MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 474 between

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  Alyssa left, and according to her, she was going to 'feed the chickens' again.

There is such a farmer's hypothesis, to the effect that there is a flock of chickens in the farm, and the aunt who raises the chickens comes to feed them at fixed times every day. Later, a chicken scientist with a lifespan of two and a half years discovered a rule, that is, at 11 o'clock every day, the There will be food coming.

   For it, this is a 'principle'.

   And Alisa is the aunt who feeds the chickens, the manipulator of the "most reasonable", in the eyes of chicken scientists, she is a god.

"Search" is an important part of cyberspace. Without "search", the sea of ​​data will become a dead sea. It is ocean currents, huge waves, and all changing parameters of the virtual environment. It is the "head" of artificial intelligence, and it is The mover of the world.

  On the Internet, there may be no Du Niang, or Gu Ge, but there must be "data search".

  The same is true for cyberspace. It may not have Alisa, but there must be a new "mother of search". Otherwise, the data will not circulate, and the entire space will enter a state of "stagnation", which will even affect reality.

This is determined by the nature of cyberspace. Each living person in reality is a network base station, and this huge virtual world is precisely the "biological signal" emitted by so many people. from.

  It itself is a collection of 'humanity'.

  Someone needs to control these 'humanities', and these people, these existences, are the conceptual body of big data.

   Gao Gong stared at the coffin for a long time without saying a word.


  ['Blood Transformation' is successfully transformed, you become the only energy life on this planet, level +5, regional reputation +10000]

  [Primary energy bloodline 'Walter Energy Bacteria', acquired bloodline talent 'clone mode', information conversion efficiency +200%, energy absorption speed +40%, energy release efficiency +50%]

  [In the adjustment of the base of the five main attributes, strength bonus -50%, agility +10%, endurance -20%, intelligence +30%, perception +40%]

  [During the adjustment of the eight major systems of the human body, the endocrine system, urinary system, and reproductive system are automatically shut down, and all 'plug-ins' on this system enter the disabled mode, and species compatibility -70%]

  [Your intelligence +20, perception +28, gain talent skills, mycelium diffusion, fungus rays, primary substance transformation]

  [Your body shape adjustment completed]

Tick ​​looked at the three human body systems that were slowly turning black on the player panel. Their expressions were a bit weird, and they had no endocrine... Very good, bid farewell to the aunt, no urination, well, this game is not so real anyway, no Reproductive system, from now on, wouldn't my old lady only be able to look at handsome guys instead of doing anything?

  The female player fell into deep thought.

   Energy system, is it so abstinent?

   But soon, she recovered. After all, for a dead house girl and heavy player, although the xp party attribute is not weak, it is definitely not as strong as the strength party.

  As a strength party, she was very satisfied with this surge in values.

  'Oh, my mother is so strong, how can other players mess around in the future. '

   After appreciating a piece of numbers, Dida closed the panel, found a mirror, and looked at the current "human body shape" curiously.

   So weird!

In the mirror, there is a transparent girl who is less than one meter high and suspended in mid-air. The girl exudes faint fluorescence. On her head is a large mushroom cap, which looks like she is wearing a red and white ' Women's wide-brimmed top hat', down, the facial features are delicate, the arms are as thin as tender lotus root, and down, the lower body is covered with energy bacteria, not Cthulhu, but like a layer of white cotton candy, diaper style of.

  ‘What a lolita! ’ The corner of Tick’s mouth twitched violently.

   Energy creatures, are they all so juvenile in aesthetics?

   Dida took a deep breath, and the next moment, starting from the diapers, bah, starting from the energy bacteria, the whole body began to light up, and the next moment, the data visible to the naked eye appeared in the sight of Dida.

   This is the unique information capture ability of "Energy Bacteria". With this ability, her "sight" is ten times stronger than when she was an artificial intelligence.

  He can not only see neural data and simian-sense codes, but also see the boundless biological energy behind the data and codes.

   Tick showed a shocked expression.

  ‘It turns out that cyberspace is a biological magnetic field so huge that it covers the planet! '

  Like a blind man feeling an elephant, species in each system have different visions for things.

   If it is an artificial intelligence, there is no doubt that this is the virtual world.

  If it is a mechanical species, it will be more interested in the hardware system of 'cyberspace'.

  If it is a carbon-based organism, perhaps it will consider how to control this huge wave of biological energy.

  But from the perspective of ticking, this is a biomagnetic field that is visible to the naked eye, has a large scale, and operates through special laws.

  The place where she is is the center of the 'biological magnetic field', which is similar to the location of the 'brain'. Countless magnetic field fluctuations are beating in this place, and the electromagnetic waves are changing crazily in a way that she cannot understand.

   "Little girl, what are you looking at? Yes, you guessed it right, I am indeed an artificial intelligence, the strongest kind."

   Tick was taken aback for a moment, she was just thinking that the controller of this level of 'magnetic field center' might be the most powerful artificial intelligence on the planet, and the other party spoke, and what she said was exactly what she thought.

  The other party will predict it! ?

   "Don't get me wrong, this is not a prediction, but a big data simulation, based on your behavior data in the 'cyberspace', to calculate your next move."

   While plucking the chicken, Alisa snapped her fingers without looking up.

  The next moment, a pure white stream of data rises from the ground and turns into a data silhouette, the codes form the facial features, which is the face of Tick.

   This 'Data Tick' froze for a moment, looked at the left and right arms, and then scanned the surrounding environment. This seemingly ordinary rural courtyard blurted out:

   "Where is this place? As far as I know, cyberspace can only accept 'consciousness data', entities cannot enter."

   Tick pursed her lips. This question was exactly what she wanted to ask.

   "That's true," the aunt in front of me replied: "Cyberspace is still unable to simulate the physical environment 100%, and the data intensity it can bear is limited. Under normal circumstances, naturally it cannot be an entity."

   "Unless someone has sufficient authority to deliberately create a 'small physical space' inside the space. The human body data that this space can accommodate can surpass the average strength of cyberspace and reach the point of synchronization with reality."

  There is no doubt that the person in front of him is someone who has 'sufficient authority'.

   Dida subconsciously swiped a 'Detective' skill, but this time unexpectedly, there was no response at all on the player panel.

  At this time, Alisa raised her head and looked at her with a half-smile.