MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 2 "The mission target no longer moves. Ask the host to actively pursue it."

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The leader was wearing a gas mask. In his eyepiece, he stared sharply at Shi Lingxi for two seconds before raising his hand to the person next to him, asking him to put away the gun facing Shi Lingxi, "Take him Go check ... "

After a few moments of silence, Shi Lingxi said again, "I'm still a power awakened three hours ago."

The examination of the psionicist is completely different from the examination of the ordinary person. The former is rude, and the latter is treated with courtesy. After three years of eschatology, the status of the psionicist has been generally recognized.

As long as the first batch of survivors survived, they basically became a vassal of one party. In Beicheng, they were gathered with forces of all sizes. The emergence of new survivors were the targets of these forces, and their courtesy was affirmative.

Shi Lingxi talked down, these people around him, their attitude has obviously eased, the leading soldiers raised their hands, "Please."

Shi Lingxi nodded and followed him. He was still a little nervous. He asked the system A236 whether its existence might be exposed. The system A236 responded with a zero percent probability, that is, it was gone.

Shi Lingxi was led to the accompanying military medical department, where there are tests and inspections specifically for the psionics, first of all the basic data of the body, his physical ability has reached the level of e-level psionics.

Existing abilities are divided into e-level, D-level, B-level, A-level, and S-level. There are three levels of difference in one level, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, but more often e, ee, eee Marked.

Recently, there is another level of subdivision in an elementary level, e1, e2, e3 are elementary e, e4, e5, e6, intermediate level ee, e7, e8, e9 are advanced eee.

Shi Lingxi's physical fitness rating is e1, his chronic malnutrition, his increase in strength is not obvious, but his physical coordination is much stronger than that of ordinary people. From this point of view, he can be determined to be an ability.

There are too many types of abilities, but they have probably been subdivided into categories. The most powerful one is the natural system. The golden wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, and thunder are dark and the number is extremely rare.

The overall performance is chicken ribs in the early stage and high explosion in the later stage. The second leader of the North City, Wang Mu, is a thunderbolt.

Then there is the amplitude system, which refers to the alienation of a certain part of the body's skills, such as vision, smell, touch, strength, speed, etc. These belong to the system, which is also more common among those with power.

In addition, there is also a relatively common animal line, which is also known as the ancestral line, which refers to the appearance of some animal signs when the power is activated, such as the legs becoming beast feet, covered with long hair, etc. .

In addition to these abilities that can be divided into other types, there are a large number of special abilities that cannot be divided, such as Lou Yuan's killing of intangible spiritual abilities, the hallucination of the third leader of city C, and so on. Ability.

"After launching the ability, if you can't control it, attack it." A man in a white coat told Shi Lingxi that his attitude was a bit loose, but it wasn't embarrassing overall.

The place where he stood was relatively far away from Shi Lingxi, not to mention that Shi Lingxi last bathed more than half a month ago, that is, the system had reformed his body before, and the waste and toxins emitted by him had an unspeakable stench.

Shi Lingxi was accustomed to the smell on his body, and didn't feel much. As a medical staff who has been protected by logistics, they couldn't bear it.

Shi Lingxi closed the eyes slowly according to the method of the man in the white coat, and tried to feel the energy in his mind. One minute, two minutes, and three minutes later, Shi Lingxi opened his eyes, and then he rolled his eyes. White, spit foam directly to the ground.

"The power was successfully launched, and the host acquired alienation skills: Beast-like (smell), ten times the amplitude (primary), and 1% proficiency."

"This ... what's wrong with him?" The leader who came to Shi Lingxi but didn't leave, asked the medical doctor Cheng Mu, who was holding his arms a bit embarrassed, "the power launch failed and was backfired?"

This is not impossible, especially as Shi Lingxi told him before that he awakened the ability two or three hours ago.

"No, judging from the reaction of rolling his eyes, he should have been fainted by himself ... Hehe," Cheng Mu laughed twice, and for the first time he encountered such a little guy fainted by his power.

"The olfactory amplitude, that belongs to the amplitude system ..."

The lead Meng Fang's voice was a little disappointed, but then felt normal again. It was good to have one of the 1,000 abilities of the natural and special abilities. They estimated that they had not had that luck.

Shi Lingxi woke up again in a small room, which should be near the military station in the town. He opened the door, and there was a woman outside, and she looked with awe.

"Water ... the water is already boiled and can't be drunk, but it's no problem to take a bath ..." Beicheng has already used tap water purified by technology, but the surrounding small towns are not able to do so, even if some survivors are stranded here .

"Thank you," Shi Lingxi thanked him. He came over and carried the water to the bathroom in the cubicle. He washed it twice from head to toe. He was fainted by himself. It must never happen again. Over and over again.

Shi Lingxi changed into the clothes sent by the woman, and he came out, and the woman looked at it several times before she recognized Shi Lingxi again. After all, from a dirty beggar to a clean and beautiful young boy, the difference is not a little bit.

