MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 444 punk revolution

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  Chapter 444 Punk Revolution

  On the sea, a steam ship with black smoke from its chimney was sailing.

In the direction of the bow, a differential engine is doing 'tick-tick-tick' calculations, and papers are constantly being spit out, on which are wind speed, ship speed, route distance and other data, and in front of the differential engine, a reporter is vigorously copying these The data will be sent to the difference machines in various parts of the ship, and after input, the navigation machine will adjust its direction by itself.

  Although it is a steam ship, it is a self-driving steam ship—except for the hundreds of reporters on this ship, there are no other staff.

Although this scene is magical and full of 'steampunk' style, the passengers on board were not surprised. After all, after the first punk revolution, this type of steamship has appeared in various sea areas, even in the far east. With its imitation.

  On the bow of the boat, a girl wearing a lady's hat with a large brim and a black dress is silently looking at the sea. The beautiful figure of the girl has attracted the attention of many young people. However, no one has successfully struck up a conversation.

  Finally, a handsome young nobleman puffed out his chest, stepped forward, walked in front of the other party, and showed a bright smile:

   "Beautiful lady, I am Baron Burke of the holy city of Tyria, may I have the honor to meet you?"

  The girl silently glanced at each other without speaking.

   "Miss, I'm outside the holy city. There are three manors and a difference engine factory. If you want, I can show you around."

   "I'm afraid he doesn't want to."

The noble turned his head angrily, his eyes shrank sharply, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a black felt coat and a bowler hat appearing behind him. The most frightening thing was his left eye. , the eyeballs disappeared, replaced by a rotating 'pocket watch', and from the other party's scarf, the gears and nuts faintly exposed, this is a 'holy man'.

  Saint, the crystallization of the first punk revolution, possesses great strength, and a terrifying body that can't be broken by an arquebus. Most importantly, he must be a high-ranking member of the church.

   "Holding, sorry, my lord, I, I still have something to do..."

  The young nobleman stammered a few words, then turned around and ran away, losing all face.

  The saint looked in his direction, and a huge ancient city that was not inferior to any modern buildings stood under the setting sun. The clock and the huge rotating gears on the city wall could be vaguely seen.

The saint walked up to the girl, was silent for a while, and said: "I'm leaving, sea monsters appear more and more frequently, and soon, this city will be destroyed like history, just like that, you still have to go?"

The girl said softly: "The first punk revolution originated in the holy city of Tyria, and then spread all over the world. Then, the second punk revolution broke out in the east, and thus the future empire was born. As for the third punk revolution , is an alliance on the other side of the planet."

   "Three revolutions, three subconscious worlds, this type of world is the strongest, because a large number of ancient survivors are scattered all over the planet, and their obsessions will constitute the strongest barriers to the subconscious world."

   “However, the pan-Asian region of the second punk revolution is gone, as was Tyria in the first punk revolution, and we can no longer pretend nothing happened.”

  The saint shook his head, "In cyberspace, there is a famous saying, don't explore the secrets hidden deep in the data, because there is a high probability that this is the No. 0 database."

   "Are you really sure to leave? You have been operating this subconscious world for a long time. Once you leave here, the outside is quite dangerous."

   "I have already reached a deal with some flesh traffickers in the black market. Soon, I will leave cyberspace and return to reality."

  The girl opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything in the end.

   "However, after working together for so long, since you want to investigate, go ahead. You may be able to use some of my connections in this world."

  The saint handed over a thick kraft paper, then turned around and left, and when the girl turned back, the saint had disappeared.

   "I didn't expect that this guy still has an emotional template after dealing with him for so long."

  The girl underestimated. Just as she was about to open the kraft paper, she was interrupted by a reporter who said in horror, "Ms. Clock, there are sea monsters in the distance, please go to the cabin to take shelter!"

"I see."

  As soon as the news of the sea monster came out, all the people on board panicked. The lady hurriedly lifted up her heavy skirt, the nobles even lost their hats, and the ceremonial staff was used as a sharp weapon to grab seats.

