MTL - South Korean Entertainment Industry News Record-Chapter 734 combo duel

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Back in Incheon, I continued to devote myself to the "produce" program group and continued to be busy.

It's another big scene shooting. This time, we have to prepare for the shooting of the group duel, which will be carried out in the auditorium of the resort. All the arrangements have started from one day. Today is the complete end, and the shooting will officially start tomorrow.

Because of the addition of Luo Yingshi, Zhang Che does not need to worry about outfield coordination at least. Now Zhang Che has been demoted to on-site PD, but Zhang Che is not unhappy at all. There are many people in charge of a team. Don't worry, be responsible for the overall situation...that's not what people do.

Well, Cao Xiaozhen and Luo Yingshi are not human, they are monsters, so Lao Luo and Lao Cao are well-known PDs, and Zhang Che is just making up the numbers.

After all the preparations have been made, let's start recording. Anyway, Zhang Che is a regular job. Just follow the shooting schedule. He is not the children who are about to go on stage. Those girls are nervous to death. Woolen cloth.

It is about whether they can stay and whether they can get the hard-won debut opportunity, which is the most concerned issue for most of the trainees from Class C, Class D, and Class F. They may not have enough strength, but the popularity is really hard to say. , It is not directly related to strength, so they also want to perform well to make a good impression and get a chance to stay. The children of Class A and Class B are relatively safer, but they are almost all selected by the top brokerage companies in the ranking. They can't pass the first round, and their debut in the company may be almost the same when they go back. ended.

What's more, on the day of the recording, ten seniors were sitting in the first row, and each of them was the captain of their own group.

The first to play was the two groups of people who got the Girls' Generation debut song "The World Reunited". The two people from Class A stood at the center, and one of them, Jin Yilin, was scolded by Kim Taeyeon.

Zhang Che didn't know if Kim Taeyeon did it on purpose. The first group did not praise her immediate descendants, but praised Huang Enfei for a while, saying that Huang Enfei reminded her of her second sister, and when it was Jin Yilin's turn, what to say, "You're at this level. , I will ask Mr. Li Xiuman to reconsider your debut."

Obviously it's swearing, but it's actually an advertisement. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this girl is currently the top three in popularity. Even if the camera is reduced, it is still the same, saying that she can't do it is a talent pool for complimenting S.M. By the way, let's publicize that this kid will make his debut when he returns to the company.

By the way, Kim Ji-soo is the most popular now, this kid... Lao Yang worked hard, that vote, even if the rare YG has a beautiful woman, you don't need to hold it like that, right?

Fortunately, it's a group duel now. When it comes to the lead singer duel or dance duel, God knows how long Jin Zhixiu can last. Her singing skills are not outstanding, and her dancing is not very good. Her position is actually similar to Zhou Jieqiong and Zheng Caiyan, and she is a candidate for the appearance.

Anyway, Kim Taeyeon shamelessly scolded people and finished the promotion, but when she voted, she didn't say that she wanted to vote for another team. She just declared that she was looking at Huang Eunfei's face and made the little girl Jin Yilin cry. to step down and wait for the result.

You really don't like Jin Yilin's performance, but you voted for Jin Chaeyuan and the others, who are pretending to be strict seniors, different from taking care of their own family.

Well, look at Nan Zhixian, how selfless he is. He chose a team with the best performance. The key is that there are no cube trainees in that team; and his fellow Tianchao, who also voted for a group of small companies to practice. The team formed by students is said to be an encouragement... Well, Zhang Che can't make it up. In fact, the reason they voted for others is that there are many people in the same company. Park Chulong and Kim Taeyeon have already voted for their own family members, and they can't get it. select. I didn't see that Park Gyu-ri voted for DSP's Xu Yingzhi's team, Hyorin voted for the team where the girls from the universe got together, and Suzy voted for Lin Nayeon's team.

This vote fully demonstrated the benefits of being from a big company. A bunch of seniors follow it, and it's hard to think if it's not popular.

In the end, it was the best team selected by the audience. Excluding individual votes, among the 20 teams, the audience would choose the best team, with all members adding 1,000 votes.

This rule was proposed by Zhang Che. The original plan was that only the person with the highest individual votes would add 1,000 votes, and the captain could only vote for one person. However, Zhang Che felt that since it was a team duel, one team should be one team. On the whole, success is not the credit of one person, so Zhang Che decided that the focus of the first duel is the combination, and the teamwork is important, and the later editing is also based on this aspect. The reason why the three girls Jin Zhixiu, Jin Yilin, and Zhou Jieqiong were so popular in the beginning is also the reason. Except for being quirky, these three girls like to help others.

In addition, Zhang Che has another consideration. The number of votes is too concentrated on a few people. In fact, to a certain extent, it is also a guide for TV audiences. That is, these few people are very powerful and will leave a deep impression. Conformity effect, the gap will be very large; but if the whole team gets the bonus, then there will not be many conspicuous ones, and the gap in online voting in the later stage is not large, which will create the impression of fierce competition, rather than the program group from the beginning. Going to hold rumors about someone.

