MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 365 Manual data migration

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  Civilization is not built by one person. Individuals can only rely on bloodline and high-end technology to achieve the upgrade of their individual strength.

   But civilization is ascension, a kind of collective life sublimation.

   It is also the only cure for the ills of civilization.

In the    universe, the vast territory of civilization, the great disparity between classes, and the number of stubborn racial ailments have reached the point where there is no solution, and the only way is to ascend.

   And from the player's point of view - ascension is a bug!

   A dimensionality reduction blow that forces the difficulty of the game.

For example, the third-level civilization is already a civilization that can touch the elements of ascension. The advanced occupation threshold of the third-level civilization is 90, and the highest is 120. However, among civilizations, there are still some civilizations of level 10 and 20. Scum, backwardness.

   In fact, most civilizations have the most people of this type.

However, once the ascension is completed, the third-level civilization will be promoted to the fourth-level civilization, which is commonly known as the ascension civilization. No matter how many levels you have before, whether it is level 0, level 10, or the cyber clan abandoned by the times, Whether it is a waste of limbs and indiscriminate grains, it will be instantly elevated to the bottom line of a fourth-level civilization.

   is level 120.

   That's right, in the Ascension Civilization, even the lowest civilians are level 120 elders.

   In the eyes of players, this is simply a bug!

   Lao Tzu is going to live and die, and all kinds of livers have been fighting for his life, but in the end, he can't compare to your NPC who cast a good child?

   The bottom line of the fourth-level civilization is 120, that is, the members of the civilization are 120.

   is the same.

   Level 5 civilization members are at least level 150

   Level 6 civilization members are at least level 180

   The minimum level of a seventh-level civilization member is 210

  Eighth-level civilization members are at least level 240

   The minimum level of a nine-level civilization member is 270

   This explosive improvement has greatly suppressed the player's destructiveness as the "Fourth Calamity".

   After all, no matter how "civilian" people are, they can crush you just by their level.

   The later stage, the more terrifying the attribute increase brought by the level up.

   Of course, there are not many advanced civilizations in the universe.

   In fact, 99% of civilizations are stuck at the Ascension level.

After    ascension, 99% of civilizations will be stuck in the next level of ascension.

   And so on, taking the universe as the scale, the number of advanced civilizations is actually very small.

   After all, the Palace of Eternal Order of the Civilization Council only has more than 100 chairs.

   A tall and incompetent person is the owner of one of the chairs.

   Likewise, he is also the only player representative - although no one knew his player's identity until the time of crossing.


  The construction of civilization is not something that happens overnight, nor is it a matter of one person.

   A top-level hacker at the planet level is actually very compatible with the super-brain civilization route he took in his previous life.

   So the senior engineer threw an olive branch to the bird of paradise.

   Bird of Paradise did not immediately agree.

   She is very aware of the importance of this invitation. Cooperation is cooperation. Once you climb the other party's technology tree, you can only go to the dark side.

   She doesn't look like Gao Yuanyuan, Gao Xiaomei is an ordinary person, and her vision is far less than that of top hackers. In addition, black people have been squeezed out. This personality is somewhat silly and sweet.

In fact, one of the reasons why she stayed on this planet instead of going to alien colonies and asteroid belts was that she wanted to try her luck at the Cyber ​​Proving Ground to see if she could find a breakthrough. possible. …

  The breakthroughs of hackers are different from other occupations. Other occupations are more about stacking hardware, while hackers are equivalent to "version updates" of software.

   It's just that which version is the best version, she needs to **** for quite a while.


  Mr. Piece and Nightmare set off again. The two passed through the 'small cyberspace' organized by the Holy City and directly transferred to the abdomen of the 'Spider Goddess'. The data was digested and regenerated twice, basically cutting off the possibility of others tracking.

  Especially the second reincarnation, it is not the cyber network, but the gene duplication.

   With the cracking of the ‘spider eggs’, two ‘spider sons’ emerged from the viscous liquid.

   "No matter how many times I go through it, this feeling is still very disgusting!"

  Mr. Patchwork looked at the liquid all over his body with disgust, his tongue wriggled in his mouth, and finally pulled out a spider silk that was fleshy.

   "What the **** is this?"

