MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 429 Helium Atom Freezing Portable Cannon

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  Chapter 429 Helium Atom Freezing Portable Cannon

  In the mechanical transformation room, the silver substance of the big beach was left on the ground. These are all liquefied metal skeletons.

  The so-called 'memory metal remodeling' is not unlimited resurrection, the more 'remodeling', the more metal cells will be consumed, and the more metal cells that cannot be recovered will also be.

  The upper limit is 500% every 30 hours, which also means that the senior engineer has five lives in one day. However, on the current panel, 500% has become 100%.

  In the dim light, Gao Gong turned on the mirror, and as the flowing water passed by and the water mist dissipated, under the high-definition mirror, a silver-white metal skull appeared in the mirror.

   The prosthetic eye turned around, and there was almost no difference between the mechanical body after implantation and the mechanical body before implantation, which is very rare.

   However, if you look closely, you can find that there are dense cracks in the five parts of the upper arm, forearm, fingers, spine, and calf.

   This kind of crack seems to exist naturally, and it has not recovered due to the recovery of the memory metal.

  So at first glance, it seems that the bones in these parts are a little darker.

  Open the system panel, the first thing that catches the eye is the mechanical energy—

  The beginning of the mechanical energy has changed from a prefix of 3 to a prefix of 2, 29496 points.

   Gao Gong recalled, that is to say, this time the structure was implanted, and 6000 points of mechanical energy were permanently lost.


   Eggs hurt.

   Oh, he doesn't have **** now.

  The mechanical transformation rate has increased by 25 points, and basically a structure has increased by 5 points. For this second-order advanced prosthetic body, the transformation rate is a bit low.

   And without adding any attributes, that is to say, the transformation rate is also increased in vain.

   It still hurts.

   But there is a little surprise. With the increase of the transformation rate, the physical transformation has finally reached 200 points, which actually gave Gao Gong a chance to draw a random skill.

  Random skills, this is really rare.

  Gao Gong didn't hesitate, and directly ordered the lottery.

  [The lottery is successful, you get the 'Second Level Skill - Helium Atom Freezing Portable Cannon Transformation']

Helium atom frozen portable cannon deformation, also known as frozen energy cannon, is a cosmic machine body, one of the common gun-changing abilities. It is worth mentioning that this skill is not mainly for lethality, but for freezing and retention. .

   To put it simply, this is a range skill.

Helium atom freezing portable cannon deformation (second stage): Through the extraction of helium atoms and the release of energy in the form of cannons, a super frozen field is created, with a temperature of -273 degrees and a coverage area that expands by 100 meters every second. All species within will be affected by life loss, frostbite, freezing, and energy damage, and the energy consumption will be 100 points/second.

  Although a helium atom is not a high-level particle, it is much stronger than that messy heterogeneous particle.

   More importantly, this is a cannon!

  One of men's favorite toys, second only to Gundam, people like to bring this on dates.

  Compared to the chopstick-thick particle energy beam, it is not at the same level at all.

  Following Gao Gong's thoughts, the next moment, the right hand began to deform, the five fingers split, and were retracted to the forearm. At the same time, a spiral-shaped energy cannon was split in the palm of the hand, and the light on the spiral pattern lit up.

As the light came on, the forearm began to swell, and countless mechanical components began to enter the charging state. The diameter of the forearm and the forearm directly increased by half, and at the same time, a circular gap that was one size larger appeared on the shoulder blade. Helium atom conversion device.

  As the terrifying wind sounded, from the shoulder blades, frost visible to the naked eye appeared, directly covering the palms of the hands, and the next moment, a beam of energy cannon nearly thick as a thigh flashed away.

Although Gao Gong just wanted to test its power, he turned off his skills in less than a second, but this mechanical transformation room, which was close to hundreds of square meters, was frozen in an instant, the cold air was billowing, and the ice pick as thick as an arm was stuck on the ceiling. The upper row is row by row, and there is a touch of snowflakes in the air.

  Gao Gong subconsciously shuddered, looked down, and saw that his two mechanical legs had been covered by ice.

