MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 87 Accident (on)

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"Just a moment," Langka said, taking two steps back and looking at Rayton. "Is there any other way besides the correct password?" Although emotionally, he was extremely reluctant to admit the importance of Kim. Sex, but reason can't help him not admit it.

Rayton said: "Give me a month, I can figure it out."

Shi Feixia pushed him. "Then you go and discuss with Barr, he agrees, we are fine."

Rayton walked back dimly. "Anyway for three days."

Shi Feixia said: "Well, you can use this tone to discuss with Barr."

Rayton bowed his head: "Then I can't help it."

Shi Feixia thought for a while and thought, "Luck, what is the chance of hitting the password?"

Rayton said: "At this time you can thank me. Because I didn't add zero to the combination lock, your chances suddenly fell from one hundred thirty-two hundred and fifty-nine hundred and ninety-two to thirty. Sixty-two thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. "


Shi Feixia took a deep breath: "Exceeding the theory, to be practical, what is the chance that you feel wrong?"

"Meng" is still counting on this behavior?

Rayton replied thoughtlessly: "Zero."

"Thank you." Shi Feixia sighed to Lanka, "Let the fate go."

Balda: "I count to three. If you don't do it, I'll do it first."

Shi Feixia said: "Antonio and Layton dragged Hollier. Others, say hello directly to Barr. I don't believe it for a hundred miles, there is no crit."

Layton, who was heading for Antonio, stopped and turned his head and asked curiously, "What's the use of holding a chicken?"

Shi Feixia said: "Double the damage."

Holding a chicken doubles the damage? Layton, who considers himself multiple inventors and scientists, cannot understand.

"One." Barr began to count.

Lanka and Hughes disappeared at the same time.

Barr just smiled dismissively, "Two."

Loctini and the wizards looked at Barr intently.


As soon as the three words came out, various magical spells such as fireball, debilitating spell, and separation spell swept across Barr.

Barr looked up. The faces belonging to "Moore" were all mocked.

Visible spells, such as fireball, were stopped stiffly half a meter away from Barr, as if an invisible cover blocked them all.

Barr gently hit the arm of the chair with his fingers, and turned his head to the left at a thirty-degree angle. Lifted it slightly and snapped his fingers.

Hughes and Lanka suddenly appeared in shape.

"You haven't lived long enough. Even absorbing all your power, it's still an afternoon tea for me." Barr laughed. "So, you should be grateful for your youth, forcing me to stock you for a little longer. This is where you are luckier than your father."

Hughes stared at him coldly. If the anger in his eyes could kill someone, Barr would now be frustrated hundreds of times.

Lanka held down his shoulder and said, "We can't even break his enchantment now. We must think of another way."

Hughes's lower lip was bitten and bleeding, but his gaze was still staring hard at Barr, who was lingering in the enchantment. "Perhaps, we can learn from Isfer's method."

Lanka said: "Where do we go to find the second black star stone?"

Black Star Stone is a specialty of Hell. Ordinary fallen angels are hard to get, not to mention transparent people.

When Barr looked left and right, when they stopped their hands because of the ineffective attack, the corners of their mouths raised slightly. "It seems that your attack has stopped here. So. From now on, it should be my turn."

He slowly rose to his feet, holding the people outside the enchantment like a king, and said to Hollier: "Although you only have four-fifths of your power, your movement is too slow."

Hollier's turn to Barr was also a last resort. If he could choose, he would rather stand by Isfael from the start. After all, although he is also wanted by heaven and hell, he is much lighter than Barr. In fact, heaven and **** often open their eyes to him. But Barr was an enemy of God, and once wanted to compete with Lucifer for the position of Hell Demon King. For Heaven and Hell, he was a real thorn in his eyes.

However, Hollier looked at the line of ‘justice’ in front of him. He hasn't encountered such a downturn since he participated in the battle ... except when he was wanted in hell.

So even though he knew that he might be able to get approval from others like Lanka, he felt very hesitant.

"Hollier, what are you thinking?" Barr smiled grimly.

Hollier tightened his heart and smiled back: "Master Barr, I'm thinking deeply."

"Oh. Then, kill this nasty dwarf for me first." Barr seemed to be aware of Hollier's wavering, but was in a hurry.

Hollier jumped into his eyelids and calmly said, "Follow your will."

Leighton suddenly played twelve points.

Antonio guarded him subconsciously.

