MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 90 "It's still early, let's sleep for another hour."

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Lou Yuan nodded, his common sense was still lacking, but he was equally surprised at Shi Lingxi's alchemy talents. The first attempt of Shi Lingxi's alchemy to succeed in all three furnaces showed that Shi Lingxi's talent in this area was terrible. degree.

The elixir in the jade bowl is rolling, and each one can see a trace of white line with mental force observation, which is a characteristic that only the best elixir can have. In other words, Shi Lingxi successfully cultivated the best elixir for the first time.

Lou was shocked a while ago, but now he is shocked.

Shi Lingxi sat in front of Lou Yuan. He twisted a grain and tasted one, then twisted one to feed Lou Yuan.

Just put it in the mouth, this quenched Lingdan melted into a cool liquid, rushed in from the throat, and quickly rushed to the nucleus behind the brain. Shi Lingxi felt the growth of abilities, but there was no record in Danfang That powerful effect.

It stands to reason that it should not be so, his power level is only D, this elixir should be very useful to him.

"Late of the second floor." Lou Yuan's body looked normal, but this Que Lingdan went in. He practiced "Shang Qing Jue" in the middle of the second floor. Three or five capsules, he can reach the third floor.

Lou Yuan said that he pulled Shi Lingxi into his arms. He could see the doubts between Shi Lingxi's eyebrows. "The effect you use is not as good as mine. It should be related to your lack of basic cultivation methods. You cannot actively absorb the spirit. Dan's psionic energy. "

Shi Lingxi nodded slightly. When he arrived at the military department in the past few days, he did not see Xiong Kun and wolf downcast, but he did not expect the basic law to be so important.

According to his and Lou Yuan's calculations, it is estimated that his one hundred capsules cannot keep up with the effect of Lou Yuan's one capsule.

"I don't know if the inheritance of other hidden families has a spiritual formula that can cultivate us ..."

Shi Lingxi muttered, but felt that there was not much hope in his heart. According to Sun Yu, there should be no beastly powers in the Hidden Clan, that is, the demon and evil cultivation in their mouths. Decisive.

Lou Yuan didn't answer. He guessed it was similar to Shi Lingxi, and was more sure they wouldn't have it.

Shi Lingxi and Xiong Kun turned from people to monsters in the last three years, and they only existed on a large scale in the last days.

The corpse eats meat, and the evil demon is bloodthirsty. This sentence used to describe the demon corpses formed by the evil spirit and the various bloodthirsty monsters that existed in the spiritual world.

He doesn't think Shi Lingxi and Xiong Kun are the kind of evil demon. Even if there are exercises in the family that are suitable for the evil demon to practice, they may not be suitable for Shi Lingxi and Xiong Kun.

Lou Yuan followed Shi Lingxi's hair for a while. He looked down, and Shi Lingxi fell asleep against his shoulder. Shi Lingxi did not relax for the last seven days. Now that the alchemy was successfully started, his mind was relaxed, and He fell asleep extremely tired.

Lou Yuan tilted his head and kissed in the corner of Shi Lingxi's eyes. Then he picked up the man and went out of the alchemy room to their bedroom.

Later, when Shi Lingxi was completely asleep, Lou Yuan came out of the room. He returned to the alchemy room and brought out a bowl of elixir. He also retrieved the jade gourds needed by Shi Lingxi and packed them inside.

Just put it like this, the medicine will lose over time, and it can only be better preserved in this kind of jade. Wang Beibei and Rhubarb have a rare day off without going to school. Rhubarb is basking in the yard, and Wang Beibei is playing with a funeral bird.

Rhubarb was quite alert. As soon as Lou Yuan walked out of the living room, he immediately stood up and called again, "Wang!"

Lou Yuan was sitting on the stone bench, and he answered Rhubarb's question. "The brook is tired and is sleeping."

He still couldn't understand the Wang language, but he could guess what rhubarb was asking him, whether it was Beibei, corpse, or rhubarb at home, their favorite was actually Shi Lingxi, followed by him.

"Wang Wu ..." Rhubarb grunted again, and he lay back on the grass.

Wang Beibei took a look here, and then the second personality Wang Corpse appeared instead of her, Shi Lingxi was sleeping, and Wang Beibei also wanted to go to sleep.

Shi Lingxi slept for 6 hours. He woke up at three o'clock in the afternoon. When he came out of the room, he smelled the smell of barbecue before he arrived in the living room. He was hungry at the moment. Hungry.

He walked through the living room, touched the hair of a king's corpse, glanced at the rhubarb, and went straight to Lou Yuan. He hugged Lou Yuan's waist from behind and asked softly, "A Yuan, how long can I eat?" "

"Immediately," Lou Yuan calculated the time when Shi Lingxi woke up to cook for him. The fire was still burning, and there was a book of white paper printed on the chopping board. This was Lou Yuan's back in the secret study. Down the spiritual material recipe.

The lid was opened, and Wang Beibei and Rhubarb who were the first to wake up came to the kitchen. It was too fragrant and tempting. I have always known that Lou Yuan's cooking skills are good, but I didn't expect to hide it before.

