MTL - Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life-Chapter 124

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Huomu is a decisive person.

After making a decision, I will make a quick decision.

The next day, she really let the secretary Chen around to inform the second son, and make his final ultimatum and conditions clear.

Huo Wencheng went alone, and after returning, he shut himself down in the room for a whole day.

"Cheng brother, what happened to you?"

Gu Wushuang arrived at night and finally realized that he was not right.

Huo Wencheng came out of the study and his eyes were red. "Double, my mother made a condition. If you can, let us go back."

He thought for a whole day.

On the one hand, it is the operation of the company that cannot be put down, but on the other hand, it is the mood of the mother to hold the grandson.

Gu Wushou raised his eyebrows, "What is it?"

She turned and took his hand and put it on her shoulder. "You pressed me, I sat for a day today, and everything is sour."

Huo Wencheng naturally helped her with her back shoulders.

She was sitting on the sofa with her back and leaning against him. The smile on her face was gradually reduced. The red lips were close, and there was a trace of impatience in the light.

"What does the aunt say?"

She has already received the certificate with Huo Wencheng, but she has never had a banquet.

There are only two mothers who know that they are married in the circle.

Huomu in turn took her, not letting her enter the house, but also to mention various conditions, obviously not satisfied with her.

Gu Wushuang bites his teeth.

Where did Huo Wencheng's mobility go at this time? As a man, he had the courage to go with her to get the certificate, but he couldn't lead her into the house. What is this? ?

Huo Jia talked with her about the conditions. What is his identity? Is the representative of Huojia? What qualifications does he have to say! At that time, it was not himself who offered the certificate and played it first! ?

"Double, my mother wants a child. We work hard, if you are pregnant for a year and a half, we can go back."

Gu Wushuang instantly pinched the pillow on the sofa, and the ten fingers had to break into the cotton inside.

"Cheng brother, the doctor said, I can't have children for half a year."

"I know, hasn't this been four months? After two months, I will accompany you to the clinic and listen to what the doctor said?"

Gu Wushuang lowered his eyes and his face was mocked.

Her value is to have children?

"Sincere brother, if I have been unable to give birth? Do you have to fight against your aunt?"

The man behind him breathed a stagnation, as if he had been thinking for a long time, he could not help but sigh. "We don't want to think about these hypothetical questions first, okay?"

"That is my home, my mother, no matter what, we will go back."

Gu Wushuang took a deep breath.

Yes, no matter what.

"Sincere brother, tomorrow, you will accompany me to see my adoptive father. Ask him the old man, think about what is going on."

"Right, you said that HF ​​signed a contract with Holstein last time. The profit point is over 10% for a long time. If we take over Gu, can we try to establish cooperation with HF?"

Women only rely on themselves.

Gu Wushuang sneered at her lips, and she has seen it clearly in the future.

She was so hard to get the courage to do the surgery, freed from death, if she wants the child to be dangerous now, she would rather not be born.

But Huomu obviously does not care about her life, her body!

Even Huo Wencheng is like this!

"Well, I will accompany you."

"Thank you, my brother."

Gu Wushuang turned back and buried some distorted face on his shoulder.

"If I can get more industries from my family, then you will not have the inheritance rights of Huojia, but also have family care."

Huo Wencheng moved back to her.


A week later, Gu Shishi, who went to the inspection, got the latest news of the people who ate melon.

Gu Wushuang personally took the recording of the year to the ward and gave it to Gu Jiangxin who was still hanging.

Not only a recording, she actually hid several recordings.

Even at that time, because she was just a popular smartphone, she said she was greedy, liked to record videos and take pictures everywhere, and left a lot of videos and photos of their furniture meeting with the officials.

Not only Gu Jiangxin's, but even Gu was in it, almost sent Gu Jiangxin to the ICU for the second time.

Huo Wencheng also asked a lawyer to tell Gu Jiangxin how many years of punishment he would face if these crimes were sent out, and how the court would sentence him.

Because behind these gifts, the huge amount of land transactions involved, coupled with his repeated bribery for several years, repeatedly do not change, so a significant sentence is definitely unable to escape.

In this way, Gu Jiangxin couldn't even speak on the spot.

On the second day afterwards, the lawyer came to the ward again to witness his abdication.

His struggle for the rest of his life ended up being a wedding dress for others.

"Gu Wushuang, this little poisonous flower, is also smart, knowing that the dog jumped to the wall, and did not take away the shares of Gu Jiangxin, and left him 20%. Plus his old founder's team, the total equity is about 35%, in the company There is still a right to hear."

Qin Ruhai shook his head.

"There is something in the future, left to my own son. So, they are reconciled."

"Gu Wushuang deleted the recording?"

Gu Shishi raised his eyebrows and asked the curious question while eating the breakfast after the end of the inspection.

Qin Ruhai smiled. "It is said that all the scenes have been deleted, and the mobile phones have been crushed and destroyed."

Gu Shiji nodded.

Xiaoshihua is estimated to have left a backup, in order to prevent Gu Jiangxin's energy recovery, and freed up his hand to beat her down.

Gu Jiangxin must also know her backhand.

Only no one wants to really break the face.

What Gu Wushuang wants is the Gu Shi Group, which has no depreciation. She naturally does not expose all the evidences of Gu Jiangxin.

Gu Jiangxin did not want to go to jail, but wanted to keep some of his property. If he goes out of the house, he will not be threatened by the unparalleled threat.

"Although this, but Gu Jiangxin's body can't work, Hugh can only take long sick leave, and it can be completely out of the company's management, at least three to six months, can only be handed over to Gu Wushuang toss."

When Qin Ruhai said, he blinked at the scene.

