MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 323 massacre

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"Are there anyone alive?" Xilin frowned and asked. .

"The gravity in that transport ship is now zero and the oxygen content is extremely low. The energy fluctuation detection of the engine compartment shows that it is closed. As for the life signal, I have not yet detected the signal active point. Of course, also There may be survivors, but the probability is extremely low." Ayue replied, "Moreover, because the power system and main control system inside are closed, I can't get more information. If I can get into the transport ship, I can get more, go?"

Xilin thought for a while, stood up and walked toward the control room, "Me, Xiying, Xiusag, Ayue, go and take a look first, Kari, you guys prepare, and if necessary, I will contact you."

"Roger that!"

Shusag came to the equipment room and took out the equipment from the cabinet, protective clothing, breathing mask, gun, wrist knives, and gravity shoe covers, etc. Although some things are not exactly the same as those used in the army, they are also similar. , Can adapt.

"Hey, old man, be careful, don't be too embarrassed." Tesoruo said to this side, standing not far away.

Shusag put on the gravity shoe covers, glanced at Tesoruo, and said, "Do you think I'm as weak as you?" After quickly bringing the equipment on, Shusag stretched out his hand on Tesoro's head and tried hard. He rubbed it, rubbed Tesoruo's hair sloppy, and then ran away before Tesoruo went crazy.

Acia on the side shook his head as he looked at it, really awkward father and son.

Both Xilin and Xiusag wear protective clothing. But Xiying and A Yue are no longer needed, and A Yue looks very excited. It is obviously not a guy who can stay like Sigma, A Yue likes to take risks. Like to try new things.

The starship gradually approached the transport ship. Xilin, Xiying, and Xiusag were standing at the bridge port protruding from the starship, while A Yue had already flown out, standing next to the transport ship’s door, with blue on the surface. The strip of light flashes, it is decoding the controller of the hatch.


quickly. The cabin door of the transport ship opened, and as Ayue said, the power system inside failed or was shut down. There was darkness in the eye.

Xilin made a gesture, and the three of them lightly jumped toward the open hatch of the transport ship. Gravity shoe covers cling to the ground in the shipping cabin, allowing them to stand firm.

Holding the gray cat who was about to rush inside, Xilin said, "Don't move around and stay here."

The gray cat flicked its ears and squatted reluctantly on Xilin's shoulder, looking left and right, while observing the situation inside.

"We went in first." Xilin said to Udy, then walked inside.

"There are a lot of dead people inside," the gray cat said. It has detected the situation at the passageway not far away.

"Xilin, do you want me to intrude into the main power system to turn on the power?" Ayue asked.

"No. Don't turn on the power yet. Look at what's wrong with the power system. Don't leave any traces." Xilin meant to let Ayue see if the power system malfunction was accidental or man-made, but no traces of intrusion should be left. .

"Understand." Ayue was confident of her abilities.

Keep walking inside, and you can see what the gray cat said.

The corpses, some blood clots and spewed blood in the passage are floating because they are in a state of weightlessness. There are some dragging blood stains and blood-stained palm prints on the passage wall, which are all left by the dead.

"Who are they?" Shusag asked, "looks like ordinary employees."

"I don't know." Xilin looked at the costumes of these people. No iconic things were found on their clothes, but judging from the materials of the sailing outfits worn by these people, the power behind these people is not small.

"Try not to touch those blood drops and blood clots, and keep them intact." Xilin said to Xiusag and Xiying, and then he turned his head to emphasize to the gray cat: "Don't leave paw marks!"

"Okay." The gray cat retracted its paws, and lifted the sole of his forefoot to show Xilin the small pads on its fat paws, "Is this all right?"

"These people..." Xiusag looked at a corpse floating beside him, and pointed to a stab wound on it: "Very professional stab wound."

From a cut, you can see how this man made the knife, and from the dead man in front of him, Xiusag knew that all these people were killed by professionals, with a sharp knife.

Walking inside again, Ah Yue opened a door and entered the control area of ​​the main cabin. There were more dead bodies floating here, and some people could see horror and disbelief. Perhaps when the massacre came, they did not react at all.

Many people do not have weapons in their hands, and judging from genetic analysis, these people are relatively ordinary.

"See what is coming?" Xilin asked Xiusag next to him.

"This is a unilateral slaughter. It can be seen that the slaughterers are a group of well-trained teams, and they are fully equipped, without even leaving any obvious traces, and..." Xiusag pointed to the floating group not far away. One person, "That person should be a better character, right?"

Xilin looked in the direction that Xiusag pointed to. There was a person floating there, but the difference was that the fatal wound on that person was not a knife wound, but a gunshot wound. The genetic test results showed that this person has a grade a gene.

The Star Alliance uses genetic level as the standard. Therefore, even if they have no professional training, they cannot be taken lightly when facing a-level genetics. Therefore, these butchers did not engage in close combat, but snipers used bullets. Finished this person. The bullet penetrating power is very strong, this person's entire heart is almost exploded by this bullet. But bullets don't have many other characteristics, and I can't see what type of gun it is, and obviously they have been camouflaged.

