MTL - So What If You’ve Been Reborn?-Chapter 403 Is this like?

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Yang Xinyue came back to God until he was bitten by the swallowing whale.

The small world of the beginning of the floating, it turned out to be like that -

The immortals are still talking about you in the words of comprehension, when they are younger than they are young, all sorts of sensational changes, although with the expression of a frowning face, but some benefits, even the most old-fashioned monk-born monks, The law says that it is not good to conscience.

It’s rare for people to rob the elixir.

Because almost all the treasures that are rich in elixir are under the control of the Jade Frost Supreme, neatly organized, well-regulated, according to the grade division, sold in Liang Yange.

There is no such thing as a treasure in heaven. The result is that if you don’t know it, it’s ruined, or a certain martial art hand holds a rare spirit mine, and refuses to take it out. As a result, the low-ranking monks don’t even think about it. I have to use my brains to wander inside.

Sitting on the four treasures of the Treasures, there are the East China Sea South Sea as the backing, the two unified two devils, the most unfortunate in this life is the rare treasures, the magic bullets, the classics.

"Is there no monster in the world?"

When the Qing Dynasty is in the world, it is remembered to be a famous beast. It is very old. He has never been to the sea. The dragon crab has been heard, but he does not think how powerful this monster is.

What about the descendants of the beast? What is a crab like this?

The most bizarre is that Zhan Yuanqiu, who is rich in the world, looking for a monster to do pets is not good -

Yang Xinyue said to Qinghe: "You don't know. In the 10,000 years ago, when the beasts were rampant, the dragon crab family was also very tricky."

"How to say?"

"There are a lot." Yang Xinyue put down the tea pot and said faintly.

A few real immortals suddenly realized, and nodded again and again: "Even now, there are still a large number of dragons and crabs in the mortal world. Although there is no Mahayana in addition to the Jade Cream, there are countless numbers of unintelligible. After several years of life, and died a few years ago, there will be a Jindan Yuan Yinghua, and no one can surrender to the overseas, even if the demon is not as prosperous as they are."

Bei Xuan Tianzun is thoughtful, he is not interested in the dragon crab, he is thinking about the changes in the small world.

Can air transport still come this way? Because Chen Wo traces back time, everything has changed again?

I thought about it and thought about it. In the end, Jiang had a long sigh. It was different from other small worlds. No matter what Chen He did, there was no possibility to learn from it.

"...What is the use of a large number?" Qinghe Xianjun is still struggling with the dragon crab.

There is nothing wrong with his idea, that is, the logic of most immortal monks.

Like Chen He, such as the magical sage, or the head of the big sect, even if it comes to thousands of tens of thousands of dragon squid crabs, it is also a wave of clouds, raising their hands and flying away, only the number of talents to say things.

Yang Xinyue knew what Qingjun Xianjun was thinking, and laughed. He said: "The dragon beast is a monster, it is easy to kill, but it is difficult to destroy it."

For example, weeds are burned in the autumn, and the spring breeze is born again.

"There is no talent, no blood, no blood, no sorrow, no sorrow, only the intermittent emergence of the wise kind of propped up the entire ethnic group, they live long, the same family will soon die - you did not think of anything?"

Yang Xinyue raises his eyes, and the words are not surprisingly endless.

"People, isn't that the case?"

Why is the fairyland the most immortal?

Not a fairy or a spiritual plant?

There is no other reason, because there are many, there are several kinds of sacred beasts, and how many can be immortals?

Qing Qing Xian Jun is dumb.

The temple is immersed in a weird silence. The true fairyes are distorted. If you don’t have to look at Yang Xinyue, you know what they are thinking about. The conspiracy of the Jade Cream Supreme is like a crab monk. After that, the sky will be replaced by the dragon crab. .

The dragon crab is naturally limited, and it can be less than the Mahayana period, let alone the robbery.

People, born to be human, is a group that is suitable for those who cannot go with the heavens.

Yang Xinyue glared at the waterdrops on the back of the swallowing whale and bent his mouth. Compared with this Rusher's crab lord, he is more interested in Zhan Yuanqiu's people, and the apprentice of Sui Jian, that is -

"Tianzun, Hansong Xianjun, please see."

A brief notice outside the temple, let the two sitting in the temple sit at the same time.

Hansong Xianjun did not wait for the response inside, and directly came in. Xiaoxian hurriedly gave way to him.

"What's wrong?" asked North Xuan Tianzun.

Because of the habit of Hansong Xianjun, if it is not very urgent, he will be full of courtesy.

Hansong Xianjun has a cold face and his brows are crumpled: "Heavenly fights! For the Tianhe Lingshi!"

"What?" Bei Xuantian respected his heart. He did not expect that there would be no two days. The chaos was born. He immediately asked: "But someone leaked the news?"

Hansong Xianjun shook his head: "It is the person on the side of Nanxian Tianzun. Ten people have come to Tianhe. They are still carrying a lot of Luo Tianshangxian. They are waiting to find Lingshi. They have been busy for a long time and have nothing to gain. They I felt that I was not lucky. I wanted to find a companion to get a piece of harvest. As a result, the people who came with me said that they didn’t come. When they asked and asked, they suddenly started."

Qinghe Xianjun’s ironic smile: “It’s still used to say that it’s a fairy who comes out of the trap, and wants to recover well. He heard the good things like Lingshi, and he immediately came. Now nothing has happened. It is estimated that I suspect that I have been deceived to a place where there is no spiritual stone."

