MTL - StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand-Chapter 757 Battle of Dasen (Part 1)

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Three days later, the main fleet of the Imperial Cosmic Army arrived at the Dasen star field. The total force is 3 million warships, and the losses not long ago have been replenished, and the establishment of the Imperial Space Force has returned to a complete state.

Not only that, after the war mobilization order was issued, the empire is expanding its army on a large scale. There are long queues in front of conscription offices everywhere. The arsenal produces various weapons and equipment day and night. New warships and mechs are being manufactured like flowing water. Equipped to the new army.

According to the plan made by the Supreme Command of the Imperial Army, within the next year, the entire territory of the Empire must fully enter the wartime system. All walks of life and all tasks must first consider the needs of the war. The size of the Imperial Space Force quadrupled during this year, reaching a fleet size of 12 million.

The same is true for the alliance on the other side. The high level of the alliance even issued a mandatory conscription order to force qualified talents into the army. Those who resist will be sentenced to treason and executed immediately.

Not only that, but the Alliance is hunting down rebels all over its territory. Many of them are former imperial garrisons with excellent combat qualities. Once the alliance military catches them, they will immediately brainwash them and turn them into soldiers loyal to the alliance.

The alliance's military expansion plan is far more radical than that of the empire, and it is required to expand the regular army to a fleet size of about 30 million within one year. For this reason, all the arsenals in the alliance are working overtime to produce, and the huge orders of the military overwhelm them, and they don't even have a moment to rest.

The aggressiveness of the alliance made the upper echelon of the empire deeply pressured, but the empire also has an advantage that the alliance cannot match, and that is the new awakening potion.

Due to secrecy and various other factors, the empire's production of the new awakening potion is not large (compared to the huge population base), but it is countless times better than the alliance's inability to crack the production process of the potion so far.

This advantage is directly reflected in the conscription. The slogan of the imperial army during the conscription is that the families of those who join the army can get the quota of the new awakening potion first. This is very difficult for the unawakened demihumans outside the capital circle. The temptation to resist.

The warships of the empire do not have high requirements for the number of crew members. This is because the warships are equipped with highly intelligent combat robots and combat biochemical humans. They occupy most of the grassroots positions on the battleships. Allows the battleship to function normally.

For example, in the ship-borne mecha brigade, except for the officers who are served by imperial soldiers, most of the mech soldiers are combat biochemicals, while in the logistics maintenance brigade. Most of them are repair robots. Their universal mechanical arms are hundreds of times more efficient than human hands, and their precision is tens of thousands of times higher. They can also enter the vacuum of space for operations without the need for protective clothing. Much stronger than people.

Calculated, a large warship only needs a hundred people from officers to soldiers, a medium-sized warship needs 30 to 50 people, and a small warship only needs about ten people. Patrol boats, reconnaissance boats, etc. More importantly, only two or three people are enough.

An imperial fleet will not be composed entirely of large warships, but at least 80% of them are small and medium-sized warships. In this way, a full fleet of 100,000 warships requires officers and soldiers, a total of about 500 million people.

The Imperial Space Force has 30 such fleets, or 150 million soldiers, which will quadruple, or quadruple, in one year, requiring 450 million conscripts. With the production capacity of the empire's new awakening potion, it is more than enough to meet the needs of 450 million families within a year.

At this time, the relevant departments of the imperial army have already begun to formulate a plan for the second wave of military expansion, and will follow up with this wave of military expansion.

However, neither the empire nor the alliance expected that the civil war would end so quickly. Before their one-year military expansion plan was completed, the civil war was over.

Yang Ying followed the Imperial Fleet to Dasen Starfield. Because of his high status as a royal enshrined, he was second only to the Commander-in-Chief of the Space Force in the fleet, and the recent battle with Sandvor also gave him a place in the Imperial Space Force. He has brought great fame, so the fleet will send the battle reports from the front to him every day.

The time when the Imperial Army entered the Darson Starfield was twenty-four standard hours later than the Alliance Army. At this time, the Alliance Army led by Sandward had captured several military strongholds outside the Darson Starfield, and its main force was erratic. , the specific location is ominous, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Duke Da'an, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Cosmic Army, is a fairly stable figure. He was also one of the top elders of the Senate, but he has always been on the side of the royal family. He was one of the most staunch supporters of the royal family in the Senate. First, it is the mainstay of the Royal Faction of the Senate.

After the queen brought the Imperial Cosmic Army back this time, she named Duke Da'an the Imperial Marshal and appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Cosmic Army.

