MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 367 15: Green plum with bamboo horse (15)

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In a blink of an eye, it is at the end of the period.

In order not to attract too much attention from others, Su night was only from the tail of the class to the middle of the train during the final exam. This is the best result of her history. At the end of the parent meeting, Ye Kanhuan smiled. He praised Su Li and Liu Li who came to attend the parent meeting.

"Su's classmates have made great progress. Of course, this is inseparable from her hard work and parental supervision!"

Listening to Ye Canhuan talking on the podium, looking at Liu Limei's eyes and laughing, Su Xiaoyin just wants to say that she is really hard, hard work every day, sleep.

For the winter vacation, Liu Li did not arrange housework for Su night for the first time. Instead, she asked her if she wanted to report a special class for a holiday.

Su night naturally shook his head and refused. Nima, the homework in the class has made her speechless. How much is she, and she has to go to class?

Refused, resolutely refused!


The high school curriculum has always been very tight. After Su’s holiday, Su Rui was too busy to come to the Su family once every few days. At the end of the year, Su Rui finally took the winter vacation, but this time Dong Yuanyuan wanted Take him back to the Dong family in Beijing.

Because I know that I have to stay in this world for more than ten years, the relationship with my family naturally has to get along well. Su Rui does not want Gao Yu’s parents to find out that his son’s abnormality, so he still packed up his clothes and ordered. Return ticket to Beijing.

Before leaving C City, Su Rui went to see Su night again. This time he bought a lot of gifts and gave all his pocket money to Su.

He was really afraid that Liu Li was not good for Su night, collected his man’s money, and looked at Su Rui’s reluctant face. Su couldn’t help but pull his hand: “One month will soon In the past, we have to get used to the life of this world. Next year you will be a senior. When you go to college, we may separate the two places. But... four years will soon pass, really."

Four years...

Su Rui never thought that he and the Soviet Union would be separated in a mission world.

In the second year, because of the promotion to the third year, Su Rui came to Sujia less and less, but he would often buy things for Su Guoliang and Liu Li. Even Su Rui used his own family to find the unit of Su Guoliang’s work. Unit leaders give priority to Sujia when they allocate housing.

In the year of Su Rui’s college entrance examination, Su Guoliang’s family also moved to a new home.

Moved away from the courtyard house and lived in the family building of the employee. Liu Li’s whole person’s waist was straighter. At this time, her attitude towards Su’s night was already a big turn of 180 degrees.

How did this building come, her mental door is clear, Su Rui, she is also looking at her in the evening, there is such a wealthy relatives who have the ability, she naturally has to hurry, let alone Su night also manage her Calling Mom, as long as there is a wealthy life, you let Liu Li Guan Su call the mother, she will never be vague.

Looking at the family of Su and staying away from Xie, Su Rui can finally get peace of mind in the college entrance examination. According to Dong Yuanyuan and Gao Jian, Su Rui applied for Jingda. According to his achievements, he should definitely be admitted.

On the day of the graduation party, Song Yang has been holding Su Rui's hands, and Su Rui, whose nose is full of tears, is full of body.

Fortunately, in this era, there seems to be no such thing as a rotten woman. Therefore, for the sentimentality of Song Yang, the male and female students in the class just understand the smile.

Only Su Rui knows what Song Yang is thinking about -

Going away with a high enemy, how do you let Song Da Shao continue to install B?

"How old is it, crying, crying, isn't it Jingda? You can't test it, let you spend money at your own expense for you! To the capital is the site of the brother, brother will continue to wait for you to wear B to fly you!"

Su Rui rarely took a smug shot of Song Yang's shoulder.

Song Yang: Right! Why didn't I think of it? Well, it’s such a happy decision!

Therefore, because of Su Rui’s words, it changed the fate of passer-by Song Yang in this world...

When the party was in the field, many people were reluctant, and there were countless female students who sent love letters to Su Rui’s arms.

Su Rui: ...

The general Sui, who always felt that he was not chasing, received a snowflake love letter on the day of graduation. He was not good for the whole person.

"Gao Yu, I like you!"

A drunk sister paper actually screamed loudly through the spirit of alcohol, while others waited for the reflection of Xueba while squatting.

In fact, the name Gao Yu is the legend of the thirteenth high!

He studies well, is born well, looks handsome! This is a typical high school handsome!

The entire thirteen high boys did not have a high feather and expensive, just because he was too high, too perfect, no girl dared to confess in front of him, no one dared to shoot the tall male god.

Fortunately, now that I graduated, some of my heart words can finally be shouted out loud.

In the expectation of everyone, in the glory of the confession of the sister paper, Su Rui just smiled: "I already have someone I like."


This is the sound of countless hearts breaking.


The female student who had the courage to express her enthusiasm immediately took the rain and rose. She thought she was the most beautiful girl in the 13th high school. Why didn’t Gao Yu like herself?

Who else can be better than myself?

"I do not believe."

By the energy of the wine, she couldn't help but look at Su Rui in the first few steps: "You can refuse me, but don't lie to me with this kind of lies!"

How can Gao Yu have a girlfriend? No one in Thirteen has seen him and any girl approaching. The only person who is always with him is Song Yang, and Song Yang is a slapstick big mouth. If Gao Yu really has a woman. Friends, he knows the world that he will definitely know!

Looking at the eyes of the female student who did not believe, Su Rui grinned. "Well, Yang, are you called Yang Ning? If you don't believe it, I will take you to see her tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

When Yang Ning heard Su Rui’s words, she immediately agreed. She really wanted to see which school school was the school flower and took her sweetheart.

"I will go too, I will go too."

On the side of Song Yang, when he heard Su Rui’s words, he couldn’t help but raise his hand and patted Su Rui’s shoulder: “Gao Yu, your kid! You have a tight wife, but can I still grab it with you? ”


The next day, Su Rui really made a phone call to Yang Ning. At this time, Yang Ning, who had already woken up the wine, regretted her own blundering behavior yesterday. She received a phone call from Su Rui, and she was already dying. But when she thought of seeing Gao Yu’s girlfriend, she bite her teeth and finally agreed!

I found my most beautiful dress at home, and made a special shape in the barbershop downstairs. Yang Ning was so confident that he would go out, even if he couldn’t let Gao Yu like himself, at least he could not be in front of his rivals. Lost face!

When he came to the appointed place, Yang Ning saw Su Rui and Song Yang at a glance.


She waved at the two people and saw the beautiful dress of Yang Ning. Song Yang’s eyes brightened: “I didn’t expect our class flowers to be so beautifully dressed! Gao Yu, do you feel regret?”

Su Rui took a look at Song Yang without saying: "Go!"

Said, Su Rui, a person who walked in front of the road, not long after three people came to the thirteen small school, this time is the school time.

Standing at the school gate, Yang Ning is somewhat embarrassed. Is Gao Yu’s girlfriend actually a teacher in elementary school?