MTL - Sinister Ex-Girlfriend-Chapter 376 6: Abyssal Charm (6)

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Hearing Ding Jiajia’s question, Belia seemed to have forgotten that he was full of wolverines at this time. He looked up and flattered and replied with arrogance: “In the next Belgian, the Fift family’s tenth Generation 3rd successor!"

Heir's family heir?

Hey, isn't that the villain that has been gunpowdered?

Ding Jiajia looked at Belia, the eyes flashed - she does not remember that there is such a character in the Fett family?

Is it...

Ding Jiajia blinked and smiled at Bellia and nodded: "Hello! I am Shirley."

Said, she turned and waved at her back: "Dear, you are coming down!"

When I heard Ding Jiajia’s words, the man sitting on the shoulders of the King of Hell’s body jumped down and fluttered.

At this point, the breeze blows off the black hat on the man's head, revealing a long black hair, black hair and black hair, handsome and innocent man looking at Ding Jiajia's eyes full of gentle colors.

Wow, Ding Jiajia has a good eye.

Looking at the handsome and unparalleled face, Su couldn’t help but touch the chin.


Su Rui immediately slammed two times with force, and then Su Rui’s voice sounded in Su’s mind: “Women, look good? He looks good, or is it good for me?”

Su night:...

"Of course... you look good."

Su night had to return immediately.

In fact, she wants to say that the two are not comparable at all? Other men can't look better than her generals!

Of course, this night will not tell Su Rui, otherwise someone's tail will be on the sky.


At this time, Ding Jiajia smiled and took Su’s hand and pulled her to the black robe man: “This is Franks. He is a holy necromancer!”

Holy level?

When he heard Ding Jiajia's words, Su night nodded to Franks.

People who have a protagonist's aura are awful! Actually a holy spirit of the necromancer, Nima, can kill a large number of people?

Even the original male owner of the world, Asno, is now in front of him to be scum!


Such a powerful male master must be chased by time and space law enforcers, and how strong the law enforcement is, it is simply not to think.

"Well, this is not a place to stay for a long time."

When Ding Jiajia introduced several people, Franks immediately whispered, and then he blew a whistle, and the King of the Hell immediately fell down on his tall and ugly body.

"Come up, I will take you to our stronghold."

It was said that Franks had already slid up with Ding Jiajia, and Su Rui was not slow on the side. He single-handedly took the waist of Su night and sat together.

The remaining Bellia stood in the same place with a look of disappointment.

This guy is too ugly!

too ugly!

Don’t sit here! Absolutely, right, no, want!

"You are not coming up?"

At this time, Ding Jiajia on the shoulders of the King of Hell smiled and looked at Belia on the ground: "Do you really not come up?"

As he said, Ding Jiajia whispered in the ear of Franks.

"I do not……"

Belia on the ground opened his mouth and did not finish the conversation. The King of the Hell King suddenly raised his big foot and slammed into the body of Belia.

Lying in the trough!

Bellia immediately flashed quickly, and then looked coldly at Ding Jiajia: "Ugly woman, what do you do?"

Ugly woman?

Ding Jiajia secretly gritted his teeth, but his face had a faint smile: "Sorry, the little guy slipped."

Slip your sister!

Bellia blinked and looked around in a mess, and bowed his head and licked his dirty mess. Finally, Belia raised his hand and took a dozen blasts from his space ring: You lead the way, people follow it!"

Ding Jiajia: ...

What big head of garlic is it! Dead sissy! Hey!

"Dear, let's go!"

Ding Jiajia whispered in the ear of Franks, and then the King of Hell immediately stepped forward and strode out of the woods.

Along the way, wherever you go, you are all white bones.

The forest of the dead spirit is the paradise of the dead. If it is not the shock of the King of the Hell, I am afraid that they have been surrounded by a large group of undead and carrion.

After walking for more than an hour, the group finally came to a place where the devils gathered. This is a run-down town. There are no better gates. When you enter the door, you can see many abyss races coming and going.

On the street, blood is everywhere.

Some Mozus fight for some prey, some for the sake of women, and even a few hells in the street are openly and several abyss demon women do piston sports.

This is the deep abyss.

There is no order here, and everything here is respected by strength.

There is no morality, no ethics, only endless killings.

The King of Hell is the possession of Franks. He is the strongest person in this stronghold. When the people on the street saw the figure of the King of the Hell, they all subconsciously let the road open. People who just killed people could not help but win. The murder weapon, dragging the body far away.

Seeing this chaotic street, Su Rui’s face was unchanged, but her heart was always communicating with Su’s night: “Women, can you not pick up such a task in the future, it’s disgusting to look at it.”

"Actually, I don't want to."

Su is also very depressed. When Ye Xin spoke, Su night did not know that Ding Jiajia would enter such a mission world.

Moreover, the abyss enchantress is said to be the favorite NP race, think about it and feel drunk.


Several people went all the way to the residence of Ding Jiajia and Franks, and the courtyard where the two lived was not bad.

When Belia entered the door, she went to the place to take a bath, and Ding Jiajia entered Suu Rui and Su night into her bedroom. As soon as she entered the door, Franks waved a magical barrier.

"Su night, Su Rui, my identity Franks knows."

When Ding Jiajia opened his mouth, he called out the names of Su and Su Rui. When he heard Ding Jiajia's words, Su and Su Rui were not surprised.

Su night still doesn't talk, and Su Rui looks at Franks with a cold look: "Can you talk about your business?"

"my business?"

Franks looked at Su Rui and immediately said: "I am from Montenegro, because I am a Necromancer, and I have been pursued by the people of the Holy Court. Later, the people of the Dark Church found me and said that I am the Son of Darkness. The resources that I have cultivated have kept me practicing. When I got to the bottleneck, they sent me to the secret test. As a result, when I broke through the holy level, I accidentally brought the time and space in the secret, and then I With time and space, the nest came to the abyss of **** and met Ding Jiajia."


After listening to Franks, Ding Jiajia also nodded: "I just met Franks soon after entering the mission, and then... cough, we are naturally sympathetic, and the lover is finally married. I originally planned to bring He went to destroy the stunners of Asno and Lilika. Who knows that we both met the nasty time and space law enforcer in the middle of the road!"

"Time and space law enforcers? Are you fighting with him? How is his strength? How did you escape?"

Su Rui is most concerned about everything about time and space law enforcers. He must not let such unknown dangers threaten the personal safety of himself and Su.