Of course, people with high popularity are still high in popularity. After the editing of the program is completed, the ranking will remain high until the deadline for the first round of voting.

Although sister Jieqiong failed to become the center this time, her first center was the most impressive. I really want to say that she is the first popular among the 101 people, and this capital is enough for her to persist until the first. In three rounds, you can basically make your debut with dim sum. As for Kim Ji Soo and Kim Ye Rim... With YG and S.M as their backs, others can't shake their positions in the short term.

The sad thing is Lin Nalian. It's not that the gorilla didn't think of a way to swipe the votes, and the girl Tuya didn't work hard, but the first three people, two of them have their own company's support, the only girl Jieqiong who seems to have no background and Zhang Che is cheating. With the support of PD, the poor rabbit tooth girl has been hovering in the 4th to 8th place.

What followed was unexpected. The fifth place was actually Huang Enfei. This girl was originally in Class B but was unexpectedly favored by Jin Taeyeon. Now more and more people on the Internet say that she looks like the second sister, and the second sister is also happy Dian Dian found a class B trainee uniform from the warehouse and put it on himself, took a selfie and uploaded it, pretending to be a national producer, saying that he voted for Huang Enfei, but Zhang Che knew that this girl simply wanted to give Her company's clothes were promoted, and she really voted for Kim So-kyung, Kim Taeyeon said.

Kim Taeyeon also knew that she made a bad start on the jury seat, so that the people who followed suit were all thousand-year-old demons, and fully understood the truth of the law not blaming the public. on the head of the individual. It's just that it's easy for the show team to be criticized for being shady, so I apologized to Zhang Che during the break in the middle of the filming, and claimed that I brought Huang Enfei, this child will definitely be popular tomorrow, and then she will push back The second sister did some certification, as an explanation for him.

Zhang Che's attitude towards Kim Taeyeon is still very positive, but...

"Who told me to take a fancy to that girl?" Zhang Che said in confusion, in fact, in his last life, he preferred Yinhe to Xinfei, especially the short-haired Yinhe.

"No, then you didn't have anything to mention that day that the child looks like the second sister?" Jin Taeyeon asked unexpectedly.

"It really just feels like it, don't you think?" Zhang Che also asked innocently.

"...Where is the resemblance, if Xiuyan had that kind of character!" Jin Taeyeon muttered, but it happened that Zhang Che could hear it clearly.

"I said... the CP rumors in your company's official fan forums shouldn't be true, right? What do you really have with the second sister?" Zhang Che said with a strange expression.

"You..." Jin Taeyeon was angry, and she was not someone who didn't know it. She knew that she and the second sister were never close, so why did she ask this?

Then, Kim Taeyeon asked strangely, "I said, why do you have our official forum account? Are you also sone?"

"Nonsense, it's still an old fan with a five-digit ID number, okay? It's still Xinhui's identity information to register!" Zhang Che pouted and said, "Is there any problem, I'm still queen\'s and What about Kamilia, the one that pays annual membership fees!"


Well, that conversation ended in this very weird atmosphere. Anyway, Kim Taeyeon was embarrassed to leave. Before leaving, she had to leave Zhang Che's fan number and member ID. She needs to go back and communicate with the fan club leader to discuss it. Let's talk about whether Zhang Che's situation should be classified as a diehard fan or a fan.

The program "produce" is continuing to With the end of the fourth episode, from the effect of the program, the ten captains came as mysterious guests, put on a mask and danced "pickme" This song corresponds to the Easter eggs in the second issue. The topicality is quite good. After taking off the mask and introducing one by one, I changed my clothes and began to evaluate the 20 groups of trainees. Of course, it is only for the evaluation of my debut song. It is also very controversial, especially Jin Yilin is the most controversial. The debate about her strength began to appear, and then the sudden emergence of Huang Enfei, after the second sister's certification photo was uploaded, after she made it clear, she received a one-sided reception. Good reviews.

This is the first group, and the most intense competition is still in the lower third, that is, the position between 55 and 75 that may be eliminated this time. It has been changing fiercely until the end of the first elimination vote. .

This time Zhang Che emphasized the team, which led to an increase in the number of people who got bonus points in the second half. In addition, some people are so annoying and don't like the best, and they like to discover hidden gems, so there is a possibility for this stage. The people who are eliminated and may also go ashore have been analyzed specially, accompanied by moving pictures, and written an analysis of who is actually good, but is covered up by teammates or the center, and who is actually not very good, but only got 200 votes. Shit posts, and then instantly being put on the top by people with good deeds caused a scolding war, which caused the trainees' families in this area to be nervous, watching their children's rankings seven or eight times a day.

Compared to those worried parents and all kinds of keyboard warriors who don't mind the fun, the children are relatively stable. Because they don't have mobile phones, they don't know their specific rankings at all, so they can only passively wait for the show. The group came over to announce.

That day will come anyway, right?