MTL - Shura’s Wrath-Chapter 839 Rebellious

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"Because I have Salsa, I have the best playmates and sisters every day. Because of the salsa, our home is full of laughter every day. Because we have salsa, we enjoy the delicacies from heaven every day because there are Every day, Dreams and Susu were rescued from the abyss of death. I also know today that Sasha has secretly saved me several times... Salsa, do you know how much surprise and happiness have you brought us? And if you leave us from here, you know me, how sad are they to be every day? Do you want us to be sad?"

"No... No... I... I..." Salsa was in tears and couldn’t say the whole thing.

Ling Chen’s smile is getting warmer and warmer: “Sasha not only brought laughter and happiness to us, but also brought so many people who were desperate because of the virus. Let me know that my salsa is not only beautiful, but also so Kindness and greatness. Such salsa, we all love from the heart, selfish want to keep her forever, can look at her every day, protect her... not only I think so alone, every day they are against Salsa I like it, and it must be no less than me. And these are not related to the so-called psychological intervention."

"However, although it is not intentional, it is indeed a bad behavior to interfere with the hearts of others. Sasha will blame himself for it. However, Sasha cannot understand this as 'deception'. Salsa wants us because she likes us. I also like Salsa, right? I hope that I am liked by people I like, this is the nature that anyone will have, not what is called sin. Even if it is a small fault, but Salsa is still a child, the child is again Who will not make mistakes, as long as Sasha knows the wrong, and will correct, no matter who, will laugh and forgive the salsa, and the love of Salsa is not less."


After Ling Chen said these words, Sasha’s entire face was wet by tears. She slammed on Ling Chen’s body. “呜呜” cried, a huge knot was quietly warmed up. Open. Ling Chen hugged her, smiled slightly, and said softly in her small ear: "Sasha, do you still think that our feelings are false?"

Sasha shook her head in Ling Chen's arms, crying and screaming.

"So, is it good to go back with me? They are waiting for you every day. When you see you coming back, they will be happy and bad." Ling Chen took her little hand. I thought that Sasha would nod, but I didn't think about it. When his voice fell, he felt Sasha's hand shake gently, and then it became cold in the blink of an eye.

"Ling Chen..." Sasha was choked, very sad and choked: "Ling Chen, you and every day, they are really the best people in the world, with you, I am really happy... but... But... I am not qualified... Let you be so good to me, not qualified to be with you...because...because...I am not a real human being, but a living being created... At the cost of the lives and souls of millions of people, the most sinful living beings... the people like me should not exist at all, and they are not worthy to stay with you... my sins will... tarnish you... ..."

Ling Chen’s look was stiff, and he suddenly realized that this was the biggest knot of Salsa. Her heart is pure and kind to the extreme, but her existence is accumulated after billions of lives after the sin of heaven. For her, this is a heavy and cruel spiritual shackle. If she does not solve her knot, her mind will always be immersed in sin and will never be truly happy.

"Sasha," Ling Chen put his hand on Sasha's dagger and gently stroked it: "You said it wrong. Sasha is so smart, why is it so stupid in this matter. You are not the most sinful in the world. The body of life, you are the happiest talent pair in this world."

"Ah..." Sasha was stunned in tears.

"And not to mention the disappearance of human beings is not Sasha's hands, there is no relationship with Salsa... But are they really all dead? Of course not, are they all alive?"

"Live...?" Sasha stunned.

"Yes." Ling Chen smiled and patted her head: "Their life and soul have not disappeared, just merged and merged into one of the luckiest girls. Their lives, souls, and abilities are all different. Become a part of the girl's life, soul and ability. As long as the girl is alive, they will all live. If the girl is happy, they will be happy together. If they are sad, they will also be sad together. If the girl does stupid things, Destroy yourself, then they are truly dying and will disappear forever."

Ling Chen’s words were like a heavy hammer in the depths of Salsa’s heart, and she was suddenly there.

"Sasha, what you are carrying is not sin at all, but billions of lives and souls, and their common hope! They have made you with their own lives and souls, then, as the most embarrassing, kind child, How should you repay them? Is it to make them happy with you, and to use their ability to make more people happy, or to let them suffer with you?"

Ling Chen’s voice once and for all struck Sarah’s heartstrings, her body was shaking, her soul was shuddering, and slowly, the pictures that had been delusional in her mind all changed... from countless souls and ghosts with horrible sounds Asking her for a warm smile, she is watching her kindly, telling her that she is the collection and continuation of their lives, bearing their common hopes and hopes, replacing them well. Happy to live...

