MTL - Star Ring Mission-Chapter 1191 Cancel

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Gris smiled and said to Su Mo, "If I'm not mistaken, you must have used a lot of money to get the order, right? You were able to see our army commander this year and asked him to help. People, I'm sure the identity is not simple, and the relationship is not generally good, right? But if I guessed correctly, the person who helped you do this must just brush his face, and it's not interesting. "

After listening to Su Mo's face, she looked at Gris and said, "Isn't it? Lord Goli is looking for the commander of the Third Army, Eszaloga, to give a gift? Are the superiors giving gifts to the subordinates?"

"How is it possible, you're looking for Goli? Impossible, impossible, if it was Mrs. Goli, it wouldn't be like this."

Griston was startled, his face full of astonishment, he thought it was ridiculous.

"Why is it impossible, Nan Qi came out to look for Ge Li, is it possible that Nan Qi didn't look for Ge Li?"

Su Mo suddenly reacted.

"So you're looking for Nan Qi, so it makes sense."

When Gris heard Su Mo mention the name Nan Qi, he suddenly realized.

"What do you mean?"

"Nine times out of ten, it was the commander of the Essalogar army that Nan Qi came forward to look for directly, and he must have only brushed his face because of his personality."

After thinking about it for a while, Gris analyzed everything.

"This guy!"

The corner of Su Mo's mouth twitched, and he secretly cursed at this old fox and pitted himself.

To know that Nan Qi came forward and Nan Qi asked Ge Li to come forward, the favor he owed was different.

"However, you are really amazing, and you were able to invite Commander Nan Qi. That guy is not usually cunning and difficult to talk, and he paid a lot of money, right?"

Grace's words changed.

"No more, I didn't give him any benefit, just brushed his face."

Su Mo shook his head and replied.

"How is this possible? What is your relationship with him?"

Grace's eyes widened.

"Hey, I couldn't tell for a while. By the way, this is the search and rescue mission information, you can take a look."

Su Mo suddenly remembered and turned on the bracelet to share the information with Gris for viewing.

Gris just glanced at the mission information, and then said to Su Mo: "The information here is not complete, you need to find the mission issuer for more detailed information. If possible, it is best to get the rescue drifting device. In this case, I can do deep analysis."

"As expected of a professional!"

Su Mo gave Gris a thumbs up.

"There's nothing to be proud of. I just explore more dangerous areas than others, and I have relatively rich experience."

Gris replied sullenly.

"Come and drink!"

Su Mo nodded.



Ten days later, the Greyfin successfully entered the Revacris base.

Su Mo transferred to the ship Xunfeng and arrived at the artificial meteorite · Interstellar Airport No. 273.

As soon as he got off the ship, he went to the special base of the Federation here.

Since the Stargate Defense War, the federal finances have relaxed, and they have purchased a large amount of land here and built it into a front-line supply base.

After a while, Su Mo appeared in an administrative building made of gray boulders.

As soon as he approached, he was intercepted by guard soldiers.

However, the leader who saw Su Mo wearing the Colonel's clothes from the City of Star Rings said very politely.

"My lord, what are you doing here?"

"I took the task issued by the Federation, and I want to see the person who issued the task."

Su Mo replied simply, and at the same time raised the electronic bracelet to show the other party the task.

The captain in front of him immediately reacted when he heard it.

"It turned out that it was the lord, you took over our task, please come with me!"

The captain immediately walked in with Su Mo.

Su Mo watched it for a while, and I found that there were a lot of people coming in and out, and it was quite lively.

However, he did not see any familiar faces along the way, all of them were raw faces.

Soon Su Mo was taken to an office.

"Sir, please come in."

"it is good!"

Su Mo walked in.

I saw a beautiful female officer sitting in the office with a fashionable wave. She saw Su Mo come in and said with a smile on her face.

"Hello, my lord, I'm Captain Federation Zhenlu. Are you the one who took over our mission?"

"That's right, time is running out, let's get down to business, those chats won't be needed."

Su Mo was not in the mood to chat at all.

"Sir, don't worry, things have changed, I need to tell you."

"What happened?"

Su Mo frowned.

"That's right, we've actually prepared to cancel this mission, but you took it before we could do it. I'm very sorry for the trouble."

"Why cancel?"

"That's right, the Freedom Fortress has been missing for too long, and there is no hope. And the Federation has invested too much energy and manpower into it, and the losses are very heavy, so the parliament decided not to continue this project. But You can rest assured that after we cancel the mission, you will receive a liquidated damages."

Jane said with a smile.

Su Mo's face became more and more serious, he did not expect this result.

Just when Su Mo wanted to say something, Zhenlu suddenly stood up and said to Su Mo with an apologetic face.

"Sorry, my lord, I still have some things to deal with, so I'm sorry."

After Zhenlu finished speaking, she turned and left, not giving Su Mo a chance at all. It could be seen that she planned this in advance.

At this time, the Creator Devourer said to Su Mo in a low voice.

"Interesting, you're running around here, but it's going to be cancelled there. What are you going to do next?"

"Leave here first and think of a way."

Su Mo replied in a deep voice.


Soon after, Su Mo walked out of the building and onto the street.

He touched his chin and pondered, and this situation took him by surprise.

For now, he needs to find a reliable person to inquire about and figure things out.

In the federal building just now, Su Mo discovered something. That is, the people who saw the past along the way, almost all of them were unfamiliar, and it was troublesome to find someone.

Suddenly Su Mo stopped, and his eyes squinted to the left and rear.

Then he continued to walk forward.

Behind him, an inconspicuous young man followed him closely.

Su Mo deliberately walked into a relatively remote fork in the road, and without any surprise, the other party followed.

As a result, the other party just followed up, directly at the corner of the fork, and collided with Su Mo.

Su Mo grabbed his collar and asked cautiously Who are you? Why keep following me. "

After being stunned for a moment, the young man in front of him quickly explained: "You should be an official of Starlink City, someone wants to see you."


"If you come with me, you'll know."

The young man said.

Su Mo weighed it and said, "Lead the way."

"This way..."
