MTL - Spoiled-Chapter 42

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"The violent celestial thing! The violent celestial thing!" An old expert was so angry that his eyes were about to stare out, and he struck his chest tightly.

However, if you look closely, the bottom of the spittoon does have a circle of ash, and it still sticks to the bottom.

It's actually raining!

The expert couldn't help it, pointing angrily at him: "How can you use it to get some mosquito coils!"

Han Yun is a bit innocent. He doesn't like to use this. What can he do without mosquito coils? Is it for home?

But this thing is the least valuable thing in his family.

"I don't know if this is an antique. I only knew it after reading the news, so I used it for identification." Han Yun thought about it and found a reasonable explanation.

The old expert was still so angry that he couldn't blame anything. The person in front of him was the owner of the cultural relics. The owner sent the cultural relics to them for identification and gave them to the National Museum.

A group of experts began to appraise, carefully removed the dust with a brush, and once the dust was wiped off, the flower-patterned ceramics revealed its original color, which was nothing like an antique more than a thousand years ago, because it looked brand new In the case of no repair, such an intact condition is very rare-the same as the spittoon that was sent before.

These two spittoons are exactly the same pair, and depending on the specifications, they are both emperor-level.

After the experts identified each other and exchanged information, they were basically able to judge the authenticity, but they had to get it back to the laboratory and check it again. Experts are very excited, because this not only means that the National Museum will once again have a treasure of the town hall, but also that they have more information to study the Wei Dynasty.

An expert couldn't help but sighed: "The preservation is so good, and I don't know how to do it. It stands to reason that this sample-level cultural relic should have been buried with the emperor ..."

Han Yun heard it in his heart, and the experts did not continue to say that, because in recent decades, even hundreds of years, there were so many inverts. No one knows whether these cultural relics were dug out and stolen. Go abroad.

"Mr. Han, can you ask, how did you get this cultural relic?"

Han Yun said, "It's the things at home. It's always been there. No one cares about it. I didn't expect it to be antique."

He said it lightly, but the experts looked at each other and asked, "Do you still have such a thing in your house?"

The reason why money is not exposed, Han Yun understood, he shook his head: "That's it."

The experts thought invariably that there must be more than one, maybe there are, or who would be willing to donate such things to the museum?

Good fortune boy?

When Han Yun went out of the Cultural Relics Bureau, he was sent out by several experts and Director Chang personally.

After waiting for a long time, the media saw the Lord coming out, and immediately patted madly.

Within an hour of Han Yun entering, this group of media and the screen shot just now found out that the handsome guy wearing sunglasses and acting like a big star and driving ten million super runs is a model.

Still a very famous model recently.

The paparazzi noticed that when Han Yun came out, the takeaway bag in his hand was gone, and they naturally thought that the cultural relic was inside, since it was not brought out, and the people at the cultural relic bureau looked so kind to him Polite, is it true?

A group of media did not care about hiding, and before Han Yun boarded the car, they rushed out to take pictures and interviews.

Han Yun was about to put on his sunglasses. When he saw this scene, he stopped wearing it. After letting the media take a few seconds, he grabbed him and asked, "Hello Korean, we are from the New Century Newspaper! I heard that you came to the Cultural Relics Bureau today to donate cultural relics?" Slowly put on sunglasses.

His face was photographed.

The reporter's microphone was poking into his mouth. Han Yun didn't answer. You look wrong, and you do n’t understand what you are talking about, but Director Chang frowned. He immediately called for security and put The reporter rushed away: "What are you doing! This is the Cultural Relics Bureau!"

In the end, it is the Cultural Relics Bureau and the state organs. The reporters are not good enough to be too wild, and they have been driven away without asking a question.

Director Chang said with regret: "I don't know what happened, the reporter actually heard the wind and moved. We need to compare the cultural relics in the laboratory, and the results will be available at night. As soon as the results come out, I will inform you, and the video will be posted online tomorrow morning , And aired on CCTV. "

It was seven o'clock in the evening when Han Yun drove home. There was no rain at the foot of the mountain, and it drizzled as the car drove up the mountain. He drove the car into the yard, stood under the eaves and waited for his Fuyuan, and walked towards him with an umbrella.

The yard was permeated with a moist vapor, and the smell of soil and moss, and Fu Yuan had a moist coldness, which seemed to wait for a long time outside the yard.

Back here, Han Yun can indeed have a feeling of returning home.

He didn't like rainy days very much, because he was afraid of thunder, but light rain was okay. Listening to the sound of rain ticking through the window, there would be a kind of quiet time.

As soon as Han Yun entered the door, as soon as he sat down and prepared to change his shoes, Fu Yuan crouched down and took off his shoes and socks-Han Yun had never taken off his shoes and shoes before. In short, everything can be done by others. Thing, he does n’t need to do it.

But when he came to Fuyuan, he was a bit uncomfortable. Although he is the boss, how can he let the teacher to take off his shoes ...

Fu Yuan held his feet. His palms were large and warm. As soon as he wrapped himself around, Han Yun's round toes moved slightly and uncontrollably.

"Squat is good-looking," Fu Yuan said, capping.

Han Yun immediately felt a tingling sensation crawling into his heart, and his whole body was tense: "Forty-three feet, what's so good about ... let go, don't scratch, it tickles me."

