MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 745 another meeting

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Deep in the starry sky there is a planet full of active volcanoes and huge whirlwinds. The air here is full of the smell of sulfur, the sky is shrouded in smoke formed by thick volcanic ash, and the rolling magma on the ground is rushing and flowing, converging into scorching rivers, flowing from the highlands to the lowlands.

Under a 100-meter-high and 100-meter-wide lava waterfall with abundant flow and an extremely majestic magma waterfall, a cloud of gloomy gray light flashed, and Shaluo's figure appeared in the gray light.

In front of Shaluo, there was a figure waiting for him. That figure was wearing a bright red robe and a crown, and the ripples of space were all over his body, layer upon layer, as if there was no end. Connecting the sky and the earth, like a god, it seems that the whole world has been suppressed by him. This is a manifestation of the spiritual power reaching a certain extremely subtle and extremely broad state.

To say that Sha Luo's mental field is actually not inferior, it's just when the two figures stand together. Then there will be some subtle differences. If there is a discerning bystander present, you can see the difference between the two. The spiritual field of the figure in the red robe is larger and full of domineering, while Shaluo seems a little erratic, as if slightly Not as good.

"You still look like you are arrogant, as if you are the greatest in the whole universe, and other people are only worthy of carrying your shoes." Although Sha Luo said this, he didn't seem to care at all, "I heard that you recently met some * *Trouble, the mother and daughter are about to escape from your grasp, isn't that right?"

"You don't need to worry about the internal affairs of the empire. You just need to pay attention to your own affairs. It is not good for you to meddle in your own affairs." The red-robed figure turned around, and he was the regent of the real human empire, Sandvor. What have you gained from fighting those guys?"

"Harvest?" Sha Luo shook his head, "Those guys are monsters, they shouldn't exist in this world."

"What do you mean?" Sandvor frowned.

"They claim to be the masters of the selected Zerg race. Judging from the information obtained at this stage, they should be a combination of the collective consciousness of that race. As for their number, you should have already felt that your sea of ​​force is very powerful. Thirteen The fighting stance of an extremely strong person should be as obvious as thirteen fires in the wilderness at night." Shaluo said.

"Later, two senses of existence disappeared. What's going on?"

"This is where I say they are monsters," Sharo said. "In order to prevent Ying Muli from obtaining the God's nuclear weapons, they did not hesitate to die with Ying Muli."

"Fallen?" Sandvor's tone changed, and he seemed a little surprised. This answer was far beyond his expectations.

"Yes." Sha Luo said, "It seems unreasonable. An Ying Muli is only at the peak of the fourth level, and they actually exchanged his life with two extreme powerhouses. Is it just for the victory of a mere battle? Impossible? With their lineup, even if they fail this time, there will be more opportunities in the future. If they retreat and come back again, this victory is not worth the lives of two extremely strong people. Therefore, I have a deduction."

"They can regenerate!" Sandvor's eyes flashed.

"As expected of the Regent of Sandwoll, he thought of going with me." Sharo laughed twice, and said, "The Galanians have deciphered the living form of some Zerg Zergs. Judging from that report, the power of those masters The source is likely to be their entire race, as long as the Zerg race still exists, this power will not disappear. Even if two extreme powerhouses fall, they will regenerate, or give birth to other masters with the same power."

Sandvor frowned and said, "Apart from this, did the Garlandians have any other discoveries?"

Sha Luo shrugged and said, "Not anymore."

Sandwoll snorted and said, "What a bunch of useless guys."

The two were silent for a while.

After a while, Shaluo said again: "Don't you want to get in touch with the Selective Zerg? The mother and daughter should have already reacted, aren't you afraid of losing the opportunity?"

"First opportunity? There has never been any first opportunity." Sandvor said coldly, "The only thing I feel about this group of bugs is that they are extremely dangerous. Dealing with them is the madness of the royal family. They will destroy the entire galaxy. Eat them all! The only way to deal with them is to completely wipe out their existence, and you should blow up all the planets that show signs of them to pieces at the first moment, instead of grabbing territory with them!"

"Li Lingzhi is stunned, this kind of thing always happens." Sha Luo had a nonchalant expression on his face, "Okay, I have told you everything I know, if there is nothing else, I will go back gone."

"Wait." Sandvor took his hand out of the red robe, spread his fingers, and saw a gorgeous ring in the palm of his hand, made of silver and inlaid with golden gemstones.

