MTL - Since 2000-Chapter 41 : This one is mine, and that one is also

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The bank would not reply until work on the seventh day of the first lunar month, but Xiao Dan's friends arrived soon after.

IT men all have one thing in common, they are taciturn, sloppy in clothes, and they don't seem to have a trace of conspicuousness.

However, Zhang Bo pointed at the envy-looking guy sitting next to Xiao Dan and Lin Feng and said, "Jin Yan, now he is building a framework in Qiandu, even though he is just playing the role of soy sauce, but he asked a certain website in the United States at the beginning. Paralyzed for half an hour, he is an expert in safety precautions."

Then, Zhang Bo pointed to another man smoking one cigarette after another: "His name is Liu Zhongjun, and that guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. When Interstellar first came out, he spent three days making one. The plug-in will bring a lot of losses to the stars."

Then, Zhang Bo whispered to Lin Feng to introduce two other friends of Xiao Dan.

Everyone is in the same circle, and Zhang Bo is familiar with them, but they are undoubtedly more advanced than Zhang Bo who only builds small websites.

Being able to chat with Xiao Dan, and being highly praised by people at the bottom of Zhang Bo's circle, Lin Feng can naturally trust the other party's level.

After all, this guy Zhang Bo is rarely convincing, that is, he has never shown this expression when talking about his father.

Lin Feng smiled and spread out a cigarette, then said with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Looking at everyone looking at him, Lin Feng continued: "I believe everyone has learned about the development process of our company through Lao Xiao."

Looking at them nodding their heads, Lin Feng continued: "I know that you are all working in some big companies now, and our company is still small. But you know, our company has achieved an annual income of tens of millions in just half a year since its establishment. And this year, I am confident that the company's performance can go up a few more levels."

Looking at Xiao Dan's friends, Lin Feng continued: "I think the structure of those big companies has already matured, so there shouldn't be much room for you to display your ambitions."

Looking at their contemplative expressions, Lin Feng knew that their hearts had gone up.

"Those big companies are full of talent, and many people are buried, but we are different! We are just getting started, and our future is even vague.

But we are better at creating.

We can create products that brand you, we can build your own framework, and we can strive to surpass them. "

Seeing that some of them were already moving, Lin Feng lowered his voice and said, "When I created the website, Lao Xiao didn't believe that we could make a profit, and I did it; when I challenged the three giants, Lao Xiao thought that I was hitting the stone with an egg, and I did the same. .

So I say now, I will lead everyone to create a company with an annual profit of over 100 million, even more than the company you are currently working for.

Let's do something that can change the world, join us! "

I have to say that Lin Feng's speech is very infectious, regardless of whether it came from the bottom of his heart. The few rectal men heard it with passion and high fighting spirit.

The man named Jin Yan raised his head and asked, "Will we really use the ThinkPad T20 when we join the company?"

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "What is the ThinkPad T20? As long as there is a better computer than the ThinkPad T20 in the future, you will definitely have it as soon as possible."

Jin Yan smiled happily and said, "I agree to join you."

The man named Liu Zhongjun also said, "I agree too."

Looking at the other two and nodded, Lin Feng was happy.

"I didn't say anything about the treatment, but you agreed. What if my salary is lower than yours before?"

Jin Yan looked at Xiao Dan's ThinkPad T20 and smiled indifferently.

"Tell me about your treatment at the original company!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I'm 1800."

"I'm 1500."


Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "I'll give each of you 2,500 yuan a month, plus a dedicated ThinkPad T20."

Looking at their excited faces, Lin Feng then said to Xiao Dan: "Old Xiao, the technical department has been established. I will now announce you as the director of the technical department, and your salary will be adjusted to 3,000 yuan a month."

Looking at Xiao Dan's startled expression, Lin Feng grinned.

"Let's chat first, get familiar with the company's situation, and I'll buy you a computer.

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng smiled and Zhang Bo dragged his glasses out the door, leaving space for Xiao Dan to gather with his old friends.

Just after going out, Zhang Bo said with a smile: "I really can't tell, you are good at your mouth."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then burst into anger.

"Your sister..."

Zhang Bo felt inexplicable.

