MTL - Simulation: Starting From Strange Creatures-Chapter 153 cat online

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  Chapter 153 The cat on the Internet

  This egg is warm and moist as jade, and it is very beautiful in Princess Xiwei's eyes. She subconsciously took this egg.

   "After this egg hatches, it will become a black beast."

   "The black beast actually hatched from an egg!" Upon hearing Zhao Meng's words, Princess Xiwei had a look of surprise on her face. She looked at the egg,

   Another glance at the cute kitten following behind.

   At this time, the cat was lying on the ground like a dog, slowly shaking its big fluffy tail.

  Although it looks like a cat, it unexpectedly looks like a dog.

   It can be said that this transformed black beast, whether it is a cat lover or a dog lover, is the aspect they like under the influence of the entry.

  Thinking that such a cute pet can be hatched from an egg, Princess Xiwei hugged the white black beast egg and looked at Zhao Meng expectantly.

   "Is this a gift from you?"

   Seeing Xi Wei's appearance like this, Zhao Meng shook his head silently. Under normal thinking, facing a black beast that would pose a threat to him, he would have doubts even if he looked cute, but the Xi Wei in front of him...

   "Has Xixi Lake affected her to this extent?"

   Seeing that Zhao Meng didn't answer her question, Princess Xiwei lowered her head and asked in a low voice:

   "How to hatch?"

"Do not worry!"

   "Let me tell you the method?" Zhao Meng taught Princess Xiwei the method of hatching, and at the same time remembered his hard work in the past few days.

  During these seven days, Zhao Meng and Xixi Lake conducted a large number of black beast experiments.

  Because the black beasts are spawned from the magic net, as long as some important and indescribable "references" can be provided, a large number of black beasts can be spawned instantly.

   It can be said that the black beast is born directly without any breeding process, and more importantly, it is not afraid of experiment failure at all.

  Once there are unsatisfactory black beasts, they can also be turned into the energy of the magic net immediately, and recycled to continue iteration.

   Such a miraculous creature, in the past life, can be said to be the gospel of many biological genetic researchers.

  And Zhao Meng has fully realized this in the past few days. With the efforts of him and Xixihu, Hei Xie can iterate and inherit several times in one minute under manual operation.

   Zhao Meng can also find stable traits from it,

  For example, at the beginning, Hei Xie had smooth skin.

  But the Hei Xie at that time was still ugly and cute.

   Then Zhao Meng bred the black beast with hair, and through rapid iteration, selected excellent varieties,

  The fur that evolved over tens of millions of years in the previous life was quickly perfected under his manual operation.

  While perfecting the fur, Zhao Meng also bred a black beast with a suitable physique.

  For the witches, the black beasts that existed originally were too big and hideous. Most people cannot accept monsters of this level, and their physique also needs to be reduced.

  In short, with Zhao Meng's manual intervention and Xixihuhu's continuous iteration, the appearance of the black beast was resolved within a day.

  Then there is the breath of the black beast... and then there is the problem of extracting the fragments of the black beast...

   "The problem of appearance seems to be no problem now."

   "The next step is to take a look at the inner function of the black beast."

  Looking at Princess Xiwei who couldn't put it down in Baidan in his opponent's hand, Zhao Meng took her back to the Zimu house for the next experiment.


   "It can be hatched with the power of a witch."

   "There is really movement."


  Princess Xiwei squatted on the ground, looking at the broken egg, her face was full of anticipation,

  As the shell cracks, a fluffy, round white ball emerges from the egg.

   This looks like a kitten, but it is very different from a cat's cub.

  Newborn cats are generally not very good-looking, but black cats hatched from eggs are just the opposite.

  Because of the fluffy hair, smaller body, and the appearance of not being afraid of danger, Xi Wei likes it more.

   "What does it eat?"

  Princess Xiwei fiddled with the kitten that hatched from the egg, and asked Zhao Meng curiously.

  At this time, Princess Xiwei was completely attracted by the cute appearance of this thing, and forgot that it was originally a black beast.

   "You don't need to eat, as long as you sign a contract with it, it can live."


  As a princess, she knows that there are commercial contracts in the kingdom, but she has never heard of such a thing as signing a contract with an animal.

   "Put your hand near its mouth."

