MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2251 Will he think of it?

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The place where Guangjia was under house arrest was not too far from the Tiangong. Mei Niang returned to Guangjia just to make the chickens fly up and down in the Guangjia area. Longyan already carried Miao Yi and Guang Meier, but really said Come here. Scorpio is small, saying WwW. 『2.

Guangjia gathered together to meet, although Guangjia’s new house has not yet been perfected, but Mei Niang is happy. The Emperor of Heaven is accompanying her daughter to return to her family. This is a matter of giving more face. Who will dare to question her daughter in the palace in the future? Status? The only thing that makes Mei Niang unhappy is that she is still claustrophobic and refuses to come forward to meet the Emperor.

She was happy because Miao Yi was able to accompany her daughter back to her family. The hook that accompanied her was a cold chill in the back. Mei Niang didn’t realize that the cow had brought the sinister danger to Guangjia, but he realized that Zhang really realized The open fangs, Niu Youde once the problem, the Guangjia up and down is only afraid of blood flowing into the river, completely disappeared in this world.

The **** army first arrived, first controlled the house that Guangjia reserved for Miao Yi's residence, and then saw the dragon's landing, Miao Yi and Guang Meier both stepped down the dragon.

"See my Majesty, I have seen the Scorpio Niangniang!"

Miao Yi’s eyes swept over the crowd, and he did not see the public appearances. He did not show any strangeness in his demeanor. He shouted the flat body, and the Mei Niang and other people who answered the questions immediately took a few words, and did not mention Guanglingong. .

It was night, no accident, and Guangmei was a sleeper.

In front of the dressing table, the maid was unloading the headgear for the sitting girl, and Miao Yi, who was sitting next to the couch, stared at the dressing table, and waved her hand. The maid who had not finished her work quickly quit and fell back. The doorkeeper was closed.

Miao Yi got up and walked behind Guangmei, and looked at Guangmeier in the mirror. He raised his hand and slowly picked up a piece of jewelry on Guangmei’s shack. Guangmei looked quietly in the mirror. His movements.

"Your current state of mind is that the ancient well has no waves. Do you still remember when you first met with you? At that time, you almost married to you." Miao Yi suddenly laughed.

Remember! Guangmeier remembered the situation in the past very clearly. How many times did the man in the mirror let her toss and turn in her heart, how many times made her look forward to it, heroic heroic, heroic, led a remnant in the city to shout for a scene of massacre It is still fresh in memory. Every time I saw him, he felt like a deer, but now he doesn’t feel it anymore. Now the man in the mirror makes her feel scared. The family tells me that this man will always want her family’s life and let her compete for it. She tried to find a way to wait.

Black and black as long as the waterfall falls down.

The coolness came, and Guangmei was nervous and trembling. Only the hands in the mirror were slowly widening the clothes on her shoulders. The delicate clavicle of the white eyes was exposed, and the shoulders gradually peeled off. The hands did not stop, until the two groups of the chest were straight and tender, and they were completely exposed to the air. The hands that had supreme power seemed to kill everything and did not stop...

Three days! The next day, the public was not seen, and Miao Yi gave a speech and stayed in Guangfu for three days.

After another day passed, there was only a deadline for the last day, and the hook couldn’t stand, and once again came to the room of Guangling’s claustrophobic.

Guang Linggong still like a living dead, lying quietly on the lounge chair, immersed in the dim light.

"Wang Ye, Niu Youde said that he only lived in Guangfu for three days. It should be given a three-day period. I want you to surrender and see you. In order to go up and down, you will..." Gou Yue’s face is tangled, and he wants to stop. If you let Guanglinggong bow his head, then he will not say it.

However, Guangling has not responded.

In the end, Gou bowed his head and squatted, and slowly turned away.

Who knows when he walked to the door, suddenly heard the words of Guangling Gongyin. "If I surrender, as long as I don't die, he will have to poison the Guang family sooner or later. I will not surrender. Guangjia can escape. A robber!"

Gou Yue hurried back, surprise, Wang Ye finally spoke, and quickly approached, anxiously asked: "Wang Ye, why?"

However, Guangling Gong only gave this sentence, and then how to ask, and did not say anything.

The end of the hook can only be gently left, but with the words of Guang Linggong, my heart is also a bottom, and he knows that Guangling will not be targeted.

Three days later, Miao Yi left as scheduled, did not take away Guangmeier, saying that it was to let Guangmeier stay in her family for a few more days.

And Guangling’s death is not seen, nor does it allow Miao Yi to do anything to make the hook worry more...

A year later, after several meetings of the ruling party, the results of ‘big world’s world’s finalization were finally finalized. The relevant laws and regulations of the heavenly day were all drafted in detail, officially announced in the world, and the world shook!

The world’s monks who saw the announcement know that the appearance of this day means that the original rules of the world will be completely subverted. Heaven will have absolute supremacy and will completely control everything in the world. No one wants to escape the law of heaven. Legal constraints.

The blue waters of the sea, the ship and the ship drifting with the waves, a table of small dishes in the boat building, two men sitting and drinking, four bead curtains rolled up, the sea sky and blue is also a scene to help.

Two women sat by the small window and chatted. One of the women was called Fang Susu. Miao Yi may know, maybe she doesn't know. Time is too long. It is a small world.