The three of them first went to the mall to buy four ThinkPad T20s. Although Lin Feng had a bit of pain after spending 70,000 yuan, Lin Feng still understood the principle that if he wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon.

After buying the computer, Lin Feng went to the mobile phone store to have a look.

First, he bought himself a Nokia that could smash walnuts like Li Ming, and then Lin Feng helped Lin Li choose a more delicate Ericsson.

After getting the number and calling Zheng Guangsheng, Li Ming and others, Lin Feng asked Wang Shuang to send the computer back to Xiao Dan's house first.

Hey, be considerate and considerate of those **** IT guys.

After Little Glasses left, Lin Feng went to look for the office building non-stop.

Lin Feng's selection of office buildings is extremely strict. First, it needs to be convenient for transportation, and second, it cannot be too far from the school, so the range of options available is very small.

Fortunately, there is Zhang Bo.

Following Zhang Bo across a road along Qian Street, two high-rise buildings stand on both sides of the intersection.

"How's it going here?" Zhang Bo asked with a smile.

Lin Feng looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

There is a bus stop on the road in front, and there are shopping malls and restaurants nearby. The distance from Han University is about the same as the distance to Xiao Dan's house.

The most important thing is that the two buildings are high enough.

As a new and high-rise industry, the Internet naturally needs to have a far-sighted vision. Working in such a high-rise building may give birth to some magnificent meanings of climbing high and looking far.

Following Zhang Bo into the building, Lin Feng saw the unusual high-end goods at a glance.

"And an elevator?"

Zhang Bo rolled his eyes at Lin Feng and said, "There are no elevators in a twenty-story building. Are you exhausting those little white faces?"

Taking the elevator up and taking a look along the way, Lin Feng was even more satisfied.

The building is very clean, and most of the people working in it are high-tech industries. Most of the staff that I meet from time to time are in suits and leather shoes, and they feel more compelling than Xiao Dan's sloppy hut.

"Is it a lot of money to rent a floor here!" Lin Feng asked.

"The first floor is about 100,000 a year." Zhang Bo said.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

However, feeling a different working atmosphere, Lin Feng felt that it was necessary to spend the money.

For a company to go formal, it must have a rigorous working environment, and this is just the first step.

After reading this building, Lin Feng and Zhang Bo went to another building.

The two buildings are similar, but the one on the east has a higher view.

The two walked downstairs, and Lin Feng said, "It's very good, but I don't know if there are any free floors."

Zhang Bo pointed to the building to the west and said, "Which one has not been rented out on the 14th and 18th floors."

Then he pointed to the building on the east and said, "This building is a little newer, and the 16th floor and above have not been rented out Lin Feng pointed to the building on the east and said with a smile: "Then you say How about we choose the 16th floor over there? "

The company is called 168, chooses the 16th floor office, plus the company currently has 8 employees.

Good meaning, very memorable.

Zhang Bo nodded, and he also thought it was a good place.

"Then let's look for the property here!"

Lin Feng urged Zhang Bo: "Didn't you say that the 16th floor and above have not been rented out yet, maybe we have to grind our lips."

Zhang Bo stood there and smiled playfully, and then took a cigarette in his mouth.

"You don't have to grind your lips, and you don't have to worry about people taking the lead." Zhang Bo squinted his eyes with a cigarette in his mouth.

Lin Feng was taken aback and asked, "Why?"

Zhang Bo slowly exhaled a ring of smoke, and then raised his head slightly, which is quite a bit like the appearance of Diaosi in Zhou Xingxing's movie.

Lin Feng had a bad feeling in his heart, because this kind of expression often appeared on another of his roommates.

Is this the rhythm to be forced?

Sure enough, Zhang Bo pointed to the office building to the east, and said lightly, "Because that office building belongs to my family."

Lin Feng was startled, and then his heart was overjoyed.

If this office building is owned by Zhang Bo's family, then things will be easier to handle.

This pretending is good, much better than Liu Jing.

However, the performance is not over yet.

Zhang Bo then pointed to the building to the west, and said softly, "That building, too."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and stood there stupidly for a while.

This pretense is a bit too much.

Looking at Zhang Bo's coquettish look, Lin Feng said bitterly, "God, why don't you strike a thunderbolt."