Lou Yuan picked up a piece of steaming meat, and Shi Lingxi immediately poked out his head from behind him, and opened his mouth to bite off the meat. "Whew, hew, delicious!"

Wang Beibei and Rhubarb swallowed again, but they were no longer treated by Lou Yuan. After Lou Yuan fed Shi Lingxi, she continued to close the lid, opened it for another two minutes, and put it in a large bowl. He held it, Shi Ling Xi and Wang Beibei followed them.

Then the three men and one dog ate all the meat in a large pot, leaving no soup.

"I'm too full," Shi Lingxi crooked her belly on the sofa in the living room and didn't want to move, as did Rhubarb and Wang Beibei. Lou Yuan cleaned up the kitchen and he consciously rubbed Shi Lingxi's stomach.

He also found that for Shi Lingxi and Rhubarb, eating meat is better than peony.

"Rhubarb," Shi Lingxi called lazily.

Rhubarb grunted and got up from the ground. It went upstairs and gave Shi Lingxi the first explanation of Danshi. Then he let Shi Lingxi scratch his head.

In Wang Beibei's envious eyes, he looked away and returned to his special staircase.

Shi Lingxi continued to write books, and Lou principle saved three more quenching spirits without any bottlenecks for cultivation. He entered the third layer of the "Shang Qing Judgment", and he took another one. The quality of spirits did not change, but The effect on him was not as obvious as before.

Obviously, if he goes one level to the fourth level, he will not be able to ascend quickly through Quelindane.

"Is it enough?" Shi Lingxi asked Lou Yuan with his head turned away. The thirty-six Queling Pills did not know what level Lou Yuan could help.

There are actually four levels of devotion for each level of devotion, and the middle, middle and late stages also correspond to junior high and high levels of abilities. Although Lou Yuan practiced "Shang Qing Jue" to the third level, there are four small stages to be crossed at the third level.

Lou Yuan shook the bottle gently, he thought, "It should take another 120."

Because he is a celestial body, he can absorb and transform all the quenching spirits, and the elixir can be saved by 10 times than others. But even so, he needed more than 150 quenched spirits to ascend to the third level.

It seems that the number is still large, but it actually saves other spiritual practice for at least ten years.

Shi Lingxi nodded when he heard the words, "When I finish watching this, I will practice."

After more than half an hour, Shi Lingxi prepared the alienation plants needed for 12 furnace refining from their own warehouse. He returned to the alchemy room to start his second long-time alchemy.

It takes about 30 minutes for one furnace to quench Lingdan, and 6 hours for 12 furnaces. This is also the limit of his alchemy time. If there is more, his mental strength cannot be maintained. May fail.

"Ling Dan: Yi Pin Que Ling Dan, quantity: 12, quality: best (S grade)."

The 10th furnace was successful. The system automatically graded the elixir refined by Shi Lingxi. There is no exception. All are of the highest quality. This helps it, but it depends more on Shi Lingxi's own talent and focus.

How well the fire seal is settled and how big the firepower is depends on Shi Lingxi's own grasp. This is not a system that can help Shi Lingxi do it. Of course, the tacit understanding of Shi Lingxi and the system can also help.

"Ding Ding Ding ..." The jade bowl was almost full, and there were already 120 pieces of Superb Lingdan.

But Shi Lingxi did not immediately start the next furnace refining as before. On the one hand, his mental strength was almost exhausted, and it took some time to adjust the state, and then he planned to make a different attempt.

With 12 furnaces of panacea, Shi Lingxi can still allow himself to fail one or two furnaces.

The peach blossoms were two seconds slower than before, but they were bigger than before. Dan Ding put it on, and Shi Lingxi threw four alienated plants together to Dan Ding and closed the Ding lid.

After proficient in the process of refining Lingdan, he wanted to try if he could improve the efficiency. If 12 furnaces can be turned into 24, the efficiency can be doubled.

The subsequent two fire marks showed a larger shape than before. The white tongue of fire was moving from the side of the tripod to the direction where Shi Lingxi was sitting. Before touching Shi Lingxi, let the psionic power on the robe. Blocked back.

"The best time to open the cover: ... 3, 2, 1, open!"

Shi Lingxi opened, and 24 quenching spirits were immediately poured out of the tripod, all in one go.

"Ling Dan: Yipin Que Ling, quantity: 24, quality: top grade (A grade)."

Lou Yuan pushed in the door and came in. Now it was past 10:30 in the night. Shi Lingxi continued to practice alchemy for more than 5 hours, which was too long. Sure enough, even though the Shilingxi people were still sitting, the tiredness between the eyebrows could not be hidden.

"Failed ..." The quality can not continue to reach the highest quality. For Shi Lingxi, even if this furnace of elixir fails, according to the records in the book, the highest quality elixir is 10 times stronger than the lower grade and 5 times stronger than the medium. 3 times the top grade.

One is worth three, and the quantity has doubled, but the quality has tripled, and some have lost more than their worth.

If Qin's Second Pindan Master knew Shi Lingxi's thoughts at the moment, he would only be able to weep.

