper and ink by herself, and wrote quickly at the desk. Qingfang knew she couldn't persuade her master, so she shook her head distressedly, and set up another lit floor lantern beside the desk.

At this moment, the door curtain of the room was lifted, the lights in the room flickered slightly, the light and shadow on the wall changed shape, and it was Gu Ningxi who came.

Qingfang and the other three little maids in the room squatted down to pay their respects, Gu Ningxi waved her hand, only the yellow shadow was in her eyes.

He walked a few steps behind Tao Xinhe, smelled the familiar fragrance of aloe water, raised his hand and put it lightly on the lady's round shoulder, and asked softly, "What is Madam writing?" Run.

Tao Xinhe finished the last stroke, placed the brush properly on the Yamagata pen stand, blew lightly on the thin bamboo rice paper that had been written on the table for a long time, leaned back into Gu Ningxi's arms, and then pushed the paper backwards I handed it out and said carefully: "My husband is back. Take a look at this page. Based on my memory, I tried to write down the characteristics of the colleagues you will get along with in the Gongyuan for a month. I hope it will help you identify them. "

Gu Ningxi put her arms around the person in her arms, and took the writing paper with the other hand. What caught her eyes was Tao Xinhe's neatly written small regular script with hairpin flowers. He looked at it line by line:

"Master Zhang, the chief examiner of the Ministry of Rites, has a gray beard under his chin and a long beard reaching his neck. He is about seven feet six inches tall;

The deputy examiner, Mr. Wailang Wang, a member of the Ministry of Officials, has a high-pitched voice with a Huaidong accent, and is about seven feet tall;

Mr. Li, inspector and supervision department, has a waist circumference of more than three feet, a short black beard under his chin, and a height of more than eight feet..."

Gu Ningxi understood Madam's kindness, carefully folded the half-foot-square writing paper, put it in the sleeve pocket of the official uniform, then lowered her head to Tao Xinhe's white and delicate ear, and said in a low voice, "Thank you Madam for your concern."

Tao Xinhe tilted her head slightly to dodge, her ears were reddish, and said coquettishly, "All the servants are here."

Gu Ningxi lifted Tao Xinhe's chin and looked into the room. It turned out that the servants had already retreated out of the house. With this gesture, he stroked the soft flesh of his wife's chin, and hinted at the moment of emotion: "Ma'am, let's rest."

Tao Xinhe raised her tender left hand high, as if to slap away her husband's troublesome hand, but when she got close, she lost her strength, and softly pushed the slender fingers on her chin, bowed her head in silence, with a face full of embarrassment.

Gu Ningxi and Tao Xinhe had been married for three years, so she naturally knew her shyness, so she didn't say much when she saw this, picked up the lady from under her knees, and held her firmly towards the sandalwood canopy bed where the tents of hundreds of sons and grandchildren were displayed.

Being turned red, fragrant and golden, the scenery is infinite.

After a long time, Qingfang, who was waiting outside the house, heard the master calling for water and rice, and hurriedly brought the little maids into the house to serve.

Tao Xinhe thought that her husband would go to the Gongyuan to approve papers for the Jinshi imperial examination tomorrow, and it would be closed for a whole month, so she let him mess around for a while.

But now, hairpins and temples are in disarray, and the beds are not neatly made. The servants also feel embarrassed when they see her, and give Gu Ningxi a few hard glances.

Gu Ningxi looked as if she got what she wanted, and her eyes were gazing at Tao Xinhe's plump and fit figure, especially her waist and abdomen.

Tao Xinhe remembered that when Fang Cun was secret, the sweat on her husband's face dripped into her ears together with the hoarse words, "Han Niang, give me a baby", and couldn't help but blushed.

Before dawn on the second day, Tao Xinhe opened her eyes, turned slightly sideways, and looked affectionately at her husband who was sleeping beside the pillow.

Gu Ningxi is only twenty-five years old this year. She has a fair complexion, a square face, a full forehead, eyebrows drawn into the temples, slender eyeliner, a straight nose and thick lips, with a little black beard on her upper lip. She is recognized by courtiers as handsome and backward.

Tao Xinhe stretched out her index finger dyed with Koudan, and with the faint light, she vaguely traced the eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose of the person next to her pillow, but when she reached the corner of Gu Ningxi's straight lips, he raised her head and grabbed it, and saw his Adam's apple rolling slightly.

Tao Xinhe hurriedly pulled her hand but couldn't do it, so she used the other slender hand to push her husband's chest to heat it up: "Get up when you wake up, Second Master, I'm going to the Gongyuan today."

Gu Ningxi finally opened a pair of fox eyes, looked at the person in front of her with a smile who didn't apply makeup but had a sweet fragrance, and gently rubbed Tao Xinhe's index finger twice with her teeth before letting go. For a husband? Peeping when I woke up in the morning. Your sight woke me up."

Tao Xinhe withdrew her finger: "You are still the inspector of the Jinshi Examination, and you are not ashamed. If the students knew what you looked like in the boudoir, would they still call you a gentleman?"

She turned her back, leaving Gu Ningxi with silky hair like a crow's satin.

Gu Ningxi sighed, leaned her head against Tao Xinhe's neck, closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the fragrance of the sinking water, and said vaguely against the throbbing blood vessels of her neck: "Duanfang is for outsiders. Be polite to your wife, That's a fool. When I think about not seeing my wife for a month, my heart hurts."

Tao Xinhe's face was flushed, she turned her head around and punched Gu Ningxi lightly on her chest, and spat, "I'm not serious. I just have a tile face, so there's nothing to worry about."

