MTL - Son God Marvel-Chapter 2208

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"Sean, you shouldn't have come here."

The familiar and unfamiliar voice made Zhou Shang turn his head subconsciously, and when he saw the figure standing behind him, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief.


Such a name made Haojia couldn't help but trembled in his heart. Even though he has identities such as the highest **** of the universe, catastrophe and the incarnation of doomsday, even if he is so powerful that the dimensional demon **** is like a chicken and dog, even the basic order of the universe can be easily shaken. But this does not mean that there is no softness in his heart.

Zhou Shang's words undoubtedly directly hit the softness in his heart. And even he himself couldn't remember how long it was since his own child who should have the same identity as Zhou Shang and would be called his father.

One hundred million years or one trillion years? He really didn't remember it. In his world, time has long lost its meaning to him. After all, when he became the doomsday and completely ended that universe, he had no idea how many times he had seen the birth and fall of stars.

Such a long time is enough to make him forget many things. If it wasn't for some things that are too unforgettable, these precious memories may have been buried by time.

But, thankfully not. And because of this special rejoicing, he was throbbing in his heart, and he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to Zhou Shang.

"Child, it's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't even expect that you are already this big."

He wanted to touch Zhou Shang's little face, like all fathers would do to their children. However, he had just made this action, before his hand touched Zhou Shang's body, Zhou Shang was already shocked. He flinched and avoided him while questioning him.

"You are not my father? Who are you?"

Being able to discern the difference between Catastrophe and Zhouyi, on the one hand, Zhou Shang's talented keen perception made him aware of the difference between Catastrophe and his father in his memory. On the other hand, he has received the Smith Zhou's occult education and already has a certain foundation in discerning power.

He perceives the power characteristics of the catastrophe, the feeling of huge horror and deep darkness, and his father are basically two extremes. Especially, there is still a slight feeling in it, which is similar to the previous moon. And even if it was just a coincidence, it was enough to make him beware of catastrophe.

Zhou Shang's alertness was obvious, and this apparently estranged mood also awakened the catastrophe, making him retract his hand in anguish.

His consciousness is somewhat tranced, after all, the feeling that the scar on the bottom of his heart is suddenly torn apart will not dissipate so easily. But he still suppressed this feeling as much as possible, and explained to himself with a wry smile.

"I am indeed not that guy. And you are indeed not my son. Sorry, I made a mistake about this. I forgot, if my child were alive, he should be much older than you now. And if If he is still alive, you should be very alike..."

These words seemed to be telling Zhou Shang, as well as to myself. In the face of such babbling words, Zhou Shang was only more alert in his heart, and at the same time he clenched his fists subconsciously.

"Who are you? You dare to pretend to be my father? Also, did you cause those things before? You killed my grandfather?"

"Pretend? No, I don't need to pretend to be someone, this is what I am. But why I am like that guy, there are very complicated reasons, you don't need to understand. Just remember that I am It’s enough to exist alone, and I’m completely different from your father. As for the death of that fellow Smith Zhou, I can only tell you that he deserved it, didn’t he?"

Haojiao was controlling his emotions, and he tried his best to maintain the style of a stranger in front of Zhou Shang. This makes his words seem a little cold, especially when it comes to Smith Zhou's issues, he unabashedly expressed his mockery of him.

He felt that what he did was not wrong. After all, Smith Zhou did not need to say more about what he did. Even if he does not take the countless victims on the earth as the starting point, but only deals with this problem from the perspective of a father, a husband, and a son, he feels that his behavior is justified, and it is simply correct. .

However, this statement cannot be established by Zhou Shang. Because no matter what Smith Zhou did, he was the grandfather recognized by Zhou Shang, and he was an inseparable relative in his heart. Righteousness and extermination, such an awareness is still a little too far away for him. As a child who lost his beloved family, he naturally made an impulsive move.

Shaking his fist, like a knight in charge. Zhou Shang rushed towards the catastrophe in an indomitable posture.

Haojiao can feel the anger in her heart, and only anger can make a person completely ignore the gap between each other and make such irrational behavior.

Of course, this situation sometimes comes from stupidity. But Haojiao believed that Zhou Shang would not be stupid no matter what. If there is such an element, then he doesn't mind to reverse his trend through education.

It can be said that the catastrophe at this moment can be regarded as a joy. Because in any case, in his opinion, this kind of education Zhou Shang's work is much more interesting than those things before. He is happy to fulfill a special responsibility in Zhou Shang's growth. Although, for Zhou Shang, this would be quite unpleasant.

Zhou Shang felt that his speed was very fast. Indeed, in a purely physical sense, his speed in this vacuum had already exceeded the speed of the Third Universe. But this kind of fastness is meaningless, just like it is theoretically impossible for people to catch the light, but the catastrophe these people can always play with the light.

Conventional ideas didn't hold true for them, and this led to Zhou Shang, who was caught off guard who wanted to fight the catastrophe, rushed into his arms like throwing his arms.

Grabbing Zhou Shang's small arm, he directly picked him up. Haojiao didn't show any mercy to his men just because he was a child. It is better to receive this kind of education in your own hands than to learn the painful lessons from others. So, he showed a grinning smile in Zhou Shang's eyes, and then he hit his stomach with a punch.

This punch is not heavy. For Haojiao, it is simply the level of a showman. But even so, Zhou Shang was still upset in his stomach, his eyes suddenly bulged, and he almost vomited everything in his stomach.

This is a feeling he has never experienced before. Even when he was wearing armor and fighting for justice, he had never been beaten like this.