The two men who sit and drink are the husbands of the two women. They are all the new people in the court of the new court. They are the real people who hold the military power and are the six people who are born in purgatory. Of course, there is no such thing as six or six. There is only one heaven, and there are no other forces. When they were in Purgatory, they were old friends. This time, one party crossed the starry sky and came to the other side of the site. It was to meet old friends.

After pouring a bite of wine, a man surnamed Zhao looked at the seascape around him and couldn’t help but sigh. "To tell the truth, when I was in purgatory, I thought that I would be trapped in that ghost place in my life, even though I always said that I want to counterattack. In fact, I don’t have much hope. Whoever wants this purgatory is actually a real battle and regains the world! I really didn’t expect that we can still drink here, now think about it and still dream. The same, sometimes even unreal, the imprint of purgatory in memory is too deep."

Another high-ranking man, Han Zi, asked: "How about the situation when you come to take the initiative to register for the immortality?"

Zhao surnamed Han: "There are a lot of people, it is a little troublesome. Everyone who comes to register must verify their identity. They must report the fixed address that can be contacted, and change the fixed address to report to the local mountain **** and land. We It’s a little troublesome, and those who come to register are also in trouble. How many are you register here?”

Gao surnamed Han sighed: "Not many people are blamed. If you don't enter the immortality, you will be treated as a thief, and you will not even have the qualification to collect and buy and cultivate resources. If you want to do any transaction, you must show the immortality. It is proved that once the offender is present, the buyer or the seller must be severely punished. It is troublesome to have no immortal proof to walk in the sky. If there is such a situation, there are still a few people who can stretch."

Zhao surnamed Han: "The ‘day robbery’ law... The later monks are afraid of being sad.”

Gao surnamed Han, "The squatting is to control the number of monks in the world, otherwise the world will be unified, and there will be no war, the monks will continue to increase, but the resources for cultivation will be limited. It will not control the accident sooner or later. It is only the people who will be robbed in the future. I am afraid that I will die for nine lives."

Zhao surnamed the man with a wine glass and asked: "I heard that there is a wind in the court, and it is necessary to divide the civil and military positions. Many people have to be abolished and they must be dismissed as a civil servant."

The happy man smiled bitterly: "I don't know if it will be abolished to our heads. Right, I heard that His Majesty wants to conquer the unknown star field, ready to mobilize one-third of the world's people to investigate the unknown star field, and the world's army will alternate I don’t know if it’s true or not, if it’s true, I’m afraid I don’t want to have a good meal.”

Zhao surnamed Han, "There will be reasons for the wind, and then, there is no war in the world. It is not difficult to understand what the heavens are doing for us."

Although chatting with the sisters at the window, it is inevitable that the ears will enter the voice of the husband and friends. When they heard that the two men mentioned Miao Yi, Fang Susu looked at the blue sea outside with some ecstasy. Go in.

When she was in purgatory, she still had the ridiculous thought and wanted to fight for the tone, but the purgatory lacked women. Most women were forced to marry by pressure. She was rarely killed or married. However, the control of purgatory is very strict, the resources are not abundant, and there is no channel for ascending. Even if you want to work hard, it is useless. After a long time, the belief has gradually loosened, because you can’t see hope, and the husband is persistent. In pursuit of it, he was finally moved and married to him.

I thought that I would be trapped in purgatory for a lifetime. Who knows that in the second year after marrying, the purgatory gate was actually opened, and the army actually left the purgatory and attacked Lingshan!

At that time, her regrets were hard to say, why can't she insist on it? After persisting for so many years, I didn’t stick to it in the last year. God is like a big joke with her.

However, after seeing the cruelty of the war, knowing the true identity of the person who is obsessed in the heart, suddenly it is far from the person, not just the distance! The other party’s power is soaring, and thousands of people are squandered in one breath. Hundreds of millions of lives are slammed under his command. Countless people die because of him, and the horror of turbulence, in order to succeed, to do everything, even to destroy the righteous father. The house is full of doors, cruel and ruthless!

She suddenly woke up like a big dream. Suddenly, the other party was seriously inconsistent with the image of the heroic youth in her impression. There was no feeling of making her heart feel like a deer. Instead, she gave her a strong sense of coldness and no emotion. The name itself couldn't help but feel fear. I wanted to see him before, but now I am afraid to see him.

Maybe I think more about People live in the Heavenly Palace, but who would like to see it?

Embroidered the hydrangea on the upstairs; the scene of chasing after riding on the horse; the small river weeping willows drizzle, he holds the oil-paper umbrella and looks cool and sturdy, and looks like the scene of the smoke and rain... Looking out the window, the blue water of the sea is exposed. Smile smile.

"Sister Fang, is my words very funny?"

The woman on the side saw her laughing, and could not help but ask, and Fang Susu quickly returned to the gods, grabbed the other hand, shook her head and laughed, but did not explain.

Looking back at the husband who talked with the friend, it was a pretty good idea with the person’s scene. It’s just that I think about it. The nobles forget things. The other person is afraid that even if they are, they don’t remember. The real person is actually quite good, and she has always loved and cared for her. She has nothing to satisfy.

As for the unrealistic scenes of ridiculous beauty, she is prepared to be kept in the heart forever and will not be mentioned to anyone. If you have the opportunity to meet the person in person and be able to talk to him about the opportunity, maybe you will ask the last sentence, remember the person who throws the hydrangea to you that year? Will he think of it?