   "So fierce? Interesting!"

  With a thought, countless metal flowers bloomed on the calf, and the ice layer was instantly crushed into powder.

  Currently, the quality of this randomly given skill is quite good.

  ‘Try the injustice transformation. '

   It cost so much, if it didn’t have enough power, he would have to vomit blood, no, it’s machine fluid.

  ‘Try the highest level first. '

  Glanced at the five structures, the highest level is the spine plug-Mobius ring, the second-level excellent level.

  As his thoughts moved, the next moment, every section of the spine began to deform wildly, and Gao Gong's field of vision rapidly increased. By the time he realized it, his skull had already touched the ceiling.

  It's so long!

  In order to modify the large-scale mechanical body, the height of the mechanical transformation room is very high, about 50 meters. At this time, Gao Gong's head touched the ceiling, and its feet were still standing in place.

   "It's really...deformed."

Gao Gong looked down and saw his whole body. To be precise, it started to deform from the tailbone. The big ring was surrounded by the small ring. Like the parts, it snaps onto the ring.


   It doesn't look like much. To be precise, it should be a ring-shaped, metallic mechanical monster.

   But the painting style is a bit similar, the distorted and mutated human body structure, typical Japanese manga style.

  A strong evil spirit was born from Gao Gong's prosthetic eyes. Gao looked around and confirmed a free attack target.

   It was a large mech. Obviously, a certain military giant cooperating with Tianping Technology had targeted Du Technology for plagiarism.

   Judging from the appearance alone, the technological content of this mecha even surpasses the ordinary models of Du Tech.

Gao Gong's figure disappeared in a flash, and without a sound, a small part of the seven or eight-meter-high mech disappeared, whether it was the mechanical plug-in, the armor, or the electronic components inside. sweep away.

  A large amount of metal dust is blown by the cold wind, and it is truly covered in silver.

  Gao Gong restored the prototype and patted his body. There were also a lot of metal particles on his body.

  The moment he attacked, he felt as if he had a hundred mouths all over his body.

   This feeling is very wonderful.

   It is not the feeling of a biological body, nor is it completely a change of a mechanical body, but a feeling of life distortion.


   Only when dealing with living creatures can the structure truly exert its power.

   Dealing with dead objects, you can't even deal damage.

  ‘In other words, at level 30, I can almost upgrade. '

   Seeing that there was only 5% short of reaching the full mark, that is, a 125% transformation rate, the senior engineer began to think about whether to change jobs on the spot.

   After all, if you want to upgrade, 100% of you have to do the 'job transfer task'.

   In different places, job transfer tasks will be different.

   Hunter goes further up, what will be the main occupation? There is a high probability that it should not be a hunter.

  His biological transformation rate has also reached 125%. If he tries carbon-based fusion, there is a high probability that it will be stimulated.

  Just as Senior Engineer was thinking, an anxious call suddenly sounded from the communicator.

   "Godfather, Dad, someone from the headquarters is here! And it's that perverted woman!"


  As the door of the mechanical transformation room opened, a gust of cold wind blew out, and Kimba's hair, face, and clothes were immediately covered with a layer of frost.

   Even though she was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, she subconsciously shuddered.

   "Something went wrong with the experiment, the energy leaked," Gao Gong said calmly as he walked out.

  Jimba was stunned for a moment, didn't think about it, but said: "Father, it's bad, people from the headquarters are going to arrest you!"

   "Headquarters? The headquarters of Tianping Technology," Gao Gong frowned, "That is to say, you leaked my news? Do you know about it?"

  Jimba said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I know it, but I also want to make you my own, so I didn't say it on purpose."

   "Then why are you saying it now?"

   "Because it's not our people who came, but the group of lunatics from the 'Weapon Sect', they..."

  Just as Jinba was speaking, her facial features began to become soft and strange, and a smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth. Halfway through the speech, a strange face appeared in front of Gao Gong.

   "Hello, Mr. G, let me introduce myself, the HR at the headquarters, my name is Mona."

  (end of this chapter)