As a fourth-level extreme existence, Duke Da'an's experience is obviously not trivial. It is not difficult for him to command a huge fleet, only when the opponent is Sandvor. Duke Da'an didn't dare to say that he was sure of winning.

"Your Excellency Yang Ying, in your opinion, where will Sandvor's fleet hide?" Duke Da'an asked. Both he and Yang Ying were on the flagship of the Imperial Space Force fleet.

"Sandover's troops are twice as strong as ours. I heard that this time Prince Thiegusin and the others are also here with Sandover." Yang Ying said, "Gathering together the strength of several of their extreme powerhouses, we should be able to Guide the full strength of the 6 million alliance fleet. In comparison, even if our side has more extreme powers than them, we are at a disadvantage in terms of strength when the fleet size and total energy are about the same as the opponent's. .If I were Sandvor, I should take this opportunity to take the initiative to attack. It is also possible that they will make some tactical deceptions to further divide us to gain local absolute advantages."

"A very reasonable judgment." Duke Da'an nodded, "We are the defensive side, and they are the offensive side. Now the initiative is in their hands, and we can't find them. I think the most urgent thing now is to determine their position first."

"I feel the same way." Yang Ying said, "We have to pay close attention to the contact situation of various strongholds in the Dasen star field. Once Sandvor launches a surprise attack on them, I'm afraid they won't even have a chance to issue an alarm, even for a millisecond The situation of losing contact must also be taken seriously. Of course, Sandvor may also appear directly in front of us at a certain point in time. The fleet must also be ready for battle at all times."

"That's right." Duke Da'an said.

Not long after, the communication of more than a dozen military strongholds was cut off almost at the same time, and they called many times, but there was no response, obviously they were under attack!

"Sandvor took action. The targets under attack are all densely populated. The planets with advanced industries and great significance to the empire are forcing us to divide our troops to save them." Duke Da'an said.

"Sure enough." Although Yang Ying had guessed Sandover's method, it was not so easy to deal with it.

This tactic can be said to be a conspiracy. All places are attacked at the same time, and the specific circumstances of the attack are unknown. This means that the location of Sandover's main fleet is still a mystery.

To save those planets one by one, I am afraid that it will be too late in the end, the fleet will arrive, and the planets will be destroyed, but if we divide our forces to save them, Sandwoll will seize the opportunity to destroy them one by one.

The troops are already at a disadvantage, and the troops have to be divided, which is almost synonymous with courting death.

Although the fourth-level existence can use the huge energy of the fleet to tear open huge wormholes to transport troops when the **** core system is fully activated, it can be seen from Sandover's previous failure that this kind of troop transport How dangerous and unreliable the way is.

No matter how big the wormhole is, it is impossible to instantly transfer a fleet with a formation of tens of thousands of kilometers. This is like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge, and the fleet must enter the wormhole one by one.

In this way, the enemy only needs to gather firepower to bombard the wormhole on the other side of the wormhole, so as many fleets are transported by the wormhole, as many fleets will die.

The faster you want to pass through the wormhole, the denser the formation will be, so that the enemy's attack efficiency will be higher, and the broken warship wreckage will block the exit of the wormhole, making it more difficult for the battleship behind to Opening a new wormhole is nothing more than repeating this passive beating situation.

The same is true for space jumps. It is difficult for a battleship that has just come out of hyperspace to enter the combat state immediately, and it is easy to be attacked by the enemy in a burst, and it will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, the space-time coordinates for opening the wormhole must be far away from the battlefield. In this way, it will take a while for the support fleet to enter the battlefield, about ten to fifteen minutes.

If the number of enemies is small, this method can still be used, but Sandover's main fleet itself is twice as large as that of the Imperial Army. Just increase casualties.

At this time, more than ten densely populated planets are under attack, and civilians may die every second, leaving little time for the emperor to think.

"How about this, my people and I will go to the battlefield to have a look." Yang Ying said, "After we get there, I will send back the specific information, and then your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief will take action according to the situation."

"This is probably a trap." Duke Da'an reminded, "Maybe it was prepared for you."

"Of course it's a trap." Yang Ying smiled, "The number of extreme powerhouses owned by the Tran Mercenary Corps has become a thorn in Sandover's side and a thorn in his flesh. He does not create various unfavorable conditions in order to reduce our The number of extreme powerhouses is so strange."

After a pause, Yang Ying said: "However, we are the existence of the fourth-level limit after all. It is not so easy for Sandvor to kill us."

After finishing speaking, Yang Ying didn't wait for Duke Da'an to answer, his figure turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared without a trace, leaving only a voice: "Wait for our news."

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(to be continued)