MTL - Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke-Chapter 1946 Survival in the desert (23)

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The place where the festival was taken away was in the center of the underground city, where the guards were strict, but at this time it was also a person coming and going.

After the festival, the car was opened and the car was opened. When I personally helped, I got off the bus. The people next to me looked at each other. They had a look at the appearance of the festival and they were curious about who they were.

The name of the festival was widely spread. It seems that there are not many people who have seen him. Now none of these people know him. However, several people know her and point to her arguments. From time to time, they drift over the words of Yujia.

Before I met the pink dress girl who was looking for a cockroach, I just got off the bus. When I was in contact with the time and the festival, she shrank and lowered her head and followed the elders in front to quickly enter.

When I looked thoughtfully at the person behind the girl, the woman had come...

The woman is infested = something is going to happen.

Simply wearing a simple long dress, compared to the girl dressed in front, is simply a comparison picture of Cinderella and Princess.

"Happiness!" Yu Grandpa slaps his shoulders and slaps his shoulders. If it wasn't his sizzling snoring, he almost gave him a shoulder drop.

Is this Toma a biological one?

Who is the death of the film?

The festival sacrificed his hand and pinched his shoulders, soothing her for a while, and swearing at the dagger, "Yu Grandpa."

"The small sacrifice is also coming, hahaha, seeing your feelings are so good, I am relieved." Grandpa Yu, laughing happily, "Happiness, you see Grandpa has told you that the little sacrifice is a good boy, you Do not believe, you have to... cough, don't mention this, walk, we go advanced."

Shi Yan: "..." You don't bully Laozi without memory.

According to the rumors outside, the film festival can not be a good child from the inside out. Is it really good to beautify it like this!

"Yu Grandpa please." The festival is very polite.

Grandpa Yu is satisfied with the way to the front, and from time to time, he asks when he asks.

As soon as they entered, the onlookers outside would blow up.

"Who is that man? How come so close to Yu Huan?"

"I don't know, Yu Huan didn't escape marriage before? It's really strange to come back and see no shadow festival to find trouble."

"Hey, come in and have a look..."


This is a banquet-based seminar, the one that was attended before.

Half of the people opposed it and half supported it.

The grandfather Yu is the objection of this opposition. This experiment was not told by Grandpa Yu, so Grandpa Yu did not know that she had participated in it from beginning to end. If he knew it, he would not sit so calmly now. it's here.

The young guys were rushed to a particularly large venue. The festival was going to attend the seminar. When he was not able to follow up, he could only wait for him outside.

She found a corner to sit down, looking in the field to search for a circle, did not see the woman, not even the girl before.

The woman does not play, there is no drama to watch.

Let's lick the seeds.

"Xiaohuan." The face of the shadow sticking out from behind. "What are you doing here? What about the festival?"

"Did you not follow us all the time?" The bear child knew it.

The shadows grin, and when you sit down, you are opposite. "Xiaohuan and the shadow festival are hiding from me."

Time: "..." Does she need to hide?

"Since you have come, the festival has become more and more indifferent to me." The filmmaker suddenly began to complain, "If it weren't for you, the film festival would not be like this to me..."

Shi Yan: "..." is not a teenager. How is this development a bit wrong?

Wandering around, I found that the shadow festival is my true love, seeking a normal brain circuit! !

I don’t really think that I can’t do it myself.

It seems like a day.

The filming students have a series of complaints, and they don’t know how many times they practiced, and they don’t have to stop at the moment. His grievances on his face seemed to be really a shameful thing, and he robbed him of a man.

Time is also very innocent. Feng’s remarks are hers. It’s shameless. Some of you are phoenix, so it’s indirect. So how do you make her like a junior?

This plane is poisonous.

Hey, don’t play.

Laozi’s sword! ?

"Miss Yu, I met again." Summer night was a good place to stop, preventing a tragedy.

Summer nights don't seem to be mixed in, so he is very likely to be the son of a senior official.

I didn’t see the film in the summer night. He directly reached out and invited. “I don’t know if I have this honor. Please Miss Yu’s dance.”

When you are cold and indifferent, "No."

Summer night is not annoying, he elegantly put his hand behind him, "Miss Yu, I have a pen transaction to talk to you, I don't know what Miss Yu is doing?"

When he continued to be indifferent, "we can talk about what trades are good, don't talk."

The man does not go to the woman to talk about the transaction, and ran to find her, there must be problems.

Maybe it was what made her die, terrible.

"Miss Yu is still listening to the content and then decided."

"I don't want to hear."

Summer night: "..."

No matter what you say during the summer night, you can’t refuse to listen.

I may have never seen such a difficult person in the summer night, and I have been made awkward.


Just when the two were deadlocked, a sudden scream broke out in the crowd, and the field was in chaos. People ran to the exit.

"what happened?"

"What are you running? What happened?"


"do not come."

There seems to be something in the crowd that is rampaging, people are being hit by flying, and when some people are scattered, they can see the things that create chaos inside. They are a few huge scorpions, and the stingers are constantly stabbing the people around them. .

The person who is stabbed in the poisonous stab will only need to take a second to fall to the ground, his eyes will turn white, the mouth will be foamed, and the convulsions will not stop, and the gas will be cut off within ten seconds.

"They are coming in, run fast!"

A group of people rushed to the direction of the main entrance, the big scorpion left two in place, and the other chased behind the crowd.

At that time, I saw through the crowd in the direction of leaving before the festival. There was also a big scorpion there. It seemed that I could hear someone in the distance calling for help.

She got up and went there, and she was in front of her in the summer night. "Miss Yu, there is poisonousness over there, you used to die."

When I didn't say a word on the table next to me, I easily jumped across the opposite side and rushed into the opposite drug lord.

These poisonous cockroaches came out from the ground, the ground was pitted, and the poisonous cockroaches continued to come out from below. If you accidentally stepped on it, you would fly directly into the iron sword.

The film festival was with Yu’s grandfather’s withdrawal, and the iron sword was stopped in front of them. “Come up.”

Grandfather Yu was shocked by the iron sword, but now there is not much time to ask, with the help of the shadow festival, the iron sword.

The festival was preparing to go up, and suddenly a poisonous thorn came over him. The shadow sacrificed his body and leaned back, slightly flicking the stinger.

The poisonous cockroaches did not stab the people, and the anger swept the things around with the poisonous thorns, and again pointed the stingers at the shadow festival.

At that time, I found that there was almost no effort in the festival. Even the fists and martial arts were not very good. Dodging relied entirely on physical instinct.

She jumped off the iron sword and went straight to the shadow festival.