  Hearing Zhao Meng's words, Princess Xi Wei didn't doubt anything, and put her hand in front of the kitten.

  The next moment, the tail behind the kitten shook quickly.

  Xi Wei felt her hand was pricked by something, but the thing was too small, she couldn't feel anything.

   At this moment, she felt a touch of moisture on her hand, and then found that the kitten was licking her palm.

  A strange sense of fullness spread all over her body, and then she felt something was leaving her, and at the same time, she also felt an inexplicable connection with this little thing.

   "Is this a contract?"

   This feeling of being able to feel the thoughts of another creature is very strange to her.

"come over!"

  Xi Wei gently waved to the kitten, and saw the kitten running over obediently.

  Such a cute kitten, coupled with his understanding, is an excellent pet for Princess Xi Wei.

  A look of love appeared on Xi Wei's face, but Xi Wei completely forgot about the black beast.

   Zhao Meng on the side didn't do anything, just like a biological researcher in his previous life, silently observing the results of his efforts, as if looking for some problem.

   "High Acceptance"

   "There is no resentment due to the black beast."

   Seeing Xi Wei accept the kitten so easily, Zhao Meng felt uncertain.

   After all, Princess Xiwei's thinking has been affected, so it cannot be regarded as normal.

  Besides, Xi Wei is not a traditional witch, nor has she ever experienced a war with a black beast. The degree of recognition of this creature should be different from that of traditional witches.

   "No! Judging from Xi Wei's previous performance, Xixi Lake instilled in her many memory fragments of witches who died after being tortured. She should be more aware of the horror of the black beast."


   "Princess Xiwei has variables in terms of acceptance. It is time to find other witches to experiment."

   "However, there is no rush, wait until the next verification is completed, and then consider other issues."


   "How is it? Is there a problem with your magic net perception ability?"

   In the afternoon, after Princess Xiwei accepted the kitten, Zhao Meng continued with the remaining experiments, "Hey! My perception of the magic net seems to be enhanced!"

  Zhao Meng checked on Princess Xiwei and found that, as she said, not only did she not lose her sense of the magic net, but also the communication with the magic net seemed to be more stable through the cat link.

   "Then the next step is to recover the fragments."


  In the evening, Zhao Meng appeared beside Xixi Lake, communicating with the consciousness in Xixi Lake.

   "This is considered a successful recovery."

  After getting an affirmative answer from Xixi Lake, Zhao Meng silently breathed a sigh of relief.

  He recalled the whole process of Hei Xie's transformation and recycling of debris, and found that most of the credit for being able to do this should be attributed to the system.

  First of all, he has shown the change of appearance to Princess Xiwei,

   And its internal debris extraction and recovery function works in invisible places.

  【Duality of Egg and Fetus】Gives a unique shape to the black beast born in Xixi Lake.

  The image of the egg can greatly reduce the danger of the black beast, and it can also reduce the vigilance of the witch to the black beast.

  Watching the black beast hatch from the egg can make the witch more involved in the process and continue to relax her vigilance.

   After all, no one would have guessed that this newly born cute creature is aggressive.

  After the birth of the black beast, when the witch relaxes her vigilance, she can take the opportunity to extract the fragments.

  In order to prevent the witch from discovering that something has been extracted from her body, when the black beast exists as an egg, it seals up a wave of energy, and takes advantage of the time of licking to extract the fragments.

   As for the situation of disconnecting from the magic net after extracting the fragments, Zhao Meng and Xixihu made a lot of efforts in this area, and finally found the process of replacing the fragments with black beasts silently.

  In Zhao Meng's original plan, Hei Xie was going to use the witch to solve the problem of survival. After all, Hei Xie would dissipate soon without energy source.

  But thinking that the witch will supply energy to the black beast, in this case, the witch can still be confused by the appearance of the black beast for a short time.

  But this kind of blood-sucking insect behavior, after a long period of time, has a high probability of causing the witch's dissatisfaction,

  After all, it is one of human nature to like the new and dislike the old, and only the binding of interests can allow the black beast and the witch to live in peace.

  Hei Xie only became a tool for witches to surf the Internet, and it cannot maintain the existence of this relationship stably.

   After all, Zhao Meng also heard from Princess Xiwei that some people would voluntarily give up the extraordinary power of a witch and live an ordinary life.