Huo Shun took off her suit and placed it on the side chair. She loosened the cufflinks of the shirt and slowly rolled up her sleeves to the middle of the arm. She took the alcohol gel that Siyi sent and carefully disinfected her hands.

As if he didn't see Qin Ruhai's eyes, after he finished disinfecting, he took the white boiled eggs in the chef's plate seriously.

She carefully peeled the shell for her, leaving only the last soft shell that she could hold in her hand before re-delivering the egg to her tray.

This operation is also seen in the heart of Qin Ruhai.


This kind of sister **** skill, the big devil king even learned it without a word!

Sure enough, Qin Ruhai turned to look at the teacher, and saw her face with a sweet face, ruddy complexion, leeches, all the minds were placed on the big devil, where there is a spectator who just listened to him and said gossip!

"Cough and cough!"

Qin Ruhai expressed dissatisfaction.

"Do you listen to it?"

As a result, he got a cold eye from Horscher and the back of the entire table.

"Do not squirt."

Qin Ruhai: "........."

So annoying, he is really annoying!

As a messenger, it is not taken seriously!


On the other side, the capital city chapter.

Gu mother asked Wu Wu to ask for money without success, and finally found the big brother Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng simply took out the equity swap agreement that the lawyer had already prepared, and exchanged all the shares in her hands at a market price of 1.2 times.

Gumu is not a fool, all of them are exchanged. After that, the company will not get the dividends.

However, Zhang Sheng also calculated an account for her, listing the number of dividends in the company over the years, and the interest on deposits in this part of the cash, or the return on investment she could get to buy a house.

After Gu Gu looked at it, it was a heartbeat.

On the one hand, she is going to use money now. On the other hand, after hearing about the stock price crash of Gu Jiangxin, who has worked for most of her life, she found that the operating company really has no guarantee.

Under the two-phase trade-off, she asked for a second-floor duplex house and finally agreed to the equity delivery.

For her, this may be the best solution.

A quarter of the property develops the early education industry, with the remaining two quarters used for housing investment and the last cash in the bank.

Big Brother is right, it is enough for her bank interest and property return that she is enough to support her.

"Big brother, I want to go back to Shanghai once."

Gu Gu, who got the Zhang family share, filled the small vault, and felt safer than ever. He felt good about his brother and Yan Yue.

Zhang Sheng is more indifferent to her than ever.

The younger sister insisted on her own way. He kindly took her back to her family to support her, but she only considered herself from beginning to end. She returned to the chapter for less than three months and proposed to split up.

His heart is cold.

I used to think she was stupid, and now she thinks she is stupid and selfish.

He didn't speak, Gu Gu only thought that he was a temper who didn't like to talk, and didn't think too much.

"Big brother, I have thought about it in the past few days. You are right with the nephew. The unparalleled child has not really cared about me recently. I think, I still have to go back and see. The mother is not around the child, and the child naturally forgets the mother."

Zhang Sheng is too lazy to answer, just a bang, on behalf of himself.

Shen Yunping, who is next to him, is speechless.

In the eyes of others, she is not going back to her family's house to cry, rolling a wave of property, after satisfaction, just patted the **** and left?

As soon as she leaves, the wind and the wind will spread throughout the capital!

The rich ladies have nothing to do, and they like to talk about these gossips after they like tea.

Gu mother does not feel that there is any problem with her logic.

Everyone said that her daughter is not filial. It is not the emperor of Shangao. Is she too far away from her daughter?

Going back with my daughter, seeing it every day, the natural daughter also has the opportunity to filialize her!

Moreover, the shackles in her heart have become heavier and heavier these days.

Dreaming at night, even dreaming of the unparalleled picture of this unreasonable child who refused to support her and throw her in the capital!

If she doesn't go back one day, she can't be safe in one day!

She must go back and see what the unparalleled child is doing!

"Big Brother, you will give me a ticket."

After Gu’s words finally, he said his true intentions.

Shen Yuping couldn't help but lick her head and rolled her eyes.

Zhang Sheng frowned and wanted to open, but was taken by Shen Yunping.

"Three sisters, you just said that you are right. To be a mother is to take the initiative to get close to the children. You are now a daughter and a son-in-law."

Shen Yunping laughed.

"This time, going back, naturally, let the son-in-law pick up the plane. When the ticket is suitable, I have to discuss with him to see if he is free. For the mother-in-law, can the son-in-law not do it?"

When Gu mother heard it, she suddenly felt confused.

"Yes, scorpion, you remind me. Big Brother, you go to work, I let Wencheng give me a ticket, let him take the time to pick me up at the airport!"

The daughter is not close to herself, and most of them are the relationship that the son-in-law is behind.

She wants to set him a rule!

Mother-in-law travels to and from the country, of course, it is necessary for the son-in-law to take the initiative to pay, and take the initiative to pick up!

He also needs her to hint, what is this! ?

Zhang Sheng didn't say a word, and he walked away with a cold face.

Shen Yunping smiled and kept up, "Three sisters, then let's go first!"

Gu mother did not send, just stood up and said goodbye, and then invested back to Shencheng, how to give this woman a rectification of thoughts.

When Zhang Sheng strode back to the car, Shen Yunping followed him and took him.

"What are you going to do so fast!"

Zhang Sheng's face is black.

"This is your three sisters, not my family. It is so disgusting..." Shen Yunping smiled and took him the tea in the car.

"Why don't you tell her that there is nothing to record?"

When Zhang Sheng took the cup, he snorted. "Which pot does not open which pot, I said useful? Let her hit the wall!"

Shen Yunping suddenly grinned.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution during the period of 2019-11-1517:34:03~2019-11-1617:42:15~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Leo. Sakura, 5 bottles to the night; 绯1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!