MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 804 Demon King awakens (below)

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The crystal should have been cold, but the crystal pendant contained the entrance. What she felt was a kind of warmth that made her comfortable. Even the heart of the swaying calmed down a little bit in the warmth. Then she felt This warmth of a little swelling, from her mouth, quickly spread to her whole body.

At the moment when she was in the entrance, the crystal pendant slowly disappeared like a melt, releasing a dreamy purple glow. This group of purple light quickly filled the body of the day, and then spread to the outside of the body...

"Ah! Everyday!?"

Holding the shadow of the day, suddenly a cry, the footsteps also stopped. He and Yun Mengxin turned their heads when they heard the exclamation, and they all stopped in shock and looked at them every day.

Because every day at this time is actually shining, the whole body up and down, from head to toe, are releasing a deep purple light.

Every day in the light, my eyes are closed, my expression is quiet and peaceful, as if I have forgotten the crisis. As a result, her body slowly floated from the shadow of the shadow, falling to the side, standing quietly in the purple light.

Countless pictures, countless lost memories are rapidly recovering in the minds of every day. Deep in consciousness, the closed brains are awakened under the purple light, until they all wake up, and then merge and penetrate, creating an incredible force.

day by day……

My name is every day...

My a planet called Chia.

My mother sent me to the earth...because my mother said that I am the devil, only I fled, awakened the power of the devil to save my hometown...

I met my brother and sister...

Then, I forgot a little... I forgot my hometown, forgot why I came to Earth, forgot my mother, and forgot all that I used to...

Time has passed for a long time, my hometown, my mother...

Outside the hospital, there was a low-pitched voice at this moment: "It’s a struggle that is meaningless, forget it, just once, crush all of you. The Son of God is a sacrifice to the king, not something that your little humans can touch. ""

Luo Wei raised his right hand like a steel, the huge force condensed in the hand, and then swung to the front... The power of this punch is completely beyond the scope of human imagination, because it is enough to make most of the bamboo sea wonderland, And everything in it is directly destroyed into powder, no matter how dead creatures can't escape.

The horror to the indescribable pressure fell, the shadow of death enveloped the entire bamboo sea wonderland, Philip struggled to stand up, but immediately, sighed again, slowly closed his eyes... because at this moment, she felt A kind of pressure that can be described as a collapse of the sky, in front of such a pressure, she feels that she is as weak as an ant, and resistance is simply a small joke.

Just as Luo Xiao’s Destroyer Fist is about to explode all the power, the purple light on the body suddenly disappears completely. Her eyes are open, and the slender little finger is lifted up instantly, pointing to the roar outside the hall, and the mouth is crisp and delicate:

"Become a stone!!"

With the sound of the sound every day, Luo’s body that was about to explode suddenly stopped there, and his eyes were fierce. Then his body surface suddenly blackened and blackened... The original bronze skin actually It quickly became the color of the stone. In the end, Luo Yan from head to toe, even his face and eyes were completely fixed there, becoming the color of the stone.

The compelling momentum from Luo Wei disappeared completely, and the tall body stood there motionless and became an incomparably realistic stone statue.

The sense of danger disappeared completely. The desperate Philippine turned around and looked at the sound that had just made a sound. The heart was once again full of shocks... What happened today? Why have there been so many incredible people, incredible things. Just shouting "turning into a stone" every day, this horrible man looks like... actually turned into a stone! ?

"Every day, you..." Every day, the shadows of the day have already been eclipsed, and I stared at it every day, and I was at a loss.

"Every day, do you really turn him... into a stone? This...this..." He looked at the petrified Luo Wei outside the window, and he couldn't believe it.

All of them feel that they are in a dream... because if this is not a dream, how can there be so many things that can only happen in a dream.

The little hand that stretched out every day slowly let go. She didn't answer them and became deep, but she still swayed like a bright star like a star. She gradually filled her tears in the shaking, and made a worry, heartache, Self-blame whispered: "Mom... Mom... Mom..."

A year, for a whole year, she also forgot her mother, she has forgotten the whole year of Xia... She doesn’t know what the current Shia star has become, and her mother is still there...

"Every day? Everyday!" The shadows came forward and shook the body every day. Every day, it seems that I have turned back, and the light is lifted up. I have been watching the shadow for a while. Suddenly, my whole body trembled and wiped the tears on my face. I said in a hurry: "Come... we will run away quickly. Otherwise, otherwise... otherwise..."

"Escape?" The shadow looked at Luo Yi, who had turned into a stone outside. "But he seems to have been unable to move, as if he has become a stone man."

"No!" Shaking his head every day: "That is only temporary. His power is terrible. It won't take long..." Ah!"

With the sound of "ah" every day, the petrified Luo Wei suddenly flashed a circle of strong bronze light. In the light, the black color of Luo Wei began to become dim quickly, only two or three seconds of effort became Before the bronze color, the petrified eyes also regained their radiance, and in the first time, firmly locked in every day.

"Ah!!!" The girls screamed in horror, and it was clear that the petrified Luo Wei was only petrified for less than half a minute, and it turned out to be completely recovered from the petrochemical state!

