MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 8 Revenge of the savage woman (on)

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The same is the first two chapters, please vote a lot, collect more. There is a chapter at night -

The starting point of the popular author Tang Jiasan and dancing, a small three a small five, the starting point of the "three-five cigarette combination", grand recommendation of the small five masterpiece "Supreme rogue." Brothers are united, and their power is broken! In the future, we will produce the "Three-five cigarettes", guarantee the speed, guarantee the whole book, and guarantee the readers value for money! ——

Damon smiled and said: "We want to introduce you to a teacher inside the sacred league. Some people are always better than groping for themselves. At least he can call you in some aspects, so that you can less in the process of comprehension. Take a lot of detours. In this case, you should go home to see your parents and save them from worrying. Then, you have to go to the Ming Huangxing, the teacher we introduced to you is in the Minghuangcheng. He is Moore, who is a Very good control, we will say hello to him in advance, but whether you can include him and teach the mystery of your space ability depends on your own skills. I want to remind you that the Moore controller is A very weird old man, he does not belong to any faction in the sacred league, but has a pivotal position in the entire sacred alliance, even several judges are very respectful to him."

There is a lot of activity in the heart of the day, if you can get the same person's point, it is too beneficial for yourself, perhaps, in less than three years can reach the level of the level 10 ability. "Thank you two teachers, I remember."

Damon smiled and said: "If you come back safely, I can go to Snow Magic with a magical star. We will not meet in a short time, but they are all in the Holy League. If you want to find us, you only need to go through a biological computer. Mrs. Ouya’s inquiry can be done. After all, you belong to the controller of her majesty, and it is necessary for her to agree with other operators of the Union.”

"Magic star? What is that place?" Tian trace asked in surprise. He was the first to hear about the existence of this planet.

Xue Endao: "Before you have become a true core member of the sacred alliance, you still can't know everything about the magic star. We can only tell you that there is a paradise for the abilities. When you reach level 10, you will naturally Go there. We have been dragging on for a while, now is the time."

Tianzheng constantly searched for information in the brain, hoping to find an introduction to the magic star, but he was quickly disappointed. Although humans formed the Galaxy Alliance, they did not control the entire Galaxy. The Galaxy Alliance was only a title for the future.

The Milky Way is one of the common galaxy clusters of the 2 billion galaxies known in the universe. Because she is the birthplace of the solar system in human origin, she has no choice but to become the first target of human exploration.

The celestial bodies that can be seen by the earth with the naked eye are all members of the Milky Way. Others can only detect the three nearby galaxies of the river.

The total number of stars in the Milky Way is about 130 billion, forming a white light river that the earth sees in the sky.

She is a huge gathering of stars and interstellar gases and dust, and the main body has a flat spiral-shaped giant disk. This giant disk formed by countless suns and astral worlds can be divided into four parts: the most central nuclear ball, silver plate, spiral arm and silver halo.

The nucleus is located in the center of the silver plate and is an elliptical sphere. It is a dense area of ​​the Milky Way stars. The closer it is to the center, the denser it is.

However, even at the center of the silver plate, the stars are still far away in light years. The number of stars in the nucleus accounts for five percent of the total, which is about the same as the sun in the seven billion solar system.

Outside the nucleus is a silver plate, distributed in an axisymmetric form around the nucleus, with a diameter of about 82,000 light years and a thickness of about 6,500 light years.

At the silver plate, starting from the center of the nuclear sphere, the distribution of the star is closer to the edge area, and the number is reduced and thin.

The mass of silver-plated stars and interstellar objects accounts for about 85 percent of the total mass of the Milky Way.

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxies in the universe. From the symmetrical ends of the nucleus, a number of spiral arms are found, which is the cosmic physical effect of the rotation of the entire galaxy.

And the entire Milky Way is enveloped in a large "light fog ball" with a diameter of 100,000 light years, that is, "silver halo." It consists of sparsely distributed aged stars and interstellar matter.

The brightest member of the silver halo is a globular cluster of stars.

For humans, as of now, this vast world of cosmos is still an endless universe of mysteries.

The solar system in which the Earth is located is located in a spiral arm away from the end of the nuclear silver plate, and there is still a distance of about 10,000 light years away from the edge. After several years of exploration, humans have now controlled more than 1,700 administrative stars for survival by virtue of various technologies and jumping techniques, but the places that humans can truly explore are but the entire galaxy. Only one tenth of it. In order to explore the galaxy, humans have paid too much.

The memory of the sky mark is very amazing. He can almost recite the names of more than 1,700 administrative stars one by one, but he can never find information about the magic star. Listening to Damon and Xue En, this magic star is by no means a newly discovered planet. What secrets are there?

Damon walked up to the front of the sky mark and patted him on the shoulder. He said, "Don't think about it, even we don't know the true look of the magic star. You will definitely have the opportunity to go there in the future. We got along five. In the year, the teacher has nothing to send you, and this will be left to you to commemorate." He said, he did not know where to take out a small bead and handed it to the sky mark.

The sky marks his head and shook his head. His eyes are red and red: "Teacher Damon, you have given me too much. I can't ask for your things any more. Without you, my parents can't leave the slums, and there will be no My present, your kindness, the sky mark will never forget."

Damon’s face showed a soft glow. “Stupid boy, do you think that I am helping you to repay you? When I first saw you, I was attracted by your talent, even though you I don't have the ability, but I see that you will be a useful talent in the Galaxy Alliance in the future. In order not to bury you, I brought you out of the slums. It turns out that you have not let me down. In the vast space of the universe, our goals can be extended indefinitely. I only hope that you can be a useful person and always maintain a sense of integrity. This is enough. Take it, this thing is very useful for you. "Speaking, hard to put the beads into the hands of the sky mark.

Xue En smiled and said: "Okay, look at the two of you, it seems to be born different from death. Heaven marks, you have to remember, this thing that Xue En has to give you must wear on your neck, with the creatures in your palm The computer is used in combination. Originally, this is the equipment of the core members of the sacred alliance, but Damon is afraid that you will be lost in the universe in the future. Through the biological computer and this highly integrated bead, in any of the Galaxy we have already discovered In one corner, you can accurately grasp the position and the surrounding information. At the same time, it also marks the place where the masters live on each planet. It is very big for you to go to Minghuangxing to find the Moore controller there. s help."

Tianzheng looked at the beads with a faint red light in his hand, and then looked at Damon in front of him deeply, stepping back two steps, respectfully showing to Damon a ninety degree. "Damon teacher, you will always be the day." The most respected teacher, I will not let you down." He did not make too many stops, turned and went. But Damon clearly saw the wetness in his eyes.

Out of the teaching building, breathing fresh and pure air, the traces of the silk in the heart of the heart can not help but alleviate a lot, tap the finger-sized beads from the neckline to their chest, the chest is hot, beads It has been adsorbed on its own. Sure enough, as Xue En said, the biological computer in the right palm is connected to the beads in an instant. The whole bead is like a huge database. All kinds of information can be moved into his mind at any time.

"Sky marks, you come back!" A very familiar voice rang behind his back, and the sky marks a stiff face, slowly turning back. What he saw was a somewhat lonely face. The blood in the body seems to have stopped flowing, and various complicated thoughts are constantly impacting the mind of the sky mark. His face has become very pale. Looking at the girl in front of the beauty, the feeling of heartache came again. Four years of feelings, what is it that you can forget when you forget?