  They didn't notice that a few people disappeared suddenly after being squeezed together.

  During the first punk revolution, or in other words, the age of great voyages, sea monsters were the only monsters that could not be explained by technology. No matter how powerful the fleet, encountering sea monsters would only lead to death.

  On the surface of the sea in the distance, a huge tentacle protruded from the bottom of the sea, slammed into the sea surface, and exploded like a cannonball.

   In the eyes of the girl, the huge tentacle is actually composed of countless hyperlink protocols, that is to say, as long as it is hit by it, it will be teleported away instantly.

   Obviously, this is a way for that hidden enemy to invade this subconscious world.

   Time is running out, the girl pursed her lips and said nothing.


  In the outlying harbor of Tyria, a steamship slowly docked on the shore with a loud roar.

  Ms. Clock, or in other words, the female player Tick came ashore.

There was no danger along the way, probably due to the spontaneous resistance of this subconscious world. In short, it was a very coincidence that they ran into a holy navy in the holy city. According to the game, it was a 20-level steam robot army. After a great battle, the sea monster was forced to leave.

   "Go to him first!"

   Tick opened the kraft paper, glanced at a certain place, called a steam carriage, and drove away.

  The place she is going to is the holy city of Tyria, and what she is looking for is the guardian of this world, or the cyber killer stationed in this world.

  As the girl's figure slowly disappeared, a screen gradually dimmed. On the other side of the screen, Gao Gong was talking to himself in surprise.

   "It's actually her."

  In the late stage of the planetary story, there are not many players who can sit on Noah's Ark, including him and this girl.

  One is a neuroprogrammer and the other is a senior AI. The relationship between the two is very good. The senior engineer can completely 'AI', thanks to the help of the other party.

Later, the two experienced many things together. In the end, after Gao Gong completed the mainframe and prepared to officially start his own film sales business, he officially separated from the other party, and the relationship became more and more distant, until the contact was completely severed. .

  Later, Gao Gong heard that she joined a high-level civilization and became a well-known civilization consultant. Later, when the three major natural disasters came, she lost contact completely.

  Gao Gong didn't expect that after such a search, he happened to find an acquaintance from the previous life.

   Coincidentally, he picked up some clues about the 'Cyber ​​Testing Ground' from the other party.

   After analysis of the data, the source is a super cyberspace force called 'Ground Network Group', or in other words, a large Internet group in this era.

   "Interesting, since you are an old acquaintance, please help me. By the way, according to the time, Director Du should have received my gift."

  Gao Gong turned his head and looked at one of the screens. The view of the screen was a boundless sea.


  On a sea island, Director Du was wearing his iconic white coat, with his palms in his pockets, and his iconic ponytail was raised again, dancing playfully from time to time with the sea breeze blowing.

  Beside her is Ms. Qiao from the Holy Brain Group. She also has another identity, the former head of the biological project No. 2134.

   "Are we going to save people like this?" Ms. Qiao asked a little uneasy.

She said she was saving people, but she was actually robbing them. As a middle-level person who was sent to the island, her confidence was actually quite insufficient. Even if according to the company's procedures, she was indeed in charge of the No. 2134 biological project, but when others deliberately intervened, she still There is no strength to stop it.

   And this is also the biggest reason Director Du persuaded the other party.

   "Wait a while," Director Du said without looking back.

   "Waiting for what?"

  Director Du didn't answer. He stared at the distant sea with his delicate eyes, and suddenly narrowed his eyes. Above the sea, Marubeni warriors suddenly appeared one by one, riding the waves.

"This this-"

Ms. Qiao was stunned. Even if she didn't study mechanical bodies, she could still see the terrible oppression of these pure mechanical warriors, the height of more than three meters, and the huge samurai sword nearly four meters long. pressure.

   "Marubeni 14123, I have seen the heroine!" The leading mechanical warrior knelt on one knee, followed by all the warriors.

   "Look, they're here," said Director Du with a smile on his lips.

  (end of this chapter)