MTL - Son God Marvel-Chapter 2126

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Having cut off an arm so suddenly, it is naturally impossible for Hulk not to react.

Perhaps, because of the cooperation between Zhou Yi and Haojiao, his arm could not be regrouped and turned into a Hulk clone. But this does not mean that Hulk will lose this arm forever. The regenerative ability possessed by his quantum form is even better than that of his flesh and blood body, and he can regenerate with just a single arm.

And that is, after regenerating an arm, Hulk immediately looked horizontally, his two arms were turned directly, and the left and the right stretched towards the catastrophe and Zhou Yi.

He is not the kind of honest person who only gets beaten and doesn't fight back. The existence of the four arms is obviously to better deal with this situation.

In response, Zhou Yi subconsciously fisted back. The catastrophe is directly dodged under the pull of gravity.

Facts have proved that the choice of catastrophe is more wise. After all, this is the experience gained with lessons. After seeing firsthand how unhappy it is for animals like Hulk to head-on, he would naturally choose a more circuitous tactic.

Of course, Zhou Yi hadn't learned this lesson, so he didn't understand. And because of this, at the first moment of the collision, he felt a surge of great power.

The body immediately regressed irresistibly. The huge impact made him almost unable to control his body of King Ming. Especially under the stimulus of this power, a ray of light began to flash on his body. As if torn the skin, blood rushed out. But what rushes out is not blood, but high-energy particles that burst out one after another like a corona.

It seemed to be a little embarrassed, so that the catastrophe couldn't help but interject at this time.

"Be careful, don't face him head-on!"

Zhou Yi nodded intently, but he was a little strange in his heart. Because at the moment his true feelings are not as serious as others seem.

The power confrontation may indeed be the one who prevailed. But the deeper power contact that followed immediately gave him the feeling of having a full meal. It was as if his body was a furnace, and suddenly he was stuffed with a lot of high-performance fuel. The embarrassment that seemed was simply the appearance of not being able to completely absorb these fuels.

This is... he hesitated. But the catastrophe did not give him more opportunities to hesitate. You know, the current situation is still their lifeblood being pinched in their hands. Don't work hard, that can mean whether the life court will tear up votes.

"Continue!" The catastrophe took the lead, intending to repeat the trick. However, Hulk, who has been eating for a while and gaining wisdom, will not be so easy as he wants.

Under the premise that his hands kept oppressing the power of the life court space, he directly hung and turned around, allowing his front and his other arms to face the catastrophe directly.

This may seem awkward, or even scary. But it doesn't seem strange to put it on his quantum body. After all, this is still different from flesh and blood after all. Without the shackles of flesh and blood, his body can be completely changed. What restricted him was only his inherent thinking.

Hulk can be regarded as the kind of typical unflexible. After all, from a certain aspect, he is already used to that kind of head-on combat method. Being able to twist his body to such a point is almost his extreme. But just such a crude extreme is enough to make the catastrophe generate great pressure.

Heavy punches flew, under the extreme speed that surpassed time. Havoc had to make the fastest evasion in the same way.

He didn't want to take Hulk's fist hard at this time, and he didn't want to go head-to-head with him to stimulate his talent and fuel his arrogance.

But in the end, it is still a question of long-term defense. Hulk's talent for **** lies in it, even if he is just evasive. He can still break a certain limit and make himself faster and faster. They are almost on the verge of the extreme of time, and if this continues, he is really worried that Hulk will have the ability to reach out from the end of time and give you a punch. And if such a situation really occurs, then this battle has no meaning to continue. Because there is one count, they will all be screwed off by Hulk.

This is not a joke, because Hulk has already shown such potential. And Zhou Yi almost saw this, so immediately, he shouted at the life court.

"Don't sit there indifferently, and use your strength to find a way to restrain him. If he continues to let him collide with us, it will only make him stronger and stronger. Do you really want to wait for him to be stronger than you can control? , Do you want to settle the account again?"

In the beginning of the life court, there may have been some heartbreaking thoughts. But obviously, he obviously didn't dare to have such an idea.

Hulk’s pressure is real, even if he exists, he doesn’t even understand why such a monster is born in the infinite universe.

To deal with such a monster, he had to let go of his restraint and face. At the same time, we must use all our strength. Not only to protect himself, but to restrict Hulk, and no longer give him any opportunity to become stronger.

Hulk was still attacking frantically, his speed had already surpassed the meaning of catastrophe. But the catastrophe was a sudden stop at this moment, and he gave up dodge.

This is not the meaning of giving up resistance, but the power of the court of life played a role. Hulk smashed his fist down, and his fist was obviously about to fall on Haojiao. But on the contrary, the distance between these two feet cannot be surpassed by him.

No matter how powerful it is, it is useless. Although his fist can easily shatter the space, it is impossible to annihilate all the space. The power of the life court makes the distance of space infinitely long and deflection. His immense power penetrated the past, as if it had passed through countless media, gradually diminishing, and in the end it would only be a futile collapse.

The person who can come to the catastrophe is not even the breeze blowing. Catastrophe is naturally impossible to avoid. And after two consecutive punches to no avail, Hulk was already aware of the problem.

He no longer wasted his energy, just let out a sullen roar, and vented to the life court again. For him, this may be the only way to solve the current dilemma. When the space of the life court can't keep up with the speed of his destruction, that is naturally when he settles the ledger with these guys.