  If the black beast will make the witch lose the original function of surfing the Internet, and can only rely on the black beast to access the Internet, then the black beast will not bring benefits but threats.

   "Fortunately, through the cultivation techniques of the previous world, combined with the magic net environment of this world, through [compassion], Hei Xie has the ability to recover magic power independently.

  The modified black beast can even absorb the naturally dissociated magic net energy to supplement the witch, which can be regarded as solving a lot of troubles at this point. "

  Zhao Meng took his hand out of Xixi Lake, looked back, and saw Xi Wei who was in front of the door, hugging the cat, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

   "Time to leave!"

   "The experiment on Princess Xi Wei has almost come to an end."

   "It seems that there is no problem with the transformation of the first generation of black beasts, but the experiment on Princess Xiwei can only be regarded as an isolated case, and it is not universal."

   "More witches should accept the black beast, so that the problems existing in it can be exposed."

  Thinking of this, Zhao Meng looked at the lavender blue sky, a certain kind of light flashed in his eyes.

   Zhao Meng doesn't know what fate the witches in this world will face, and he doesn't know whether he can change the final outcome of the witches.

   "Tomorrow goes down the mountain"



  The next morning, Princess Xiwei's expression changed when she heard Zhao Meng's decision.

"where are you going?"

   "For the time being, I'm going to find someone who has the qualifications of a witch."


   Thinking of those witches who are famous for their beauty, Princess Xiwei couldn't help asking under the influence of Xixi Lake's unique consciousness:

"what about me?"

   "You should go back to the capital."

   "No, you are not familiar with the kingdom, if you go to find the witch, I can guide you."



  Beside Xixi Lake, facing Zhao Meng standing by the lake, the lake is no longer like a mirror at this time, the small lake has waves that can only appear in the sea.

  Obviously, some kind of existence in the lake caused huge fluctuations in response to Zhao Meng's departure.

  Looking at Xixi Lake, thinking of his entanglement with Yin Ji, Zhao Meng sighed in his heart, and was about to turn around and leave

   And at this moment, a white light flew out of the lake and landed in front of him.

   "Bone piece!"

  Looking at the indescribably powerful force on this bone, and hearing the vague meaning conveyed from Xixi Lake, Zhao Meng did not refuse, and silently held it in his arms.


  Zhao Meng took Princess Xiwei quickly through the purple rainforest under Jiatian Mountain. Compared with him who practiced Yuan Magnetic Art, Princess Xiwei's movement in the forest was much slower.

  After traveling for a while, because they were not in a hurry, seeing Princess Xiwei was a little tired, they took a short rest on a big purple tree.

   "The environment of the rainforest has changed!"

  Princess Xiwei looked at the surrounding rainforest, and said to Zhao Meng at the side.

   Hearing Xi Wei's exclamation, Zhao Meng nodded silently.

  When I came in before, there was an uncomfortable sticky layer on the rainforest floor.

  By the time he came out, most of the viscous matter in the rainforest had disappeared, and under the disappeared viscous matter was a surface environment that shone fluorescent like purple silk.

   "It feels like I have experienced some kind of nourishment." Faced with Princess Xiwei's speech, Zhao Meng did not respond, but asked another question:

   "As the princess of the kingdom, if you suddenly disappear, what kind of impact will it have?"

"I have no idea?"

   I don't know what Princess Xi Wei thought of, and her expression suddenly became depressed.

   "Let's go!"

   After resting for a while, the two continued their journey towards the kingdom.

  The rainforest is huge, but it will eventually come to an end.

  After a day of driving, the surrounding purple trees began to become sparse, and some cooking smoke began to appear in the distance.

   "That's not cooking smoke, it's a battle." Princess Xiwei, who was originally a knight, saw something at a glance.

"what happened?"

   "Is the kingdom in such chaos today?"

   "How can there be wars in such a barren and inhabited borderland?"

  Looking at the smoke in the distance, Princess Xiwei glanced at Zhao Meng beside her, saw the person beside her nodding, and the two headed towards the place where the fireworks appeared.

   "Catch 'em!"



   Before approaching, Zhao Meng heard a lot of screams and saw a group of ragged people running around.

  (end of this chapter)

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