MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 75 Today the old man is invincible! (1

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In the hall of the Dugu Aristocratic Family, there was a lot of laughter, and everyone exchanged cups.

But at this moment, a son of the Dugu family wearing a green and white robe hurried in.

"Home... Homeowner, no... it's not good..."

Seeing his own children so rude, Dugu Dongfang frowned slightly, showing dissatisfaction on his face.

"Humph, what a formality to be in such a hurry!"

He snorted coldly, and then asked: "What happened, tell me in detail."

The disciples of the Dugu family who came to report to them tried their best to calm down their emotions and stabilize their words, but there were still some stumblings unconsciously when they spoke.

"Zhu...Senior Zhuo has a different head!"


Everyone present could hardly believe their ears.

Many of them even subconsciously looked towards the cup of hot wine before.

There was still wisps of heat above the wine glass...

It's a bit too fast too!

The atmosphere was terrifyingly silent, and everyone's heart was stunned, and their faces were inconceivable.

How did Ambition die?

What kind of master is the person outside the city who kills Ambition? !

There was also a huge fluctuation in Dugu Dongfang's heart, this Aspire just went out, and it just disappeared!

Ask yourself, even if you deal with Ambition yourself, although you can beat it steadily, it will definitely take a certain amount of time!


Dugu Dongfang snorted coldly, his face sank.

No matter what he said, today was the day of great joy for his peerless city and the great joy of the Dugu family.

As early as a few days ago, he had already spread the news that he wanted to report the banquet.

With the influence of the Dugu family in today's martial arts, who would dare not give him the face of Dugu Dongfang?

After the Shaolin Temple martial arts conference, most of the heads of the major forces went back to retreat.

But even so, today he had a big banquet in the east of Dugu, and there were still congratulations sent by various people.

Right now, someone dares to openly come out of the city on the day of today's banquet and shout, this is simply naked and unscrupulous to hit him in the face of Dugu Dongfang!

This is because he didn't take his Dugu family and Wushuangcheng to heart at all!

If the person outside the city didn't die today, then the influence of his Dugu family would definitely plummet!

And let him Dugu Dongfang have any face to stand on this river and lake? !


While thinking about it, Dugu Dongfang laughed and said solemnly: "I want to see today, who is not giving me Dugu Dongfang's face!"

After saying that, Dugu Dongfang suddenly stood up, turning into an afterimage and flying away from Wushuang City.

The rest of the guests were also very curious about the people outside the city, and they all got up at the moment to follow.

Everyone present is a rare master, and their movements are naturally not slow, and within a moment of effort, they have come to the gate of Peerless City.

"It's the Lord of Dugu!"

"Everyone, get out of the way, the Lord of the City is here!"

"Meet the Lord of the City!"

Seeing that Dugu Dongfang was coming, the bustling crowd exclaimed one after another, and soon gave way out.

Dugu Dongfang and a group of guests came to the gate of the city, and at a glance they saw Su Yu standing outside the city, and... and a fat headless corpse not far in front of him, and the corpse not far away A greasy, blood-stained head!



"Could it be this young man's hand..."

"It's really... it's really aspirational!"

After seeing this scene with their own eyes, the dozen or so people who had just come here were still shocked even though they had been psychologically prepared.

They are all masters among masters, how much more than a hundred battles?

There are no other scars on Zhuowang's body in front of him, and the clothes on his body are also very neat, except for the fatal injury of the severed head!

Does this mean that...

This shows that Ambition is likely to be killed by one blow!

This is a half saint!

Not a chicken or a duck!

One shot to kill, this is a bit too outrageous...

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became. While thinking about it, the eyes they looked at Su Yu became a little more fearful.

While everyone was looking at Su Yu, of course Su Yu himself was not idle.

When his eyes swept across the twenty or so people, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

These people in front of them are all half saints.

And there are some raw faces among them, none of the heads of the Shaolin Temple martial arts conference at the beginning...

Doesn't it mean that semi-sacred powerhouses are rare to see?

How come the semi-sacred powerhouses here gather together after walking through Peerless City?

It's just that although he was puzzled, Su Yu quickly figured it all out in the blink of an eye.

According to the memory obtained from Dugu self-disciplined brain.

The Dugu family is proficient in the art of casting. On weekdays, not only do many experts from the Zhao Kingdom come to build weapons that are in their hands, but even many experts from other countries outside the Zhao Kingdom come to visit every now and then.

