MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 11 Wind thief (below)

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The young man seems to feel that the sky mark is not malicious to himself. He has relaxed a lot and smiled. "Big brother, I am mixing around in the vicinity, famous brand? I think it is the bargain on the corner. You have the most clothes." It’s worth twenty-five dollars. I’ve already counted you for saving me.”

"What? Twenty-five dollars? By the way, I was deceived. Good boy, I didn't expect you to be so clever." Sky marks surprised the young man in front of him. Although he was a bit cumbersome, he looks good. The eyebrows are beautiful, the figure is very similar to myself, just a little shorter.

Feeling the strange eyes of the sky, the young man could not help but shudder. "Big brother, can I give you more? You should never look at my looks! I, I am not good."

Tianzi first stunned. When he understood it, he couldn’t help but slam up. He kicked the youth to the side and forced him to go forward. The evil voice said: "Do I have that kind of hobby?"

Although the young man had a kick, but the sky mark was very measured, and did not hurt him, but it touched the wound on his shoulder. He suddenly licked his mouth and screamed. "It’s not like, big brother, you are in the end. What do you want? You just let me go."

The sky marks a cold sigh, saying: "You haven't explained how the wind abilities are coming. I won't let you go so easily."

"Wind abilities? What is that?" The young man stared at the sky mark. The sky mark brows slightly wrinkled, said: "You really don't know what is the power?" Although the youth's look is very realistic, but he faintly feels that there is something wrong.

The young man smiled bitterly: "Big brother, let me go, I really don't know what you are talking about."

The strange mark of the sky mark, patted his shoulder and said: "Reassured, you will understand later, my name is the sky mark, what is your name. Tell me the truth, what is your family doing?"

The youth subconsciously said: "The younger brother is called the wind, and the wind is high." The big brother said that there is really no one in my family. I grew up in the middle of the comet. It is an orphan. Hey, big brother, what do you mean? What? Call me to understand later? Is it, you..."

Tianzi smiled and said: "You react very fast. From now on, you will follow me later. I don't want your money. Anyway, the younger brother's money is naturally big brother. Let me go."

The wind is far away and staring at the sky mark. "Big brother, you are not talking about your dreams. The younger brother, I am born and raised in Zhongmu City, I don’t want to go anywhere, you will spare me. I have always been lazy, everyone can have bad. You can find it in me, you will be very bored, I, I will go first." Finished, wait for the sky to scream, turn around and run.

Looking at the back of the wind, I have to admit that this kid’s speed is very fast. In the case of a shoulder injury, he still runs like a fly. He is determined to be a wind power, but he has made up his mind to This wind is far away from me, how can he let him run away easily? Seeing the windy figure is about to disappear in the field of vision, this is lazy to catch up.

The wind ran away and sneaked back and watched. After a few turns, he secretly sighed and said to himself: "Rely, I want to be a younger brother, don't dream of daydreaming, I don't know who to look for." When the younger brother. I want to be the first singer of the Galaxy Alliance..." When he said this, he suddenly stopped, his eyes suddenly became sluggish, and suddenly he became a sorrow, and he did not know when he appeared in himself. The sky mark in front of me, the painful road: "Big brother, if I donate all the property to you, you will spare me."

The sky marks the lazy way: "I said it, the younger brother's thing is the big brother. You don't have to do this. How can I just ask for all your property? Follow me what is wrong, eat spicy and spicy, others want Give me a younger brother, I don't want it." He has a natural tendency for the wind, although his ability has been much stronger than the average person, but among the abilities, he is only a beginner. If there is a big helper, there is a great advantage. The most important thing is that he clearly understands that this wind must have been in the society for many years. His social experience is very important to himself.

The wind looked at the sky mark ten meters away from the front, and there was a variety of light shining in his eyes. The brain was spinning fast, thinking about the way to get out. At this moment, he suddenly saw two people walking from the side, wearing Uniform person. If it is normal, he can't hide, but today is a special situation, he immediately regarded these two people as their new life-saving straw. Under the gaze of the sky mark, rushed to the two people, fully exerted his talent for performance, a nose and a tearful road: "Police brother, you can save me! Someone wants to rob me."