The little immortals in the temple are ashamed, and they dare not interrupt.

The North Xuan Tianzun respected them to let them back.

"Do you think that those guys are fighting, can we watch the fun?" Han Songxianjun said with no anger. "Tianhe is wide open, and there are traces to follow. It can’t be touched at the site of Nanxian Tianzun. It will soon be Put your hand here."

The things of Tianhe Lingshi could not hold back, and Beixuan Tianzun took the opportunity to make a decision:

"Han Song Qing He, go to the immortals near Tianhe."

There are fewer than a dozen Jinxian, and the South Xianzun that side wants to do it, but it will not catch up.

This idea is in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.

"And Chen Wo..." Bei Xuan Tianzun hesitated, or said, "Yuan Cheng Tian Zun must have a backhand, we must be prepared."

Although he had to entrust Yang Xinyue and Chen Wo to the rear of the town, in fact, Jiang Chu’s trust in Yang Xinyue was far less than that of Chen He.

Chen He is stubborn and stubborn, but as long as he understands his temper, Bei Xuan Tian Zun has no scruples.

Because compared to those ambitious people, Chen Wo does not care about what is unique, Yang Xinyue is not the same, he has the same identity as Yuan Cheng Tian Zun. Yuan Xin is dissatisfied with the status quo, Yang Xinyue really reconciled?

Bei Xuan Tian Zun has this thinking is normal, Yang Xinyue is like no seeing, no objection.

When I walked, the swallowing whales refused to come out of the fairy filled with Lingquan. The fins were pulled and refused to let go, and the screams of screaming were low.

Yang Xinyue let go and left.

The swallowing whale was stupidly squatting there, and when he saw the owner’s back and forth getting farther and farther away, it finally panicked and jumped out of Chiqiong’s raft, slid out on the ice jade floor tiles, and used it. The fat body was completely disproportionate, and he hugged Yang Xinyue’s leg.

The fairy's robe is always very long, and the swallowing whale plunges into it, and can't see the figure. Only one drum kit is moved there.

Yang Xinyue stopped.

He bowed his head, and there was an inexplicable complexity in his expression. He reached out and swallowed the whales. The little guy was satisfied, and even the fairy he had just played was not.

The temple door was re-closed, and the immortal statues of those who were happy were still facing the empty and cold hall.

Bei Xuan Tian Zun did not look back.


Chen He was awakened by the movement outside.

Although there is a symbol of isolation inside and outside in this house, it is ineffective for Chen He.

His eyes have not yet been opened, and the soul has passed through the gallery of the Imperial Palace, like a huge and invisible net, and saw a chaotic scene in the fairy palace.

Many immortals hold their foreheads and stumble.

There were still some people who fell to the side of the handrail. They did not stand up several times and looked worried.

The entire fairy palace is shaking slightly.

"What happened?" The release also woke up.

The array on the threshold is affected by the aura, which is unusual.

"It is Tianhe."

Chen Hu’s voice made him discover that his voice was hoarse and hoarse. This little thing was not worth mentioning. When the spirit flowed, the sound returned to its original state.

"The sky is flooding, and the water is flowing back here."

The higher the position of the fairyland, the greater the flow of the Tianhe River. When it reaches the peak of the mountain, it has turned into an aura and completely dissipated.

This fairy palace of Hansong Xianjun, although it is right next to the Tianhe River, is already the end of the Tianhe River. The river is only two feet wide, and the clouds are ethereal. Even if it is Xuanxian, it will not feel the aura of standing on the corridor. Pressure.

But now everything has changed. The water of Tianhe has suddenly skyrocketed, and the river has been widened tenfold. Recently, it is less than seven feet away from the Imperial Palace. The fairy with a weaker power looks pale, and the horror retreats to avoid the building.

Even Chen He, because of the coming of the Tianhe, the soul is affected by the strong aura.

Although it can't hurt him, this kind of strength is enough to make Da Luo Jinxian feel overwhelmed.

Chen He was trying to stand up, suddenly a sly, only then remembered that his robes on the release of the robes were well dressed, but the slings were messy.

The legs are sour and soft, there is nothing to do, the clothes wrinkle and trace, and there is no way to restore the original condition with Reiki.

Chen Wo hurriedly asked the brothers for clothes.

- Even if he does not have it, the storage magic of the release is more than his clothes, all new.

After seeing the younger brother, there was a dark red freckle in the back of the neck, and although he slowly disappeared, he took a tight-fitting coat.

"The Kunlun below, there are some bad things."

Chen Wo frowned, he did not expect the war to come so fast.

Nan Xian Tian Zun This is the forefoot to the home, the back foot is looking for Yuan Cheng Tianzun to join hands?

Chen He was bored. He felt that he was a fairyland for a long time. He was used to discussing things for a few years. He made a decision in a few decades. Suddenly someone was resolute and vigorous, and he was caught off guard by Bei Xuantian.

Jiang Chu was also depressed. He couldn't find Chen He. The temple that was arranged for Chen Wo was empty.

A **** has a heart to hide, and will not find it for a while.

At the beginning of Jiang, there was nothing to say, and the accident happened suddenly.

What made him even more anxious was that he had to catch people back to Hansong Xianjun Qingxian Xianjun, and suddenly disappeared, no matter how he used the gods to urge, there was no response.