MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-Chapter 41

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I am full of expectations for a future life free from burdens, but looking at the person whose half face is wrapped up in front of me, I can only feel relieved after exhaustion.

Tao Xinhe didn't know where the happiness came from.

After reconciling and leaving, the final decision is made, and the follow-up details only need to be settled with the housekeeper. Maybe, there will be no special circumstances in the future, and I will never see Gu Ningxi again.

Thinking of this, Tao Xinhe sighed slightly, and was rarely willing to speak to him in a friendly voice, like a final farewell:

"Gu Sicheng, don't judge others by yourself. You have got your wish. From the next moment, you can freely have a concubine to accompany you. I can already wish you happiness calmly."

Gu Ningxi choked up when he heard the words, and he was not happy at all with reconciliation, taking a concubine was even more responsibility and helplessness.

The heart is cut like a knife, but what is there to refute?

Seeing Tao Xinhe getting up gracefully and about to leave without saying anything, Gu Ningxi grabbed the beautiful woman's wrist before she had time to think about it. The familiar temperature and touch from his fingertips almost made him tremble with intoxication.

"Gu Sicheng!" As if being touched by some monster, Tao Xinhe screamed out the address for Gu Ningxi, put all her strength into her arm, almost swung him away, stepped back a few steps, and rubbed violently with the other hand. The skin on the wrist that was touched quickly turned red.

Tao Xinhe was angry and furious, staring at Gu Ningxi with her eyes, as if she wanted to dig out two holes in him, her chest kept rising and falling, her cherry lips parted slightly to help her breathe, she swallowed several times, her mind was buzzing.

Why can't this person keep the peace of the two of them for the last time? Do you have to force yourself to tear your face apart?

Oh, by the way, because he suffers from face blindness, he can't detect other people's emotions from the face, and he always feels and responds slowly. He has made many jokes in life, and he often makes things right by himself.

Ah! It is reasonable to speculate that I am extremely angry here, and in Gu Ningxi's world, I might think that I am just breaking free from his shackles, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Gu Ningxi was really at a loss, why did He Niang's cry be so loud and full of anger? Did you stop talking after you made a sound? Is... Are you dissatisfied with yourself?

He didn't dare to go one step further, maintaining the posture of arms hanging in the air, palms outstretched, and five fingers clasped, Nuonuo said: "Sorry, did I suddenly pull you and scare you, He Niang?"

"The crux of the problem is not whether it was sudden or not, but that we reconciled! Gu Ningxi, Heli, you should understand that from just now, we are not much better than passers-by, and even worse than the relationship between passers-by! You will catch up A passerby's wrist? If you don't know how, then why do you touch me?"

Tao Xinhe regained her breath, counting down her freshly baked ex-husband one by one like beans poured out of a bamboo tube:

"Also, maybe your nobleman forgets things too much, then let me remind you again, you are no longer qualified to call me by my boudoir name. To avoid suspicion, Gu Ningxi, do you need me to teach you these two words?"

"Besides, what are you pulling me to do? Is it possible that Heli has some unfinished business? It's worth your trouble, just annoying people?"

Every word punishes the heart.

Gu Ningxi couldn't even squeeze out a wry smile, resisted the pain in her chest, turned her face and coughed twice, then remembered that the other party might still be waiting for his answer, she withdrew her hand from the air, clenched it into a fist and placed it by her side, leaning slightly forward towards In the direction of Tao Xinhe, just like his mind, he said in a hoarse voice:

"Okay, I'll pay attention later, He... Are you willing to listen to me, how can I call you? I just... just want to talk to you."

Tao Xinhe thinks it is more ironic, what is there to say after the divorce? Nose snorted softly, she didn't want to talk to people who didn't know the so-called anymore, she turned around speechlessly, the hem of her skirt slightly raised and then fell.

She didn't move her head and shoulders, she used her eyes to scan the room, and soon found it. Father and Mu Xian are beside... Mrs. Gu? When did they get together?