Fu Yuan put slippers on him from the ground, and Han Yun immediately stood up and walked to the bathroom without even looking at him: "Master Fu, I'm going to take a bath, don't come in."

During the night, there was news from Director Chang saying that the result of the appraisal had come out. The appraisal video was rushing to work overnight, and it would be out tomorrow.

At the same time, the public side also contacted Han Yun: "Mr. Han, after this time, you have reached the third place in Hot Search! The other party is still spending money to hire the navy to black you! It is determined to stink you!"

"The public relations fee is not enough. The other party spends 500,000 to buy hot search, we will spend one million or more to withdraw ..." Han Yun learned smart this time, and did not look at his mobile phone in the afternoon, so he did not know How badly he was hacked, I don't know, he didn't care, but he would be a little uncomfortable in the end: "It's all right, you can wait and see tomorrow."

"On the media side, I got to know it, because all parties are not sure of the truth of the matter, so no draft has been issued."

Han Yun answered clearly.

Before going to bed, Han Yun was afraid that he couldn't control his hand to open the phone, and he lost his phone far away.

Perhaps because of worrying about it, he didn't fall asleep over and over again. The night in the mountains was quieter than in the city, and the sky was dark. There was no light at all.

With a squeak, the door was pushed open, and Fu Yuan was wearing a thin robe, holding a candlestick, and had loose hair.

"Your Majesty can't sleep?"

Han Yun didn't speak for a few seconds, and he wanted to pretend to sleep, but he couldn't continue, he murmured, "Master Fu wants to talk to me at night?"

"Your Majesty wants a bed warmer?"

"No need ... I'm warm myself." It's not the middle of winter, it's cold in autumn, he can still handle it. Besides, the central air conditioner and floor heating are installed here to keep up with the trend. What kind of bed is warmed? Also, everything is sold in modern times. Will he not buy electric blankets by himself?

Fu Yuan still came over. He set the candlestick aside and sat down, but didn't go to bed.

Han Yun started to pretend to sleep, and then saw that he just looked at himself and did nothing, and felt unhappy in his heart. He opened his eyes halfway and said, "Mysterious, go back to sleep, right?"

Xinggong is so large that naturally there is a place for Fu Yuan to sleep.

Fu Yuan raised his hand and rubbed his head, and whispered, "Chen looked at His Majesty and slept."

With a faint candlelight, Han Yun raised his eyelids and saw his concentration and gentle expression, and his heart moved slightly. Obviously Lord Fu is so good and loyal, why are so many people always saying in his ear that he is bad?

Han Yun couldn't figure it out. His body had moved inward to make room for him. His voice was a bit soft and drowsy: "Then you come up, don't stand next to me, your body is hot."

Fu Yuan blew out the candlelight and fell asleep in the position where Han Yunfang had only slept.

Perhaps it was the reason for Fu Yuan that he soon fell asleep and woke up at dawn.

The first thing to wake up is to turn on the phone and see how things go.

Han Yun did not dare to read the comments. He admitted that he could not face so many people's scolding, so he just opened the official museum of the National Museum ...

The video has come out. It has just been released for half an hour.

The appraisal video did not ask professional voice actors, but directly recorded the voice of archeologists: "When the cultural relics were first delivered, there were some mosquito-repellent ash on them. The cultural relics owner did not know that this was an antique, so they should be placed at home with mosquito coils. Damaged and no need to repair, this cultural relic is a pair with the previous spittoon ... "

In the video, a pair of spittoons are displayed in a glass showcase at the same time. This pair of spittoons are exquisitely crafted and do not look like spittoons: "Now both collections are stored in the National Museum. Special thanks to the owner for cutting love and letting the pair of cultural relics You can see the sun again ... "

The entire video was about seven or eight minutes long, and the name of Han Yun was not mentioned throughout the video, but it was only referred to as the "relic master".

However, in the title of the National Museum's Weibo, he wrote with a careless mind: A Mr. Han, who asked not to be named, gave the 500 million yuan worth of cultural relics to the National Museum yesterday.

Netizens were very touched: "There is such a coincidence that two cultural relics of the same period were brought together! Wouldn't it be a gift from the same person?"

"Wow, this Mr. Han is such a great man! He has courage! Like it!"

"Why bring some mosquito coils? A little spoiled good stuff ..."

"Let ’s stop here! Did n’t you hear the experts say that before seeing the news, the owner of the cultural relic did not know it was an antique at all, and as soon as he knew the phlegm at home ... Well, the mosquito coil was an antique, and he contacted the Cultural Relics Bureau for identification and As a gift, such a courage can be possessed by ordinary people? Is he so stupid that he doesn't know that this cultural relic is worth 500 million yuan? "

"Why don't you give it away? It's not auctioned to donate money to the poor people in the mountains! So many poor people! You have sent this kind of kindness you shouldn't!"

"Bang Jing is everywhere ... People's mosquito coils, what do they want to do with them, sell them to Guobo, what's your matter?"

"I'm curious who this Mr. Han is. Is there any rich man in the country whose name is Han?"

Refreshing again, the media that took pictures of the Korean Games yesterday has been swarming!

Anonymous Mr. Han? Do not! We have exclusive! We took a video! We know who the mosquito coil is! !!