Gu Ningxi repeatedly begged for mercy, and the husband and wife teased for a while.

The funny name of tile face was said by Gu Ningxi herself. Not long after they got married, Tao Xinhe curiously asked him what it was like to look at others with prosopagnosia.

Gu Ningxi pondered for a long time, and said: "Everyone has a tiled face in my eyes, and there is no difference in the face. I can recognize the facial features, and the combination seems to be smoothed into tiles."

The rising sun jumped out of the horizon, bringing the bright autumn light, all parts of the Gu mansion were also in motion, the servants were busy but not chaotic, and they waited for the second master and second wife to get up, wash and eat in an orderly manner according to their duties.

Tao Xinhe's clothes and hairstyle were the same as yesterday, and she took Gu Ningxi from the main room to the gate of Gu's mansion, watched him and the servant go away, turned around the alley and couldn't see him, then turned back and entered the mansion, and began to deal with the daily affairs of the house.

The servant followed Gu Ningxi into the tribute courtyard, and went to the examiner's residence to help the master make up the bed, and laid out the bed curtains and bedding prepared by his wife one by one. Gu Ningxi sat at the table and drank the fragrant tea brought by home.

The boy said while he was working: "The young lady is really meticulous, she has thought about everything for the second master, and has prepared several large bags of clothes, shoes and socks, pills, food, books, paper and pens, etc., and the second master will be able to live in the house this month." Average at home.

Gu Ningxi liked to hear people say good things about her wife, so she nodded her head in agreement, and her thoughts drifted back to more than three years ago.

When he proposed marriage back then, Tao Xinhe sent a message through the matchmaker, asking him why he wanted to marry a twenty-year-old girl. He sent back a sentence, "I respect Miss Tao, Guo Yi, for her responsibility." He promised to marry happily for convenience, and had no requirements for betrothal gifts.

After the two families got engaged, Gu Ningxi's mother became seriously ill, and he proposed to marry as soon as possible to celebrate his mother's happiness. It was Tao Xinhe who ignored his father's objection and readily agreed. Four days into their marriage, the mother folded their hands together on the hospital bed and passed away with a smile on her face.

In front of her mother's spirit, Gu Ningxi buried her head deeply in Tao Xinhe's arms, thanking her incoherently for her willingness to marry early and come to Gu's family, fulfilling her mother's wish.

Tao Xinhe slowly stroked Gu Ningxi's back, and said lightly: "Since I have recognized you, these are what I should do." At that time, Gu Ningxi secretly vowed in her heart that she would live forever and ever. Be good to Tao Xinhe.

Gu Ningxi recalled the wedding, and recalled the magnificent time with his wife last night, feeling a little restless in her stomach.

Gu Ningxi thought, she had not dared to get close to He Niang because of her filial piety all the time, and it was only after her mother's filial piety 20 days ago that she became stickier. When you get out of the Gongyuan, you have to love your wife well, maybe you will have a child soon.

He fantasized about the appearance of the little baby, but found that he couldn't outline the baby's face in his mind, alas... Gu Ningxi sighed slightly, no one is perfect, and nothing is perfect.

Two days later, Gu Ningxi stood at the entrance of the Gongyuan, watching the soldiers register and search the students for the entrance examination one by one. He glanced at the students casually, their clothes were different, and their faces were all tiles.

wrong! Gu Ningxi quickly turned her eyes back, and stared blankly at a person. This was a short and thin student, who grabbed her collar to prevent soldiers from touching him. Gu Ningxi saw this person's face clearly!

The author has something to say:

It is said that there will be a reading guide, and the little author is here to try to write the original intention of the article.

Probably, people are very fragile. Emotions that have not been tested may be pure enough, but their toughness cannot be studied carefully.

Therefore, the little author Lai Lai came up with the idea, what would happen if God’s will let you go east, and your heart let you go west?

The hero of this article will probably face such torture throughout the story, but the heroine is just the opposite, with a rock-solid heart and a clear understanding of herself.

Such a pair of couples, mutual tolerance, entanglement, breakup, change, push and pull, and finally join hands again, have become better selves, and are even more indispensable to each other. Perhaps, this is the story I want to convey to everyone.

I don't know if I can write the obsession in my heart well, and I don't know if you, the angel baby reader in front of the screen, will tolerate and appreciate this story.

I hope that during the viewing process, at a certain moment, the bottom of your heart seems to be touched. If you feel something, it will be our resonance, and it is my blessing.

In any case, I hope you, Angel Baby readers, are happy. If you think this book is not your thing, don’t force it. Please just close it.

The fate is mysterious, let's go to the book, let's go to the next book, and see you by fate.

The following is the time for dropping the book bag and commenting in the text:

The servant girl said that "the eldest daughter who lost her mother cannot marry", from "The Book of Rites of the Great Dai. Ben Ming", the original text is as follows:

"There are five things not to take away from a woman: not to take away a child who is against the family, not to take away a child who is in disorder, not to take away a person who is punished in the world, not to take away a person who is suffering from a serious disease, and not to take away the eldest son of a widow. Those who are against the family are against morality; Those who have children in the family disturb human relations; those who punish others in the world, they abandon them to others; those who suffer from serious diseases, they abandon them to heaven;

Excerpt translation, that is to say, the eldest daughter left by her mother's early death cannot be married as a wife because she has not been brought up well.

The little author comes to firmly oppose this set of feudal outdated and inhuman views! !

Gao Liang Gao Liang Gao Liang: The little author is here to firmly oppose this set of feudal, outdated and inhuman views! !