MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 9 The second ability of the sky mark (middle)

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The starting point of the popular author Tang Jiasan and dancing, a small three a small five, the starting point of the "three-five cigarette combination", grand recommendation of the small five masterpiece "Supreme rogue." Brothers are united, and their power is broken! In the future, we will produce the "Three-five cigarettes", guarantee the speed, guarantee the whole book, and guarantee the readers value for money! ——

Today's third chapter is coming. Everyone has a lot of collections, lots of tickets, three chapters a day to update, to ensure quality -

The clear stream seems to be very repulsive to the cold, and the two different air streams begin to attack each other. Surprisingly, the sky marks do not feel any discomfort because of their inclination. Only the emotions are greatly affected, and they return to normal for a while. It is full of suffocation. Gradually, the two airflows showed a change in color, the clear stream turned white, and the ice cooled to black. The different rays of black and white are constantly hostile to each other.

The mind flashed in the mind, and the sky mark suddenly realized that if he continued this way, he would not escape the end of destruction. The spirit broke free from the disputes between the two airflows and entered the cosmic atmosphere. Under the influence of the mild cosmic atmosphere, the mind would never Influenced by the two airflows, the meaning and the heart, and the comfort that blends with the heavens and the earth, the operation of the cosmic gas becomes faster.

At the beginning, the cosmic gas is completely controlled in the grasp of the sky mark, but the time is not long, the idea of ​​the sky mark has been completely integrated into the heavens and the earth, and the cosmic gas in his body is filled in every corner of the body, whether it is white clear stream. Or the black icy is wrapped in the cosmic gas, the cosmic gas is so soft, it does not repel for the two kinds of airflow, but only fusion.

The strength of white gas itself is stronger than that of black gas. It was supposed to be swallowed up by black gas, but black gas is very overbearing. It seems to be completely erupted when white gas swallows it, but the intervention of cosmic gas eases both airflows. The inclination of them, they have added another attribute, the nature of the universe.

Black and white are like a pair of enemies, although they don't seem to have too deep hatred. The cosmic gas has become a matter of neutralizing them. The black gas and the white gas are divided into two sides. The black gas and the cosmic gas merge into the dantian of the sky mark, and the white gas merges with the cosmic gas and rises into his mind. The conflict between the two airflows has finally come to an end.

A slamming sound stunned the sky marks from the wonderful feelings of heaven and earth fusion. "The level of power, three, the universe, the second and the third." Surprised and blinked, the sky marks that the sky is bright outside. Another new day. One night, just one night, my own cosmic gas has reached a new realm. The black and white two qis that you feel in the shackles really exist, and you only need to concentrate on them to find them. Although they are integrated with the cosmic gas, they are obviously not willing to coexist in this way. They are both in the brain and in Dantian, and the cosmic gas can only use the fusion to stop them.

The sky marks a move, trying to use the space ability to summon a piece of clothing not far from the front. However, he was shocked to find that he had failed. Space abilities have lost their effect like never before.

Both the brain and Dantian had a tingling sensation at the same time. The brain seemed to be torn by something, and Dantian became cold. Try to let yourself relax. Skymarks don't dare to think about these two groups of breaths, because when he thinks about the white air in his mind, he will be full of anger, and when he thinks of black gas, his heart will rise to kill.

The cosmic gas, as if catching a life-saving straw, the day marks focus on the ubiquitous cosmic atmosphere in the body. The two negative emotions suddenly weakened a lot. Although the discomfort still exists, it is not so strong.

Suddenly thought of something, the sky marks only feel that his body is like a hail. He is very clear, and it has been confirmed by Liao En that the current white gas, that is, the original clear stream, is the energy of the space system. However, what is the black gas that is against it? Is it the dark power?

Thinking of this possibility, the heart of the day marks trembling. Although he is very calm, he can no longer remain calm in the face of his own conjecture. Liao said that when a person has two abilities, only two situations can occur. One is that the two abilities coexist without being excluded, although the power will be stronger than the peers of the same level. However, it is difficult to cultivate to level ten or above. The other situation is even more terrifying. When the two abilities are mutually exclusive, the result is only one, that is, the body is dying. Their own space abilities and dark abilities are already mutually exclusive. Is it going to die?