And looking at the lanterns in Wushuang City right now, it seems like a happy event.

Moreover, the current group of semi-sages has different clothes, and most of them are not dressed like people from the Zhao country. The clothes are very strange. I think they should be masters of other countries.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Yu suddenly realized.

The bigger the forest, the more birds.

Maybe there are not many semi-sages in a Zhao country, but if you add other countries, you can't say...

After all, most of the records of the Jianghu secrets he had read before only described the martial arts in Zhao State.


At this time, a cold hum came.

Dugu Dongfang took a few steps forward with a gloomy expression on his face. Although at this moment, he was also a little bit afraid of the young man in front of him, but after all, as the head of the Dugu family, he couldn't back down at the moment.

After seeing this person, Su Yu's eyes flashed with surprise.

The person in front of him has the aura of a demon...

Although extremely weak, it does exist.

Could it be that this Dugu family also has a deep or shallow relationship with demons like the Gorefiend Sect?

For a time, Su Yu thought more than that.

It's just that he didn't worry too much about this matter.

Taking back Si Xun, Su Yu said lightly, "Are you Dugu Dongfang?"

"Yes, it's the old man!"

Dugu Dongfang's tone was cold, and then the conversation changed and continued:

"Dare to ask who your Excellency is?!

The old man and your Excellency do not seem to have met each other, and I do not know where my Dugu family offended your Excellency. If you don't give an explanation today, do you think that my Dugu family is easy to deceive? ! "

After saying that, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, and bursts of powerful aura burst out from all over his body, and invisible air waves rushed forward, and the coldness in his tone made people shudder, obviously anger. to the extreme.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and even the air was a little colder.

"My name you don't..."

Su Yu said lightly.

But haven't finished speaking yet.

At this time, an eagle-nosed old man standing on the left beside Dugu Dongfang laughed and interrupted Su Yu's words.

"Hahahaha, Dongfang, as the head of the family, you have an honorable status. Let me take care of the old man."

The old man's voice was very hoarse and low, and he actually called Dugu Dongfang's name, obviously his identity was unusual.

Dugu Dongfang nodded slightly at the old man, and then said worriedly: "Second uncle, this person is very strange, and you need to be more careful."

"Hahaha, it's okay, old man, although I'm getting old, but I haven't lost my kung fu at all. It's time to move my muscles, or let some guys shout outside my peerless city, what's the point?!"

While speaking, the hooked-nosed old man turned to look at Su Yu.

But before he could make the next move, he saw a sword qi lashing out!


The white-haired old man didn't have time to react at all, because the sword qi was too fast, and he only felt a flash in front of him, and the sword qi had already penetrated his throat...

Blood flowed down a two-finger-wide hole along the somewhat old neck. The white-haired old man's eyes went black, he fell to the ground with a thud, and died instantly!

The person who shot is naturally Su Yu, this old man is too rude.

to interrupt him...

In an instant, everyone turned pale with shock, and their hairs rose!

Is the mysterious young man in front of him a half saint or a martial saint!

The crowd was horrified, with a look of fear on their faces.

At this time, they subconsciously stayed away from Dugu Dongfang, and they kept some distance away, obviously they didn't want to be targeted by Su Yu.


In the face of an existence that can kill you at your fingertips, unless you want to die, who wants to provoke it!

After Dugu Dongfang noticed the reaction of the people around him, his face became more and more ugly, and he was shocked and angry.

His second uncle, in terms of strength, is no worse than that Ambition!


Why would my Dugu family provoke such an unbelievably powerful existence!

If you stay here, there is only one dead end.

It seems that only the thing in the sword grave can be used at risk!

Dugu Dongfang gritted his teeth and gathered his inner strength under his feet, exhausting his strength to eat Nana and his figure suddenly retreated into the city.

Watching the figure of Dugu Dongfang go away, Su Yu did not act immediately, but glanced at the half-sages coldly and said, "Today I am only here for Dugu Dongfang, and it has nothing to do with you and others. If you don't want to die, get out of here."

Dugu Discipline As the son of Dugu Dongfang, although it was his own idea to come to Liuxuanmen this time, it was also thanks to his father Dugu Dongfang's strong support behind it.

Su Yu is not a murderous maniac.

There is vengeance for vengeance, there is vengeance for vengeance.

Since Dugu's self-discipline is related to Dugu Dongfang, he will not affect the rest of the people.