Tao Xinhe bit her lip and hesitated, whether to go over to say hello, call her family away, or walk away by herself.

"Brother Mo, passed away." The man's voice was trembling, and he approached slightly, but the meaning in it shocked Tao Xinhe.

What Qingfang said about the Mo family when she came back on the seventh night of the seventh day quickly came to mind. Tao Xinhe was a little surprised, Mo Qiqi was still ill when Qingfang left, so he must have passed away within a few days.

Life is so unpredictable, I have never met this "Brother Mo", but within a month, I heard Gu Ningxi say a lot about his aspirations, life, and knowledge, and I have a sense of acquaintance, how much do I have with strangers? different.

The dead are the greatest - Gu Nian thought that at this point, she swallowed the words that scolded Gu Ningxi not to surround her.

Taking a deep breath, as if inhaling the heat of Gu Ningxi, Tao Xinhe didn't care about it for the time being, adjusted his tone, and continued directly: "My condolences."

Gu Ningxi felt the relief, straightened her shoulders, and said hastily: "Indeed, he is still young, it's a pity, and Qiniang was left alone..."

"Shut up!" Tao Xinhe didn't expect that, with the passage of time, she would be reconciled with the person in front of her, and when she heard "Qiniang", her eyes would turn black and her head would explode.

No matter how much Gu Ningxi sympathized with the fragrance and cherished the jade, saved the orphaned girl Xu Yi's concubine, how they mourned the deceased with so much sorrow, and even resonated with each other to warm each other, it had nothing to do with her Tao Xinhe.

Tao Xinhe had to emphasize again: "Gu Ningxi, you want to take a concubine, so we divorced. As for who you want to take in, whose face you can see clearly, and what story is going on between you, please don't tell me, so as not to stain my ears .One difference and two wide, if you don't allow me to be wide, but also add trouble to me, you can try."

Gu Ningxi was speechless. The weak girl was polluted by her enemies, and she was responsible for it. The occasion was wrong, the timing was wrong, and the moment she said it, there was a suspicion of evasion.

Regarding the reputation of a woman, without Mo Qiqi's consent, he can't say a word to anyone, even to his wife.

Then, there is nothing that can be explained to the lady.

His debts are his own.

Gu Ningxi tightened her eyebrows, thousands of words stuck in her throat, and turned into a dull sentence: "He...Tao...Tao..."

"Tao Jushi." Tao Xinhe reminded him angrily.

There are not many Heli women in the world, and there is no exclusive title. Under the premise that the two identities of "girl" and "madame" commonly used by official women are not suitable for her, Tao Xinhe has an idea, and pulls the Buddhist door that is cultivated at home. Male and female disciples refer to each other, as a reference to oneself in the future.

Gu Ningxi nodded repeatedly as if she had found a treasure.

The white gauze on his face was not securely wrapped, showing signs of being loose. The cloth tails around his ears had escaped the bandages, and a small arc was raised, adding a bit of humor to the handsome and serious man's face.

Tao Xinhe held back her impatience: "I don't listen to Mo's family affairs, is there anything else?"

She glanced at him casually, but she looked at the naughty cloth strip, lost her mind for a moment, and tried her best to suppress her urge to go forward to smooth it.

Gu Ningxi didn't notice it, and her words went smoothly: "Lady Tao, good layman, the Buddhist scriptures nourish one's character and heart. go in and out of daily life, take care of yourself, and pay more attention to gangsters, the world is not peaceful."

Tao Xinhe wanted to sneer even more, thinking that he would have some kind words, but it turned out to be just old-fashioned greetings.

Do you need his earnest instructions?

Could it be that he thought that he was a dodder flower? The kind that needs a man's care?

Did he use his good attitude towards the one who can see the face, and use it on himself when he is dizzy for a while?

Tao Xinhe made herself sick.

