MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 362 10: Green plum with bamboo horse (10)

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When Liu Li looked eagerly at Su Rui, Su Guoliang slightly frowned - officials? He is an ordinary small worker who dare not confuse the relatives of the official.

"I didn't listen to Afang before, she said that she has relatives in Beijing! Children, you won't admit it wrong?"

"how could be?"

Su Rui smiled and took a small photo from his pocket. The photo was taken by two women. One of them was Gao Yu’s mother, Dong Yuanyuan, and the other was Su’s mother, Qin Fang.

"this is……"

Seeing the photo, Su Guoliang stunned, and he naturally would not recognize his wife.

"Oh, Guo Liang, is it necessary for people from the capital to lie to lie to us?"

Liu Li, who was on the side, had already identified Su Rui’s identity. She immediately smiled and said: “Since I’ve been here, I’m going to have a few more dishes this evening. I’m here! Don’t leave, thank you. !"

"Wow wow..."

At this time, Liu Qingli’s Su Qingmei got into trouble again: "Mom, I am afraid, I am afraid, let him go, let him go!"

"What about your child, how are you?"

Liu Li heard her daughter's crying and looked awkward. Then she raised her hand and hit Su Qingmei's back: "No noise!"

Said Liu Li holding Su Qingmei went to the inner room.

"砰", the door of the inner room was closed by Liu Li.

She put Su Qingmei on the side of the bed and looked at her seriously: "No crying! What do you know about this child? That is the noble person of our family. You will call Gao Yu, um, Gao Yu cousin."

Said Liu Li raised her hand and wiped the tears on Su Qingmei's face: "You are now staying in the house, when is it noisy, I can let you go out!"

After reading it, I didn't go to see Su Qingmei's reflection. Liu Li walked out of the room.

After Liu Li left, Su Qingmei’s eyes immediately became complicated and difficult to argue.

Yes, she is only a five-year-old child. What she said, no one else would believe it.


Why is Gao Yu appearing here?

This is totally different from the past life that I have experienced! And the other woman in the photo is indeed Dong Yuanyuan, Su Qingmei has seen Gao Yu’s mother in her previous life.

Is it...

Gao Yu’s mother is really a distant cousin of Su’s mother?

So, is this world the world that it has experienced in its past lives?

For a time, Su Qingmei was a bit stunned...

At this time, Su Guoliang, who had confirmed Su Rui’s identity, was very happy to talk to Su Rui in the front hall.

Seeing this old and young, I was very happy. Ye Canhua couldn’t help but look at the bricks and watched the night of Su: "Su night, do you want the teacher to help you with your homework?"

"Thank you a lot of teachers."

Answering Ye Kanhuan is Su Rui on the side. At this time, Su Rui has stood up and looked at Xie Zixun with a gaze: "The teacher is so busy, there are so many students to take care of, and our family will not bother you." ""

Su Rui said with a smile and turned to look at Su Guoliang: "The cousin, although I have average grades, but the primary school students are still no problem, just now I don’t have much time after school every day. From today, I will tutor every day. Little evening homework, how are you looking?"

Su Shi’s poor academic performance, these Su Guoliang are all aware, but unfortunately he and Liu Li have no cultural level, indeed no one has been counseling Su night, and their family can not afford a tutor, now I heard Su Rui’s words, Su Guoliang I was happy immediately: "Xiao Yu, you can come to coach the little night. That's great! Little night, thank you for your cousin!"

"Thank you, cousin!"

Su said at the side of the night, blinking at Su Rui.

"Don't be so polite, watch the coward and you chat with Teacher Xie, I will teach the little night to write homework!"

During the talk, Su Rui had already walked to the side of Su night, and then she entered the small bedroom.

As soon as he entered the door, Su couldn’t help but turn his head and stare at Su Rui: "What happened to the photo?"

"Ha ha."

Su Rui raised his hand and took a photo from his pocket. It turned out to be a single photo of Qin Fang, which the original owner had always treasured.

"This is what I took from your photo album yesterday. I picked up a photo of my mother in the morning and found a photo studio for synthesis."

Sure enough, technology changes fate!

"You really have a foresight!"

Su night couldn't help but smile, and then threw the bag on the small bed.

"That Xie Zixun, you feel no, he is the rebirth..."

"Ye Huanhuan."

Su Rui said the name of Ye Canhuan: "Xu Ce showed me his information, I recorded his spiritual message."


When he heard Su Rui’s words, Su’s face nodded and nodded. “Yes, it’s him. He deliberately exposed his identity in front of us. I think he mainly wants to explore your bottom.”

"I am afraid that he will be disappointed, because this general has been ... unfathomable!"

Su Rui’s rare triumph was heard when he heard Su’s night.

"Well, you are unfathomable, then ask the unfathomable General Sue. You are now using Suu Guoliang and Liu Li with fake photos. What method do you have to use to get Gao Yu's parents?"

According to Su Qingmei's current age, Su and Su Rui may still have to stay in this world for more than ten years. Then, in the past ten years, Su Guoliang and his wife always have a meeting with Gao Jian and his wife.

By that time, Su Rui’s lies would not break.

Su Guoliang is not familiar with Qin Fang’s relatives, but Dong Yuanyuan cannot know who his relatives are!


When I heard Su’s night, Su Ruizhen was in the same place, Nima, and General Sui had never thought about Dong Yuanyuan when they thought of this method!

Therefore, the wise man must have a loss!

"Forget it."

Su Rui waved his hand: "I always have a way to get Dong Yuanyuan."

Su Rui stepped forward and used his hands to hold Su’s night in his arms: “You are too thin now, no, I will give you a supplement from tomorrow, make up, let you hurry. Long high!"

When I heard Su Rui’s words, Su’s eyes flashed: “What’s good about Chang Gao? You don’t know if the children now like the soft and cute little Loli? The length is too fast, more than the gangsters, 岂Isn't there anyone who dares to chase?"

"Why, do you still have someone to chase?"

When I heard Su’s night, General Sue’s face was immediately darkened –

The second generation of his own official, the handsome and unparalleled rich and powerful, to the thirteen high, and now even the love letter has not received, this is not scientific, and now Su night actually told her nine-year-old Lori has someone to chase, this Is the world too strange?

When he reached Su Rui’s face, Su couldn’t help but smile and stretched out a pair of small hands and squeezed his face on his face: “It’s funny, the students in the school are very innocent, how old children are. Do you know what?"

Indeed, this is a relatively conservative era.

However, Su’s words made Su Rui think of Xie Chang’an.

Isn't that a "small Zhengtai" that has a different meaning for his wife?

Since Xie Changan was born again from another world, what happened in his world?

Su Rui’s gaze gradually became serious. He can’t do anything to Xie Chang’an now, but can he shoot Ye Huan’s?

Although the headquarters has regulations stipulated that the task can not kill each other when the task is performed, as long as it is not killed, there are many other things that can be done.


At this time, Ye Canhuan, who was chatting with Su Guoliang in the hall, suddenly sneezed and sneezed.

Why did the son suddenly have an ominous premonition?