Of course, if some people don't open their eyes, then it's no wonder he...

"Pre...Senior, I...I'll get out of here."

"Yes, yes, late... This junior has nothing to do with the Dugu family, so leave here immediately!"

"No... not bad."

For a while, when Su Yu's eyes swept over, the half-sages present shuddered one by one, and they were a little uneasy to speak.

They scrambled to distance themselves from the Dugu family.

The attitude of the old masters in the past is gone at this moment.

While speaking, everyone did not dare to delay in the slightest, and hurriedly rushed out of Wushuang City, not even daring to turn their heads back, obviously frightened!

The Martial Dao Half-Saint is still like this, not to mention the rest of the small fish of the Dugu family, who are already scared to the ground at this moment.

As for the people of Peerless City, it is even more unbearable. Some of them are timid and those who have ridiculed Su Yu with those around them not long ago, and those who have said bad things about Su Yu are so scared that they lose control at this moment, and even worse, they are already Immediately passed out.

Su Yu was too lazy to pay attention to these trashy fish. At this moment, the black and white rays of light flickered in the depths of his pupils, but he raised his eyes and looked in the direction that Ducai Dugu Dongfang had gone away.

At the same time, after about two or three breaths, in the direction he was looking, that is, not far from the due east in Wushuang City, a black air suddenly burst into the sky!

At the moment when this black qi appeared, a gust of wind broke out in Wushuang City, and there was a strong pungent **** smell in the gust of wind!

"It really has something to do with demons..."

Looking at the black air in the distance, Su Yu looked as usual.

It's just that his heart can't help but feel more and more emotional. It seems that in the near future, the monster that has disappeared for countless years will reappear in this world on a large scale...

Not long ago, the Gorefiend Sect and the current Dugu Family are naked signs...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of wild laughter came from the black air soaring into the sky, and while the laughter echoed in the void, a suffocating breath filled the air.

The black energy gradually gathered into a group, and the figure of Dugu Dongfang gradually appeared.

It's just that at this time he was very different from before, his complexion became extremely ferocious, his eyes were bloodshot, and the red was terrifying.

Just like this, it was directly suspended in mid-air!

And there was a blood-red long sword in his hand, and this blood-colored long sword looked very strange.

Unlike ordinary swords, this sword does not have a hilt. The whole sword seems to be connected to Dugu Dongfang's right hand. At first glance, it seems to grow out of Dugu Dongfang's arm. , From the place where the sword is connected with the flesh and blood, you can even see the white flesh and blood, which makes people horrified and shudder.

"Dugu Demon Sword?"

After seeing the strange blood sword growing out of Dugu Dongfang's arm, Su Yu suddenly had a memory about Dugu's self-discipline.

There are countless famous swords in the Dugu family.

And this Jianghu Famous Swords Ranking was founded by the Dugu family Starting from the second place on the Famous Swords Ranking, all the other famous swords under it are known to all in Jianghu, but only The Dugu family, the top-ranked swordsman, has never revealed the slightest...

In this regard, many experts even suspected that there was no such a sword at all?

Even Dugu, the son of Dugu Dongfang, was only informed of the existence of this magic sword by his father not long ago.

Legend has it that this magic sword existed in the world before the Dugu family.

It was once used by the first-generation head of the Dugu family. Its might is said to be unparalleled, and it is even said that it has also killed the powerhouse of the Martial Saint Realm!

But this magic sword is too strange and powerful, and the person who uses it has a great chance of being controlled by the sword, thus gradually turning into a murderous monster with the passage of time!

Under such circumstances, this magic sword was sealed in the sword mound of the Dugu family by the second-generation Dugu family patriarch at a huge cost!

"Hehe, I didn't want to do this, you forced me..."

Dugu Dongfang's voice became a little hoarse. While speaking, he turned to look at Su Yu outside the city, and a blood-red light flashed in his eyes.

"The seal of the Dugu Demon Sword has been released, and today the old man is invincible!"

"Hahaha! You, a little half-sacred Ann, dare to be my enemy?!"

"Death to the old man!"

Dugu Dongfang showed a frantic smile, and then his figure moved slightly, falling from the void, and the blood-colored long sword in his hand was swayed, and a sword went towards Su Yu's head.

"Are you invincible?"

Su Yu is so happy, even the real monsters in the Gorefiend Sect can kill him at will. Now you dare to say that you are invincible with a small magic sword? !