MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-v2 Chapter 1736 : To cut taboo

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"What's wrong?"

Lu Chen looked at the Devourer and smiled, "Aren't you going to attack?"

Devourer's expression was calm, "Let's fight outside the sky, the Great Desolate Continent is not easy to unite, let's leave it to future generations." Lu Chen seemed a bit surprised, nodded, and flew to Jiutian, followed by Devourer.

"Emperor Wu, you are too arrogant, but I want to thank you for your arrogance, which gave me the opportunity to crush you. In order to show respect for the strongest secret blood warrior in the prehistoric history, I will use all my strength... to devour you."

The Devourer said coldly, when he spoke, the energy and blood on his body rose up, shaking the entire universe. It was the energy of energy and blood mixed with purple as the main body, which did not appear mottled, but had a strange harmony feel.

"What a strong power of blood...much stronger than before. After devouring Lai Kun, some hidden dangers in his body have been eliminated." Ao Chen said solemnly.

"Mysterious blood kid is out of play, as expected, secret blood warriors don't have any good things, and they play tricks to die!" Old Qilin cursed angrily.

And Tiannv was very real and rushed directly to the small world and came to Eri Yi, "Come back with me, you can't miss the baptism time of the Son of God." She spoke forcefully, but she didn't make a move to **** it directly, because she knew the soul of Emperor Wu Always feel this way.

Right now, she felt that Emperor Wu was really playing off. Of course she knew that Emperor Wu was a secret blood warrior, and the forbidden technique of a secret blood warrior was useless. But the problem is, it has already reached this level, approaching the taboo, can the God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique really climb?

And since Emperor Wu hadn't used that kind of technique before, could it be that he got something in the Xianwu ruins and transformed the power of the forbidden technique to have the powerful strength that is now resident? In fact, is the forbidden technique no longer possible? turned on?

Most importantly, she could clearly perceive that the Devourer at this time was already stronger than the Great Blood Emperor.

If the Devourer suffered a loss in combat skills before, the Devourer now relies entirely on his strong realm to overwhelm people. It is impossible for the Devourer to grow much by devouring, but after devouring Lai Kun, she can perceive The realm of Devourer is perfect, at least one of them is close to taboo.

At this time, in Lu Chen's eyes, the Devourer's comprehensive attributes were already at 339 points and above, and his physical attributes were as high as 340 points!

It was indeed a dramatic improvement. I am afraid that the Devourer himself could not have imagined that after devouring Lai Kun, there would be such a big improvement.

If in the original history, the winner was really the Devourer, it would be normal. In a short historical period, the various patriarchs would not be able to make any breakthroughs, but the Devourer is getting stronger and stronger.

And the previous Emperor Yuanxue was probably not so strong. If the Devourers swallowed them one by one, I am afraid that there would be no opponent in the end.

When all the strong are devoured by him, all his attributes will reach the peak of the ninth rank, coupled with the opportunity of the Lingzhu, it is indeed not impossible to ascend the taboo.

"This must not be your peak, right? Go ahead, I won't leave any regrets for you.

The Devourer said lightly, this time he did not act first, nor did he intend to raid Lu Chen's back. "You seem to have misunderstood something..."

Lu Chen put his hand on the scabbard of the regicide, "The increase in strength has made you swell. In my eyes, you have indeed transformed, but it is only limited. The real strong should always have a self-examination." When you think you are the strongest, it is also the time when you are the weakest."

As he said that, he stepped in the void, and ripples like water waves swayed under his feet, spreading into all things in the universe, and then dissipated invisible. "Lying, you haven't used the God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique yet!? You can't use it anymore, that really disappoints me."

The Devourer sneered and said that he had also obtained the origin of the mysterious blood of the gods, which also possessed the characteristics of an ancestor, but he was unable to discover the power in the blood of the gods, which made him very puzzled.

But in the battle four thousand years ago, he carefully observed Lu Chen's process of using the God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique, and he found that the activation of the forbidden technique required a certain method. It may not be impossible to activate that kind of power if you understand it carefully.

He has swallowed thousands of sources, but only the source of the mysterious blood of God is still covered by fog. Although it has brought him a lot of power, he still feels

failed to realize its potential.

"Want to learn?"

At this time, Lu Chen's mind was very special, as if he could see the other party's thoughts, "Then I will satisfy you."