   "Your umbilical cord." Nightmare said coldly.


   Soon, a bunch of spider maids came around, wiped their bodies and changed their clothes.

  Many people know that the deep web weavers are the only gangs closely related to the cyberspace. Among their transaction objects, there are advanced AI, viruses, and conscious replicas, and they are the masters of the underground market.

   But almost no one knows that compared to hackers' methods, their human spider gene hybrid technology is the bottom of the box.

  No one knows that two kilometers underground in the city that never sleeps, a huge genetic modification factory and various node channels have covered half of Santo Domingo.

   Half-man, half-spider, steel spider, spider girl, human-headed spider, if Daisy is here, she will definitely recognize many of her kind.

   "You are here."

The seventh spider girl, a girl with a cold temperament came over. She is very different from other spider transformers. She has no extra parts on her hands and feet. The only difference from normal people is that there are three pairs of red on her forehead. Compound eyes.

   When her red eyes were aimed at the two of them, the two cyber-hackers felt at the same time, an evil spirit spread over.

   This is a powerful psychic.

   "Don't be so cold," Mr. Patchwork said with a smile: "I came here this time, but I brought a good thing."

   He stretched out his hand, a black data spider took shape in the palm, a divinity that belonged to the spider goddess overflowed, the crawling sound sounded, and the genetically modified spiders hidden in the darkness were all scared away by this breath.

   "Ninth Sister's lost holy seal!"

   The seventh spider girl's complexion changed, red light flashed from the three pairs of red spider eyes, and the next moment, the data spider teleported directly to her palm.

   "Xiao Qi, your ability has improved again. It seems that the recovery of the goddess is not far away."

   Seeing this scene, the two hackers looked at each other. Each spider girl has a unique ability. What this seventh spider girl is best at is rare data migration.

  Unfortunately, if this ability is handed over to a hacker, the power displayed will definitely be a hundred times that of the opponent.

   "Hey, we are organized in the Holy City, don't you worry about it? If you say get the holy seal back, take the holy seal back."…

   Piece together Mr. Hippie smile and blow the conch.

   The seventh spider girl gave the two of them a cold look, then turned around and left.

   There is a consensus among the upper echelons of deep web weavers that these hackers are definitely not well-intentioned.

   But to resurrect the spider goddess, they must rewrite the code.

  Only religious codes that meet the standards of this era can resurrect the goddess in cyberspace.

  From the perspective of hackers, this resurrection is essentially the reproduction of an ancient virtual machine that relies on the "cyber network".

  The two followed behind the seventh spider girl and went all the way to the restricted area, where they were stopped.

   Looking at the disappearing figure of the seventh spider girl, Mr. Patchwork shrugged:

   "We wrote the code and we got the pieces of the operating system back, but they wouldn't let us play with the computer, isn't that ridiculous?"

   "Don't underestimate the ancient virtual machine." Nightmare's hoarse voice sounded.

   "The essence of religion is a virtual machine without hardware control. The human brain is just an interface, not a distributed server."

   "This also means that this information processing mode is very extreme, and the bottom layer of the human brain must be transformed."

   "How do you know that when the religious code was rewritten, the human brain processing system of the two of us was not transformed?"

   "No way," said Mr. Patchwork in surprise, "You mean, these codes also have virus properties?"

   "Religious codes have an irresistible effect on the senses, just like psychoactive drugs, I just remind you not to capsize in the gutter."

   "After all, your slicing skills are most restrained by this method."

   "It's true," Mr. Patch said to himself, suddenly looking at the other person suspiciously, and said, "When did you learn to care about people?"

   "The crazy talk of religious people is a kind of code without comments. It is exactly the same as your code level. Maybe you have been transformed now."

   "It's fine if you're just crazy. If you die, I'm going to continue writing in your dung mountain code. I don't want to suffer like this," Nightmare said coldly.

   "Fuck, you actually look down on my code level, I'm angry!"

   The two were bickering, and the seventh spider girl came out of the restricted area again, her tone slightly softened: "Two, the first spider girl is waiting for you."

   "Tsk tsk, I can finally play with the computer, although I'm not even interested in such ancient toys."

   "Huh? You're not going in?"

   Looking at the motionless seventh spider girl, Mr. Patch asked curiously.

