MTL - Silver Overlord-Chapter 29 Onset of crisis

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He was not the same as when he came to Lu's house. When Yan Liqiang left Lu's house, he was in a luxury carriage for his own use.

Mr. Lu Lu personally sent Yan Liqiang to leave, and two Lu family escorts escorted by rhinoceros.

太阳 The sun just set before he came to Lu's house, and when he left Lu's house, it was already starry outside.

The reason why was sent in a carriage was one of courtesy and solemnity, and the other was because Yan Liqiang carried 500 yuan of gold from the landing home with him, a whole box, which was not convenient for the dragon.

Open the box, and take out a yellow gold bar. The heavy feel and cold touch of the gold bar give Yan Liqiang a sense of inexplicability when he holds it.

This is the first time that Yan Liqiang has possessed such a huge amount of wealth, no matter in his previous life or in this life. This is the root of Huang Chancan. In this world, I don't know how many people will let their heads shed blood, and even their six relatives will not be mad.

On one side are expensive gold bars, and on the other side are cheap moxa bars. One life, let a few moxa bars draw an equal sign with the box full of 500 gold in front of them.

很多 Many times in this world, things are so fantastic.

Is the expensive one really expensive, and the cheap one really cheap? Who can tell clearly.

I thought of the Yijin Washing Sutra that I bought from the stand, rubbing Yan Liqiang on the gold bar in my hand, and secretly sighed in my heart.

The time for the excitement and excitement brought by the gold bar to Yan Liqiang was much shorter than Yan Liqiang imagined. After the carriage just exited the gate of Lujiazhuang, looking at the gold bar in his hand, Yan Liqiang's mood had calmed a lot. He grabbed a handful of gold bars, about five or six, and counted them, and stuffed them directly into the hands of the land manager Lu Wenbin who was sitting opposite him and sending himself back.

In addition to Yan Liqiang, the land manager at this time is also excited.

Today, the Lu family sent twelve supervisors to various places in Huanglong County. In the end, only he came with Yan Liqiang. The other supervisors found nothing. Unexpectedly, it was Yan Liqiang who he brought, but he miraculously gave people Saved back.

Although the steward of Lu has not spoken today, the steward of Lu seems to have seen that his good days in Lu's house are coming.

Lu Zhengshi, who was immersed in fantasy, suddenly felt that he was sinking in his hands. When he looked down, he found that Yan Liqiang shoved a gold bar into his hand, which surprised Lu Guanshi's heart.

"Yan Son, you can't ..." Lu Guanshi lowered his voice and wanted to return the gold bar.

But Yan Liqiang pressed his hand back again and said in a low voice, "Lu Guanshi, if you hadn't brought me to Lujiazhuang today, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to say that I would also like to thank Lu Guanshi for you, so these gold bars Here, there is also a contribution from the director of land management. We all have the same benefits. Seekers have a share. There is no need to excuse the director of land management ... "

"No, no, this is what the master gave to Yan Gongzi ..." Lu Guanshi pushed the gold bar over again.

"The thing that Father Lu gave me is mine, so I think how to use myself to be the master, do n’t worry about Lu administration ..." Yan Liqiang pushed the gold bar over again.

"This one……"

"Lu Guanshi resigned, so that people outside heard that it was not good. Lu Guanshi worked in Lujiazhuang's dedication, wasn't it just to let the family live a good life? The things I gave Lu Guanshi were bright and honest, sincerely, Li Shangchang, even if I am in front of Father Lu, I am not afraid, what is Lu worry about! "

I do n’t know if it was Yan Liqiang's sincere attitude or his words that touched the director of Lu, who looked at the gold bars in his hand, looked at the smile on Yan Liqiang's face, and finally no longer pushed the bar over. A grateful smile appeared, and he took a sip of saliva, and took the gold bars into his arms. "Then ... Lu Wenbin would like to thank his son Yan for his generosity ..."

"You're welcome, you're welcome. My father taught me from an early age. Everyone picked up firewood. The flames are high. Today, without the land manager, I don't have these rewards. Grandpa Lu Lao's grandson can't be saved. It should be ..." The smile on Yan Liqiang's face became more sincere and kind.

Lu Guanshi was also amazed in his heart. This fourteen-year-old boy, who is old-fashioned, does not look like a teenager, but instead looks like a seasoned adult. No wonder the master actually sent him out of the house today. Treatment, in Lujiazhuang, is not a VIP, it is impossible at all. This Yan Liqiang is staying like this now, and it will be worth it in the future.

In this way, on the premise that two people are interested in meeting each other, it was only a moment of effort. Yan Liqiang talked hotly with the director of Lu, and the friendship between the two quickly heated up.

Uh ...

When Yan Liqiang left Lujiazhuang by car, Mr. Lu and Mr. Lu returned to the Peony Hall again.

Two people sat down, and the maid had refilled the two with new tea, and then resigned gracefully.

Two people talked about today's affairs, and only said a few words. Father Lu suddenly asked the housekeeper, "Little Seven, what do you think of Yan Liqiang?"

"This young man's eyes are clear, and he is definitely not an adulterer, but even more rare is that when he is young, he is stable in dealing with people, moves forward and backwards, and passes the Mabuguan. His strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. Few of his peers between the ages of 14 and 18 can compare with him. I do n’t think this child will be anything in the pool in the future, but ... ”

Mr. Lu Lu held his tea cup in his hand for a moment, "Just what?"

"He just said that his hometown is in Liuhe Town, Qinghe County, and he has always lived with his father in the family. But as far as I see today, if this son has been at home for all these years, his performance today, I am afraid it has been known for years In the township, it will not be unknown. Huanglong County is adjacent to Qinghe County. Lujiazhuang also pays close attention to the young Junjie among Sifang township neighbors, but we have never heard of this name, so I feel a bit strange! "

"What do you think he said is false?"