When Lu Chen finished speaking, Erika in the small world below had already covered the child's eyes with her hand, which made the little baby very dissatisfied, and he was watching with great interest.

And in the next moment, the boundless evil spirit that can't even be restrained in the deep space spread in the prehistoric calendar, and the long river of time trembled because of it, and the ages and famines were shaking, the red sky soared into the sky, black and red dyed the world, and all living beings Had to tremble and kneel down.

A sense of suffocation filled the world, and even the strong in the super **** realm felt that their spiritual power was not running smoothly, and there were only a very small number of them who could look up at the sky and look at the **** demon-like figure.

The dusk fluttered in the red sky, and the darkness floated under the dusk. There were magic patterns on the man's face, with a ferocious smile. "This is

The Devourer felt that he lost his voice in the middle of his speech, because of the huge pressure that came, embracing the general trend of shattering everything, making him feel like a reef standing on the sea, but what he was facing was not a huge wave , but a monstrous infinite tsunami.

No matter how strong he is, he will eventually collapse under the endless tsunami and become gravel in the sea. It's not at the same level at all, and you and the other party are not at the same level at all!

This is not only the Devourer thinking so, but the three patriarchs below also feel the bones of their bodies tremble slightly.

At this moment, Lu Chen was truly on the same level as them, even surpassing their level of cultivation, and the level of martial arts was much higher than that.

Only when they really face Lu Chen who is in the same situation, can they feel their own powerlessness, just like ordinary people who face the dark ocean at night, they only want to retreat uncontrollably, the fear in their hearts is as invisible as the boundless darkness At the end, it seems that I will be submerged in the next moment.

Comprehensive attributes... 339 points!

The most obvious feeling is the Devourer, because at this time Lu Chen's comprehensive attributes are almost as good as him.

From the point of view of the Great Dao, they are now opponents of the same realm, but he feels that what he is facing is not a strong man of the same realm, but a terrifying taboo!


Lu Chen's aura surged again, and Dusk's coat floated behind him. He activated the natural disaster active skill. As he took a step, ripples not only oscillated in the void, but the deep space active skill was activated.

The regicide hides the knife in the sheath, and emits a constant buzzing sound, like a high-pitched roar, singing the movement of fear and killing.

For this reason, his charisma attribute is -340+, but it's not just +, it's just the limit of the data given by the space, and no one knows how deep his charm has fallen.

At the same time, the digital taboos above the long river of time have sensed the changes below, and the taboos have changed their expressions one after another. It is the breath of the strong, and it is the breath of the strong enough to threaten them.

It is unbelievable that it is the breath from Hanoi, how is this possible?

Many taboos stopped in an instant, and even Shi Hao and the others turned their attention to the long river of time, locking on that node in the prehistoric calendar. "It's Lu Chen!"

Nine Wings Taboo exclaimed, "Has he reached this level just by entering the Xianwu Ruins once!?"

"His way has been accomplished. Although he has not entered the taboo level, he has already established himself in the taboo area, and there will be no opponents in the same realm."

Taboo, who was covered with a red gold **** ring, frowned and said, "It's troublesome, with this attribute in the peak state, even if we try to kill him, it will be very troublesome."

"Did Master pass him?" Pan Gu's expression did not show any joy or anger, but was a little emotional.

"The relic of Xianwu no longer exists. If we want to restore it from Lu Chen, we must erase it. The easier way is to reduce the dimensionality and annihilate him and the ancient history together."

Nine Wings Taboo said solemnly, Taboos' attack methods are naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

It is not a false statement that everyone under the taboo is an ant. Even if some strong people reach the peak of the true self state, the direct attack of the taboos will not be enough.

It can be easily killed, but if the taboos attack at the conceptual level, the strong at the peak of the true self state will not be able to guard against it.

Just like the giant violator who once invaded the perfect world, she thought about killing Shi Hao and others, but felt that it was not in line with her original purpose, so she stopped and retreated.

Because using conventional means, it would take an extremely long time for her to kill Shi Hao and the others in the face of the four peaks of the Real Self Realm, and she couldn't wait that long.

What's more, in the long battle, Shi Hao and others saw the way forward, and continued to fight, because she herself was interfering with the world's will, and it was very likely that Shi Hao and the others would break through, so the gain outweighed the loss, so she retreated.

