MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 44 Counterattack (below)

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Shi Feixia gave up the struggle, as if waiting to slaughter the lamb. I didn't expect Jin to be so fierce. In order to drag him into the water, he did not hesitate to expose what he did when he was complicity. It was the highest move to wipe out the enemy.

King said to Antonio, "Did you all hear me?"

Antonio looked at Shi Feixia lightly, "Hm."

King looked at him with anticipation, "What do you think next?"

Antonio just watched the people in the air don't speak.

Shi Feixia seemed to do the last fight, and shouted, "I'm forced to do this because of Jinwei ... oh."

Someone who was silenced by Jin Chao smiled, "Sorry, you talk too much."


Shi Feixia stared fiercely at the culprit, not forgetting to win the sympathy of Antonio with his pitiful eyes.

Antonio seemed to have received his begging and slowly said, "Speaking of it, he's just an accomplice."

Jin Hou smiled cheekily: "When there is no meat to eat, it is also good to drink broth. When the culprit cannot be punished, it is also good to give vent to the perpetrator."


Do n’t listen to gold, do n’t lower your requirements so much! If you have a debt or a right, you must not be afraid of power and danger, and always face high challenges.

Shi Feixia expressed the above message with his eyes.

Antonio was thoughtful, and it seemed that King's words did touch somewhere in his mind.

"What are you guys playing here? Can I join?" Smarr suddenly appeared across the hallway, walking over with a smile.


The hope of Shi Feixia's eyes was burning, but soon extinguished.

Because after Smar approached, he immediately stood between King and Antonio in a dog-legged manner. Ah ... what are you playing? Can I join? Oh no, can I touch your hands first? "

Golden hands fell on his back, "No touch."


Smar looked at Antonio with a smirk.

Antonio stretched out his hand slowly.

Smal held it excitedly and lowered his head—

Come on!

Kissed so much.

From Shi Feixia's perspective, he could even see Smar's tongue.


King retreated three steps.

Shi Feixia desperately moved backwards in the air.

Antonio retracted the wet hand blankly.


This is called constant force.

Shi Feixia sighed. If he could ignore his brow blazing.

Smar wiped his mouth contentedly. "What were you doing just now? Can I join?"

Antonio looked up and looked coldly at Shi Feixia's anticipation, "Tooth for tooth, eye for eye."


Shi Feixia's heart sank.

Jin applauded: "This is a good way. But who is better?" He looked up at Shi Feixia, "Would you like to provide your own personal choice?"

Shi Feixia closed his mouth.

Kim scratched his chin with his fingers. "How about Asha? He's tall and secure. And he doesn't need to work hard to make you very, very contented." The word "satisfied" was particularly accented by him.

Shi Feixia desperately shook his head.

"Or Layton?" King made a cooperative substitution. "I can see that he is good to you, and you are good to him, should I push it?"

Shi Feixia shook his head quickly.

Antonio suddenly said, "Isfer."


Not only did Jin and Simal stunned, but Shi Feixia's head was shaking for a while.

Jin Ranran said: "That's the case. Well, I don't know if it's good to have your eyesight, or whether your eyes are covered with paper. But a brother, your wish is our wish. You can go in peace If you are killed, we burn paper for you. If you succeed, we take the wind for you! "

Pick you up!

Shi Feixia stared at him fiercely.

Smarr finally heard something, "Ah, are you guys playing matchmaking?"

Jin smiled, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Simal shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, we have masters." Jin unlocked Shi Feixia's prohibition on speaking.

The first sentence that Shi Feixia said was, "Smar, don't forget who brought you to Noah's Ark. You can't **** a vampire to show revenge and forgiveness."

Kim touched his **** and sneered.

Smal said: "We are just on the same road, I still drive the carriage."

Shi Feixia: "..."

"I can come to Noah's Ark without you, but without me you can't come back."

"..." How I miss without you. Shi Feixia can't wait to kick his head with his feet.

"Further ..." Smar's tone was suddenly soaring, eyes full of longing and dreams, "Kim and Antonio are both my idols and idols, for them, go up the knife mountain, go down the sea of ​​fire, I am at my wits' end!"

Shi Feixia: "..." This is the consequence of blind worship of idols.

Antonio said again: "Actually, this is not difficult."

King and Smal both stared at him with gaze.

"Easiest to use."

When Shi Feixia knew what he was referring to as the simplest, he could not wait to be killed.

After he stripped off his clothes, Smar patted his head. "There is nothing to be shy about this kind of thing. It's an honor to be repaired in three lives!