或许 "Maybe some of these strange things and things we don't know!"

Mr. Lu floated twice on the tea cup with a tea cup. "Then arrange for someone to go to Huanglong County tomorrow, and inquire about it, you will know. Remember, you should inquire about Yan Liqiang's family situation carefully. You are the first one in this matter. Ask, I don't worry about others! "

"Yes, master, rest assured, I must do this!" After speaking, the housekeeper looked up at Father Lu, asking curiously, "I don't know why Father cares so much about this boy?"

There was a smile on Father Lu's face, "What do you think of Yan Liqiang and Beier?"

"Miss Nine ..." The astonishment on Mr. Lu's face appeared, and it seemed that he did not expect that Master Lu's thinking would jump so far at once. Here, Miss Nine, but the pearl on the palm of the father, the father came to be a girl late, yes Miss Nine was most fond of it, but the housekeeper Lu stayed for a while before responding, "It's just that Miss Nine is nineteen this year, and Yan Liqiang is only fourteen years old. This age difference ..."

"I looked for Ma Tiezui in the county town the previous year and broke the marriage with Beier. Ma Tiezu said that Beier Xin was born every year. If he matched with a man born in Bingchen, it would be Tianhedihe and Longfeng. This is the best thing. Yes, Yan Liqiang is fourteen years old. He is born Bingchen. It is best to match with Beier. I do n’t talk about his future achievements, but he is kind and kind. He is not a ruthless and vicious generation. Man is a good match. Even if he does not succeed in the future, I can rest assured that Beier will not suffer with him ... "Speaking of this, Father Lu paused and said flatly," Beier is A little older, but since it is my daughter of the Lu family, how old are you?

Ji Yan Liqiang did not know. He went to Lujiazhuang this time. In addition to saving people, he himself was "fancy" by Master Lu ...

"Yan Liqiang said Qian Su is his uncle, so find a time, and when Qian Su comes to Zui Xiang Lou, I'll talk to Qian Su ..."

"You don't have to go, you go too obviously, let Payne go, he often goes to Zui Xiang Lou, it is natural to encounter Qian Su, not too deliberate ..."

"Got it……"

Uh ...

By the time Yan Liqiang took the "Luxury Special Car" from the landing home and got off at the Carpenter's Camp, Yan Liqiang and Lu Wenbin had almost lost their lives. In Lu Wenbin's mouth, Yan Liqiang's understanding of the Lu family suddenly became profound. Many people are aware of the important people and relationships in Lujia's family, and they are no longer just rumors.

Yan Liqiang got out of the car holding the box full of gold bars.

It ’s okay to sit in these two-wheeled carriages for a short time. As time goes by, you can feel that the comfort is too bad. The road is bumpy. No matter how well the carriages are decorated, there are more cushions, or it is uncomfortable. It's not even as good as a ox cart. Because the ox cart can walk slowly, the bumpy cart hasn't even run so big.

"Well, housekeeper Lu, why do n’t you go out and get a chariot when you go out. With Lujia ’s financial resources, it ’s just a sentence for Master to make a chariot. It ’s more comfortable to sit like that ...” When he said goodbye, Because he was a little familiar with the housekeeper, Yan Liqiang asked casually.

"Hahaha, where is a horse-drawn carriage in this world ..." Lu Guanshi shook his head and laughed, as if he heard something funny, "Yang Son is so smart, how can he be confused about this, the carriage There are four wheels, so how do you turn! "

"Steering, is there any difficulty, that's not ..." Yan Liqiang said, suddenly suddenly settled, because he suddenly thought why there were no wagons in this era, because the wheels of all the vehicles he saw were With two fixed wheels fixed on the frame, steering is okay. With four fixed wheels, steering is difficult.

He used to see a four-wheeled car in his life, but he always took it for granted, but never thought that in this world, "more" is a matter of course, or two-wheeled cars with fixed wheels.

"Is there anything else for your son Yan?" Seeing Yan Liqiang a little dazed, Lu Guanshi asked.

"Oh, no more, no more!" Yan Liqiang responded at once, UU read the book "Thank you for sending me the land, come back soon!"

"Okay, that's goodbye!"

Uh ...

I watched Lu Guanshi and Lu's guards leave, Yan Liqiang shook his head, smiled at himself, and walked towards the gate of the craftsman's camp.

Just before walking a few steps, Yan Liqiang's brow frowned, because he felt a strong, peeping feeling in the dark.

The main gate of the artillery camp is facing the road. It's too late at this moment, and there is almost no one on the road. On both sides of the road, there are corn fields with a height of one person, and there is a mound not far away. There is an eucalyptus forest around the tukang. Because of the night, everything in the distance is dim, Yan Liqiang can't determine where the eyes peering from.

But one thing is certain, that this kind of feeling of being peeped in the dark is very uncomfortable. Yan Liqiang feels like he was stared at by a ferocious serpent with venom on his teeth. The poisonous snake seems to be He was always ready to open his mouth and pounce on him, and he was eager to try, which caused the hair on his neck to explode.

The sudden sense of crisis made Yan Liqiang's small heart jump up and down. Yan Liqiang's palms were slightly sweaty, and his throat felt a little dry, but instead of looking around, he swallowed a bit and his footsteps remained unchanged. Continue to walk towards the gate of the artillery camp more than 20 meters away.

I saw Yan Liqiang return, and the sergeants at the gate of the artillery camp greeted Yan Liqiang enthusiastically, and Yan Liqiang responded with a smile.

I waited until Yan Liqiang entered the gate of the artillery camp and walked straight for a distance. From the corner to the road inside the artillery camp, the feeling of being on his back suddenly disappeared like a cut ...