Obviously they wore the same sailing outfit, but the slaughterers were able to tell which of them were genetically A characters, proving that those slaughterers knew well about the distribution of people in this transport ship, which ones were stronger and which ones We are all clear about the weak, and then make the most labor-saving and time-saving plan.

"Will you write a report?" Xilin looked at Xiusag.

"It's okay. I used to write a summary report after I was on a mission in the army."

"Let's summarize it after I go back."


After walking around, the warehouse of the transport ship has been evacuated. Judging from the residue inspection, these warehouses are loaded with high-quality energy blocks. There are also some rare metal mines and some high-end equipment.

"Whoever loses such a valuable thing will vomit blood. I just don't know who that hapless ghost will be." The gray cat said slowly. It is also ready to come over to make some profit and save some private money. Who knows that he didn't get the fart, so disappointed!

"The problem is. For such a valuable thing, we will definitely send strong guards to **** it? What about those escorts?" Xiusag looked around, but found no shadow of guards. Those floating outside were ordinary employees. . There are also a few good ones, but they are a minority after all, and they should not be members of the guard.

"There may be one over there." Xiying pointed to a passage, and he was able to analyze that the body over there was obviously stronger than those in front.

The passage that Xiying pointed to was connected to the warehouse side, and there was a spiral staircase at the turning point leading to the upper floor. At this turning point, one side is the control cabin and warehouse, and the other is the bathroom. In addition to the guard in the passage, there are two guards floating at the turning point, with gunshot wounds on their bodies. Killed with one shot.

"Captain, do you need support?" Kari asked in the contactor.

"No need yet." Xilin feared that more people would leave more traces. He didn't want people to know they had been.

"It should be a resting place for the guards."

Xiusag was about to go up, but was stopped by Xiying.


"What?" Xiusag's feet retracted.

"The content here is very small, but the higher it goes, the thicker it gets," Xiying said.

"It is indeed toxic. For the human body, reaching a certain concentration of this poisonous gas is fatal." Ayue confirmed.

Xilin and Xiusag checked the protective clothing on their bodies, and then unfolded the breathing mask to wrap the entire head. Leave no gaps.

"Let's go."

The higher you go, the thicker the poisonous gas.

After going up the stairs, the door in front of the stairs was closed. But there is a small slit next to it, through which poison gas leaks.

"Are you ready?" Ah Yue looked at Xilin, and after receiving Xilin's "OK" gesture, Ah Yue opened the door.

Everything that catches the eye is very disgusting.

Because of the erosion of this atomized poisonous gas, people who inhale poisonous gas or skin contact poisonous gas will have their nerves rapidly necrotic. This necrosis gradually spreads throughout the body, and the muscles and fat on the body will expand and become like foam, making the whole person look like a bubble. Like a cancer. And this room is full of "malignant tumors" and it is no longer possible to distinguish the human form.

The small slit in the door was shot by these people with a gun before they died, but because of the poison gas, they just opened a slit and couldn't hold on at all.

The two people who died at the breaking point should have escaped the gas by going to the bathroom, but they didn't know that there were snipers waiting there.

"It is true that most of these people's genotypes are Grade A." Xilin said after the test. Coupled with the armor and clothes around, it can be determined that these people are the guards on this transport ship.

But why did the guards gather here?

"Ayue, can you find the head of these people?" Xilin asked.

"I don't know, but I will try to restore their communication records. There are many system records in this ship that show signs of tampering."

Those slaughters have modified the system monitoring records and some voyage communication records, which means that some of their information is likely to be exposed. If you can restore this information, you can push the slaughterers to know better.

The other party is obviously a master in this aspect. With the joint efforts of Ayue and Gray Cat, most of them have been restored, and some have been removed too thoroughly to obtain the original information. However, with the restored part of the record, you can also learn more inside stories.

Judging from the communication records, these guards were summoned, and the person in charge of the guards or the captain of the entire transport ship must be able to summon them.

"The person who summoned them was notified through the communicator in the command room." Ayue said.

"However, when we came from the command room on the other side of the control area, there was no one in the command room." This Xiusag remembered clearly. He was still strange at the time.

Xilin thought for a while and said, "Go back and have a look. Ayue. You and Hulu continue to restore other information, and show me the members of this transport spacecraft by the way. Can you get this? If it doesn't work, I will do it myself. "

"Of course!" Grey Cat and A Yue replied at the same time.

Close the door at the stairway again, Xilin returned to the control area and found the command room. It stands to reason that the captain would be here, but he didn't. I didn’t see anyone who was suspected of being the captain in other places. Xilin didn’t look for those remote corners. Could it be that the captain hid in which Xiaoyao?

"No, he is here." Xiying stretched out his fingers and circled in the air. "He should be here. It's just broken down. The ratio of the elements inside is obviously different from the outside. And I compared the types and contents of the elements in the human body, which is very close to the amount of two people."

Shusag felt cold behind him. Who on earth is it so awesome? Let alone the massacre, even a whole body was not left!

"Two people? If one of them is the captain, who is the other? What is it to hide these two people after a lot of effort?" Xilin wondered.

