MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 66 How to make the combat effectiveness of the police station explode (recommendation please!)

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  Chapter 66 How to make the police station’s combat effectiveness explode (recommendation please!)

He was on the second floor of the apartment, listening to the movement from the hall downstairs, walked out of his room, stood in the corridor, looked at each other, and discussed whether they should go down to have a look, and then saw Xu who was walking up the stairs. white.

   Several people were taken aback for a moment.

   Next second.

   Several people saw clearly the shining Fengcheng Police Station bulletproof vest on Xu Bai's body, their eyes shrank immediately, and they opened their mouths quickly.

   "There is an enemy..."


   "Poof, poof!"

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

   "Number Eight, Nine, Ten, Take Control."


  The three special agents who were called to the number nodded and withdrew from the team, preparing to clear the second floor.

   Xu Bai led the rest of the people, and continued to climb up the stairs.

  Su Meng and Qian Hao followed Xu Bai closely, and locked their guns on both sides of Xu Bai respectively to prevent some untimely situations from happening.

  Actually, any search and arrest work will not be directly aimed at killing people without any explanation, like this time.

  But Ye Meigui committed a taboo this time.

  No matter where it is, any crime against law enforcement personnel will directly lead to the combat effectiveness of the law enforcement team approaching MAX in an instant.

  Although Ye Meigui didn't kill any law enforcement officers, dragging a law enforcement officer into the water and becoming their ghost is worse than killing a law enforcement officer.


  First shoot, then interrogate.

   When Xu Bai set foot on the third floor, he happened to bump into two gangsters wearing black leather jackets.


   Lv, a man from the government.

Two gangsters, one with level 13 and the other with level 14, reacted the moment they saw the bulletproof vest on Xu Bai's body, and shouted upstairs: "Brother Feng, it's the note." After finishing speaking, the two The gangster didn't have any nonsense, with a ferocious expression on his face, he rushed towards Xu Bai directly with fists: "You son of a bitch, go..."



The bullet quickly flew out of the gun, and with a puff, it instantly hit the forehead of the thirteenth-level gangster in the front row. The fourteenth-level gangster in the back exclaimed, and then quickly dodged Su Su with his figure like a ghost. The bullets shot by Meng and Qian Hao: "How is this possible!"

  They are warriors, they are no longer ordinary people.

  The fourteenth-level warrior looked at the accomplice lying on the floor with a slap in the eyebrows, and felt as if a tenth-level sea storm had been set off in his heart.

   Next second.


  The fourteenth-level martial artist only felt a blur in front of his eyes. The moment he looked up, he suddenly saw Xu Bai appearing in front of him extremely quickly, and punched him in the chest.



His back hit the wall directly behind him, and at the same time as there was a loud noise, there seemed to be the sound of bones breaking. With a pop, his face instantly became flushed, and he spit out a large mouthful that was hard to restrain. of blood.

  Xu Bai quickly held the gun and pinned it between the man's forehead.

   Trigger pulled.


   It's like a watermelon bursting.

"Ding! 』

  『The kill was successful. 』

  『Acquire character experience*600 (kung fu bonus*20%)』

  『Acquire skill experience*500』

  The higher the level, the higher the experience given.

  Xu Bai retracted the gun expressionlessly, once again called out the three of them to stay on the third floor, and added: "Be careful, don't engage in melee combat with these guys."

  Although the black gold gun equipped by Anya this time is a good thing.


   Just like the complaint in the system notes, the weapon is good, but it is a good thing if it can hit the enemy. A firearm that cannot hit the enemy is worse than a fire stick.

  Besides, the Golden Spear might be able to ignore defenses below level 15, but once these warriors get close to them and cannot use the Golden Spear, they still need GG.

  At that time, Xiao Jingtian, who had just seized the house, was only at the tenth level. As a result, if Xu Bai was not witty, Xu Bai and Su Meng were almost beaten to death on the spot that day.


  The three secret agents also saw the reaction speed of these two guys just now, and now they listened to Xu Bai's words, put it in their hearts, and nodded solemnly.

  Seeing this, Xu Bai didn't say anything more, but climbed up the stairs again.

  These two guys have already tipped off the news just now, and they must rush to the fifth floor as soon as possible.

   And we need to keep someone who knows about "Two Moons Same Sky" alive.

  Xu Bai warned himself silently in his heart, lest when the time comes, the player's mentality will surge, and he will forget the most important thing he came here.

  If so, Xu Bai's mind would explode.

  To Xu Bai's surprise, when he came to the fourth floor, he thought that the fourth floor was the same as the third floor just now, and that the corridor connected two rows of rooms.


  The fourth floor is a very spacious hall that looks like a sports hall, except that the only difference between it and the hall of the sports hall is that there are no various sports equipment.

  Xu Bai looked around the empty hall, and then his eyes fell on the stairs leading to the fifth floor. At this moment, it was locked by a big iron door.


  Xu Bai laughed, then turned to look at the two special agents following behind: "It exploded."

The two agents nodded and walked to the iron gate. One agent squatted down quickly, and the other agent quickly opened the tactical backpack of the agent who was squatting on the ground, took out the tactical bomb from it, pressed it directly on the iron door, and opened it. Button for tactical bomb.


  The green light flickered.

  The two agents got up and signaled Xu Bai and the others to retreat.

  Three seconds later, when the tactical bomb was pressed on the iron door, the green light instantly turned red and there was a ding.

  Next second!


  After a loud noise, the iron gate exploded directly under the explosion of the bomb, and the torn iron gate turned into iron sheets, and shot towards all directions with a puff.

  The wind howled.



  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows, looked at the whistling piece of iron, and quickly pulled Su Meng, who was hiding beside him, into his arms.

  The iron piece rotated like a sharp blade. After a burst of sparks flashed, it was directly embedded in the stair assistant that Su Meng avoided just now.

  Su Meng, who was leaning against Xu Bai's arms, looked at the embedded iron piece, her eyes flickering with fear.

at this time.

  A scream that sounded somewhat familiar reached everyone's ears.

  Xu Bai looked in the direction of the voice.

  After the explosion, two figures seemed to emerge from the smog.

"my leg…"


  Xu Bai heard the screaming voice clearly this time, and at the same time, he also checked the owner of the voice and took his seat.

   This voice is that the beast who defends the beasts is not as good as Lawyer Zhang.


   is not dead yet.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows, and then, after Lawyer Zhang yelled "Help me", he didn't stop at all, but then came out of the smoke and came towards them.

   into the eyes.

  『Name: "Han Feng"』

"Sex: Male""

  『Level: "20"』

  『Friendship degree: "I will never die!"』


   Kneeling to follow up



  (end of this chapter)