MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 352 4D data

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There are three strengthening directions. 'Mountain Shaker' is an explosive physical skill. .

  The senior engineer hesitated between the latter two, and resolutely chose the second option.

   Boxing is afraid of young men. Although young women are scary, young women are reborn.

  Mechanical Pile Driver: Your mechanical engine wear rate -20%, your mechanical body wear rate -10%

   The next moment, another attribute box jumped out.

  [Your main occupation 'Slaughter Hunter' meets the promotion requirements, please select your promotion direction - Neural Hunter/Planet Hunter/Furious Warrior]

  Neural Hunter: You have a powerful ability to intercept neural signals, you will travel between reality and virtuality, and you have great bonuses for AI, large-scale programs, and virus hunting.

   Planet Hunter: You complete your hunting work within the scope of the planet, the stronger the biodiversity you hunt, the more bonuses you get

  Remarks: Due to the special environment of the Mechanism, mechanical life is also in the biosphere.

  Fury Warrior: Your cells have powerful explosive power, the more you fight, the stronger you become.

  Remarks: The stronger the implanted bloodline, the more bursts

  Three options, Neural Hunter is inclined to cyber hacker, but compared to cyber hacker, it also has a good realistic combat power.

   Planet Hunter focuses on the realm of species, especially the realm itself.

   As for the Furious Warrior, he immediately thought of the collider, the biological version of the collider? Or a biological saiyan?

   As a faction leader, range skills are definitely more important than heads-up.

   Without hesitation, the senior engineer chose the second option.

  [You transferred to 'Planet Hunter' and obtained the professional talent 'Planet Species Coercion']

   Planetary Species Coercion: The biological bloodline you implanted and the advanced species you killed will cause you to produce species oppression. Try to collect these oppressions and turn them into a more powerful biological field.

  [You gain occupation skill: Biosphere Hunt]

   Hunting the Biosphere: Every time you kill a creature, you will get a temporary status blessing. When the number of killed creatures of the same type reaches the upper limit, the temporary status will be converted into a permanent status.

   Probably because the first-order is about to be completed, the talents and skills obtained are not many, but they are all powerful range methods.

  'Hunting the Biosphere' is similar to the S-level talent 'Flesh Fusion'.

   It’s just that the latter is a genetic level, while the former is an attribute level.

   In the process of choosing a career, the senior engineer did not stop. In the 'deep web' mode, in a few breaths, the senior engineer came to a super building with nearly 200 floors in the enterprise area.

   The headquarters of the Unreal United - Unreal Building!

With the thought of   , dense purple crystals instantly appeared on the surface of the 200-story high-rise building.

   A large amount of information poured into the brains of senior workers, making them even have a feeling of omniscience and omnipotence.

  ‘It feels a bit like the last life. ’

   The Office of the President of Unreal United.

   The president with a neat suit and a very elite style, Hugh Laurie looked out the window, raised his gold wire glasses, and his face was expressionless.

  Outside the window, is an endless ocean of data.

   "Machine Generation?"…

The next moment, the defense system of the Unreal Union began to show its power, and the high data wall began to take shape rapidly. Above the high wall, a mouthful of data projectiles shot out. The data layer also began to disappear, as if absorbed by something.

   "Human brain database? The speed of technological advancement is quite fast."

  The human brain database is already close to the means of the third-level civilization, or to put it another way, it is called a 'super brain'.

   Every member of the third-level civilization has a super brain.

   However, as the master of the first six-level civilization, this kind of means still can't beat him.

  A long white column rises into the sky, supporting the ocean of data.

  The sky disappeared, leaving only countless 0s and 1s. The earth disappeared and became a planet wrapped by wires and cables.

   With the manipulation of the senior engineers, cables and optical fibers extended out, and under countless data combinations, they turned into huge spears.

   Every light spear burns with raging flames.

  The senior engineer smiled slightly, and the next moment, like the tide of spaceships in the interstellar war, the endless light drowned the data siege.

   In just three breaths, the corporate will called 'Data Defender' was beaten and collapsed.

  In the electronic defense department of the Unreal Building, office after office, the heads of employees suddenly exploded. These people are all high-level neuroeditors, and some even reached level 30.

   However, under the backlash of the corporate will, there is still no resistance at all.

   A senior executive with a cracked head suddenly flashed data in the eyes. This is the backup personality coming online again, struggling to get up and pressing a red button.

   The next moment, data shields like energy shields began to appear, densely covering the surface of the illusory building, and spreading wildly outwards.

  'Data Defender', a veteran electronic wall developer, has developed a total of 64 products on the market, serving tens of millions of users.

   At this time, all the electronic defense walls of the tens of millions of people were temporarily transferred and blessed here.

   In order to break through and enter the Illusory Building, you must first smash the flesh and blood shield composed of tens of millions of people.

   This level of 'artificial data destruction' is the level that the mother city has to do.

   This is also the most common form of corporate warfare. With the help of the mother city, you will be fouled out.

  ‘Unreal Building? Let you see what a real illusion is. ’

  The senior engineer took a deep breath, and the next moment, the fiber bundle, that is, the purple crystal, began to shrink, and the sea of ​​data also began to disappear.

   Senior workers wearing sunglasses appeared one by one, but these 'high workers' also began to disappear.

   In other words, start to ascend.

   From 3D data to 4D data.

  This kind of four-dimensional data is also called quantum entangled state.

   One by one, the senior workers with sunglasses walked into the electronic barrier, and the electronic barrier had no effect at all.

  In the office of the president, a senior engineer with sunglasses also walked in through the window.

   In Hugh Laurie's eyes, the enemy in front of him was very impersonal, as if it was out of tune with the entire real world.

   "Mr. Gao, or the famous MrG?" Hugh Laurie said calmly.

   "Your reputation seems to have not reached the level of 'famous', right?"

   "I didn't expect you to be an alien life."

   "There's still more that you didn't expect," the senior engineer said with a smile: "You can think about it now, what kind of death do you have?"

   "I didn't really think that I would die on this day."

  Hugh Laurie raised his glasses and said so.

   "Why, with this?"

  The senior worker snapped his fingers, and the next moment, Hugh Laurie disappeared, replaced by a humanoid figure composed of countless network access signals.