MTL - Start Binding: High-quality Male God System-Chapter 349 I have a girlfriend, career direction

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   "Well, I'm off work and I'm on the subway now... how is Xiduo doing today?"

   "Hehehe, Li Songlin, let me tell you, I was taken fishing by my dad today, and he didn't pay attention... I'm so old, I really laughed to death... Hahaha~~~"

  The other end obviously just typed out a paragraph of text without ups and downs, but for some reason, Li Songlin seemed to see Xiduo's charming appearance stealing joy through it.

  Looking at the [typing in progress] status bar displayed on WeChat, a warmth poured into his body involuntarily.

   "..., let's stop talking here first, don't bother you, close your eyes and rest, but don't over sit, or I will laugh at you;"

  Smile JPG;

  Facing this eccentric her, he always had indescribable patience.

  In the process of getting along, she is smart and well-behaved. If you really want to talk about it, it is just mutual achievement, and there is no such thing as who loves the other more.

   I don’t know if it’s because he has lived alone for a long time, but being recognized by himself and being kind to him can always make him feel warm.

   Let him have a feeling, that is, someone cares about him, someone cares about him;

  In fact, this situation exists in most families of origin, so I won’t list them one by one here. After all, there are happy people and miserable people.

  Instead of caring about those things, it is better to live your current life well, that is a responsible attitude towards yourself.

   This year, whether it is true or not, is an extraordinary year.

  I made a girlfriend, my studies went well and I was healthy, my relatives and friends who cared for me were safe and smooth, and I decided on my future direction...

   All these piles symbolize his increasingly prosperous life itself.

   There is nothing to be dissatisfied with in my heart, this kind of life can't be better, and of course the future will only get better and better.

   "Hoo ~"

  As if he remembered something, his body stretched after a busy day.

  At this time, the girl opposite looked at Li Songlin, and she couldn't help looking over.

   Not to mention, he even bumped his best friend with his elbow, his cheeks were already flushed red.

  The female friend who was playing with her mobile phone couldn't help but gasped as she followed her friend's field of vision.

   Good guy!

   Taking the subway, can you actually have this benefit?

   Absolute son!

  A handsome and bookish young man with sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes, so that you won't forget it just by looking at him. I have to say that today's luck is really good.

   "Sister, I'm so excited!"

  Zhang Xinyue whispered to her best friend, and immediately moved the other's hand to her heart.


  A woman playing with a mobile phone, how can she not know that her best friend is a love addict through the surging rhythm coming from the touch of her palm!

  However, she always felt that the little brother on the opposite side was not like the kind that no one chased after. It was very likely that he had a girlfriend a long time ago, and it would be his turn to have a girlfriend.

  Thinking of this, she also told her sisters what she thought.


  From the moment she entered the subway and sat down, she saw the boy opposite, she had noticed him, and she was really unwilling not to try.


   Sighed, looking at her shy and girlish sisters, she knew that it was impossible for the other party not to try;

   Rubbing the center of her eyebrows, she could only tell her how she wanted to operate in a good voice.

   With such a best friend at the booth, I can only dote on him, but fortunately there is no other problem except this.

   "..., just help me, my good sister, you are the best, mua~"


  【A good sister if you have something to do, just call "Hello" if you have nothing to do, it's too real. 】

  Of course she was so slanderous in her heart, but she didn't hesitate when it was time to help.

   It can be said that she has a thorough grasp of the way of tool man;

   "Hoo ~"

  I saw the two girls whispering, one of them stood up with a stomp, and walked towards Li Songlin who was not far away.



   Li Songlin was lightly patted on the shoulder, and immediately pulled him out of his dazed state.

   "Is there something wrong?"

   Facing those clear and moist eyes, Liang Tian couldn't help but shrink.

   This is a man that my sisters can touch, he died young~

  But no matter how distracting you are, you have to do what you promised, right?

   "Well, my friend wants to get to know you, can I ask for a contact information?"

   After finishing speaking, she naturally pointed to the charming woman with a peach blossom face opposite him.

  Li Songlin raised his eyes when he heard the words, but he glanced away from the corner of his eye and didn't see the person clearly, so he looked away.

   "Sorry, I have a girlfriend!"

   Oh huh~ Immediately Liang Tianqian bowed, apologized and returned to his seat.

   "Hoo ~"

  【I knew that there is no shortage of girls who like a man who grows up like this, as expected...】

   "How is it? Tian Bao~"

   It felt like a failure, but Zhang Xinyue still asked her doubts rather stubbornly.

   "He has a girlfriend, and if he says no, we can only give up on Yueyue!"


  Zhang Xinyue looked at the handsome man opposite her, and at her best friend, but her heart didn't move for any reason.

   "Okay, I got it!"

   After she finished speaking, she fiddled with her mobile phone, as if the stubbornness just now had disappeared.

  Seeing that his best friend had returned to his usual appearance, Liang Tian heaved a sigh of relief, then glanced at the handsome guy across from him, and then went to play with his phone on his own.

  【I can’t watch it any more, masculinity is misleading, you have to control yourself, I’m not in love with stars. 】

  After Li Songlin finished replying to the strange woman, he lowered his head and took out the iPad from his bag to write and draw.

  Although there is still a long time before the end of university, there are some things that I can prepare myself!

  Thinking about it carefully, one and a half years is not long or short.

   It mainly depends on how you grasp it.

  The pharmaceutical industry is an industry that cannot be ignored at any time.

  It not only needs to have its own representative products, but also needs to form a large-scale industrial chain.

  And Li Songlin chose folk prescriptions as the starting point, and planned to continue to expand in the direction of developing characteristic prescriptions...

  Predecessors have something to learn from, but they should not be copied.

  What he wants is for the common people to have medical treatment and live a life free from disease and disaster. The need for money is secondary. After all, the assets he owns now are already enough to live on!

  Determining the direction of this business owner, the original intention is to change the current situation of certain medicines and seek benefits for the public;

  "Chinese medicine" has always been an extremely powerful and mysterious field with a long history of inheritance, and it must be beneficial to the country and the people if it is used properly.

  But...then how to turn it from virtual to real step by step?

  Using the Applepencil to continuously deduce on the tablet, he sank into it wholeheartedly.

   "click" [mute state]


  【So what if you have a girlfriend, take a photo of her first, and then find a way to get to know her. I don’t believe there will be a corner that I, Zhang Xinyue, can’t pry open. I, Zhang Xinyue, am a beauty... Let’s wait and see! hum~]

  Growing up in Shanghai, how could a beautiful girl lack men to pursue her.

  It can be said that while the society has given them a lot of advantages, it has also allowed them to nourish their negative side.

   Of course, those only represent a part, not all, and cannot be generalized.