Hollier glanced at Barr secretly, seeing that he was watching him playfully, knowing that it was time to make a decision.

"Light of thunder and lightning!" With his roar, a silvery sword was slowly drawn out of the void by him.

One side of the blade is the pattern of lightning.

He held his sword, raised his wings, and dived towards where Rayton was.

Antonio jumped up and greeted without hesitation.

Hollier slashed the sword down, while Antonio fled and dodged, his wings flew up, and he flew up a few meters, directly passing Antonio, and rushing towards Rayton hiding behind him.

Hughes and others all rushed to see this, but Barr fluttered off with an enchantment. "Watching chess without saying a gentleman. The audience should not jump in and dance with the actors."

Shi Feixia usually yelled at Layton, but was very worried at the critical moment. "Cleave him with an axe! Cleave his mind!"

Layton also rarely participated in the fighting among the dwarves, but only touched his axe several times when he came to Noah's Ark. But in the end he was an invention-based creator, and ordinary enemies were just fine. He was the first time he encountered an enemy who fell into the rank of angel. He had never dreamed of it before, and he would be named on the death list by the demon king of Barr level.

So Hollier's sword hadn't split yet, and his leg was already soft.

Seeing that Hollier's sword was about to fall, he instinctively reacted back several steps ...

Actually Layton was depressed, Hollier was even more depressed.

At the moment when he had just drawn his sword, he had already thought about it.

Although Barr now has the advantage, this advantage is short-lived. Even if he killed all the people here, Michael and Lucifer would not let him be a disaster. At that time, he will definitely come to clean him up. So Barr ’s failure is sooner or later. He must be very clear about this. But he is an immortal body, and even God can only destroy his physical body, but cannot completely destroy his powerful soul. But Hollier doesn't have that advantage. So he thought about it very clearly-come to Langka and work hard!

But trusting requires skill. If I walked directly, I'm afraid that Barr would be killed directly before he had reached halfway. So the solution he thought of was to use the illusion of offense to quickly hide among them.

As long as he could drag Lucifer or Michael to find Barr's reappearance and kill him personally, it would be a escape. Maybe they will forgive him for his work.

Hollier was happy with his abacus.

But Layton obviously didn't have as much as he thought. All he knew was that the sword was getting closer to his head. He tripped on his heels and fell backwards.


Shi Feixia's eyes widened suddenly, "Be careful!"

But his voice could not stop Rayton's death.

Hughes almost bumped his body towards the enchantment ...

Layton felt something pressing on his palm, making a loud noise.

When he returned to God, he found that he was sitting on the crystal coffin, his palm was pressing above the combination lock.

Everyone froze.

Only the crystal coffin was making a slight vibration.

Hollier stayed in midair, still holding up his sword. Obviously, there is no such scene in his wishful thinking abacus.

Hughes was the first to react. He hit the enchantment desperately and shouted frantically, "No! No!"

But the harder he hit, the happier Barr laughed. "really interesting."

Shi Feixia returned to God for the second time. He stood in the enchantment and shouted to Rayton: "Come on, find a way to get Kim out!"

The space-time conversion system in the crystal coffin is ready to issue a red warning.

Rayton jumped off the crystal coffin quickly, and unconsciously pulled out his axe and smashed it into the coffin.

In times of crisis, human behavior often returns to the original.

The most primitive methods are sometimes very effective.

The coffin was shattered, and Suzi fell on Kim's face.

Gold's eyelids moved.

Layton reached into his hands in a hurry to catch him out.

Just this moment!

Kim opened his eyes.

Everyone saw him open his eyes.

Everyone held their breath.


King disappeared.

The moment when Rayton's hand was about to touch his corner of clothing, it disappeared.


"Gold." Hughes sat on the ground, staring blankly at the crystal coffin.

Rayton looked blankly. The hand still keeps the movement just now.

Shi Feixia scolded, "Fuck! I should have thought of it! The safe can also be pried, and the coffin cannot be knocked!" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but chop his hair and stomped his foot.

Barr slumped in his chair and smiled. Since being sealed by the soul in the Yuan Shu world, he hasn't laughed from his heart for such a long time.

But at the moment the most depressing is Hollier.

Because he found out that his plan for abandoning the dark was so dead. I also want to know that at this time, it is useless to say anything, and no one will believe that he just slashed the sword with his heart of trust. ... but the dwarf's courage is too small! Didn't see his sword just at least a meter away from his nose? !!