"Worse...worse." Every day, the hands clenched, and the screaming flashed deep panic, because she knew that it was too late to escape.

"Oh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh." Luo Jing calmly looked straight into the sky, sending out a weird laugh: "It’s an unexpected harvest. It may also be the soul of the demon king!"

"Get out of here right away, otherwise... otherwise I will make you a stone forever... and will always turn you into the ugliest!" Every day, both hands clenched fists and tried to pretend to be evil.

"Hehehehe," Luo Wei is still a low smile, there is no expression of fear on his face: "If it is really the spirit of the demon king, then, there is indeed the qualification that makes me fear. But unfortunately, you just woke up. If Even if you give me even a day, the soul of your complete awakening is enough to cause trouble for me. But now it is not enough to worry about it. You can’t have a chance to completely wake up. It seems that you are destined to be destroyed. The fate of you. You and your soul, and these small humans... destroy together."

"I... I won't be defeated by you! The ruined person is you!" Every day, an angry sigh, his hands lifted up quickly and crossed his head: "Big White! Attack!"

In the shouts of the sky, a tall light door suddenly appeared in the yard. In the light gate, a huge shadow rushed out with a snarling roar, and suddenly rushed to Luo Wei... It was a great one. A giant white bear with a height of ten meters and a white body!



boom! ! ! !

The big white bear slammed into Luo's body. The force of this collision was so great that the surrounding bamboo forest was shaken down, and the house behind it was suddenly shaken by more than a dozen long cracks. Luo Wei was directly slammed into the sky and stopped until it was nearly a hundred meters high. He was so suspended in his mouth, his face was still as calm as a slate, his hands, and slowly raised at this moment: "Hey, waste my time... all...destroy..."



God Moon World, the peak of the Son of God.

It is vast and flat, and at first glance, only the snow is everywhere, and there is nothing else. Even the ice rock protruding from the ground could not see a piece. Looking back, the ethereal clouds are at the far feet, and then down, it is the vast expanse of the earth and rivers, countless mountains are all bowed, no one is higher than the Son of God.

Satis Iyi stood alone in the snow, her white hair, white hair, white eyebrows, and white skin and this pure ice and snow almost perfect blend, no matter who saw her here, Will be convinced that she is the pure white elf in this snow.

She looked back and looked at the distance of the sky. The tears flowing down in the middle of the river turned into the purest ice crystals, and fell into the snow.

Ling Chen, every day, and everyone... Goodbye... Thank you for giving me this wonderful memory, so that I have been truly happy in this life... I will never forget you...


Ling Chen...Ling Chen...

Xuenen’s little hand was placed on his chest, shouting over and over again the name that could not be won. For a long time, she raised her cheek and suppressed the last tear, a snowy face, from sorrow and calm.

"Star, come out." Facing the front, she said softly, the voice is ethereal, but not with the slightest feelings.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

A burst of loud laughter rang in the air, and in the laughter, a white light curtain appeared in front of Shatis I. A gray figure slowly walked out of the light curtain.

This man has a large gray coat, and even his head is completely wrapped in gray, unable to recognize his body shape, and can not see his appearance. At the moment of the appearance of this figure, the cold space condensed in an instant, and all the falling snowflakes disappeared as if they were frozen. After a short period of silence, they began to tremble in a vague way, as in the deep. Deep fear of what.

"My dear son, you really let me find it. It seems that you also know that you can't hide, and you take the initiative to come back. You have a strong power now, but you are the one I made. In my forbidden **** enchantment, you don't even want to use a little power. The reason why you can run away is really too much for me." Gray shadows watched Shatis Iyi, making an arrogant voice.

"I can go back with you." Shatis Iy's eyes are calm and the voice has no feelings: "But you must stop all plans for the earth! You can't do anything that hurts the earth."

"Oh? Have you lived on Earth for so long, have you had an affection for this planet inhabited by lower living creatures? Hehehehe, let me not say how ridiculous, my dear god, but unfortunately, in front of me, you have no bargaining. Qualifications. And the East Earth, the South Asia, the Western Galois, the Northern Tianma, but the most suitable for your growth of the 'four major sources of God', I am not willing to give up the earth." Gray said faintly.

Shadi's eyebrows sink a little bit, and the twilight reveals the toughness and determination: "If you dare to hurt the earth, I will ruin myself!!"

Gray shadow silenced, then laughed: "Alright, this seems to be a very good deal. I can promise not to hurt the earth, but use other options, but you must also go back with me, not allowed in the future. Anything to escape, but also to fully cooperate with my 'Shenzi plan', otherwise, my 'Shenzi plan' will have any difference, I will immediately destroy the earth."

Shatis Yi's brow stretched, closed his eyes and nodded gently.

"So now, let me go where you should go. So this escape can make you more obedient, it seems to be a very good result." Gray Shadow slowly extended his hand to Salsa.

Sasha nodded slightly, looked back at the far end of the distance, and slowly moved forward.

When she took the first step, her right hand suddenly flashed white, and then, in her ear, there was a shout of madness that made her already dead soul tremble.

"Sasha! You are really here!"

She suddenly raised her eyes, and the trembled eyes saw Ling Chen, and his eyes full of worries and surprises.