   "There are only the first spider girl and the previous generation of great elders, I am not qualified to enter," the seventh spider girl said indifferently.

   "Ha, you don't have enough authority for feelings."

   Mr. Patchwork gave a weird laugh and walked in with the nightmare.

   As for the seventh spider girl, she took a deep look at the two of them and walked into the darkness again.


   Every deep web weaver has two nests, one on the network level and one on the real level.

   However, as Lord Jidai blocked the cyberspace and turned the entire Never Sleeping City network into a local area network, the deep web weavers only had one nest.

   Before the resurrection of the spider goddess, the majesty of Lord Jidai cannot be offended. …

   As the spider silk was untied by the little spiders, the seventh spider girl came to her 'coiled silk hole'.

  This 'Pansi Cave' is quite simple, similar to the staff dormitory at the bottom.

  It is hard to imagine that this will be the residence of the Seventh Spider Woman, the leader of the Deep Web Weavers.

   But for deep web weavers, in the cybernet, they can absorb the simulated data of others, and in reality, they can enter a state of genetic repair through the little spiders.

   The pleasure brought by these two states made them completely detached from the pleasures of the mundane level and entered a more advanced stage.

   In a sense, deep web weavers are also a group of dead houses, but a group of religious dead houses with pursuit.


The seventh spider girl was lying on the bed, and soon, a 'hissing' sounded, and a large number of palm-sized spiders crawled out from the ceiling, the corner of the wall, the bottom of the bed, etc., crawled on her body, and bit her skin. , sucking her flesh, and inside the skin, doing a lot of spinning work.

   The seventh spider girl's face turned red all of a sudden, and it felt like she was drinking, but also playing with a virtual machine.

The spider goddess, or the ancient spider sect, is actually not a folk cult of the empire, but a sect of the alliance. Compared with the mechanical imperial rule of the empire, the alliance is more loose. It is formed by a series of ancient small countries. The control is not strict, and this type of sect is good at opportunism, and it has gradually developed and expanded by connecting with various powerful figures in the political arena.

  The earliest spider religion is said to be composed of several addicts, and the spider goddess is a high-purity anti-counterfeiting sign.


   But soon, the seventh spider woman opened her eyes, and the spiders dispersed again.

A hint of doubt flashed in the eyes of the seventh spider girl, she sat up, and there were countless small holes on her face and body, from head to toe, almost every place had signs of being bitten, and many parts were turned out of flesh and blood. There were still blood oozing in many places, which looked particularly scary.

   She did not enter the 'genetic repair state' as usual.

   On the contrary, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

   She got out of bed and came to the side of the realm. The young girl in the realm seemed to be severely tortured. Only the three pairs of spider eyes looked suspiciously at various parts of the body.

   Suddenly, the expression of the seventh spider girl froze, and on the back of her hand, a black spider brand appeared.

   Seal! ?

how come!

   She remembered very clearly that she had already handed the holy seal to the first spider girl.

   However, at this time, this holy seal is slowly expanding, covering the arm from the palm, and then extending towards the rest of the body.

   A strange will stretched out from the shadow.

'This this-'

   The seventh spider woman's expression changed, and she activated the ability to migrate data almost without thinking. The next moment, the shadow disappeared.

   However, on the mirror surface, a peerless figure appeared and smiled at her.

  ‘Religious code is not pure data, in fact, it is closer to a biological virus, the kind that spreads from person to person. ’

  ‘The structure of the virus has been embedded in the deep structure of the brain, so it is far better to hack than other programs. The higher the level, the better the penetration. ’

  ‘Goodbye, Miss Spider. ’

   After a while, the seventh spider girl slowly straightened up, revealing a taller than someone's signature smile.

   "Not bad, data migration is just usable."

   "Fuck, what's the matter with this body, you have also been abused by the rich woman?"


   At the same time, the mighty immigrant brigade took a 3D-printed makeshift train and drove to the city that never sleeps along the old-fashioned railway network.

   If you regard the city that never sleeps and the city of crime as two data terminals, then with the migration of a large amount of artificial data, a new data chain begins to take shape.

  'Artificial data' is not important. What Jidai really wants is the data processing system of 'Sunless City'.