Hum, his three lives were so boring that he had nothing to do with it. Shi Feixia wanted to cry without tears.

Kim didn't know where to get a little pink blanket. "The goods still need to be packed."

Smar wrapped in a blanket, showing only his two feet, and looked for a long time, wondering, "Are you sure he is so attractive?"

Both eyes glared at the crooked grimace on the bed.

Jin Dao: "Since the face cannot attract, use your body."

Shi Feixia's face returned to normal immediately.

Smal said: "Can Antonio really lead Isfell out of the room?"

Jin Dao: "It should be possible. Let's go and wait."

So Kim opened the road, and Smar carried the man, sneaking towards the 30th floor.

Halfway through, I suddenly saw Hughes walking downstairs, "Kim, I've been looking for you, where have you been?"



It was as if the person living in the dark suddenly saw a ray of dawn in the morning, and Shi Feixia opened his mouth to shout, but was settled by magic by Smar.

King quickly stepped forward and took Hughes into his arms, blocking his sight. "Are you tired? Why don't you sleep well?"

Hughes said: "It should be more tiring for you. I am worried about you."

It seemed to feel Smar's curious look behind him, and King quickly hugged Hughes horizontally. "Okay, let's go to sleep together."

Smal said: "But ..."

Kim turned back and gave him a look, "I want to give you such a simple thing. It's okay." It is a great regret in life that he cannot participate in the process in person. The back of King holding Hughes left was a bit tragic.

Smar turned to look at Shi Feixia on his shoulders.

The latter was wide-eyed and looked at him pathetically.

"It's such an interesting thing that I want to enjoy. It's really ..." Although Smarr was sighing, the joy in his eyes couldn't be blocked.

Shi Feixia was cold.

The one in front of me is definitely not myna, but a vulture in myna's skin.

Smar carried him up to the floor where Isfer lived, with the door open.

He walked in cautiously, and no one really turned out.

Shi Feixia couldn't move a whole body, only the heartbeat sound was extremely violent.

Small laid his feet on the bed and pulled the blanket away. "I think about it, it's better to be primitive."


The exhibitionist is the exhibitionist, and I have a primitive beauty.

Shi Feixia stared at him in hatred.

Smal put away the blanket and said gravely: "Someday you will be grateful for what I did today."

Gratitude, of course, just the method of gratitude is my choice!

Shi Feixia carved this account into his heart with a knife.

Small said, "I'm leaving first, and enjoy tonight." He took two steps, turned back, and encouraged: "Come on!"

He didn't shout. It was okay. When he shouted, come on, like a vacuum cleaner, draining all the courage in his heart.

After Small left, the world seemed to return to the chaotic period, and the silence was abnormal.

Shi Feixia listened to his constant beating heartbeat and thought depressively: I don't know if Pan Gu was driven crazy by such loneliness, so he ran to separate the world from the world. But regardless of Pangu, he is almost there. In fact, now that he just thought that Isfael might come in and see him like this, he had the illusion that blood was flowing all over his body, breaking the Tianling Cap.

I don't know what it would look like for Isfael to come in and see him lying in bed?

Throw him out?

Or just slap to death?


Not ecstatic?

The idea only lasted for a second, and he went to the invisible corner where he drooled.

After thinking for a long time, his will gradually blurred, until the sound of footsteps at the door sounded.

In fact, Isfael's footsteps were not very heavy. In most cases, he could not hear them, but today is special. In particular, he could even know which footsteps were coming from which foot.

Footsteps stopped at the door and continued on.

Shi Feixia stared nervously at the direction of the door. In fact, he wanted to close his eyes like an ostrich, but magic did not allow him to do so.

Footsteps reached the corridor, turned around, and went straight into the bathroom.

Shi Feixia breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly there was a kind of rejoicing in his body. It's just that the fear still hasn't faded away, but it becomes more intense because of the extension of time.

The bathroom door wasn't closed, and the sound of a rattling water passed into my ears clearly.

His mind seemed to transcend the barriers of the wall, sketching Isfael bathing naked.

No, no, no ... he is a normal man, how can he be interested in the nakedness of another man? Even if he is a fallen angel, he has six packs of abs, it is not so beautiful, it is not powerful ... not!

Shi Feixia deepened his heartbeat with deep breathing.

The sound of water stopped and the sound of footsteps re-emerged.

Shi Feixia held his breath and looked at the direction of the door.

Isfael's figure finally appeared in sight.