Tears once again filled Sasha's cheeks. She clung to Ling Chen with force. She was very tight and tight. She cried and cried, crying like Du Fu’s blood, tearing her heart, and all the pain. And repression is venting and releasing through tears and crying... Ling Chen also holds her with her arms, letting her cry and vent, the corner of her mouth, slowly smacking a smile... He knows, Salsa’s The knot is untied. She will not let her mind bear the shackles of sin. She will not think about destroying herself anymore. She will return to his side without any heart and mind, accompanied by the most sunny and happy gesture every day. he.

"Sasha, let's go."


This time, Sasha promised so determined.

With the finger of Salsa's hand, a path of light appeared in this dark space, Ling Chen smiled slightly, gently picked up the salsa, stepped on the road of light to the front... This scene, and he met Salsa, and took her surprisingly similar when she left. As if history repeats itself in general... However, it is only now that he knows that the "road" that appeared that time came from Salsa.

Sasha shrank her body in Ling Chen's arms and held her neck firmly in her hands... This time, she didn't want to let go anymore. The two stitched figures walked along the path of light toward the bright exit until they disappeared into the blazing light...


The world of the gods, forgetting the mainland.

Suddenly all human beings left the riots in the world of the gods and the world still did not completely settle down. Countless people were talking about them, guessing the reasons, and many people believed that perhaps the "hub" that made the earth people enter here appeared. Accidents, they should come back soon. Although the Earth people occupy a lot of resources of the Shenyue continent, they have largely solved the troubles for the people of the Shenyue continent through the "missions" and even eliminated the scourge. They have used and accepted their existence and hoped that they Can come back again.

Elf mystery.

This elf has lived for thousands of years and can't see an elf figure at this time, because all the elves are in Lingtian City at this time, the players are all gone, and the attack on Lingtiancheng is undoubtedly the most huge, because Ling Tiancheng and others The main city is different. Its city owners, pillars, core high-level, and garrison forces are almost all players. The players all disappeared, Ling Tiancheng completely rioted, the city closed, and entered the most advanced defense state, all the elves also joined the defensive camp.

At this time, the sky above the Spring of the Elf, a space of light suddenly flashed, there was a figure of a woman in black - Haoyue. The last time she used the Laxisi power, she sent her here.

She looked up at the quiet time, then looked down and looked at the sleeping girl in the Spring of the Elf. The girl has been asleep for a long time, and her sleep is so quiet, like the princess of the sea who has been cursed, waiting for his prince to wake her up.

Looking at her silently, the dawn of Haoyue gradually became blurred and embarrassed. Her body fell gently, and her toes quickly touched the spring of the Spring of the Elf. Then she gently lifted her hands and slowly lowered her black clothes. Take off, revealing the beautiful jade body like a ghost, looking at the clothes that accompany him for many years, she finally did not have the heart to destroy it, silently sinking into the spring of the elves, buried it in the center under the spring Next to the elf tree.

The fairy spring water is clear and clear, standing in the water, the moon can still clearly see every physical feature of Lingshui. She reached out and touched Lingshui if the nourishment of the spring water to the more tender and white cheeks, the mouth of the mouth fretting, seems to want to say something, and eventually became a string of light whisper: "Although, you have endured the Isloca virus. The difficulty, but also experienced death ... but you are still the world's luckiest, happiest, most enviable girl ... because he is willing to give up everything for you."

Haoyue's body floated in the water, slowly approaching Lingshui, a bead was picked up by her, the beads were colorful and the mysterious light was released. It was the one that was against the sky.

"You can't return to life after death. This is the most basic law of causality. No force or substance can be violated. Although, that method can skip the law of causality and directly reverse the order, let the earth and all the earth people who died at that time resurrect, but Can't interfere with you, if you don't wake up, then he may not be really happy for a lifetime."

In a nightmare-like whisper, Haoyue slowly put the rebellious Tianzhu into his lips, then she closed her eyes and pressed her body against the watery body, lips, and gently kissed in the water. Above the lips...

Let his favorite person wake up, let his most hated person disappear... Is there a more perfect ending than this.........The moon’s mouth shows a very beautiful smile, slowly closing his eyes. . A ray of light slowly spilled from her lips into the lips of the water, and even her body suddenly became illusory, sly, and then fell into the body of the water, into her body... until it disappeared completely not see.

In the cool spring of the Elven, there are a few drops of faint water droplets. With the fretting water flow, it slowly falls on the cheeks of the water. If the water is so long, it will be gently moved. a bit.

Reversing the Dzi Beads can indeed be reversed, but it is not a return to life, but a life of anti-death, a life-threatening death, a life-for-death, a death-for-life replacement.