He tried to refining dan for more than 30 years, so far he has not been able to produce a high-quality elixir. At most, he can only make about 10 top-quality elixir in a month. At other times, he is basically refining the top-quality elixir. He has already reached the middle level in Danshi.

Shi Lingxi didn't get up immediately. He untied the jade gourd tied to Lou Yuan's waist, and packed 120 pieces of quinqueline with the highest quality. The remaining 24 pieces were still put into the jade bowl. I wo n’t give you anything. "

Lou Yuan didn't answer. He saw that Shi Lingxi was done with his work, and immediately lifted Shi Lingxi from the ground. He frowned, "I will go back to the secret place of Taohualin the next day to bring you the blue futon."

Seeing Shi Lingxi sitting on the ground practicing alchemy all day, Lou Yuan felt distressed, but he didn't dare to put ordinary materials here. The cyan futon Shu Yuandao used it and should not be afraid of burning.

Shi Lingxi nodded his head, his eyes narrowed, and began to become sleepy again. Before falling asleep completely, he finally reminded Lou Yuan, "Remember to help me take a bath."

"Okay," Lou Yuan said. He stopped and kissed Shi Lingxi's cheek before continuing to hold people upstairs.

In front of alchemy, he was completely out of favor. For this reason, Lou Yuan still had a little bit of mind, but this mind could only be shown after Shi Lingxi fell asleep. He put the clean and fragrant person back into the quilt. He Get up and take a cold shower back.

Shi Lingxi didn't realize that he had left Lou Yuan in the cold for a few days. He slept peacefully in Lou Yuan's arms. When he woke up, he broke through.

His breakthrough so quickly has something to do with yesterday's alchemy, and more is Lou Yuan's continuous feeding on weekdays.

Shi Lingxi slowly broke free from Lou Yuan's arms, and then sat up quietly, but before his feet touched the ground, he let Lou Yuan get them back and rolled together for a half circle, and he returned to Lou Yuan's arms. Already.

"Where is Xiaoxi going to go?" Lou Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. He reached out and rubbed Shi Lingxi's hair. He estimated that Shi Lingxi was going to drill into the alchemy house again, and then it would take another five or six. Hours can't bother him.

Sure enough, Shi Lingxi brazenly made another effort, "All my abilities and mental strength have been restored, and I want to go to alchemy."

Shi Lingxi's eyes were brilliant. He was not reconciled to yesterday's failure, and his power was restored. He wanted to try again.

When he finished speaking, he realized that Lou Yuan's look was not very much. He asked in confusion, "Ayuan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," Lou Yuan couldn't tell Shi Lingxi that he had eaten the flying vinegar of alchemy for one night. He got up and took the initiative to pick up Shi Lingxi. When Shi Lingxi couldn't bear to leave, he pulled people back. Shi Lingxi kissed his forehead gently, and said helplessly, "Go."

Shi Lingxi changed his clothes quickly, and then went to the door and looked back at Lou Yuan. The door of the room opened, and he turned back again, and Lou Yuan followed suit. He was wearing clothes naked, not fast or slow. It is not elegant, but it is very attractive for Shi Lingxi.

Shi Lingxi's cheeks became hot, and her eagerness to go to the alchemy room dropped another degree.

With a click, the door closed, and Shi Lingxi didn't go out. Instead, he took a step back and brought the door back. He walked to Lou Yuan's side, held Lou Yuan's hand, and quietly clenched.

"It's still early, let's sleep for another hour."

Shi Lingxi bowed his head and his cheeks were flushed. He repented and prepared to be rejected. After all, it was him who hurried to leave, and it was him who was so tempted to turn back.

Lou Yuan looked at Shi Lingxi calmly, but did not let Shi Lingxi linger for too long. He slowly lowered his head and kissed Shi Lingxi's lips, locking Shi Lingxi's waist. When Shi Lingxi returned to his mind, They have returned to bed.

They are very familiar with each other's body, a little emotional, one by one. Especially when Lou Yuancheng wanted to use this method to remind Shi Lingxi of his strong existence, the means were exhausted, and Shi Lingxi had completely forgotten what he had said for an hour.

Two people mingled from less than 5 o'clock to more than 6 o'clock, and held it warm until 7 o'clock. Lou Yuan only got up and arranged to send babe and rhubarb to class. Then he returned to the room and continued to lie with Shi Lingxi to 9 point.

Shi Lingxi waited until his body was completely calm, and then he got up to eat something and went to the alchemy room.

Lou Yuan continued to practise Ling Lingdan in his living room. His entry can be described by terror.

Shi Lingxi first normalized the two furnaces in the alchemy room. He put down the furnace, and thought more, and then he was stunned. Then he gradually returned to the taste. It was not that he couldn't stand the beauty temptation. It was Lou Yuan who wanted to seduce him.

Shi Lingxi's face was flushed. He glanced at the direction of the door and retracted his gaze. He sat another 20 minutes to gather his heart before he could continue his alchemy. Ahara of their family is so tempting ...

But this time, Shi Lingxi didn't try his best. He asked the system to remind him to stop after the meal. Alchemy is important, Lou Yuan is more important.