MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-Chapter 7 : Conversations within the academy

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   Lu Chen originally had a lot to ask, but the people in the executive department said that he had to deal with the follow-up, and asked him to go back to the martial arts hall and wait for the news, saying that he would know when he arrived at the academy.

   Knowing that he couldn't be anxious, he hurried back to the martial arts hall in "memory" before dawn.

   As for those who followed him later, he didn't know.

   returned to the martial arts gym, he began to study the high-tech game application, mobile phone he got from the executive department.

   Hmm...he had never been exposed to such high-end things before.

  In his original world, the science and technology of the great powers in the East is almost an era behind, and the most primitive radios are used on the battlefield, but he has not even touched that kind of thing.

   Every time he went to the battlefield, he did this kind of thing by his little attendant. He still remembered being a clever and smart girl from the East, who didn't speak Chinese very well, and was not very clear until the end.

   Lu Chen shook his head, and waved the past from his mind.

   began to tinker with the fresh play applications in his hands.


   At the same time, the other side of the earth.

   The headquarters of Kassel College, the central control room on the second floor of the library is brightly lit.

In the center of the room is a giant 3D projection. A five-meter-high virtual earth is suspended in the air. As the user gently waves his hand, the earth will quickly rotate to the position he wants to see. It feels like God is playing with his creation. Power and strength are in the palm of your hand.

However, its user, a person wearing an in-line respirator mask, can’t stop coughing, as if to cough up the blood in his lungs. Such a person should be lying in the intensive care unit, but now he Standing there, the violent cough did not affect his upright standing posture.

   Von Schneider, the head of the executive department, he is on duty today.

There are dozens of red lights flashing on the faint blue earth surface, and alarm sounds one after another. The popping of high-speed keyboards, the hissing of printers, and the cracking of mechanical telegrams are gathered together to make the indoor atmosphere appear. High pressure and tension.

   "The Commissioner of the Executive Department encountered fire resistance from the local warlords while performing his mission in South Africa and is requesting the next step."

   An intelligence officer reported, sweating profusely.

   said that it is requesting the next step, but the background of the actual voice call is already full of gunfire.

   "There are two dispatch teams in South Africa, which task is hindering?"

   Schneider’s German language is plain, but those who are familiar with him have already felt his dissatisfaction. Such an emergency is not clear enough to report, and every second of time is wasted, which may lead to the sacrifice of the commissioner’s life and more serious disasters.

   "It was a team led by Executive Officer Crowder. Their task was to destroy a bronze coffin unearthed in the Namaquaran Desert, but before the commissioners arrived, the target was bought by the local warlord."

   The intelligence officer explained quickly.

   "Have you ever tried financial negotiations?"

   "Yes, but the other party's offer was too high. It was obviously teasing us. Executive Crowder rejected him. Now he has been expelled by force."

   "Let Norma mobilize drone airdrops to supply the team, destroy the target and return."

   After all, Schneider no longer paid attention to this task. As for the fate of the warlord after the commissioners of the executive department were supplied, he didn't care, he only cared about whether the extremely dangerous dragon "cultural relics" were accurately destroyed.

   "The British intern commissioner requested funding approval and wanted to acquire an alchemy weapon obtained by local gangsters. It was a Tang Heng knife with an asking price of 240,000 U.S. dollars."

   Another intelligence officer reported that he had obviously learned the lessons of his colleagues just now and summed up the main points in one go.

   "Approval, and then make up the official report afterwards."

  Schneider nodded. It is not expensive to buy an alchemy knife at this amount. It is not a problem for Kassel College to be able to use money to clear the way.

   As for educators to let students deal with gangs, it is not within his scope of concern. The Executive Ministry is the largest violent organization.

   Massive data streams from all over the world are gathered in this small house. This man who coughs from time to time approves and decides one by one. He has always been so calm and efficient.

  Until he saw a mission execution report, it was sent by the Hainard executive who was on duty in Vietnam.

   The general conclusion of the mission report was that the target was dead. This did not surprise him. Even on this busy night, he was not going to look up any more in detail, but with a glimpse, he saw the photo of the target's body.

   The rickety man in the photo held a dagger in his neck with his twisted right arm, his legs were obviously also folded, and his face was extremely frightened before he died.

   There are more than one photos, but also the surrounding environment and photos of the corpse from other angles.

  Even after tens of thousands of miles away, he could smell the extreme violence from these photos. The violence left this B-class mixed race out of control with only panic and despair on his face.

   He flipped through the report of this mission, and even set aside other less important mission events.

   "Lu Chen..."

   The eyes exposed under Schneider's mask are hidden in the shadow, so that people around him can't see his thoughts.

   "Executive Heinard asked the team to delay the date of returning to the academy. They need to monitor the teenager.

   The intelligence agent said from the side that he had just received new information.

   Schneider was silent for a few seconds, and said: "Quasily."

   Then the room became busy again, and all kinds of noisy sounds gathered together, which was destined to be a sleepless night.


   In the early morning, the sun shines through the gaps of the blinds, giving the tea in the white porcelain cup a golden halo. In the small saucer next to it is a sandwich with cheese.

   This is a rare cheap breakfast for the elderly sitting at the table.

  Kassel College, the principal’s office, across a large desk, the tired Schneider sat opposite the old man.

   "Would you like some breakfast? Or some new tea. The West Lake Longjing purchased this time has a girlish fragrance."

   The old man with silver hair sits upright, his straight black suit sets off his upright figure, and a monocle is hung on his right eye, giving him a bit of academic atmosphere.

   Hilbert Jean Angers, the highly respected and respected current principal of Kassel College. UU reading

   "No, I will rest when I go back. You should read this report first."

   Schneider pushed a mission report to the opposite Angers.

"Thanks for your hard work."

   Anger took over the report and began to review. In fact, Schneider's physical condition is not suitable for this kind of "staying up late on duty" work, but if Schneider abandons his duties and returns to bed, then I am afraid that it will really be awake at night.

   "Heinard did a great job."

   After reading it, Angers only gave this evaluation.

   "Where is that boy?"

   Schneider is obviously asking the principal's opinion.

   "He is very innocent, isn't he, he doesn't show unusual violent tendencies in communication, he should be a good boy."

   Anger came to a conclusion easily in one sentence.

   Schneider glanced at Anger silently. After seeing the target's body, did he still say that the boy was a "good boy"?

   "Isn't it too dangerous?"

   Schneider still opened his mouth, not knowing whether he was asking Angers or himself.

"The Secret Party needs fresh blood. I am old. I always have new leaders to stand up. For example, Caesar who has just succeeded the student council president. For example, this young man who destroys the enemy with violence without a word... and you Didn’t you already have the answer in your mind before you came to me? You know exactly who we are."

   Ange said, and took a sip of new tea from the white porcelain cup.

   "I know, I will look after him."

   Schneider nodded, got up and left the principal's office.

  Yes, he had the answer himself. As long as the boy is not a pure-blood dragon, it is a sharp blade that can be sharpened. They are those who hold knives, so how can they be afraid that the knives are too sharp?