Shi Lingxi was not old at all, and was 19 years old when he was 19 years old.

After the system and power transformation, the skin is whiter than before the end of the world. The eyes follow his mother, the standard fox eyes, plus three years of endurance and hunger, the height is average, the weight is relatively thin, and it looks quite small. .

He said that he was 16 years old and he was not at odds with each other.

Shi Lingxi wandered in the courtyard for a while, then went back to the house again, and put on the broken cloak that he brought with him in his backpack. Although he was an ability, he was still a weak chicken, and ordinary people took guns. Can kill him.

In the last days, there is no strength, there is no clean and bright qualifications. The rules of the last three years have penetrated into Shi Lingxi's heart. He pinched his nose uncomfortably, and the ten-fold amplitude was no longer when the power was activated, but his smell was still Much higher than ordinary people.

The scent that could have been tolerated at the moment just felt that it was rushing to the brain.

"Grumbling ..." Shi Lingxi was hungry. He hadn't eaten for two days, and he still felt hungry, probably because his body had been rebuilt.

"Is there anything left by the person who brought me over?" Shi Lingxi asked the 50- or 60-year-old woman whose surname was Huang.

"Oh, yes, yes, they wake you up and come over ..."

Aunt Huang answered Shi Lingxi's words, but still kept her distance cautiously. She didn't want to please Shi Lingxi, but her experience in these years made her know that ordinary people and abilities are two distinct classes.

They just need to be respectful and awesome.

Shi Lingxi glanced at her and nodded slightly. He pulled up his cape and turned around when he went out. It was easy to find the military station. As soon as he hadn't opened the door, someone led him in. .

"My name is Meng Fang, please sit down." Meng Fang looked up at Shi Lingxi, his eyes were not as alert as before. In the last days, zombies and herds are the common enemy of all survivors.

"Thank you," Shi Lingxi sat down. As a courtesy, he pulled his hat back a bit. His green and tender appearance raised Meng Fang's eyebrows, but the routine questioning still had to be carried out.

"Are you from Beicheng?"

There were originally no one in Beicheng. Now most of the life in Beicheng comes from the surrounding areas and some local base cities. After all, Beicheng is the original capital. The military is the most powerful and it is also the first to build a base city. One of the cities.

"Yes, my parents are all from Beicheng. My dad is Shi Jing, a former professor of the Department of Biology at Beicheng University, and my mother Hu Yijun, a professor at the Medical Academy of Beicheng University, do you know them? Are they still alive?"

Shi Lingxi leaned forward slightly, his eyes stared at Meng Fang, and his voice was a little trembling. Because he came out with his parents, he chose Xiamen University, which was far away from home. After the end of the last days, he regretted countless times. His decision.

He walked all the way from Xiamen to Beicheng, holding the belief that his parents were still alive, but in the last days, all kinds of accidents can happen, and all kinds of dangers can exist. The closer he got to Beicheng, the more panic he felt.

"You ... are you the son of Professor Shi and Professor Hu?"

Meng Fang stood up all of a sudden, he was a little bit more surprised than Shi Lingxi, he didn't wait to answer Shi Lingxi's question, and went out to run directly. After ten minutes, one was two heads higher than Shi Lingxi. More than uniform men came in.

He is the superior of Meng Fang and a person who can answer Shi Lingxi's question more accurately.

"You're Shi Lingxi?" He grabbed Shi Lingxi's chicks in front of him, and then looked at Shi Lingxi's features. After a while, he said, "Like Professor Hu ..."

"My mother, is she okay with her?" Shi Lingxi blinked. After three years of tempering, his mind would no longer be able to cry easily, but it was inevitable to feel it for a while.

"Professor Shi and Professor Hu are important talents in the base, and they have been protected by the S-Class. They are very safe and are in the base research center."

His words continued and said, "Three years ago, our boss went to Xiamen to perform the task, and he wanted to bring you back, but we couldn't find you until we evacuated from Xiamen."

"Hahaha, the boss will come back later, I must brag!" Xiong Kunhaha laughed, and Meng Fang had to look at him, saying that it was his credit to find Shi Lingxi.

Shi Lingxi heard some relief on her face, and her inner feeling was still shaking, but she could not see it from her face, and his parents were still alive.

Shi Lingxi started to ask something, and the alarm of system A236 in his mind sounded, which almost shocked him.

"System A236 reminds the host that the mission target is approaching, 1 km, 900 meters, 800 meters ... 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters ... 50 meters, the task target no longer moves, please host to actively pursue."

What are you actively pursuing? Did you let Lou touch his head? Shi Lingxi had a few black lines on his forehead. He raised his eyes and looked at Xiong Kun who was giggling, and walked towards the window of the room. Far away, he saw a back.

But even more obvious than this back is that a huge pink love heart on the head of the man, Shi Lingxi once again clearly felt what the feeling of spicy eyes was.

He suddenly had a sense of crisis, and felt that the love and the weirdness of the system might not only end there.