"This is..." A hint of surprise appeared on Sha Luo's face.

Sandvor threw the ring at Sharo, who took it.

"This is the core equipment of the God's nuclear technology. It has been debugged and is compatible with the Cyclo's system. The Cyclo is a silicon-based life form. It is even easier for them to form a God's nuclear army than a carbon-based life form." Sandover said.

Shaluo tossed the ring in his hand twice, and put it on the **** of his right hand, only to see a glimmer of light from the golden gemstone. Then there is a galaxy-like point of light rotating inside the gem.

Sha Luo nodded and said, "I always thought that you would never hand this thing over to me. Haven't you been guarding against me?"

"You are really not trustworthy, no, you are not trustworthy." Sandvor pointed to Sharo and said, "But I have something for you, and I know you will not refuse."

Shaluo narrowed his eyes, and his eyes seemed to see Sandwoll's heart: "It seems that the wind direction on the side of the empire is indeed changing, and it must be quite difficult for you to cope with it."

"I remember I said it just now, don't meddle in the empire's business, you just need to take care of yourself, and then do me a favor." Sandvor took out another chip from his robe and threw it to Sharo "here is all the information you need."

The moment Sha Luo took over the chip, he scanned his mental power, understood the information in it, raised his brows, and said, "I see... well, I'll help you with this."

Sandoval didn't say much, turned his head, took a step, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Sha Luo casually squeezed the wafer with two fingers, only to hear a crisp sound. The wafer shattered into crystal powder and fell into the magma river under his feet.

The roar of the magma waterfall came from the side, sparks splashed from the bottom of the waterfall, and the scorching magma made the surroundings red.

Sha Luo glanced at the sky, with a weird smile on his face: "Now, I really took on a troublesome task, hehe..."

The laughter continued, and his people also disappeared on this planet.

On the other side, the blade emperors, the empress dowager, Yang Ying and his party landed on the under-attacked star. Although the joint headquarters of various races on the planet has been destroyed, there are still some people left.

At this time, the Zerg army has been put away by the Blade Emperors. Feeling safe, they walked out again.

Seeing the devastation on the ground and the empress dowager's complexion, she sighed and asked the blade emperors beside her: "The damage here is so serious, if you can, can you tell me that you have a great deal of respect for the people here?" hate?"

"Leave this question aside for the time being, why did you come here? As guests, shouldn't you express your intention first?" asked a Blade Emperor.

The Empress Dowager nodded and said: "Indeed, we should first express our intentions. In fact, this is the case. From the spiritual world, we felt the huge spiritual fluctuations erupting from the Perishian Arm, and then felt your existence. In the Milky Way, there are already There hasn't been a new extreme powerhouse for many years, and I didn't expect that there would be thirteen more at one time, so I came to observe on behalf of the True Human Empire."

"Since you say that, the observation must have already begun."

As the avatars of Yang, the Emperors of the Blade Edge knew the purpose of the Empress Dowager, to see if the Zerg was a qualified alliance partner, not just to observe, but they did not show any abnormality, yes Yang Ying, Katerina and Dao Feng are just like strangers.

At this stage, because the Zerg's survival mode is very different from that of humans and gods, it may even cause extreme contradictions. The existence of the Zerg itself excludes all non-Zerg races, so Yang Ying does not intend to expose the relationship between him and the Zerg. contact.

Of course, this connection cannot be kept secret for a long time, because it is obvious that the extreme powerhouses who suddenly appeared recently are not only the thirteen blade emperors here, but also two from the earth (Yang Ying and Blade), and Proto Three of Si (Three Consuls of Light and Shadow).

In such a short period of time, the existence of the fourth level limit is almost in the form of an explosion. They come out endlessly. Although they belong to three races and the geographical distance is far away, it is inevitable that some people will doubt the connection among them, and then link the three races of humans, gods and insects together, and link Yang Ying with the Protoss Protoss and the Selected Zerg. .

Although there is no evidence for this suspicion, in most cases, evidence is not necessary for people to believe a thing.

Yang Ying foresees that the relationship between him and the Zerg will be exposed in the near future. Of course, this "soon" should also mean a few months, which is enough for him to make full preparations.

"Now, can you tell me whether there is such a great hatred between you and the Orion Arm's expeditionary force that you want to attack their headquarters so violently?" The empress dowager repeated her question.

(today is still a chapter)

[...Chapter 745 Another meeting with the fastest text update...] @!

(to be continued)