This feeling is new, but it will never be good for him. So after a heavy gasp and grinning, he suddenly stretched out his leg and kicked the catastrophe, and while attacking, he also took advantage of his strength to break free from this situation.

"Clever way, at the very least, you didn't continue to be stupid at this time and wave your fist blindly. But..." He patted the clothes lightly, as if dusted off. Havoc used this way to show his disdain. "Still still too weak. Did you not eat? If you want to avenge that guy at this level, I think you should wait until you dream of such a good thing!"

"Damn it!" Zhou Shang couldn't help gritting his teeth. It's not that he doesn't feel that the other party seems to be agitating himself. But people of his age are exactly when they can't be stimulated the most.

Especially, his mind has become chaotic because of Smith Zhou's death. And under such a radical general, this confusion naturally affected him even more, making his choices more irrational.

He charged again. But this time it was not completely without learning. After approaching a place where he thought it was safe, that is, it was basically impossible for Catastrophe to grab him as soon as he reached out, he stopped actively. Then using what he believed to be high mobility, he began to quickly move around the catastrophe irregularly.

Lightning and thunder, torrent of flames. Many magic methods were displayed in his hands, and they were smashed to the catastrophe like a goddess scattered flowers.

After clearly feeling that Catastrophe's fist was really hard enough, Zhou Shang had already given up the idea of ​​going head-to-head with him. After all, Smith Zhou taught him so many magical powers, but it wasn't for him to be just a monkey who can dance with swords and sticks. And it was also out of this consideration to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, so he naturally changed his tricks.

Of course, even though it was a change of tricks, it did not mean that Zhou Shang would blindly think that he could deal with the guy in front of him with such a trick.

In any case, the guy in front of him is a strong man who can defeat and kill his grandfather. And such a strong man, if he can't handle such a trick, is that funny?

He didn't place any hope on this ridiculously small fluke. So doing so many bells and whistles is basically for procrastination and testing.

Procrastinate for time so that you can think of ways to target him effectively. Test the weaknesses and see if this guy who looks almost exactly the same as his father has any weaknesses.

Although, he himself thinks that this so-called delay and temptation can't play a big role. But this is already the best way he can think of, isn't it?

Unless it is to give up. But giving up, that is really not a result he wanted. If he doesn't even have the courage to fight this guy now, but chooses to escape. So in the future, will he still have the courage to complete this so-called revenge?

I am afraid that even he himself would doubt this. So he really didn't want to go back at all as a last resort.

Haojiao saw his persistence and hesitation, which made him shook his head and regretted, but also made him feel a little proud in his heart.

He regretted Zhou Shang's lack of knowledge of current affairs. Sometimes, it can be very fatal to see clearly the gap between each other. This is also facing oneself, if it is to change to any other opponent, and this opponent has an overwhelmingly powerful force, then this ignorance of current affairs is likely to cause a fatal blow.

Running away is sometimes not shameful, as long as it is effective. He had no worries about the truth that Qingshan had no firewood. Obviously, he wanted to learn well.

But if he saw the so-called gap clearly, he would run away without looking back, without even a little hesitation. In that case, Catastrophe will feel even more disappointed.

He didn't want to see Zhou Shang become such a person in his heart. Even if you say that such a person may live very well, but in the end, it will not be the appearance of his own child that a father hopes. This is the same as many children want their father to be a hero. As a father, he also hopes that his children, even if they can’t become a hero in the true sense, must know what to do and what to do. for.

Although Zhou Shang's performance at the moment was a bit naive, in the end, he did not say that he had made a choice that disappointed him. Therefore, although Haojiao didn't say it, he was still very satisfied, and even somewhat comforted.

What this means in action is that he has shown his image of a wicked person more and more moving. Even if it was bathed in Zhou Shang's attack like a violent storm, he still smiled scornfully, showing a look of disdain.

"This is all you have for? This is all you have for? That's it?"

With a wave of his hand, all the spells disappeared, the catastrophe arbitrarily dispelled all Zhou Shang's methods, and came to him in a flash of thunder, and clamped him in his own palm.

The speed that Zhou Shang thought himself didn't play any role at all at this time. And once again fell into the control of Havoc, he wouldn't let Zhou Shang escape from his hands so easily.

In general, Haojiao felt that what he should have seen was already seen, and it was meaningless to continue like this. It is not a good thing for his future to let Zhou Shang continue to face this kind of opponent that he cannot defeat at all. At the very least, he didn't want Zhou Shang to be passive for a lifetime because of his own blow.

Therefore, he put on such a wicked face. And the punch that raised his hand was already on Zhou Shang's chest.

He made a very precise control with this punch. That is, the strength of power just made Zhou Shang lose all resistance, and at the same time, his own majestic gravity also penetrated into Zhou Shang's body, giving him that kind of drowning-like dying feeling.

Of course, it is impossible for him to hurt Zhou Shang. In addition to the elements of acting, all this was done was more for Zhou Shang's future consideration.

Smith Zhou gave Zhou Shang a special legacy, which he saw in his eyes. And because of the particularity of this legacy, he had to consider whether it would have any adverse effects on Zhou Shang.

Although in the long run, this is definitely a good thing. After all, a single small universe, even in the eyes of a person like him, can be encountered but not sought. But the problem is precisely in this small universe, that is, it is on the verge of destruction and is in a state that needs to be restarted.

Smith Zhou may not be able to think about that much before his death, but Havoc has to consider it in all aspects. He must consider what he should do if this restart will harm its host.

It can't be said that he is watching over him 24 hours a day, that is not realistic. So, just taking advantage of this opportunity, using this ruthless gesture as a disguise, he began to solve this problem secretly.