In fact, Skymark does not know how lucky he is. Dark abilities are definitely a different kind in the world of power. It is an absolute enemy with the Light. If these two abilities appear in one body at the same time, there is no other possibility, and a violent explosion will occur immediately. At the same time, the dark abilities are also rejected by the four abilities of water, fire, earth and wind. The four abilities that represent the power of nature do not compromise on the dark abilities. Space abilities are the most neutral of all seven subject abilities. They are not easily accepted for other abilities, but they are not too strongly excluded.

The abilities are all born with natural genius, except for the special genius who has the ability to be born as a blue, and it needs to be guided by the day after tomorrow. The space system's ability is guided by an eager mood. And he himself has the potential to have dark abilities. When facing Lenna again, the negative emotions in my heart finally led the deep darkness. Although spatial abilities do not absolutely reject dark abilities, they are not willing to have more than one sharer in their own bodies, while dark abilities are more arrogant, and naturally there is a scene of confrontation, but between them Confrontation is not strong. Even so, if there is no intensive training for three months, the body of Tianzheng can no longer afford it.

"A trace, get up and eat. Then I will take you to see the saint." The voice of the old horse sounded.

The day marks only feel that the body has been soaked in sweat, not because of pain, but more because of fear. The color in life has just appeared, and he is absolutely unwilling to end there. Reluctantly got up and said: "Dad, I will take a shower first, then eat."

Under the stimulation of hot water, the body of the sky mark is much more comfortable, and the two different atmospheres in the body gradually calm down under the cosmic atmosphere. I was relieved, although he knew that things were not over, but for the time being, I couldn’t think about it.

After eating a hearty but exquisite breakfast, Tianzheng said to his mother: "Mom, give me your identity card. When I graduated, because I was a top student, the college rewarded me with a thousand cosmic coins. You keep it." ""

Mai Ruoyi said: "There are rewards? A thousand so many! Why didn't you give it back to the benefactor."

Tianzheng smiled and said: "Yes, but Damon teacher, he doesn't want to, I have already thought about it, wait for me to earn more, and make up for us to owe the teacher together. There are thousands of cosmic coins, but also enough for you. It’s been a year."

Mali smiled and said: "More than a year, we have no place to spend money here. We only need to pay some house-related expenses. One thousand dollars is enough for several years. It seems that my son will have more and more money. ""

Mai Ruodao: "A trace, you don't have to transfer it to me, you also leave some. After you go to the big city to find a job, you need to use money. Don't bitter yourself, it is not easy for a person to be outside."

Feeling the mother's care, the sky marks a hot, nodded.

Mali took the sky mark out of the building where he lived. After the identity card was confirmed, he was transferred to Mai Ruo 800 yuan. This was still the case in Mali.

The slums are not the same as before, but when the slums saw the poor, they found a different place. The former poor people were all empty and lifeless, and only some children were able to find some fun on their own. But now it has completely changed. Everyone seems to be full of spirits. Their eyes are filled with joy and expectation, as if they are looking forward to it.

Far away, the sky marks a high platform, and the high platform has a shape of about 20 meters. It is centered on the high platform and surrounded by the poor people living around. Their eyes are looking up. The sky mark looked up and saw that there was a girl standing on the platform that was not wide. She played with the simple instrument on the high platform, which seemed to be a loudspeaker. Seeing this woman, Tianzheng can't help but be disappointed. She is not as beautiful as her mother said. She is much inferior to her former girlfriend, Linna, or the arrogant Xuemei. White skin, medium-sized, looks a little thin, light blue hair with her movements slightly floating, her appearance is very ordinary, but the face always with a touch of smile, eyes Soft, even if the distance is so far, the sky marks can still be felt.

The starting point of the popular author Tang Jiasan and dancing, a small three a small five, the starting point of the "three-five cigarette combination", grand recommendation of the small five masterpiece "Supreme rogue." Brothers are united, and their power is broken! In the future, we will produce the "Three-five cigarettes", guarantee the speed, guarantee the whole book, and guarantee the readers value for money!