Yes, it was the two police officers responsible for patrolling. When they saw the wind, they couldn’t help but show a look of vigilance. After listening to his words, the two laughed strangely. One of them said: "Why are you? Boy, I want to eat a meal, isn't it? Our director said, you won't let you in if you want to go in, you will be saved by the bottom. You don't count as others are already good, who will rob you this kid ""

"No! Police brother, you can save me. There is a weapon in the hand. There is a banned laser gun. You see, it is him. It is him. There are at least five laser guns in his clothes. You must be careful. Don't hurt it."

After all, the two police officers were loyal to their duties. When they heard the three words of the laser gun, the two men suddenly changed their faces and took out their own guns. The standard policeman on his body gave off a protective cover of about 50 degrees. Look at the sky mark.

Tianzi raised his hands leisurely, threw the parcel in his hand and walked slowly to the two policemen. When the wind saw him coming over, he immediately hid behind the two policemen. His eyes showed a smug look and heart. This time, how do you let me be a younger brother?

A policeman shouted to the sky mark: "Do not stand and keep the current position."

The sky marks a slight smile, said: "Two police brothers, I think you must recognize this." As he said, he spread his right hand and handed it forward. Under the urging of the cosmic gas, the blue gems in the palm of his hand suddenly lit up. stand up.

The two policemen were almost at the same time, and their eyes were shining. When they first started studying at the police academy, they were familiar with the various classes of the Galaxy Alliance. When they saw this blue gem, they could not know it. Almost blue. At the next moment when the ray of light appeared, the guns on their hands had been collected and the defense was lifted. The policeman who had spoken before respectfully said to the sky: "It turned out that the manipulator was coming and he was giving a gift."

Tianzi glanced at the stunned wind and smiled. "The two executives are not able to bother me. I just caught a few people who used firearms illegally. They are in the corner, their weapons I have To pay, in this package, there are a total of five laser guns, which are taught to you. As for this far-fetched thing, I hope that the two will not intervene."

The two policemen have seen the operators before. The average manipulators are all above the top. How can they give these policemen a good look? The gentle smile on the face is very different. The two have a good impression, not to mention that they have no power to violate the sacred actor. Even if there is, they will never fall out of the other side because of a smuggling. Moreover, they have given them the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and seized the violation. firearms.

"Operator is not welcome, thank you for your help." A policeman is very smart, and the backhand grabs the wind that is trying to escape again, and personally sends him to the sky mark.

The sky marks the shoulders of the wind. "I think, you should stop running. Next time, I am afraid that it is the laser whip." The place he shot was the windy wound, and the boy who suddenly hurts for a while. I lick my mouth, but I really don't dare to say anything more.

The two policemen left the five laser guns and immediately left. It wasn’t that the sky marks that they didn’t want to keep the laser guns. It’s really because these prohibited things won’t help him. With his power, this is the most common. The firearms are not as good as the alloy daggers.

The face of the day marks still reveals a smile, watching the wind far away: "It seems that your reputation is not very good! Even the police station is not willing to accept you, anyway, you are alone, what is wrong with me?"

At this time, the wind was far from helpless, finally unloading all the disguise on the face, glaring at the sky mark. "Why do you have the power to restrict the freedom of others, why should I follow you? I don't even know who you are, and I am used to this person, and I will not be a younger brother."

The day mark nodded and said: "You have a temper, I think, even if I didn't save you, I am afraid you have a way to escape. Well, I don't want you to be a younger brother. We can always be friends. You have it. Wind abilities, I don't know if you really don't understand or are confused with me, but I can help you improve the strength of the wind abilities, and I promise that you will not be overly constrained with me. I think, you must like to try new people, and the novelty that I can bring to you is something you will never think of. Frankly speaking, I am also a versatile person, but unlike you, I am good at space. system."

The wind looked at the sky marks and his eyes flashed. "Would you like to be friends with me? And a friend who is used to stealing?"