"Break through their blockage, I will reset it!"

Taboo shrouded in a red golden ring said, "We can't go on like this!" Saying that, he also looked at the Devourer, who should be most worried at this moment.

Although saying something might be an insult to Taboo, at this moment, he and Taboo Nine Wings agreed that the Devourer would definitely not be able to beat Lu Chen in such a state when he was young.

"I have already reflected, and it will be reflected in the battle, so don't panic." The Devourer's expression did not change, and it was impossible to see what he was thinking at this time.

"Don't worry, lightly touch the ancient history, destroy a world, and those two will definitely have opinions after they return!"

Nine Wings Taboo persuaded, let Chi Jin Taboo calm down, they don't have much affection for this world anymore, if the relics of Xianwu don't exist, and the secrets can't be excavated, they don't care about its life and death.

But the problem is that the two taboos who left their hometown, even though they chose to leave, still have nostalgia for their hometown. If they destroy this world, there will inevitably be disputes

"Hahaha, you are in a hurry, why don't you have the confidence to fight Brother Lu?" Xunguang laughed and joked, looking at the Devourer.

"The Ancestor of the Mystic Blood of God is very strong, but how do you know that I will definitely not be able to learn that forbidden technique?"

The Devourer said coldly: "I really couldn't use it before, because I didn't have a clear reference, but I realized a lot in this reincarnation as a young person. I understood it and reflected it downward."

"God's Secret Blood Forbidden Art? Do you think it can be used by anyone? You have indeed devoured the origin of the ancestors, and you have a special weapon, but you are not a human race, and the price must be doubled after using it. No A secret blood warrior's cultivation method is enough to squeeze the blood in a moment."

Ye Fan sneered, he knew how Brother Lu worried about Shouyuan when he was young. "Really, in my opinion, a moment is enough to kill Emperor Wu."

The Devourer said indifferently, unmoved, let's look at history. "Then I'm afraid I will see the taboo fall today."

Xunguang smiled, of course, he doesn't think Lu Chen can kill the purple taboo, but if the important nodes of his young body are destroyed, the devourer will definitely be impacted, and even disappear,

At this moment, Lu Chen seemed to have a feeling in his heart. He raised his head and looked up. A pair of red martial arts eyes seemed to be able to pass through the long river of time, looking at the nothingness.

On the other side, under the tremendous pressure, the Devourer's figure naturally retreated under the wash of evil spirit, with a look of astonishment on his face.

He stared at Lu Chen intently, as if he was recalling Lu Chen's exercise route when he activated the God's Secret Blood Forbidden Art, crazily activating the God's Secret Blood in his body, and finally his face changed from fear to a sneer.

In the next moment, dark green magic patterns began to cling to His purple skin, and the color of the pillar of qi and blood, which was originally mainly purple, became a gloomy dark green with a hint of scarlet in it. flashing.

"Come on, the Devourer can also use the God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique!"

Down below, Ao Chen shuddered when he saw this scene, feeling that things were going in a bad direction.

"What's going on? Isn't that the only one who returns to the ancestors? There are other returnees who were swallowed by the Devourer!?" The old Qilin was puzzled.

"There are many secret blood warriors in the small world, and there are also those who return to the ancestors. Emperor Wu has concealed it from the world for a long time. He has already left a way for the secret blood warriors. UU Reading I am afraid that the Devourer has succeeded.

The goddess also said with a dignified expression. In their perception, the Devourer also turned into a boundless abyss, and the terrifying breath filled the world, making all beings tremble.


Brother Lu, what are you going to do? He shouldn't have had fun in the Xianwu ruins, right? "

Xia Mi frowned and said, I don't know what Lu Chen was thinking, and he let the other party see clearly the use route of his God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique, and he didn't know why Lu Chen wanted to devour Lai Kun for the Devourer.

"Brother Lu probably sensed the situation from above and wanted to break the situation from the bottom up, because he didn't allow history to be interfered with by taboos when he changed his fate."

Chu Zihang somewhat understood Lu Chen's intentions. With Lu Chen's current strength, it only took a moment to kill the Devourer before, just raising his hand.

But Lu Chen didn't do this, so his real purpose is about to come out, Brother Lu wants to... cut taboos!

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