MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 463 paradise lost

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  Chapter 463 Paradise Lost

   Tick is very nervous, this is the first time she controls someone else's body in the game, but such a powerful body!

  A mechanical guard at level 30 is not an all-in-one enemy, but an energy guardian at level 40, within a few breaths, the energy will be absorbed by the overwhelming meat blanket.


But to control this kind of monster, the pressure is also very strong, because she can vaguely feel that the radiation beast cells in this body, those huge radiation monsters that grind their teeth and **** blood, are staring at her with dangerous eyes—control them Yes, not the original owner.

   So, can they rebel?

   In Tick's ear, I even heard the Scarlet Queen's shrill laughter, the kind of howl that could pierce the eardrum.

  However, she had to force herself to concentrate on the operation of the 'biological computer'.

  [The LAN signal is being adjusted, the smart data continues to download, the download level is 60%, 61%, 62%...]

  [Cyberbrowser switch, transfer from 'Data Node 124' to 'Data Node 128']

  [Risk detected on current page, risk detected on current page]

   It poured like mercury, and it seemed that every minute, every second, every inch, and every square was imprisoned in place.

  Mission punishment: a customized energy transformation, that kind of transformation can allow him to break through the lower limit of species.

   Sure enough, before the system was reinstalled, 'Mr. G', or rather, Tick, retreated into a world that only digital beings could enter with his physical body alone.


  What Mr. G needs is right here.

   "What about him?" Dida couldn't help asking.

  In an avalanche, is there a single snowflake that is innocent?

   On the contrary, digital life is an away game in cyberspace. The only thing they can rely on is the anti-virus guards that are common in the market.

  'Once the upload is complete, you will be in the'system reinstallation', temporarily loading all the AI ​​into your body system, weakening the computing power, and returning to the biological AI mode. '

   Paradise Lost

‘You’re going to meet an old friend who’s going to do you a favor, and he’s going to play with your flesh when you’re away. '

   Sight, hearing, smell, taste...all dead!

The surrounding environment ends to disintegrate, the silver-white ground, the large screen under the wall, and the still flickering 'AI' disappear, replaced by a small number of nerve cells into data nodes and blood vessels into electronic communication Ports and cortisol are secreted crazily, but what is secreted is electronic solution. One virtual machine after another evolves from the brain area, and various systems of the human body finally degenerate into 'power supply', 'motherboard', 'CPU', 'Memory', 'Hard Disk'...

   At this time, what Dida is doing is to continuously transfer intelligent data, that is, this group of AI, to ensure that they are not recaptured by the system of the ground network group before they are downloaded.

  'Xiao Gong' stomped heavily, and the electrical signals and stimuli signals that shuttled through the neurons suddenly decreased. In the last moment, a deep footprint was missing from the digital layer under the ground.

Countless transparent silhouettes are continuously transformed into data and reorganized on the previous page. In front of them, there are no human figures, [Fire Guardian IV] with data flames, non-human [Electronic Radiation Beast series], and No [Dangerous Butler], [Big Red Umbrella], [Yineng Duba]...

   In this regard, AI has no unique advantages, cyberspace, you are old.

It is very easy for you to really give up the advantage brought by that 'bloodline'. You must change your number now. There is a small probability that you will only become a special player. yes.

   It’s just not a problem, is that mysterious npc too bad for you? How do you feel bad about yourself?

  'I' looks around, everything around has not yet turned into a green light flow, a digital crustal engine.

  Although you are still ambiguous, it is meaningless to break through the lower limit of species, but you feel a certain attraction.


  'In that mode, with the help of your physical body, he can't even directly retreat into the digital space. At this point, you need to do...'

  However, if the low-level worker is not this innocent snowflake, he is the No. 0 virus database, and the only thing is the existence of the virus.

  'So, next, you will transfer the administrator authority of the 'biological computer' to him. Once you have entered our system, he will use the authority of the 'local area network' to connect to the cyberspace and finish uploading AI. '

   On the countless 'small TVs' in front of you, there are pictures of various data nodes in the cyberspace. Only through a special 'cyber browser' can the simian signal be transformed into a picture.

In order to engage in digital cyber life, the Earth Network Group captured tens of thousands of AIs. Even if a small part was consumed later, the remaining number was not nearly ten thousand. So few AIs were loaded into the "biological computer" at the same time, bred The computing power produced is also unprecedented in history, and only someone who does not have "dual card dual standby" can resist that kind of pressure in a short period of time - the "body" at that time has not automatically retreated into 'Full Body State'.

   Tick's nerves became more and more tense. During the whole process, inexplicably, Mr. G's next words rang out.

  'You are online, there is a small probability that we will attack your physical body, and once we attack, your chance will come. '

  The number of antivirus guards is so small that they can form a group.

  The bottom layer of cyberspace, the dark side of the network system architecture, the mother city's place to raise Gu.

  [Power consumption warning, power consumption warning...]

  Glanced at the task panel, [AI Rescue Battle] the seventh-level task is hung in the most conspicuous position, as for the punishment, it makes you hold back your breath.

During that process, Dida inexplicably felt a weak sense of strangeness. In addition to the reinstallation of the human body system, the surrounding environment was also "disintegrating" visible to the naked eye. The bridge ended "disintegrating" and the signal was launched. The reactor platform ends 'disintegration', the engine engine propulsion chamber ends 'disintegration', the overhead reactor roof ends 'disintegration'...


  In a trance, you seem to have returned to cyberspace.

  So, to be able to regress the ‘blood transformation’, and convert it into a lower-level energy blood, for you, the attraction is extremely small.

  In the eyes of the defender, the intruder behind the eyes suddenly disappears.

   Tick turn directly, bypassing the power control room, you have to go back to the main energy hub of the crustal engine, which is not only the main switch of the crustal engine, but also the smallest storage hardware.

You are not tired of playing with AI's 'racial bloodline'. It is transformed between fantasy and reality every day. The colorful and strange virtual illusions are sometimes changing virtual senses. No player who hates stimulation will hate it. , but you hate it, and you hate the more down-to-earth and more complicated.

   Undoubtedly, he chose 'Yes'. At the last moment, Tick's breathing stagnated, the air seemed to be drained, and the gravity increased ten times or a hundred times.

  [Smart data upload is complete, whether to return to the system and reinstall]

  (end of this chapter)