The Life Court also understands this, and he can most clearly perceive what Hulk is actually increasing the damage he can cause. He may not be able to reach himself at this moment, but it is only a matter of time. In the end, he will still be forced to face Hulk's edge. And that, maybe it will mean the end of oneself.

He had never imagined what his doomsday would look like, but this did not prevent him from thinking about it at this time. And just as all existence fears death, he also doesn't want to cause such an ending. Therefore, he could only ask Zhou Yi and them.

"You must find a way to stop him, otherwise..."

The threat is obvious, but the catastrophe can only be forced submission. The two went up and down, almost doing their best.

But Hulk seemed to be determined at this time, he must kill the life court before he could rest. He was completely indifferent to their attack, but desperately attacked the life court. And this also made Haojia and Zhou Yi become completely powerless.

Their attacks may cause some damage to Hulk, but in the end it still cannot be fatal. And as long as he couldn't completely kill him, he could eventually recover again and again.

This makes the situation extremely worse, and the pressure on the life court is also increasing.

This being above all, the existence above all, at this time, already felt the fear of destruction more and more, and he no longer cared about any face and reserve at all. He began to curse Hulk, Havoc and Zhou Yi. Intimidation pleaded.

He asked Hulk to stop his actions and promised him everything. But Hulk was unmoved, and his barren brain itself could hardly be touched by these things.

He cursed Haojia and Zhou Yi's weakness, threatening them to make them look good if they didn't stop Hulk, and make them completely lose their love. However, this only stays at the level of threat. In the end, he didn't dare to really play a scene of death at this time.

Zhou Yi and Havoc are his only hope. And before really desperate, of course he couldn't just push them to his opposite.

It can be said that, for a while, this supreme existence in the past was absolutely ugly, and the guys who were bystanders gnawed their mouths. But even if he had lost all the prestige and face he had accumulated over the years, the Life Tribunal still did not stop this fluke struggle.

Perhaps in his opinion, even if it is just in case it is possible, he can fight desperately. But there is not even a chance, because Hulk at this time has already accumulated enough power.

Space can no longer be his shackle, because his punch is enough to penetrate all space. When the life court realized this, it was too late for him.

He could no longer maintain the appearance of being aloof, and he could no longer look at the Hulk at this time with the vision of overlooking the world and seeing all things like ants. He was turned over a big somersault, as if a body made of pure gold fell to the ground in a crushed space.

And just when he was planning to do something, Hulk, who had crossed time and space, appeared in front of him like a demon, and stretched out his hands to directly grab his invisible neck.

"Let go of me, you monster!"

He struggled hard, reaching out to resist Hulk's majestic strength, but it was difficult for him to break free from Hulk's hands. He cursed loudly, but it only made Hulk a grinning smile on his face.


The four-handed Hulk has two arms left to open the bow left and right. With two punches, the faces on both sides of the life court instantly became distorted.

He seemed to hear his cry from the soul in the entire infinite universe. Some sensitive people can even feel the huge turbulence of fate itself under such unprecedented events.

"Save me, save me! If I die, they will be over too!"

The fear in the life court at this time was already overwhelming, and he desperately pleaded with them for the catastrophe. And also presented with a special threat.

This made Havoc they sit on wax and have to take action. And at this moment, what can they do? But like two wombats, one left and the other clamped Hulk's two arms, making him temporarily unable to launch a follow-up attack on the court of life.

Just this, they have already used all their strength. The power of Hulk at this moment is beyond imagination. Even for them, it has already formed an absolute crushing advantage.

They can only support it as hard as possible, but for how long they can support it, even they themselves are not sure about it.

This point, the life court does not yet know it. When he found that Hulk's four arms were all controlled by the joint efforts of himself and Havoc Zhouyi. The first thing that emerged in his heart was an uncontrollable ecstasy.

"You can't kill me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hulk with a grim face was already poking up his bald head, and slammed it up with a hammer.

This time, it was no easier than the previous heavy punch. The necessary face facing him in the life court immediately became distorted, and cracks broke out. He wailed in pain and changed his face unconsciously.

And seeing him do this, the grinning smile on Hulk's face was even worse, and then he slammed his head.

"No, no, no!"

Two faces were damaged one after another, plus the two previously hit by Hulk with heavy punches. The four faces of the life court are already cracked apart. This made him horrified, because at this moment he suddenly realized that he had begun to lose control of the power of fate.

It's as if it hurt the origin. And he was indeed hurt to the source.

The most important nature of the court, justice, necessity, revenge, and source, all the roots are destroyed under Hulk's violence. As soon as he realized this, the four golden faces were already broken. Then directly, his body fell still. His head seemed to have become a container. A bit of dazzling light rose from behind the broken and disintegrated face, shining in the void that seemed to be endless and deep.

But at this time, almost everyone who was watching here could hear it, as if the sound of the tide of fate was rustling in his ears. Without the need for anyone to explain, they all instantly understood the meaning of this light.

The true source of power in the court of life represents the supreme power of destiny in the infinite universe.

At this moment, no matter how pure-hearted people are, they can't stop greed in their hearts, because they all know what this power of destiny really means.

Ready to move, it is inevitable. But some people move much faster than them. Haojiao and Zhouyi, they were the first to reach out to this power.