Forget it, instead of waiting for her father and younger brother, she couldn't bear Gu Ningxi anymore, breathing and smelling with him was like being tortured.

Lifting up the hem of the skirt slightly, Tao Xinhe walked briskly, like a spring swallow treading water, and walked a long distance silently.

It wasn't until she passed the high threshold as usual that she felt it. She stroked her stomach lightly, stabilized her rhythm, and walked straight without looking back. Naturally, she didn't know or care about Gu Ningxi.

In the ancestral hall, Gu Ningxi said that "the world is not peaceful" is to pave the way for the "enemies", how to speak and then hesitated, closing his eyes, brewing words in his heart.

"I seem to have an enemy. I don't know who he is or what his abilities are. Anyway, be careful." Do you seem too stupid?

"I don't know how I offended He Fang Xiaoxiao. He is vicious and has already attacked the female relatives. You should be on guard and don't get caught." Would it be a little unkind and cruel?

Gu Ningxi plucked up her courage, opened her eyes, and wanted to confess her predicament to the lady: "Tao Jushi, I... the Chou family...", but found that there was nothing in front of her, and Yi Ren's figure had disappeared.

How to do? Where is the lady?

Gu Ningxi looked around, and there were still twos and threes left behind.

The group of people five feet away on the left are all men, so don't look at them.

Farther away is the white-haired grandmother sitting on the chair. Of all the people present tonight, only her white hair is covered with osmanthus oil, shining in the faint light of the sun and the moon. There is someone beside her!

Could it be that the lady went to find her grandmother? Gu Ningxi just wanted to step up and approach, and after careful identification, the people around her grandmother seemed to be four men and two women dressed as maids, but there was no lady.

Looking elsewhere, at the corner of the candlelight, between light and darkness, there are two or three female relatives standing vaguely talking and talking.

Gu Ningxi walked quickly, and when she reached the place where the voice could be heard, she recognized Second Aunt Gu's voice.

Will the lady be with Second Aunt?

"Second Aunt? See He... Layman Tao?" Gu Ningxi didn't care if he asked her in front of her, he just wanted to confirm first.

What "Tao Jushi" was referring to, Second Aunt Gu could guess at once, the nephew's nickname for He Niang is interesting, but why did you lose him?

"He Niang, I vaguely saw her leave the ancestral hall just now, have you left?" Second Aunt Gu recalled uncertainly, and asked the other wives and wives around her.

Someone said in a soft voice: "Well, she walked very simply, stepped over the threshold in a few steps, and soon disappeared. I saw it with my own eyes."

Aunt Gu hurriedly pointed to Gu Ningxi: "This is the third aunt of my uncle's family, brother Xi, call someone."

"Third aunt, thank you very much, and leave." Gu Ningxi spoke quickly, cupped her hands casually, and chased straight outside the door.

"Brother Xi's eyes are really big, and he missed my third aunt again." Third Aunt Gu complained eccentrically, unable to catch up with the wind blown by Gu Ningxi's passing.

Gu Ningxi walked out of the ancestral hall and looked around. The sky was gloomy, and the dead trees projected on the avenue, like heavy obstacles, flickering candles dimly lit, being thrown behind him, and his eyesight was limited. In such a situation, he didn't catch the figure.

Along the road stone, he was in a state of mind, walking and stopping, met a servant who offered to greet him, and asked anxiously, only to find out that He Niang asked the housekeeper to send a message to her family, she took a step ahead, and had already sat on the seat back to Tao's mansion The carriage is gone.

Does He Niang regard herself as a stalker?

Forget it, if he chases after him and specifically talks about the Chou family, what kind of chou Yinmao can he say.

At least, after the reconciliation, the Qiu family will not attack He Niang.

It is serious business to find out the enemy first and deal with it properly.

Tell the lady afterwards, or just bury it in my heart, it's between two choices.

He seemed to have been enlightened by the Buddhist scriptures, and he instantly realized what the lady said about the sky and the sky, the clouds and the rain.

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