At exactly this time, Ayue and Gray Cat had already restored some of the deleted and tampered member records.

"Now, this is the captain you mentioned." Above the image projected by Ayue. An introduction picture and some text appear.

Xilin didn't know the person in the image, and Xiying didn't have information about this person.

"Show me other people's information." Xilin said.

Ayue switched the images, and the images of people flickered.

"Wait!" Xilin said suddenly, "Two forwards, yes, this one!"

The person in the image is the person in charge of the transport ship's escort. He looks quite ordinary, has no special features, and is not eye-catching among people. But Xilin remembered this person. Although it has been several years, Xilin still remembers.

The first time Xilin met with Doance Eforan and accepted his first mission as a hunter in the Vanguard Sixth Squadron, he fought against two of Eforan’s bodyguards, and the person in the image was Xilin. The one that hit the fly.

In this way, this transport ship is actually the goods of the Dauns family, but the goods are very concealed. From the costumes of the crew, you can know that they have no meaning at all. If someone else came, they would definitely not know that this was the goods of the Eforan family.

Rob the goods of the Aifulan family? Which party is it? If one is the captain, the other one should be the bodyguard.

"Know?" Shusag asked.

"Well, it may be from the Dao Angsi family, just guessing."

"Big family? Is there any conspiracy in this?"

"Based on what I know about the Daoongsi family, it is impossible for him to fail to prepare. However, such a unilateral massacre occurred while preparing. I can only say that they have spies out again. Collect them again. Some information, and then we leave."

"Then why do we collect this information so carefully?" Xiusag pointed to the floating people and blood beads, and pointed to the image projected by Ah Yue.

"Since I'm here, I can't do it for nothing, I can't let myself get fishy, ​​but also get more chips. If you have the opportunity, you can sell this chip."

"It's not easy." Xiusag sighed.

"There is no way, those old guys are better than each other. To make money from them, you must prepare a few more hands. Otherwise, good people may get a bite back."

"However, let's investigate here, how much benefit can I get back?"

"I don't know, it depends on the intensity of our investigation and collection of information."

"Understand!" Xiusag made a "know" gesture, and went to carefully check the wounds and other details of the dead, the scars corresponding to different genetic levels, possible opponents, and the estimate of the slaughter's combat power. It is a familiar thing for Shusag. Although he has been discharged for a long time, some professional habits still remain, and it is much easier to return to the starship to sort out the report later.

Xilin went to the engine room and took a look. The human traces there were heavy. Someone entered the engine room to cut off the main power supply and stopped the ship from sailing. He also interfered with the main power system and changed the gravity inside the ship. , The massacre.

Before leaving the transport ship, Xilin asked Ayue to set up a monitoring program to see who would come to the transport ship later.

After Xilin returned to the starship, he held a small meeting and asked Yudi and the others not to tell them about the transport ship, otherwise they would cause unnecessary trouble.

"Okay, that's it, don't think about other things," Xilin pointed to a planet in the star chart, "Now our destination is this hunting star, to eat meat."

"Okay, Xiaoshang, it's better for us to hunt more prey than anyone this time?" Kari looked at Xiaoshang.

"Compared, who is afraid of whom!"

"I want to join!" Sugar Ball raised his hands.


Xilin ignored the small activities of those people and went back to the lounge to lie down and squint for a while. Five minutes later, Xilin reluctantly opened his eyes to look at the gray cat who was walking around and couldn't sit still.

"Just talk about it."

"What's the matter." The gray cat stopped and moved his head and looked away, but it was obviously lacking in confidence.

Xilin pinched the gray cat's furry ears and gently lifted it up, "Really?"


"Okay." Xilin let go of the gray cat's ears and stared at the gray cat like this, watching the stupid cat's tail become more and more stiff.

Finally unable to hold it, the gray cat spit out a red gem.

This ruby ​​was the size of a small Xilin fingernail, and it was as red as blood. Under the illumination of the light source, the fascinating light refracted, which made people fascinated.

The ruby ​​has a fracture, which seems to have fallen from something due to external forces.

The gray cat's current value measurement ability is getting stronger and stronger. At that time, he glanced at the ruby ​​in a pile of flesh and blood, and swallowed it into his mouth while Xilin was not paying attention. It wondered, why this gem is worth a hundred bags of fish crackers, right? But Xilin also said to keep it as it is, so the gray cat has a guilty conscience and has been fidgeting.

Looking at the ruby ​​in his hand, Xilin put it in a small box, "Let's put it first, if it doesn't have much use, I will sell it to you for cat food."

After receiving Xilin's answer, the gray cat was very satisfied, and there was nothing to worry about. The gray cat quickly formed a circle next to Xilin and started to sleep. When he woke up, he would hunt again. It had to recharge!

Xilin closed his eyes, but didn't really fall asleep. He was thinking of a question. According to the shape of the gem, the gem that the gray cat got should be on a women's ring, and it was very valuable. But on that transport spacecraft, Xilin had no matching objects in the member information that A Yue had compiled. There are less than one tenth of the women on the transport ship, and they are all ordinary employees.

Women who can wear rubies of this grade...who is it? (To be continued)

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